I tried to start this thread yesterday...

I tried to start this thread yesterday, but that attempt didn't get much responses that were worthy of answering the question that I asked and instead I got the MGS fanbase shitflinging about the "lore" from all sides.

>Author Hitori Nojima, citing an email from Kojima, explained that the player brings the story full circle in their own way, with the role of Venom Snake making the story truly theirs, and not necessarily restricted to the fate of Big Boss in the early games.
>Kojima and the player creating the story together "is something traditional movies and books could not do."

>Metal Gear Solid V is Metal Gear Mad Libs
>The MC is you. Therefore, you have to fill in for him, otherwise if you choose not to, he is completely barebones
>You have to write a major part of the story (the basic elements such as the narrative and the "Big Boss getting revenge"/"Someone is practicing manipulative schemes to secretly control of a giant supply of nukes/"War is horrifying"/"You're the terrorist!1"/"Killing is X, Y, and Z"/parasites plots are already there, from start to end), otherwise if you choose not to, the story is completely barebones
It's a creative idea, sure, but it backfires when no one overall can or even wants to fill in the blanks. Big reason for why this board calls Kojima a hack.
As far as I know from my friends and the web, including Yea Forums, most people across the web didn't and still don't get the point of the game and thus can only understand the intentionally incomplete portion of the story. They interpret it "as is", too seriously, at face value, and on the surface, not realizing that they have to complete the story, complete the MC and his character, his personality, his story, etc. and compensate for/fix the MC's emptiness by "filling in the blanks" themselves.

What games execute this idea in a much better fashion?

Attached: Big boss.jpg (937x909, 85K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It wouldn't be an interesting device if any other games did it
I think the idea is great and Kojima was the guy to do it, but you would need a real-time AI to pull it off in ways that work for more people, because the game basically would need to write itself for you as you play it.

Alpha Protocol.

im not gonna read that tbqhwyf

Attached: IMG_0402.jpg (750x1000, 102K)

>Expecting actual quality discussion in an MGS thread

SOUL: A masterpiece of the arts. What is full of lifelike quality; vibrant and fine tuned. Needs no more changes, as it is great the way it is.

SOULLESS: Cheap, braindead, crooked, weird, ugly looking "high quality" crap that lacks any sort of life and creative talent compared to SOUL.

The last time we ever saw the real Big Boss was in Peace Walker. After that, he was replaced with a fake, SOULLESS copycat phony in Ground Zeroes, which had none of the traits of Big Boss and Solid Snake. Even his combat skills differed from Big Boss as well due to not using knives much while being more brutal, compared to Big Boss.

>B-b-b-but you play as the real Big boss in ground zeroes you dumb faggot!!!!111
Say that all you want. I've seen that argument a couple of times, but it doesn't change the fact that the MC in Ground Zeroes is not the real Big Boss once again but rather a fat, ugly, horrid, disgusted, greasy looking, phony, impersonating piece of shit hobo wearing Big Boss' MSF sneaking suit that doesn't even have the classic Snake voice from the one and only David Hayter.

Pic related.
>Good ol' Big Boss, the one that Yea Forums truly loved and expected to become evil. The one with SOUL.
>"Big Boss", some SOULLESS random frizzly looney who took his place put of nowhere after Peace Walker

I hate Kojima so much.

Attached: SOUL VS SOULLESS.png (1177x564, 706K)

can you fucking calm down autist? take your meds

Oh, and about the The Phantom Pain's MC, both Snake, the MC of Ground Zeroes and Venom Snake, the MC of The Phantom Pain are "Big Boss" as in the SOULLESS, lackluster hoax imitation of Big Boss.

They'll never be truly Big Boss, though. Only those that qualify for SOUL like Big Boss can be Big Boss, and neither "Big Boss" nor "Big Boss" have any sort of SOUL to begin with. You can already tell from looking at their uncanny valley faces and hearing them talk with their nauseous, freak accident voices that they don't have the guts to be Big Boss.

Attached: THESE CHARACTERS ARE NOT BIG BOSS.png (750x691, 1.07M)

Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

zoz ziz a giggle did this give :D


I'm installing the game again, gonna go in fresh. What's the best mindset with which to play the game for maximum enjoyment?

Are people starting to finally realize that MGSV is actually finished despite how empty it is and that it's supposed to be empty?

