Its out

Its out

Attached: 1540649712968.jpg (598x441, 51K)

>Not available in your country
What the fuck

– Download Regions
United States of America

I'm surprised this is even a thing since Ive heard so little about it contrary to how most capcom projects are leaked in someway.

It's shit

Lmao now capcom is copying tekken and they only changed 2 letters haha

This game is so fucking odd, literally no marketing but it has a huge budget, apparently?
I guess its for the best, mobile game ads are actually subhuman waste. Not gonna even bother to check what this is about.

Fuck me, time to try Tunnelbear i guess

Its because the game was developed by someone else, Gungho Entertainment aren't known for any games besides Puzzle and Dragons, the japanese server for Ragnarok online, and Let it Die

Fuck not working, guess ill wait for it to be on apptoide


When you can't handle the excitement of jRPG battles

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So when can I get this legally?

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>Card game in real time
Why tho

just downloaded but it doesnt start

uninstalled again

why did I even bother

Capcom didn't make this, retard. Also Tekken means Iron Fist, not some original title.

I'd take it illegally but it's nowhere to be found, even with a VPN i can't get it

stfu phoner faggot


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>Necalli the Jobber is a legendary

someone post the apk

>Capcom mobile game
How long till service closure, I give 6 months tops

Works fine on my machine

Attached: Screenshot_20190704-185207_TEPPEN.jpg (2960x1440, 856K)

so many third worlders btfo in this thread

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I only care if Felicia is in.

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This shit has a lot of people, bro


what kind of name is Teppen?

well I guess that settles it...

Ok, so TEPPEN translate to TOP or apex or highest point of something right?

>mobile tcg gacha shit
lmao the state of Yea Forumseddit

Is this a gud game??

played two matches online
had no clue what I was doing, Dante deck is weird

That or they just made it up...

It's ok

I was looking up info on it yesterday, I like the idea of a action card game

Attached: Screenshot_20190704-132441_TEPPEN.jpg (1920x1080, 547K)

>Wesker makes an arena to watch people fight his zombies

Why does it feel like Capcom released this game with like fucking zero publicity whatsoever?

Also what kind of fucking name is "Teppen"?

Wesker OP

how long until you learn to speak english?

How many colors are there?

How Jewish is it knowing it Capcom

Capcom is retarded

can i run it on a poop phone?

Red, green, purple, black, and blue?

Fucking Wesker

Attached: Screenshot_20190704-134135_TEPPEN.jpg (1920x1080, 782K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190704-134450_TEPPEN.jpg (1920x1080, 862K)

>RE4 Merchant on the Main Menu
Tap him

Then I'm picking blue. X is in blue, right?

>Turning the RE4 merchant into microtransaction bait.

That's nefariously clever.

No, he's right. Teppen is Japanese for summit.

So it's not available in any part of Scandinavia? Fuck Capcom. Seriously.
Now they can forget about me ever playing the game. As if I'd jump on board late after having missed all the early events.

Probably, I went straight to unlocking Wesker first though