I remember people talking about this game a lot on here. Is it legitimately good or just a bit of a flavour of the week meme? I've heard great things so I was considering getting it and the dlc.
Rabi Ribi
It's waifushit.
looks like pedoshit
never follow recommendations from Yea Forums unless you want to play garbage meme shit and contrarian cult games
Yeah it's great Metroid-like game with bullet hell bosses.
>Rabi as in rabbit
>Not rabi as in rabi
Well, fuck this game.
It's got pretty good reviews though and it looks like it's got a lot of charm to it and a lot of content. Looks quite interesting at least.
Also, that's not really fair cuz I got recommended VTM: B, God hand and a bunch of other shit from here which was pretty good
Forgot to post pic that I'm not a fucking dumb lying nigger like the previous posters
It's great
It's good if you want a bullet hell platformer.
cute and bunny
bunny cunny
why lebbit trannies hate it so much?
they claim it's for pedos but the truth is rabi-ribi is too hard for them on higher than Casual difficulty and they are seething
It's great,as most metroidvanias it starts pretty slow but it'a pretty fun afterwards
game is adorable how the fuck people can hate on it so much and call it unironically "pedo"
For some reaons when normies see cute girls in video games they sexualize them.
What difficulty should I go for first user?
Also, anything in general I need to know? Something in the settings, a missable item, anything at all?
sorry bud they already stole that word. Use normalfags instead
It's really really good.
>challenging gameplay
>good soundtrack
>cute girls
It's a pretty fun metroidvania if you can stand the cringe.
I don't see the cringe here
its really good. truly nonlinear, the gameplay is great and the waifus are hot
Any word o he switch port? They announced it and it fell off the face of the earth
I swear we have this exact thread every day.
Didn't like it. The combat had very little impact, the art and graphics didn't sync up, the plot was nonsensical, and the bullet hell bosses wound up being a slog when you're waiting through attack patterns to hit a boss that adds a defense boost when low on health to drag the fight out even longer. The skimpy outfits on childlike girls doesn't matter to me, but obviously some would find it distasteful.
Also, if you aren't the developer yourself then I hear that cunt likes to force discussion about the game here.
why you have to sound like absolute retard and use reddit spacing on top of that man
The game is full of absolutely terrible and unironic fanservice.
Casual if you're not used to bullethell.
>Also, anything in general I need to know?
Try not to give a shit about missables and focus on finishing the game first
The more collectibles you have, the longer the boss fights get
What's wrong with fanservice?
ignore the shitposting phonester monkey
It's annoying when every fucking cutscene (and there's tons of them) is like this.
when the game has zero substance and needs cute girls and big tits to disguise the fact it's actually quite bad. fortunately for this game it's actually got good gameplay and an option to skip the bad writing.
Better metroidvania than bloostainedshit and runs better too
I don't think there are any missables. You need the DLC for the full story though. The true ending route is literally locked behind the DLC.
Also, you can drop the difficulty while in-game by talking to a certain NPC, but never raise it.
If every cutscene is like that then I'm fine with it.
What if somebody walks in on you playing this weeb shit lmao
Then you're clearly too far gone. I envy you, in a way, but I mostly pity you.
Very, very good metroidvania. Compared to (for example) Hollow Knight, the level design and art direction are inferior, but the boss fights and gameplay are superior.
>the level design and art direction are inferior
>hollow knight
I surely enjoy the different shapes and colors of skulls and bugs.
It's one of the very few games I pirated and liked so much that I bought it at full retail price.
what the fuck do you mean by reddit spacing, I'm so tired of this memes you absolute parroting mongoloid brainlet. It's a line break, used to make reading things easier and to separate topics. Fuck off forever you putrid wound.
OP, I have to say that I unironically find fan service kinda annoying unless done in a funny or tasteful way. If I wanted to watch porn I'd just do that. It's not a total deal breaker though.
How easy is it to find your way around and realize what you have to do if you drop the game for a while? I stopped playing hollow knight for a bit and forgot everything.
unironically enjoyable metroidvania-style game
the translation can be pretty bad at times though, and i understand why people might avoid it due to the anime artstyle. if you don't mind that its a pretty good time
Where is the goddamn Switch port so I can buy this game again?
If you beat the game there will be random NPCs sleeping together in bed when you come visit Miru
it's a random shipping generator
yeah make an effort and don't press enter twice because you're not on your favorite lebbit anymore.
Also I'm glad you accepted that fact that you ask absolutely retarded questions.
>playing an ecchi game for the gameplay
peak autism