>Notch sold Minecraft for 2.5 BILLION
>since then he did FUCK ALL for the medium using the money
What would you do for vidya if you had that kind of money?
>Notch sold Minecraft for 2.5 BILLION
>since then he did FUCK ALL for the medium using the money
What would you do for vidya if you had that kind of money?
I would do fuck all and laugh at poorfags all day.
I would invest it in perfecting porn vr.
Invest it all in chainlink
keep 10mil, invest the rest in nintendo stock
if i was this rich I'd be funding my dream vidya game, and it probably wouldn't even cost that much to do. honestly, what do rich people do with their money other than just have it? I seldom see them do anything cool with it
I'd be doing the same thing I'm doing now, making indie games
It's not like they would let him do anything, since he's a pariah for expressing his views that trans are mentally ill
This. When you're a billionaire you're already in the postgame.
Never sell
I'd buy an island and name it ''Whitetopia''. Also, build some nukes to protect my country from the Eternal (((American))) menace
He constantly donate to charities though.
>since then he did FUCK ALL for the medium using the money
He's currently just living off with his yearly saving interest. He no longer have to work a single day in his entire life and can still regularly buy the newest Ferraris with those interest alone.
fund esports leagues for the niche games i like
Nothing. That much money is a curse if your character is not rock solid.
I would go and invest in VR with Carmack and meet Elon Musk to somehow get him do some game project mixed with hardware tech.
Fuck Notch, he could have been a strong force against sjws but instead he went so far off the deep end everybody just started to ignore him instead.
who is going to stop him? You think he'd try to pay someone to make a game and they'd be like "no this is bigot money"?
Buy Mass Effect's rights from EA and make it the SW of vidya it was supposed to be.
Have billions, and have a billion maker on top.
I would comission high quality futa hentai of video game characters
is 2.5b really enough to be a billionaire? he could easily lose it and go back to the millions
>for vidya
fucking nothing
Nothing, for two reasons. 1 - Anything I influence may or may not have a positive result. It's not clear what the correct thing to do is, and it's debatable. 2 - It's my money, I can do what I want with it.
Nothing. Gamers are entitled faggots.
I'd spend the money on booze and hookers.
Rich people just enjoy having lots of money. That and gold are their main hobbies.
Literally no reason to take any risk however small when you got that much.
Who fucking cares? Even with the most retarded financial decisions he could make, he'd still be set for life, I want to see him put some of that money back into the industry that made him. He finally has enough resources to make any dream game he wants and he's nothing, some of us dream of being in his situation just so we could make games.
I'm not a math major or anything, but I'm pretty sure 1.0b is enough to be a billionaire
doesn't notch just smoke weed all day in his mansion and shitpost on twitter now
you can do that with like $50M
this. nigga. has. $2,000 M
didnt he kickstart Age of Wonders III?
I would force roaches to relase bannerlord
I would literally be Notch not gonna lie
what does he actually do by the way
It's not a risk, you could make a fantastic game for 100k, you don't even have to use your own money, investors will flock to you because of your success. Think of all those indie devs begging for 20-30k on Kickstarter and who actually manage to make good games, he could make those on a yearly basis easily. This just proves he never really cared about the medium, even fucking Bill Gates promised us AoE4.
If I liked games I would get a dream team and make the biggest tortanic ever
But in reality I would blow it all in whores
i wouldn't do shit and live easy
Does having 2.5 million dollars really make you a millionaire?
You could easily blow it all on dumb shit and go back to the hundred thousands club.
In my opinion, you need at least a billion dollars to be a millionaire.
>2 billions
state of amerifags
He doesn't owe video games shit and he doesn't owe you shit. He made what people want. He did that.
This. Notch is living the dream.
>Get billions
>Get hollywood mansion, piss off biance all day
>roast roasties
>shit on stuck up game directors
>trash tranny game devs
Jerk off, agressively shitpost on twitter, feel like shit and he isolates himself from everyone he can. Also trying to make a game thats never gonna go anywhere.
So, he became Yea Forums, except on bank gibs instad of autism gibs.
Buy a Japanese studio and be the idea guy.
I would force more mobile shit and loot box cancer and watch this board burn
Can't even blame him. Most indie devs are obnoxious cunts.
>What would you do for vidya if you had that kind of money?
Hire some poor mexicans to blow up the headquarters of companies like Activision Blizzard and EA games.
