What would Yea Forums change for BOTW's sequel?

What would Yea Forums change for BOTW's sequel?

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Make Link less of a androgynous faggot

Make Link less androgynous and more feminine. Skimpier outfits for him as well. Make giving out blowjobs in said outfits a viable source of income.

Give Link slightly more muscle mass.

Make Link perfectly androgynous with long wavy hair and six pack abs. The trap gerudo shit is gross.

give zelda bigger tits and a more revealing outfit

Make Linka a man not a sissy faggot.

I would change it by having ganondorf STAY in his zombie form the whole game, instead of becoming regular alive ganondorf. Zombie ganondorf is too kino.

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>no cutscenes ever. No memories either. They cannot even be optional. Nintendo has to stop pandering to degenerates who only care about lore
>no fanservice either. Stop sexualizing the animu barbie doll waifus and actually sell the game on good gameplay, not with gimmicks
>60 FPS, nothing below that
>no DLC, everything released afterward must be a free update
>actual difficulty. No pandering to casuals
>there must be an upward difficulty scaling, which means dungeons cannot have the same level of difficulty, which means a sort of linearity must be in place, even if you can break the order.
>no more contradicting game mechanics. If weapons have a limited inventory, everything must have a limited inventory. No more stocking up on items like mushrooms and minerals.
>remove flurry rushing, remove buffs, remove armor bonuses, remove timestop, remove anything that would trivialize combat
>actually give enemy AI a boost in intelligence. don't make them slobbering idiots

Just for starters.

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Apparently since the game is supposed to be darker than TP and maybe connect all of the other LOZ's-
I'd love it if Zombie Ganon wandered around the map with a small undead army looking for link.
As if all of the collective memories/subconsciousness of past Ganondorfs were trying to truly and finally eliminate link (Or 'the link').
>Even though it'd be obvious he would return some how in the next game.

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I would have him stay as zombie Ganondorf for most of the game and in the first/second phase of the final boss, but the final phase turns him back to normal for the greatest 1v1 ever put into a Zelda game (only for him to die five minutes later).

Terrible opinions

I fucking love this artist. I wanna be as good as him.

This except make him turn into demon king ganon instead

>tfw I've started agreeing with ACfag

Why is that?

I'd be up for all of these suggestions int he sequel.
The first game could be a great introduction to the series and then the next one is where the 'legitimate' game could be.

Since the next game is going to be darker, There might be a sense of higher difficulty/being scarier. Or at least we can all hope for it.

DMC combat. Same way I'd change every game. And they'd all be better for it.

Make Link builtfat to piss off trapfags.
Although that might set off the bearfags which is just as bad.

Make him a twunk.

Why are people hellbent on making Ganondorf bromance with Link.
How gay can this world get?

Ganondorf is the only recurring male character outside of Tingle and Beedle (who are both unattractive).

Fill out the world a bit, add some unbreakable weapons (but make breakable weapons still worth using), give the combat system a little more depth. That's about it, really.

>removing rewards for pulling off perfect counters
I enjoyed that shit both in Botw, and sekiro.
>actual difficulty
Master mode makes a lot of changes and forces you to stay agressive
>60 fps
I wish.
>inventory management

Make Zelda wear this dress the whole game.

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Marry the fish

>removing rewards for pulling off perfect counters
Why do you need a "reward"? The reward should be fighting the enemy and beating him. The game shouldn't jerk you off even more for doing something you're supposed to do in the first place.

>Master mode makes a lot of changes and forces you to stay agressive
Why does it cost 20 dollars then, ontop of the base game which is 60? Along with that, why do they give everyone regenerating health, yet do nothing about the retarded AI? That just makes it tedious.

>I wish.
Why wish it? Why can't it be a reality?

Yet you're okay with forcing inventory management onto weapons?

Remove Shrines
Add Temples

Agreed, but make her ass bigger and the dress more sheer.

Make Link the standard pretty boy TP tried to make him instead of an androgynous trap

>removing rewards for pulling off perfect counters
t. imperfect counterer

Cute fish girls we can marry


Perfect counters are incentivized in most games worth a damn. Good timing should be rewarded and poor timing punished.

