Just trying to enjoy some vidya in peace with a beer

>just trying to enjoy some vidya in peace with a beer
>Get on voice chat bro!

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>*mutes voice chat*
Wow, that was fucking hard.

>not incoherently screaming swear words in their face in response

absolute plebbo

Attached: questioning samhyde.gif (202x360, 1.84M)

>join us on discord user
>always the same two or three faggots talking about their personal shit

>drinking beer

Attached: IMG_20190623_114412.png (900x900, 1.93M)

kill yourself, you white trash piece of shit

>Teammate pulls a joke on voice
>Other teammates activate voice just to laugh.

Do what I do. Get a soundboard of screaming children, static and barking dogs. When people ask if I have a mic I say yes and attempt to talk over the sounds. I generally get muted quickly and then I don't have to talk. Its great.

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>a soundboard
Sure it's a soundboard, Pedro.

jesus drank wine and shit bro.

>trying to play videogames on my Bella televisione (HDTV compatibile)
>some fuckin' zip asks me for un a thousand dollas

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My favorite soundboard button is that really loud and high pitched noise that makes when a mic is breaking. Listening to the screeches of random players is wonderful. Doubley so in games where you can't mute in a loading screen but can still hear players over the mic.

people drank beer like water back then.

>that freind who says nothing until he sees you sttarting to play a game
>then it's nothing but *blip* *blip* *blip* *blip* *blip* *blip* *blip* *blip* *blip* *blip* *blip* *blip*
when you just wanted to zone out and play

Why doesn't James Gandolfini get any roles anymore?

he died like 20 years ago or something

Voice chat is a tricky thing. I almost hate not using it now because it's tedious to have to type shit. But I also hate having it on when I am really engrossed in something (I can just mute and deafen there). The worst however is:

>you and only one other person are there
>They are a chatty kathy


Surely no one is enough of a pansy to be scared of speaking over the internet right? This is just an ongoing meme?

That's tony soprano

He has a staring role in "oh shit hell is hot!!"

He actually only died five years ago.



Sure they did user

It was often more sanitary to drink alcohol in those times, go do your research.

Yes and? Wine is better than beer

>why you play multiplayer if you want to be anti social user

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well I'm not exactly gonna sit around at my computer drinking wine you queer I'm not a depressed housewife.

If you drink beer and genuinely enjoy the "taste" you're retarded

nobody drinks beer for the taste you dumb cosmopolitan drinking sissy.


>Still live at home
>Parents won't let me drink alcohol
>Dad buys burgers and fries every friday
>Go home straight when I leave work and spent the weekend at home
>Always, ALWAYS text my parents when I leave, and when I come home, so they're not worried about me
who /good boy/ here?

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