Many people don't like it when stories aren't structured in a traditional fashion. It's an automatic behavior programmed into normal mankind and you can't change that.

>intentionally incomplete portion of the story
Can we stop pretending that MGSV was unfinished for any other reason but the fact Konami pulled the plug?
Pretty much everything points towards a big portion of the game being cobbled together from what they had finished already about six months from release day

That this is just the middle of the series, not the finale.

OP said a factual quote that explains why the game the way it is, incomplete and all, directly from a personal friend of Hideo Kojima's talking to Kojima himself through e-mail, and you choose to ignore it for absolutely no reason because "MUH KONAMI"?

This is what you're effectively saying:
>I'm going to deny the facts on why this game is so shit because I hate corporations, rah rah rah! I'm automatically justified in saying the bullshit that comes out of my mouth since I feel like it because the truth is lame, lying is so much better because it gets me pumped! Down with Konami, am I right!!!!!!!!!!
Typical Amerimutts, speaking with their feelings and not facts. Cringe. Seethe, cope, have sex and dilate all at once.

Such a lust for responses

After 3 years playing full stealth no-kill in FOB invasion, now I'm going full retard. I regret nothing. Killing never felt so good.

Attached: 03c6aa071a2aca6e2d9c22d5b657fbda147cbdedf1514551e25b645362f3b1aa.jpg (458x750, 50K)

I think Kojima just wanted to make an RPG with choices and shit but just didn't have a very focused vision of what he wanted to make.

Fag, it's both: even the unfinishedness is unfinished

>OP cites stuff that Hideo Kojima actually said, on why V was unfinished
>That even sounds like things that Hideo Kojima would say
>"m-moron, it's not his fault, the only reason the game was unfinished because of Konami!!!!!1 stop pretending it was unfinished for any other reason pls!!!1"
Face the truth like a man, doofus. Kojima is simply a hack and Konami is not the one to blame for anything.

Has it occurred to you that people are capable of waffling shit to save face?
Of course they're not going to admit they had to rush half the fucking game to get it out before Kojima had to walk, it would be a PR/sales disaster.
Of course they're going to make shit up about 'leaving it open to the player'.
Everything from the marketing, trailers, shit pacing, chapter 2 teaser trailer, padded to fuck chapter 2, all the unused assets and shit, suggests that it was unfinished.
If you want to take the blue pill and take every fucking word a dev says as gold then go for it.
It's people like you that got all mad when No Man's Sky turned out to be a pile of shit when it was obvious from the beginning they couldn't live up to all the stuff they said they were putting in

the story is so far up it's own ass at this point I don't even think kojima knows what's going on

The story should've ended after 3, and kojima should've laid off the supernatural bullshit

What I find interesting is that Kojima was going for a full retcon of the series. The events of Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain, especially the last dialogue between Miller and Ocelot, make the events of MG1 and MG2 impossible to happen.

>It's both [feelings and facts]
>Even the unfinishedness is unfinished
Speaking out of feelings instead of facts once again. What a hypocrite.

Cool I guess.
Fobs on Xbox truly are the European extreme of MGsV. Fucking nuke clans getting in with that defender setup

more like he was planning to remake the msx MG1 and MG2 in the foxengine and rewrite the story from there.

I liked pretty much every game in the MG series, though every game was far from perfect.

MG1 and 2 have been retconned so much over the franchise that they might as well not be canon.

Dude the game was supposed to pass that feeling of empty, of unfinished ( eg skull face dying early in a stupid way) but parts of the game (eg underground base, as always the "being captured and having to escape" - we even have glimpse on the trailer). Again, fag, it's both.

>they had to rush half the fucking game to get it out before Kojima had to walk
You're making facts out of assumptions and hypotheses without proof like a naïve retard.
>they're going to make shit up about 'leaving it open to the player'.
>implying that intention was "made up" and stating said implication as if it was fact
You're making facts out of assumptions and hypotheses without proof like a naïve retard.
>Everything from the marketing, trailers, shit pacing, chapter 2 teaser trailer, padded to fuck chapter 2, all the unused assets and shit, suggests that it was unfinished.
Stop. The trailers and marketing showed 99% of everything that is in the final game. Only Big Boss strangely screaming towards the sky like an edgy bloodlust faggot and a cutscene of men in Africa training child soldiers got cut. Also, say what you want, but the unused assets don't matter much to the production of the final game. Once again, you're making facts out of assumptions and hypotheses without proof like a naïve retard.
>If you want to take the blue pill and take every fucking word a dev says as gold then go for it.
If you want to lie to yourself because you want wrongly go against innocent entities like Konami since you feel like it, go for it, since you like making facts out of assumptions and hypotheses without proof like a naïve retard.