Charities have literally refused his donations because he said mean things on twitter. Think about this. There's people out there suffering that could have gotten help by the people WHO'S JOB IT IS TO HELP THEM but don't because those people got their feelings hurt by a balding fat man.
excluding the money parts that's literally what neets do and they don't seem very happy
holy shit, i would fund so many games that i want to make. notch was ALWAYS lazy, he just managed to hit it big.
i mean, aren't most billionaires boring anyway?
buy steam and shut it down
>What would you do for vidya if you had that kind of money?
I'd pay several JAV idols an annual salary to develop video games with my dick.
>Think of all those indie devs begging for 20-30k on Kickstarter and who actually manage to make good games,
Yeah I can't think of one sorry.
Fund a passion project and look into alternative energies, space expansion as well as cancer research.
Something to keep myself occupied and to benefit people.
a billion is nine zeros if done properly
oh well fuck those idiots then
That LA rockstar mansion is bad taste dude. Real rich guys chill out at Monaco and Switzerland
>actually helping video games in any way shape or form
Video games and the people who play them all must fucking hang. Godspeed, fat man.
boku no pico 3d hentai game with AAA production values
Give us a source or two user. I wish to see it.
Most games are shit and cost more than 100k. I don't see why Notch's money would be different.
I would buy this website and then shut down it down only leaving a page that says "go back to redit"
Joint project with MindGeek - Steam, but for erotic videogames.
would you buy Yea Forums
Literally what? He's saying 2000 million = 2 billion, which it does
Nigger, he lives in LA. He's fucking your favourite pornstars as we speak.
Isn't that what the Cygames guy is doing? Make billions off of exploiting whales with shitty gatcha so he can make his actual dream games?
Buy Team Fortress 2 from Valve and hire real people to work on it.
What for?
I'm envious of people with lots of money because I want to finance something awesome, not just sit on it.
Why should he help the medium with the money? I'd do the same shit. I just made 2.5 billion fucking dollars, I'm retiring for life and never looking back.
wow, you're weird
Why? It's a dead game. Make 3 instead.
>inb4 contrarians
I'd rather fix the game I like then make a new shitty one.
If you're actually passionate about games or making games, you could easily finance a project every year until you get bored of it, it's not like you'll ever run out of money
please save me, billianon
I don't have much time...
>favorite pornstars
Oh wow, he pays for prostitutes because he cant get laid normaly, what a champ. Cmon user, he already lost. He cant trust anyone, especialy since he hates all richfags, he cant come back to minecraft nor does he want to and now all he does is just try to make his new shit game but probably will never achieve anything like minecraft or have fun doing it.
He doomed himself to suffering. Loose pussy wont solve his anything.
the problem with that is who would you hire and could you trust them with your vision?
I’d hire several artists to draw all of degenerate needs.
>Produce gotcha games with cute girls in them.
>Make even more money.
>Use gotcha money to fund ai development.
>Use breakthroughs in ai technology to finally create my ai waifu.
>Continue to use gotcha revenue to advance robotics.
>Create body for ai waifu.
>Proceed to sell robo-waifus to gotcha crowds and mankind at large.
>Retire out to the country with my robo-waifu content with my contribution to mankind.
Sometimes you must commit a great evil to realize a greater good.
Buy the Mr Gimmick and Nights into Dreams IPs and give it to a studio of my own where I’m the ideas guy. After that, I would make my own IPs.
It's about satus: Notch has it. He has what all the antifa shitheels wish they had. And they have to sit there and take that cold hard fact.
He already gave videogames enough for a fucking century. Minecraft had massive impact in the world
You could do it through enough proxies that no one ever knew it was you
But to answer your question, Tokuro Fujiwara and a blank check
I just imagined how shit your life must have been to this point if you think that Notch's situation is living the dream.
There is no need to be upset.
It was a negative impact though, he'd have to work for decades to undo the plague he inflicted upon games
I'd buy an extra copy of every game i like and give to people who I believe would enjoy it. I've done that for a while but fuck that right now
>t. poorfag
if you had the money for any influence over others, you'd be exercising it. i don't expect the average Yea Forums poster to understand.
Nothing except possibly commission the greatest porn mods this world will ever see. Porn mods so great they become legendary games in their own right.
isnt he depressed now cos everyone uses him for his money
>40 years old and no kids
lmao, he will die sad and lonely
You'll have to hire people to play with you then
I'd buy Yea Forums so I could shut it down. Then buy any derivatives.
I'd move somewhere nice, not too expensive and a good place to raise kids. Then I'd start my own game dev studio and be the ideas guy who everyone listens to because he pays your wage.
