ITT: Developer Gods

ITT: Developer Gods

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>those early papers threads on Yea Forums
we will never get that magic back, now all that happens here is muh sensorship

I followed his dev diary for Return of the Obra Dinn. He faced some unique challenges and it was interesting to read.

Sorry for being a spoonfeeding retard but could you give some interesting examples? I really liked Obra Dinn

Not saying anything about the individual people but the fact that they put something like Ori together despite being on different continents just over chat is pretty impressive.

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>Quirky name
He is no doubt a pedo or some shit. Every one of these fucks with names like that ends up being a psycho, same way everyone with the last name Ellis ends up being a scumbag.

Most likely a pedo since he moved to Japan

Pedos typically move to SEA. I should know since my dad moved to Indonesia. He's not a pedo but knows a fuckton of Expats who are.

The amount of brainpower you put into analyzing who is and isn't a pedophile tells me your Dad fucked you on the hour every hour for a good 14 years

some good stuff

Japan isn't too bad for pedos and creeps, see Brian Ashcraft who gets paid to write about his school girl fantasies

>indie devs

you contrarians are pathetic, you conside these no names as gods but won't give respect to big name developers that defined genres like Warren Specter or Kojima

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nice bait

Nah, my dad moved out when I was like 4 and my dad is a total autist who was born in the 40s and has an unhealthy obsession with preserving endangered species. He moved to Indonesia to set up a parrot preservation project. My only real memory of him is him sitting on the computer in tighty whities browsing aviary forums.

The same Kojima who takes credit for "inventing the stealth genre" despite the first stealth game coming out over a decade before Metal Gear?

Thanks fella


kys retard, its about whichever game actually does it well for other people to notice

Maze War may be the first FPS, but DOOM made the genre a big thing

Sounds pretty based, I guess he can have some complimentary kids for his efforts.

MG didn't do stealth well. Tenchu and Thief did stealth better the exact same year.

Nice worthless opinion but sorry the facts say a lot more developers took influence from MG then your shit

Nobody took influence from MG unless they are shitty "cinematic experiences". Splinter Cell, Tenchu, Thief, and Hitman curbstomp MGs shitty pacman tier "stealth"

You're arguing with a dude defending a man that has made nothing but trash for 15 years and still thinks he's god's gift to man

I want another Obra Dinn so fucking bad. It's basically the game I've been wanting all along. I've never wanted to be able to play a game for the first time again as much as with Obra Dinn.

>this game that took influence from MG is better!!!!

Boy you sure are braindead, contrarian

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Quick name a good game that took influence from MG. You can't because it's pretty hard to make a good game influenced by a game that wholesale stole entire characters, ideas, and themes from John Carpenter movies. Dead Space took John Carpenter and made a fun game. Metal Gear took John Carpenter and proceeded to huff it's own farts for doing so.

Splinter Cell

>Splinter Cell
I'm sorry, I missed the part where Splinter Cell had you sit through hour long cutscenes of faggots crying and didn't introduce a lighting mechanic for over a decade.

My god this contrarian is braindead, influence =/= copying the mechanics exactly

They literally said they made Splinter Cell because of Metal Gear

stop replying

Don't reply to me UNLESS you are contributing to the discussion

just trying to give you advice about the best way to argue with a bag of potatoes

Yeah, and it had better mechanics and story than any Metal Gear game. Oh wait, you're a kojimadrone who will bitch and moan about Konami firing kojima but will make up endless excuses for Kojima throwing a bitchfit when one of the translators for MGS1 and 2 called him a shit writer who just blatantly rips off movies he's seen. If Splinter Cell was inspired by Metal Gear then it's the opposite of The Road and The Last Of Us in that it took a poorly written movie game and turned it into a masterpiece.

Look retard you lost the argument so stop deflecting to your worthless opinion, fact of the matter is Kojima is highly influential and NONE of the indie devs named in this thread are not influential at ALL

I love how Kojimadrones are completely unable to post an actual argument. Just fuck off to jerking off over the posts of eggs he post on his shitter.

Ironic you never had a argument, you just said your personal opinion while I said facts that Metal Gear is highly influential

Tell me why you are so mad its so influential and popular?