Consider my responses to you over.

I was hoping we'd recruit Coward Duck in MGSV

>he was planning to remake the msx MG1 and MG2 in the foxengine and rewrite the story from there.
No. Kojima is tired of making Metal Gear and with the production of V, he actually meant it for once.

He said before TPP was released that he wanted to remake MG1 and MG2 because those games were pretty much no longer canon with how much retconning he did in MGS.

big boss i a shit character anyways, who cares.

they should make another traditional MGS game.

*But parts of the game were clearly cut because reasons (probably konami pulling the plug, again, because of reasons).

I couldn't understand the ESL-tier garbage you write. Care to say something actually comprehensible?

The thing that hurts the most about this franchise is that the stories are only good individually, the plot holes are too much to handle.

Konami pulled the plug because they decided to focus on phone shit.
Remember that they didn't just pull the plug on MGSV, but on all Triple A development, except for PES, since that game is just lootbox bait.

We're literally getting those remakes anyway, since Konami will need to fund more pachinko soon enough

More like
>Konami wanted to sell part of the game as DLC
>Kojima fucked off
>said DLC never got made

>Taking one dev's word as fact when it's literally in their interests to talk as big about their game as they can and wouldn't be in a position to admit if it was unfinished

Ooooh yeah, like, he said it was supposed to be that way, IT MUST BE TRUE!!!

No, he didn't. While he did say that the retcons of MGS1-V make the story of MG1 and MG2 incomprehensible and almost impossible to understand within Metal Gear's current canon without remakes of those two games, he didn't say that he wanted to actually remake MG1 and MG2.

I feel like it's a bit of both. Konami pulled the plug and rushed the game out but Kojima also made a convoluted "meta" story with the time he had. Every post here only brings up the story. What about the cut gameplay mechanics we saw in some of the showcases?

During a public Q&A event conducted at London with Geoff Keighley on March 13, 2014, series' creator Hideo Kojima expressed interest in developing remakes of the MSX2 Metal Gear games in order to reconcile plot discrepancies that have since been introduced into the series, but had no plans at the time due to the ongoing development of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (itself a prequel set before the events of the original Metal Gear)

Imagine having sex. I like boobs by the way.

Let's sum it up:
1. Thanks to "Peace Walker" Big Boss is widely known, at least in military/intelligence circles, to be a warlord/mercenary leader. So him just joining back the American military, especially after the events of "Ground Zero", make little to no sense.
2. Additionally, when Huey is exiled in "Phantom Pain", Miller lampshades that he will tell the world that Big Boss is a warlord (Huey does not know about Venom). Once again, this makes Big Boss being a "shadow figure" impossible.
3. By the end of "Phantom Pain" Miller knows the truth about Venom and Outer Heaven, grows to despise Big Boss, and swears to help Venom and the clones take Big Boss to Hell. Therefore:
- He would never allow Solid to join Foxhound.
- He would never allow Solid to go against Venom, whom he is loyal to. Plus, he knows Venom is not Big Boss.
-. Miller would actively seek out both Liquid and Solidus.

And so much more.

>What about the cut gameplay mechanics we saw in some of the showcases?
Are you mad?
Why would they ever include those features?
The game was never supposed to be finished!

Why do you care?
Why make the same thread twice despite the first attempt ending in failure?

Attached: image.jpg (380x760, 81K)

>Provide evidence to why it would be wrong to assume that the developers are lying about anything.
You're also using the word literally in the informal sense, which means that your expressing things, which means that what you're saying:
>it's literally in their interests to talk as big about their game as they can and wouldn't be in a position to admit if it was unfinished
Isn't the truth at all.

>Author Hitori Nojima, citing an email from Kojima, explained that the player brings the story full circle in their own way, with the role of Venom Snake making the story truly theirs, and not necessarily restricted to the fate of Big Boss in the early games.