Being an ideas guy seems like an easy and flexible job, perfect for someone who wants to be a dad that actually has time and energy to interact with his children.
thats something i'd worry about if i somehow made it big. I'd never be able to have a genuine relationship with anyone ever again cos i'd be too paranoid they're just using me for my money
>no one saying that they’ll buy a wall to keep mexiturds out
All of you are racetraitors
So you "exercise" it by being on twitter 24/7? Lol ok.
The thing is, I dont mean to come off as mad or upset, its more so pity, as odd as it sounds. I wished he could enjoy his success but he just seems to have gotten a new sleuth of issues from money he never really expected and just become a hermit with no regards for anything.
I doubt he can trust family or friends now, he surely cant trust the druggie richies, he now probably has to constantly be alert for his safety and life and whatever he does, he has his magnum opus behind him, always leering and looming over whatever else he creates. A never ending pressure to do, a overwhelming quality boarder to reach, expectations, all possibility and a likely to be dwindling will.
He already lost. The only difference is he won this loss.
Nothing stops him from putting money into getting /fit/ and a hair transplant. Even a name change.
I would shitpost on Yea Forums all day
>all these poorfags saying they would use it to fund their dream games.
I always forget how deluded the average poster here is.
Probably use my free time to scout out promising lookin indie games and give them some cash.
Pay some dudes to make all my ideas come true
Do you have kids? No. You will die sad, lonely and poor.
fund STALKER 2 and be the senior director making sure it was exactly the kind of game I want
>Instead of doing anything with your life, you go on twitter 24/7
>Living the dream
Never had any kind of wealth in your life, huh?
There' s a difference between that being all you can do
And having 2.5 billion dollars, being able to do anything, and choosing to do that.
>living the dream
By being incredibly depressed and shitposting on Twitter all day all while knowing that your life has essentially peaked and you will never do anything noteworthy again? Maybe that's the dream for some of you.
he said good games.
you know - rain world, underrail, brigador, reflex arena, stuff like that.
actual NEETs are fucking depressed not these larpers
>it's a "notch definitely doesn't hate his life and if you think otherwise you're a tranny/libtard" episode
why the hell do you people feel obligated to defend him? I would love if a respected name in vidya took a stand against all this sjw shit, but I'd much prefer it if it clearly wasn't a lonely schmuck doing it because it's the only form of social interaction he has left.
someone post that furry hitting him too close to home.
>I doubt he can trust family or friends now, he surely cant trust the druggie richies, he now probably has to constantly be alert for his safety and life and whatever he does,
There is a huge trend of game devs making it huge, getting super rich, and then never releasing a good game again. Happened with Duke 3D and happened with Minecraft.
There is something to be said for strife helping to make games better.
Anyway I would probably stop making games and go into publishing. Start buying up IPs on firesale and backing good studios.
his life peaked higher than yours though.
It's crazy to me how all the most boring people become millionaires and billionaires?
Where are the people who hire professionals to make them into the best version of themselves? Where are the people who bankroll artists and creators to create under their name? People who buy up their favorite media franchises to reinvigorate them. Where are the people who actually do what poorfags say they'd do? MrBeast as cringey as he is at least does interesting things with his money.
I would make bannerlord be finished in the next decade. I would then hire Russian mobsters to bomb the studio and steal all master copies of the game and then hide the master copies around the world. I would then post on Yea Forums about it and taunt them to see just how far bannerlord fans could fall.
so he loses 2% every year on his precious 2.5 billion, he really ought to start investing.
Also strike a sponsor deal with coke and various porn artists.
Why the fuck would he move to LA and not Tokyo or some beautiful coastal Med city
>knowing that your life has essentially peaked
And what great deed are you ready to unleash upon the world user?
People that do that don't stay rich for long.
I'd never use the internet ever again, thats for sure.
Honestly underrated post
Like? MC is influential as a cultural phenomenon, but not as much as a videogame. Yes it spawned hundreds of shitty clones nobody knows about and what else?
You're a bit melodramatic I think.
>has his magnum opus behind him
That's not a bad thing. Imagine someone finding a cure for HIV. Would he be happy for his achievement OR would he be sad he hasn't found a cure for lung cancer too?
Dumping huge amounts of money into indie devs probably isn't as good of an idea as it sounds. When indies crowdfund, they know that a ton of people are relying on them and their ass is on the line. If they are doing it all themselves, they once again feel the fire underneath them, they need to do well to survive. There is pressure to do well and make a good game. But if The Minecraft Guy gives them a million fucking dollars, why would they even bother trying? These are indie devs, don't forget. The absolute most blowhard hipster cunts.