>Why should you require skill in order to pull off amazing moves? i dont understand why you cant just regularly deflect? Parry? what is Parry?
Skill needs to be rewarded.
>regen hp
Its supposed to keep you agressive, and forces you to try and oneshot some bosses its fun and challenging.
>You are okay with with forcing inv management onto weapons
I never said that. but i dont particularly care about my inventory full of one of each elemental weapon, and a bunch of savage lynel gear.

I'm on the opposite side actually. I was frustrated at how the game kept rewarding me for doing nothing. Combat just felt like a chore afterward. Make an extremely easy timing window, and every single enemy in the game dies. This should only be restricted to bokoblins. It shouldn't work on the blights, or the lynels, or even ganon himself. That's stupidly overpowered in favor of the player.

>Perfect counters are incentivized in most games worth a damn.
They're incentivized with you not taking damage. That's where it should end. Letting you instakill every low level enemy with one counter just makes combat feel trivial. I didn't even feel challenged by the three lynels in the Nayru snowfields (or whatever tf they're called) because even they're susceptible to infinite counters. And then when I realized that these guys actually have harder counters than that slowass final boss ganon, I just shook my head in shame. Genuinely one of the worst final bosses in any video game.

>Skill needs to be rewarded.
ah, see that contradicts with the rest of the BOTW philosophy. Remember how every single defense of the open world is "you shouldn't need a reward to travel somewhere, the journey itself is the reward?" Why can't the same be true here? Why can't I just enjoy combat without the game making my opponent a retard?

>Its supposed to keep you agressive, and forces you to try and oneshot some bosses its fun and challenging.
I didn't find it fun at all because it did nothing to their actual AI. One shotting a majority of enemies changed nothing because they still lacked any awareness and half the time their AI barely even worked. I've fought more than enough Hinoxes to know that their AI needs to seriously be improved, maybe like covering their eyes BEFORE their health reaches 0.5%? I've killed them so fas tthat I didn't even know they covered them until the third one that exists near the Zora domain.

Yes BOTW went full retard with it. But in DMC for example an imperfect parry has you take chip damage and a perfect parry has you avoid all damage.

Make it so Link can wear a dress for the whole game.

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In DMC you also have multiple difficulty modes that come for free with the base game, and higher difficulties do more than just give everyone regenerating health. also, last I recall you can't freeze every enemy in the game and infinitely recover health with food items you can stock up so much that you dont even realize you have an upper limit until the end of the game.

I think the concept is fine even if Zelda implemented it like shit.

Literally only one good change, everything else you said would make the game worse

>he thinks MUH CUHRAYZEE XD air juggling combat fixes games

This gif is always posted alongside the most faggoted opinions, even though it's a cool gif

post more trap link

Yes I do. It's deep and deep combat is better than shallow combat.

First of all your comment to me is absolutely incoherent, i dont exactly know what you are trying to say. But you seem to be trying to say that since the Enemies are retarded skill should not be a priority in combat, which is funny. Thats simply not how things worked, you already said that they should fix the AI, this is something different.

Its ACfag posting

>What would Yea Forums change for BOTW's sequel?
the ruins should be rebuilt in some places

like Hyrule castle should be lively and filled with patrolling guards and nobles/royals. Castle town should be rebuilt all around it. Tabantha village in Hebra should be rebuilt. Everything could just be a lot more lively.

Zelda could stand to have combat beyond just mashing one button

i will never understand whats with the obsession of making ganondorf and link be trated like a couple. they are enemies, they are meant to fight each other

There's nothing deep about it whatsoever. It's literally just remembering a pattern gimmick to lmaojuggle punching bags (oh, sorry, I mean enemies). I would literally take fucking lightly modded skyrim combat over that shit, because at least you can mod Skyrim's combat to be lethal and have the AI as a minor threat instead of basically existing for you to lmaocombo
DMC combat only gets good on very high difficulties, and even then it's only really the bosses that are fun/interesting to fight.

Skill SHOULD be a priority in combat, but the game should never help you or make it easier. Combat should be something you barely live through. Isn't this the reason behind weapons breaking, that you don't become complacant with one weapon and have to constantly think on your toes with different weapons? Why doesn't combat follow this rhetoric? Why shouldn't every enemy in the game be difficult to fight, not have any crutches to help you along, and make you rip your hair out by the end of it? The entire game philosophy is inconsistent.