Well fuck, don't advertise the game's narrative like you did with all the ads for 5 and all the previous games, then. Playing up this aspect of the game series is by far the stupidest decision ever done in the series.

Attached: Children.png (409x325, 164K)

All of those parts confused me until this thread saying he's basically ignoring MG1 and 2. Thanks for explaining, fren

no, go find the interview where they talk about 5 planned climates, or look at battle gear or the volgin non-bossfight, or chapter 31 on directors cut shit

Name three features from the showcases that were cut.

>Provide evidence to why it would be wrong to assume that the developers are lying
What evidence? Your opinion? Surely you have to concede that the developer would never admit to the game being unfinished?
Your whole logic is based on the assumption one guy is telling the exact truth about the entire situation.
I guess the bible is all 100% accurate as well, hmm? I mean that's what some guy who knew Jesus wrote, right?

Or, or,
>Miller, despite wanting to help Venom go against Naked has a fallout with Venom and thus leaves him, going back to FOXHOUND where he recruits Solid Snake.
>Afterwards, Miller himself remains neutral until he actively helps Solid Snake go against Naked in Zanzibar Land, once and for all.
This path, for the story, is WAY more sensible and realistic (while being closer to what MGS1 says about Big Boss) than what you're trying to suggest.

>when no one overall can or even wants to fill in the blanks
Speak for yourself normie

>Seeing characters doing shit around Mother Base
>Mother Base customization
>Camp Omega
oh my, that was so difficult

>Surely you have to concede that the developer would never admit to the game being unfinished?
Your whole logic is based on making facts out of assumptions about the common behaviors of mankind. In other words, you're speaking out of feelings instead of facts and it's clear that I'm never going to be able to convince you to change your mindset for the better.

I give up on you.

big boss is a shit character

No, it isn't. You'd still have to explain why the entire world would allow a known warlord, Big Boss, to rejoin the American military openly. That's one.
Secondly, even if Miller had a falling out with Venom, he would never rejoin Big Boss. The guy NEVER forgives slights.
Thirdly, Miller could just openly inform the world the truth about Big Boss.
Fourthly, even if Solid Snake was allowed to join Foxhound, Miller would outright inform him who the true leader of Outer Heaven is.
And so on.

>not gameplay
>true, that sucked
>never promised, never shown

Here's the difference between an actual fact (the truth) and a blatant assumption (the bullshit you keep sperging):
>Hitori Nojima, citing an email from Kojima, explained that the player brings the story full circle in their own way, with the role of Venom Snake making the story truly theirs, and not necessarily restricted to the fate of Big Boss in the early games.
>All developers would never admit to the game being unfinished.
Learn the difference. It can save your life. Or don't since you're too stupid to.

>Hitori Nojima, citing an email from Kojima, explained that the player brings the story full circle in their own way, with the role of Venom Snake making the story truly theirs, and not necessarily restricted to the fate of Big Boss in the early games.
Do you even know what a fact is? Because you haven't shown one in that post.

>backtracking this hard

Are you literally retarded?
I asked you to show three features from showcases and you only gave 1.

>You'd still have to explain why the entire world would allow a known warlord, Big Boss, to rejoin the American military openly.
It never needed an explanation. You should have known since 4 that the Patriots let him in.
>Miller had a falling out with Venom, he would never rejoin Big Boss
I didn't say that he would rejoin Naked. I said that he would remain in FOXHOUND. I forgot if Miller is actually in FOXHOUND during MG1.
>Miller could just openly inform the world the truth about Big Boss.
Do you think anyone in Metal Gear would ever do something that stupid? Sure, Miller wants to despise Naked, but he wouldn't spill the beans to anyone else like an idiot.
>Even if Solid Snake was allowed to join Foxhound, Miller would outright inform him who the true leader of Outer Heaven is.
No, he wouldn't. That's dumb idiocy because if he did, Naked would have to secretly murder both Miller and Solid, and that can't happen at all.

Definition of feature:
A distinctive attribute or aspect of something.

I gave you three, all of those are seen in pre-release footage

>Camp Omega was shown in TPP in pre release footage
What a fucking lying nigger you are.

A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true. Hideo Kojima directly responded to Hitori Nojima with a FACT. The fact is that "the player has to bring [MGSV's] story full circle in their own way". That statement is fact because Hideo Kojima, the producer of Metal Gear was the one who said it. How else can you prove that said statement is fact?