That said, if I was Notch I would at the very least hire a professional trainer to maintain exercise and healthy diet. If you were fat all your life and had the resources to change that, why wouldn't you?
Money changes you, and you start wanting different things.
How am I going to contact my JAV idol development team then?
Buy high, sell low?
Hire whatever's left of the Islamic State to bomb every big publisher
Easy access to coke and hookers while still living in a 1st world country.
id shit all over trannies on twitter all day, just like notch
>earn literally $500 a month
>still spare $5 (1%) a month for a Patreon creator I like
>billionaires can easily make tens of millions a month
>don't see them putting in tens of thousands or even thousands into interesting shit
>they could spare millions and never feel it
Your argument is shit and you know it, people are just boring and shit
caring about others is a spook
my 16 year old secretary would do it for me. Use your head, user.
>What would you do for vidya if you had that kind of money?
Try and strike some kind of deal with Capcom to make MML3, a new Rival Schools and a new Darkstalkers For Xbox, PC and Switch only.. Try and strike a deal with Level5 to have Wayforward remake Mighty No.9.
Get fucked. It's his money, he can do whatever he wants with it.
Losing millions in an idea that don't pan out isn't the same as losing your weekly food coupon user.
Profit trumps creativity.
90% of rich people just enjoy building up wealth, they like how powerful and flashy it makes them and don't really care what happens with it. There are a handful of rich people like Notch on the planet - all the others are either super greedy and soulless money-hoarders, or rich kids who inherit it.
Yeah, and I'm still free to judge him for being the same dull anti-productive egotistical retard rich man like all of them before him
He took the redpill, now society is trying to pretend he doesn’t exist
You're right, you won't even feel lost millions if you're a billionaire, and losing a food coupon means directly missing a meal, or a day of eating, something which you will definitely feel
tips fedora
>hmm invest in something vague and might not make money
>or invest in something that is an assures a profit
you are either retarded, underage or retardedly underage.
And I'm free to judge you or your meaningless grievance
Depends on the character user. Which do you think Notch is?
If I had billions I would make constant 10 million dollar investments in completely random stocks.
It's funny how you dumb fucks put notch on a pedestal for being a coward that hides behind a paygrade while making pot shots but don't celebrate poorfags who actually exercise conviction who say the exact same shit. Just goes to show all the notch support here is just insecure fucks looking out for their own.
>Use your head, user.
It's too busy thinking about JAVs dude.
Legally the government can't accept money for that. Many have tried funding the wall on their own.
>you won't even feel lost millions if you're a billionaire
Rich people still understand the value on their money numbnuts.
Life style rises in increments as one gets wealth.
Not everything needs to be an investment holy shit, you can afford to treat yourself earning minimum wage, let alone if you have LITERAL billions, he was memed into paying 70 million for a house and you're saying 50k projects would be a waste, get a grip
Hell, you could have your secretary commission 100's of JAVS by your favorite actors. Just image......
I'll probably just NEET it up for the rest of my life.
>excluding the money parts
That's the problem. People can't call you a neckbeard or a faggot when you spend more money on your candy dispenser than they make in a year.
2.5 billion i'd buy an island somewhere in the pacific and never see another human being in person ever again.
So how long until Notch commits suicide? Not being ironic or trolling but does he even have any genuine friends he can trust and talk to that aren't hovering around him for money?
This type of soulless "people" is what will doom the planet
Did twitter take away his blue checkmark? That's pretty funny actually.
>So many posts about investing the money on retarded / high risk no reward projects
No wonder you guys are poor / NEETs
They literally can. At the end of the day he's a miserable person and billions plus a horde of people exalting money he made from copying and pasting won't change that. I can see why a generation raised on memes woukd fantasize otherwise though.
>Not everything needs to be an investment holy shit
Not to rich people you daydreaming piece of shit. That is the reason they are rich and you are not.
Ever wonder why there is barely any alturism by the upper class? Its because getting more means more to them than giving some.
>notch is a bitch that ran from Yea Forums because we were too mean about his garbage infiminer ripoff made for children
>ran to reddit who sucked his cock and enabled his retardation, ruining the game with random, useless shit and never advancing the game beyond diamond mining sim
>now notch is based because he owns libtards on twitter like a literal who
Newfags are a fucking plague.
I'm going to act in all of them 先輩.
All of them.
>you can afford to treat yourself earning minimum wage
This is your brain on welfare
I don't know him personally, but me, I'd be more than happy to create the best selling game of all times and Id snort so much coke and shitpost all fucking day while people make threads about me on Yea Forums how ''depressed'' I am.
