What went wrong?
What went wrong?
They front-loaded the best aspects of the gameplay in every single piece of pre-release footage to obfuscate the fact that the overwhelming majority of the game is shitty cutscenes and boring story wank instead of actual video game. People went in expecting the game to be more like the advertising and were left with a bad taste in their mouths when it turned out it was only six hours long and most of that was a movie.
People just don't like killing Nazi's these days
what's with the sudden influx of wolfenstien 2 threads?
Supporting antifa in the credits probably didnt help
People want to kill the bad guys, not the good guys.
This game made me into a Nazi!? EC save the day!
it turns out 8-hour single player only FPS have a limited market
Fuck off. Really?
Wait, for real?
short gameplay
not that fun enough to play it again
it didn't, but trumpanzees will tell you it did.
I think false flagging to be honest. The Youngbloods "sequel" comes out this month too.
But to answer OP, I enjoyed it and didnt think the story was hamfisted at all. The biggest issues I had was
>Laser gun animation was changed from the original game
>Story was too short
>Final boss is just two of a big robot you fight earlier
The gameplay felt like a smoother version of the first one's but the whole body power gimmicks got old fast
I even thought it was going to be super hammy like how the marketing was shown and BJ was based as fuck. People like to point at the Black lady as some kind of mouth piece in the game but any time she gets uppity BJ always shut her up.
Im not excited for Youngblood but I'll probably still play it.
It’s inferior to Nwo in just about every way.
Bad PC port
More proof you cannot meme
MAGA my fellow meme war veteran!!!
Nothing went wrong, it was about killing nazis and retards got mad
>Final boss is just two of a big robot you fight earlier
This is just lazy. Why do devs do it?
Communism good. Fascism bad
Some of the problems with TNO (lots of cutscense) were amplified. Not only that, it was hard to care about the supporting cast to the point where I didn't bother with a second playthrough to see Wyatt. In addition, the game was much harder for all the wrong reasons, particularly that Blazko was way more squishy than in TNO and TOB. In those games you could play aggresively if you were smart about it, but not this one. Worse still, the guns weren't nearly as imaginative as the last game and its DLC. The Assault Rifle lost its rocket launcher attachment in favor of a scope and semi-auto, the grenades were turned into upgradeable Christmas baubles, the Lazer Rifle was gone, and the Lazerkraftwerk had all its interesting features removed such as the cutting mechanic and splitter beam in favor of a single charged lazer. And to top it all off, all the emotional weight of Blazko's story was lost after his execution. It was all such a letdown that I didn't bother with the DLC (even though I got the game bundled with it for less than retail), and I won't be bothering with the next game.
I played the New Order and absolutely loved it. It was the first game I ever took the timer to platinum on PS3. I saw this one Part 2 at the store for like $15 used. Is it worth getting for that price if I loved the first one?
I just got around to playing Uncharted 4 and that fucking game is feeling like it plays itself. It's more like an interactive adventure than a video game. Reading this thread, I'm getting the same vibes from the new colossus.
Best part is, you can just walk past that boss
I think from a gameplay and technical perspective the game was a huge step up from the previous installments honestly, hell even the story was alright, but it does have some unneeded moments like finding Fergus' arm that he lost while he got drunk, like I get they were trying to do character building for him but they already did all that in the previous games, so it was basically pointless, but otherwise I honestly don't think the game deserves as much hate as it gets in the end.
I honestly prefered the lkw in the new colossus. I prefer one beam instead of a bunch of auto aim ones
>New characters were absolutely dreadful, made even worse by having your companions from the first game still hanging around being decent characters
>New gameplay elements for the series aren't introduce until you're over halfway through the game, and even then there are very few places to actually use them. Even worse, you can only select one of three upgrades when introduced, then for whatever reason you need to dick around searching for them despite the game being near it's climax
>Two new weapons, one of which you get locked out of before the game really begins
>Terrible stealth, made even worse by the shitty maps for the stealth segments
>Very little enemy variety, ONE boss and the final encounter has you fighting two common enemies but biggerer
This is all without talking about the story which isn't was fairly piss poor. I'd probably would have liked the game if it introduced the upgrades you get after you get the new body earlier and more weapon variety, but as it's fairly underwhelming. The entire Mars section was a complete fucking bust and nothing more than a chore while it should have been the highlight of the game.
Don't get 2. It's all cutscenes really. There's only one level i genuinely love but its short as shit and still has a fuckton of cutscenes to skip beforehand
>reddit spacing
>triggered by trumpanzees
I thought the enemy variety was fine. On the higher difficulties even regular soldiers become quite deadly so with them being the bulk of the force you're going against, it makes the Uber Soldiers really stand out on the battlefield especially with how well designed their sound is.
>Across the gunfire and screaming
reddit made nazis and zombies lame