>Huey is exiled, after which he blabs, publicly, to the press about Big Boss. This is lampshaded, in the same scene, by Miller. The Patriots can't do shit. The world knows in 1984 that Big Boss is a bloodthirsty warlord.
>Miller wouldn't join Foxhound, since Big Boss is their leader, and Miller hates the guy by the end of "Phantom Pain".
>Miller wouldn't need to "spill the beans". By Peace Walker, the entire Soviet AND American military circle knows about Big Boss. By the end of "Phantom Pain", the entire world does, thanks to Huey.
>Miller trained and mentored Solid, why would Solid turn against him in favour of a military commander he knows nothing about (he's a green recruit in MG1)?
>According to current canon, Miller did join FOXHOUND, which due to the retcons in Phantom Pain makes no sense.

Don't know why i'm still bothering to engage with you desu, it's clear you don't have a clue what you're talking about

Attached: 112341.jpg (1257x665, 140K)

But that's not a quote from Kojima, that's a quote attributed to Nojima, who was describing something.
Once again, just because an employee says something, it doesn't make it an instant fact.
I referenced No Man's Sky earlier.
Sean Murray, president of Hello Games, said that No Man's Sky would have multiplayer on release.
It didn't.
It's not a fact just because he said it was.

It's literally the Mujahideen scene from Episode 6 but with models swapped you imbecile.

>Footage from Ground Zeroes is shown in a trailer for The Phantom Pain, to explain the backstory of The Phantom Pain
What a shocker. What's next, water is wet?

That cutscene is just reused animations from the Honeybee mission

>Name a feature missing from the final game!
>Camp Omega
>B-But that wasn't shown pre-release!
>Here it is.
>B-But it's just the same as another bit in the game but in a different context!!!


It's a secondary source. It's a quote attributed to Nojima, sure but he's directly citing statements from Kojima, which make the quote attributed both to Nojima and Kojima. Holy fucking shit, go back to World History and English.

Show me where that happens in GZ then.

No, user, it's literally the same scene, with the same animations, just slightly spruced up and planted in Camp Omega. As others mentioned, you can see this entire scene in Episode 6.

>just because an employee says something, it doesn't make it an instant fact.
You are making yourself suffer more by suppressing the truth through doubting that what Nojima said is "instant fact."

You'll be sorry at some point. I used to be like you, but then I changed my viewpoints after I realized how much of an irrational, illogical, and nonsensical dick I was.

Morrowind does this, but I don't think any game does it as well as MGSV because MGS has the legacy and the history of players playing the games to found it upon. This is a really significant and beautiful thing, imo. I really admired it when I played it at launch, and no one else seemed to appreciate it.

It's a glorified game of hide & seek, that let's you walk around in a cardboard box and put enemies to sleep with hypnotic tape recordings. I wouldn't take it's plot too seriously.

Attached: box.gif (480x270, 2.88M)

That trailer had footage from Ground Zeroes as well so I don't know what your point is.
Kojima likes to model swap characters and backgrounds, he did the same thing with other scenes from TPP in the next trailers.


>It's a secondary source
FINALLY, you seem to be prepared to admit that it's not a fact!
Also, just because you cite someone else when you say something, doesn't attribute the quote to them as well, otherwise libel probably wouldn't exist.
Given that people are talking about Camp Omega at the moment, Kojima also directly said that it would feature in TPP, but it didn't.
So why are you willing to take the word of a guy referring to some correspondence with Kojima is fact, when verifiable things that Kojima said about the game weren't true?

>Being this hard in denial

user, please stop, my sides have already left the building

>I'll ignore arguments and act like I won
Keep being a retard then.

Well I did win actually.
I'm purely referring to the fact that you said Omega wasn't shown pre-release and I proved it was. Then you tried to deflect the argument to something else.

You said in showcases, not trailers.

You missed nothing. I don't even understand the crap OP wrote.

A trailer is a showcase, dummy!
You're talking about a demonstration?

Attached: Definition of 'showcase'.jpg (448x133, 11K)

I've only played MGS4 and watched a friend of mine play 3 when I was a kid. I think it's time I go all the way. In wich order should I play these games?

By the way, OP is a retard. You don't have to write anything or fill any blanks. That's not what Kojima meant. Some user already pointed this in the last thread so please, avoid engaging in a conversation with OP. He's just a retard.


