Bro, how do people even get angry at a video game just turn the screen of nigga, close your eyes

Bro, how do people even get angry at a video game just turn the screen of nigga, close your eyes.

Attached: 94439.jpg (894x894, 172K)

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That word isn't allowed here edgelord
Take it to

Leave the fat sneks alone

kys, retard

What are these fat smeks doin in the danger zone


Shed Skin of tsuchinoko is endless and provides food for fellow cryptids

I meant the VG word

You're right, but that won't stop Yea Forums.
Ever read The Grinch who Stole Christmas and how the moral of the story was not to be bitter over other people's happiness?

Yea Forums is the opposite of that.

Bideo Games

Attached: 20190704_124152.jpg (1440x1530, 481K)

nigga this but unironically. like i understand getting frustrated at bullshit in videogames. but actually upset and mad? how the fuck you gon get mad at a vidya my nigga like literally go drink a glass of water think about a new approach and try it again till you win.

When are we getting more Danger! cards?



Depends if japan does something like what they did to SPYRAL in this year's Extra Pack

This my nigga but unintelligible, leik hao du fucc u git upsot???

what's so edgy about it ?

posting classic rage

Attached: 0 N5dhOxnj4Vh8JlVy.jpg (737x617, 79K)

Enjoy your ban

based falseflagger

please don't hurt the fat noodle

Attached: angry snek.jpg (2036x2036, 1.66M)

"hes gonna become an internet meme if he's not careful"

>not the one where the dude gets shot

this a fat snake thread?

Attached: DwXTHqIW0AAfN1S.png (941x1200, 506K)

her hair is so fat lmao

Attached: _ ____ __ ____ ____ _______.jpg (600x602, 32K)

what a fat bitch lmao


I would like that

that snake from AoS and MGS3?