So when is this memecal shit supposed to get le good...

So when is this memecal shit supposed to get le good? I have two pawns (stupid NPC bots that you dont control like an actual party) now and this is probably one of the worst "rpg"'s ive tried in years. Sure, the core combat system is "okay" for an action rpg and all that really means is that its good by the standards of action combat in a genre that has nothing to do with hack and slash and is supposed to have a completely different focus

The gwafix are disgusting, every single task is practically a parody tier fetch quest in the most cringe by the books cookie cutter wannabe bootleg vaporware WRPG mcdonalds toy setting. Tell me that some gigantic paradigm shift happens by the time I reach the first actual city and literally everything gets better and more interesting. Otherwise please list the actual RPG.s I should be playing because the only reason I bought this was because I had a huge RPG hanker, everyone was memeing about how apparently good it is and it only cost a few bucks at the time

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it gets good when you kill yourself

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

typical zoomer buttonmasher amerimutt culturelet response, its no wonder youre enamored by this game when youve never played an actual RPG or ever experienced an actually well crafted setting/ story that isnt just a morrowind mod asset flip with deviantart tier OC twists on the formula. Zero arguments, all tears

You're trying too hard

Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

you didn't understand what I meant, it gets better when you kill yourself

>npc goes on lockdown when his favorite game is insulted and he cant process it but also cant argue against it

actually hilarious to witness

you still dont get what i'm saying, look up dragons dogma suicide you retard

Are you ok?

What a bunch of retards, just turn of your computers and go get some help

>maybe if I say buzzwords they'll think I'm a 4channer

Is that your argument?

Your poor bait isn't worthy of my argument

Yes, what epic bait, almost as well crafted as the very first quests this epic apparently incredible RPG assaults you with like go pick 10 flowers and go get the books laying on the rooftop. Ive always laughed at final fantasy for what kind of "game" the entirety of the series is but its actually laughable to compare final fantasy 7 which is extremely topical right now and how it instantly assaults you with this giant cinematic mission and the entirety of midgar/ avalanche which just oozes soul and then theres this brown and grey wannabe WRPG dogshit with mmo tier fetch quests. If the lack of literally everything else was supposed to be remedied by muh epic action aspect then why the fuck has the only enemy of any worth so far been the fucking hydra miniboss and it took over an hour of gameplay to even get to it?


>all these retards not getting the joke

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You literally kill yourself in the true ending.

He meant that you should just play the fucking game and beat it.

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Nope it’s shit

>it gets good when its over

so he admitted that its garbage?

Another one pleb filtered. Good work, Dragon's Dogma.

It's a great twist. But it's typical Japanese storytelling where 80% of the story is put at the very end of the game, so...

Anyway, just play Strider or Assassin. Bow and daggers are lots of fun in DD. You can climb over the huge as fuck monsters and stab them in the eyes, heart, balls or whatever.

If you're playing Assassin you might as well ditch the pawns too, Assassin is just too OP and can solo the base game easily.

>youre a "pleb" if you dont mindlessly drone on with the buttonmashing combat, empty soulless world full of fetch quests, NPC allies that dont require any direction from the player like in an actual RPG, no actually significant character building because of said buttonmashing combat, writing that rivals actual deviantart shit with NPC.s that tout one line if you dare to interact with them and "plot: the bidoo game go kill goblins!!1"

In fact, its the mouthbreathing children who got plebfiltered hard out of actual hack and slash and RPG games that cling onto dragons dogma since it requires neither execution, creativity, thinking, multitasking or even simple patience

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