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Other flaws doesnt mean that skill shouldnt be rewarded. Its simple.

I'm more put off by the fact they insist on making him this super good looking guy. OoT Dorf is one ugly motherfucker and that didn't change much in his other incarnations

Dont forget humungous tits user

You've never played on DMD Skyrim is actually the worst combat ever. You have 0 appreciation for depth and likely suck ass at videogames.

Make ganondorf be like vergil

How feminine would you like him?

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>Other flaws doesnt mean that skill shouldnt be rewarded
You're already being rewarded. By avoiding attacks, you don't die. And by killing the enemy, you get his loot. That's all the reward you need. Why make the enemy unable to attack you for an eternity while you one shot him? That's far removed from any semblance from skill.

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make him more feminine, trap-like, so the straight male audience will care about her

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Why is Link such a slut? What's wrong with him?

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>Skill SHOULD be a priority in combat
that's not true for BOTW though, the game even tells you that in its tips
a theme of the game is preparation, which the king tells you at the end of the tutorial
combat in BOTW doesn't consist of rushing every enemy you see but first analysing the terrain and reviewing what you have to make the best use of each

To the point where if you looked at him you would swear he's a girl until you saw his penis and even then you would have some doubts.

>Doing things imperfectly is enough.
Alright then. make the timing for perfect blocks and dodges the only was to actually avoid damage and then remove the bonuses from doing them. Maybe play sekiro first before saying that gaining bonuses from doing something correctly is bad, because its pretty much impossible to win the game without them.

I want him to be a Chad this time around

How could a hero possibly be THIS much of a submissive slut?

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Makes people drop their guards.

faggots why don't you go to ?

Because we're straight, duh.

no, but i can buy you some

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>combat in BOTW doesn't consist of rushing every enemy you see but first analysing the terrain and reviewing what you have to make the best use of each
And that would be fine if you couldn't insta-kill every enemy with broken crap like flurry rushing and time stop and other crutches, things you can call on demand and have practically no cooldown or drawbacks. Half the time I can gladly rush into a camp of moblins and even lizalfos and beat them silly. You don't quite grasp how OP flurry rushing is. I can have an enemy throw an attack at me, but if I'm in flurry rush mode, I can instakill one enemy in the entire time it takes for the other enemy to get through a quarter of his attack animation. So I don't even get put in danger for recklessly charging a whole group of them. It made it so I never had to plan out a battle beforehand. I could just mindlessly rush in and kill everyone.

>Alright then. make the timing for perfect blocks and dodges the only was to actually avoid damage and then remove the bonuses from doing them.
That sounds great if you ask me. Weed out the stupid casuals who need gimmicks and crutches to win every battle.

Link is even a feminine bitch in game


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>he was talking about flurry rushing moblins and lizzards.
Holy mother of kek now i understand.

The only enemy in the entire game who can't be insta-killed by flurry rushing is a lynel, and they can be perma-stunlocked with arrows to the face, timestop (which instantly staggers them even if you only get in one attack) and being able to flurry rush every single attack they have.

Everything else is basically child's play.

Got a question about BOTW. I have the DLCs and I got the phantom set early on. It has a whooping 24 defense and max atk boost. Is this broken as hell or something? I can see myself this being OP as fuck 70% of the game

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early on maybe but once it can't be upgraded no
also it's ugly and I personally rarely ever fought overworld enemies head-on in this game so attack+ isn't that worth it for me

meant "since" not "once"
also 24 defence is not much mid-game

so what should I replace it with? so far all the armor I've seen are 4-6 defense per piece.

Use it for now if you like melee combat, replace it once you get gear that's better

I hope zombie Ganon turns back into a regular looking guy. Would be really kino

Fujos gonna fujo

It's a very strong early game armor, but it starts to fall behind once your other armor upgrades give more defense and start getting set bonuses.
It's serviceable while you're getting the barbarian set to two stars, after that, it just gets outclassed entirely

she looks gorgeous