Best method there

One day I might compile a list of all the cut features and content from TPP that we know about, but here is a short list
>Ground Zeroes part rolled into TPP with the control of TPP
>Kojima's mysterious reference to GZ and something that's never been attempted in vidya
>Battle Gear
>MB customization
>random MB attacks, even by NPC factions, based on how you played the game and the choices you made
>other maps
This one I'm not sure about. I know they planned more, but I'm not sure how many and details of what they were supposed to be.
>Ocelot and other MB members to interact with at MB
>Chapter 51
>the return to Camp Omega
What else am I missing?

play 1, 2, 3 ignore the rest.

your feelings of badnees for your words and deeds

But 4 is a good game

These posters spam the same things that they're saying right now every MGS thread. Tell them to have sex, ignore them, and report them as you must.


Attached: lol.jpg (724x720, 53K)


Well in fairness, you could argue that made it in but just lacked the impact that he thought it would have. Quiet did have a secret reason for being so exposed, but it was just kind of dumb and not what a lot of people were expecting.

>Some user already pointed this in the last thread
You mean yourself. I can tell by the way that you phrased that post. Stop samefagging.

>You don't have to write anything or fill any blanks
>That's not what Kojima meant.
That's what Kojima actually meant, though. How is
>the player creating the story
Not filling in the blanks you ESL retard? OP pretty much implied that you have to write at least something (creating the story is writing it) and fill in the blanks (creating the story is turning blank space into words).

>That's not what Kojima meant.
Then what did Kojima actually mean then, you blasted faggot? I clearly understood OP, and this stuff that he said about Kojima's intentions sounded very Kojima, especially with the whole stuff about the player's involvement in Death Stranding.

SENE order.
(solid era, naked era)

These two posts are all the work of another samefag, yet again. Their way of phrasing phrasing is exactly identical between each other.

Have sex.

>OP states things that Kojima would say
>The way that OP interpreted them is very Kojima, sounding like stuff that Kojima would do
>"That's not what Kojima meant"
Are... are you retarded?

I'm not sure what the biggest disappointment of MGSV was
>Open world poorly done
>No story
>No Freakshow bosses
>Skullface being a non character
>Ocelot being a non character

I didn't post anything in the last thread but whatever, keep larping as Colombo's autistic cousin if you want


Secondary sources are facts because they are still credible while involving factual accounts.
>when verifiable things that Kojima said about the game weren't true?
You mean "verifiable things that Kojima said about the game BEFORE it's release"?
"the word of a guy referring to some correspondence with Kojima", or in other words, Nojima's citation of the stuff that Kojima said in OP was from after the game was released. Big difference.

Mission Editor. There's only one or two articles about it but early on Kojima was touting that.

This sounds extremely retarded, no matter how much you try to make sense of it. to describe Venom Snake as anything like this is also extremely retarded no matter how much you try to make sense of it as well.
>Venom is his own completely unique character with his own personality who was forced by Big Boss to suffer as him, what a tragic lad. HE HATES BEING BIG BOSS even though he doesn't because he actually loves being him LOOOOOOL, FUCK BIG BOSS, what a bitch, he didn't care for anyone else beyond their usefulness as a utility despite the games proving how wrong that statement is and that I'm actually cherrypicking and sperging lies LOOOOOOOOOOOL. Venom dindu nuffin, he was a pacifist saint that tried to make a world a better place by disarming all the nukes evidenced by a LOL NOT CANON BUT IT STILL OUTLINES HIS MOTIVATIONS DESPITE NOT BEING CANON AND SEEING NO EVIDENCE OF THIS MOTIVATION IN THE STORY AT ALL and BIG BOG IS A CUNT WHO REJECTED THE BOSS AND VENOM ACCEPTED, LOVED AND FULLY CARED FOR HER even though he didn't, VENOM'S BETTER THAN THAT TWERP even though he isn't NIGGA LET'S TORCH BIG BOSS KAZ AND I WILL HELP YOU DESTROY HIM VENOM

>>What games execute this idea in a much better fashion?

Fallout New Vegas

>Secondary sources are facts because they are still credible
What the fuck am I reading, a secondary source isn't always credible at all. You're literally saying there that if someone says something about a certain topic, what they say must be a fact because they're a source

>Big difference.
It was said during the game's development - which then either menas Kojima was lying, or the game is unfinished.

