Beauty incarnate. No flaws

Beauty incarnate. No flaws.

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>No flaws
She used to date a black guy before she decided to take her Kirijou group responsibilities seriously

>Social rank lowers if you even talk to another girl
Some flaws.

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*blocks shitsuru's path*

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Tits aren't big enough

>*Uses a 50 HP healing item on one target when everyone is near death*
>*Attacks a wind-weak enemy with her useless bow, then misses anyway*
>*Uses Garula on each individual enemy to waste as much MP as possible*
>*Tries to destroy the world to revive her dead not-even-boyfriend*
Pffft... nothing personnel, Aigis...

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>Marin Karin


These are the correct answers

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Chie is Marie level if anything

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That's better

It's sad that only a rich girl can afford such expensive outfit.

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But she's inferior than Akihiko

>No flaws.
She needs others to dress her up

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Best girls

red eyes and hair

Made for Akihiko cock

>use Mitsuru for around 95% of the time she's available
>only take her off of the team in the final stretch for Aigis' buffs
>in her time, Mitsuru used Marin Karin once, maybe twice
I can't remember a single time that she used it, but I'm guessing once or twice was right. Is the Marin Karin meme just a meme or did that shit actually happen to you guys

Most people don't use commands so some characters are shittier than they actually are

Anne is the most beautiful girl I ever laid eyes on.

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Based anne user

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I love Makoto!

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At least Mitsuru despite being the know-it-all president of the student council she has more personality and soul than fucking Makoto. Seriously, I don't know how people here can be so obnoxious and autistic about her.

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I see a thread like this and I can't help but post her.

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Bimbofags, make your own thread. This is the thread of the true empress, one and only, Mitsuru.

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made for huge nigger dick

I love Fuuka!

That looks absolutely horrible!

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That's fair.

Don't be too rude.

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Anne is not a bimbo.

saori is the most underrated girl in the series

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What a cute ho.

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