>>B-b-b-but you play as the real Big boss in ground zeroes you dumb faggot!!!!111
actually there's a YT video that has gathered plenty of hints from GZ that it's not in fact the actual mission you're playing through, but instead you're experiencing the conditioning of Venom to make him BB.

>what is chapter 3
>what is kingdom of flies


Huey would get censored by the Patriots regardless of how one make sense of what you said/whether what you said makes sense or not.
The Patriots simply let John back into the American military.
Solid Snake is also still in FOXHOUND, and he also still went against Venom Snake as well.
Solid Snake knew nothing about Venom/the Big Boss that Solid himself fights in MG1 being a phantom of John, too.
Venom is not a rebel, and thus he never rebelled against John. Miller never actively seeked Liquid and Solidus Snake.
Miller stopped trying to get Venom to go against John, way before the Outer Heaven Uprising, because once again, Venom is not a rebel and Miller and Venom themselves had a fallout.
The only reason why Miller doesn't tell Solid Snake that Venom is not John/the Big Boss of FOXHOUND is because he wants to avoid getting murdered by John and Ocelot.

>especially the last dialogue between Miller and Ocelot, make the events of MG1 and MG2 impossible to happen.
btw, didn't that dialogue happen between GZ and TPP? i don't think it's presented in a chronological order to the rest of the game.

Even if what you are saying is true (that secondary sources aren't always credible), it doesn't change the fact that Nojima's source is credible because he's one of Kojima's personal contacts.

>It was said during the game's development
Prove that Kojima's statement that Nojima cited was said to Nojima during the V's development. I'll wait.

Also, in regards to what you said earlier, in , people can always change their minds.
>March 13, 2014
"series' creator Hideo Kojima expressed interest in developing remakes of the MSX2 Metal Gear games in order to reconcile plot discrepancies that have since been introduced into the series"
>Hideo Kojima expressed interest in developing remakes of the MSX2 Metal Gear games

...vs. one year later...

>March 4, 2015
"I always say 'this will be my last Metal Gear,'" Kojima said, "but the games in the series that I've personally designed and produced — Metal Gear on MSX, MG2, MGS1, 2, 3, 4, Peace Walker, and now MGSV — are what constitute a single 'Metal Gear Saga.' With MGSV, I'm finally closing the loop on that saga."
"In that sense, this will be the final 'Metal Gear Solid,'" Kojima continued. "Even if the 'Metal Gear' franchise continues, this is the last 'Metal Gear.'
>[Metal Gear Solid V] is the last Metal Gear.

>You're an idiot.
>Everyone else thinks that you're the idiot here, pal.
>No, everyone else thinks that you're the idiot here, pal.
>You're an idiot.
Can we close the thread now?

>That sounds cool, OP.
>OP has a point
>OP right!
>OP is a retard, completely ignore him.
>I can't understand what OP is saying.
>OP wrong!

You're an actual retard if you think thats what OP meant

The main translation script for MGSV was finished in 2013.
The only part of the final game that strangely wasn't in said script (that was likely tacked on to other, unknown scripts that didn't leak) is Eyes on Kazuhira.

*completed in 2013, with minor revisions being made two years later.

If you ask me, the game would be sightly better if we were playing as the real BB. Instead we get the medic.

And the boss fights are a huge dissapointment. Before MGS4 every Boss fight was unique or had some gimmick. But with MGS4 and forward we only see bullet sponge bosses.

QUESTION: why was kojima scouting iceland and normandy in 2012?

So he can use the setting duh

>This thread is still going

>This thread is still going

>This thread is still going

>This thread is still going

yeah, i loved it too. 100% it loved all the different ways to approach things and the huge amount of equipment. everything about was so smooth and engaging. i never really cared too much for the story of the mgs series anyway, but what was there was interesting to me and i loved some of the goofiness. scanning and recruiting was fun, the different companions were fun and changed things up. playing hardcore mode and going completely stealth was fun, going in loud and explosive was fun, etc etc.

i wish there were more big interior places to infiltrate, and more things out in the wilderness to find and collect (i autistically enjoy scavenger hunts and collecting shit) and a more up-gradable and comfy motherbase with some slice of life kind of activities. but besides that i have no complaints.

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