>your life has essentially peaked
Honestly that sounds great. He has made his mark, doesn't have to worry about being forgotten anymore, the guy is forever the hero of a whole generation. He can chill out the rest of his life on twitter and still know he's accomplished.
Its doomed eitherway.
Most neets can't buy a jet and a garage full of supercars
He's already made his dream game, and sold it too.
>you can afford to treat yourself earning minimum wage
Why don't you try living on one first before spouting such things.
You'd be better off subsisting on welfare.
dont you dare
keeping it to yourself to check out of this maddening modern and domesticated world is the most sensible thing to do.
but id probably still produce games with a small team. just shit I think would be cool, regardless if it would sell or not
That's a problem they have, not a fact of life. You could easily keep or even increase your billions while bankrolling whatever you like and never feel any of it, just because no one does because they give into their lizard brain impulses doesn't mean it's impossible. Most of them spend tons more money on inane shit just to show of their wealth and it never hurts their finances, that same money could be redirected into actually productive things, but isn't because people are shit.
>the guy is forever the hero of a whole generation
imagine having a crybaby fattie as a hero
>he's a miserable person
Not with all of that money.
40 years
Nothing. I would fuck 10/10 blonde qts with smooth pussies and big tits and drive boats and shit
>still know he's accomplished
Why is it so hard for people to see he knows he's a fraud and it doesnt matter? He clearly isn't basking in achievement.
I would make a good video game and sell it for a fair price.
Infiniminer had 2 weeks worth of highlight, while people were shilling their classic servers here for months. I know this cause I actually played Infiniminer. You're a newfag, nobody was mad at Notch for creating something Infiniminer devs didn't bother with, despite community begging for updates literally so much they made these updates themselves. None of them were popular enough to warrant a community tho.
>make billions
>still shitposting all day
Truly the ourest of guys
What's the risk? If I want to see a videogame and play it, and I fund its creation, I already got what I want out of it, I don't need to make money on it. How is it different from buying crazy expensive clothes or exotic pets, something boring rich people already do?
>since then he did FUCK ALL
he won life, he doesn't need to do anything else
>They literally can. At the end of the day he's a miserable person
Not really he has a shit ton of money friends with other rich people and is known for telling people who ask him for money to fuck off
>He's a fraud
Exactly how
No wonder his father killed himself. Every father would do that if they had such a shitty son
This. But they're all Japanese porn stars and idols.
when you have that much money, you can enjoy actual real life
His life really seem like one of those weird 80s movies or an episode of family guy or something.
>*cut to musical montage of said fat fuck being rich and at parties and on the cover of forbes wearing a suit and having sex with hot gold-digger sluts*
I'm not a fan of Markus but I am a fan of this tweet.
Where are they?
They can or they won't. The truth is that most of them wont.
Or maybe some do spend altruistically just not on games.
If they are going to give into something productive and worthwhile, why do so for games?
This but u should drop the charity angle because it's a zero sum game here. All that matters is he could do more, be happier and/or make other people happier but he's not. And his behavior is not indicative of a contented person. Zuck is a turbo autist and I doubt he's ever experienced a heightened state of emotion but at least the man demonstrates cognizance beyond his last days as a literal who.
He makes user mad because he's not funding indie games and doesn't believe what he believes in
This image takes me back to 2010
I'd spend a billion on creating the perfect MMO that would BTFO anything on the market.
>why do so for games?
Nail on the head
Fuck videogames
If i had 2 billion dollars id probably get a proper sustainable large house with personal housemaids who are basically permanent hire escorts that keep shit clean and stuff.
Build my own sportscar because im an /o/tist.
All other fancy shit like a 20k gaming pc n shit.
Then play risk of rain 2 with my bros while getting my ugly wiener sucked by a 10/10 whore and another serving me drinks and snacks.
Man id hang myself after 2 years of that living
He did you idiots.
Produce games with cute and funny characters and sponsor people, who do the same.
Yeah, it seems like he got tired of spending money so he ended up with a bunch of time to do nothing and think and came off his high horse a little bit. I think hes aware of how simple minecraft is and how easy it was to make (and it wasn't even made that well, it was put together with few optimizations in fucking Java) and how he essentially just got very lucky, so he doesn't want to bask in that anymore. he feels like a fraud and its making him depressed.
What world do u live in that anything u said has any direct impact on his state of being?
"real life"
a better life you mean or a life with actual possibilities that was unreachable before.
kike detected
Bad investment
>he's a miserable person
Sounds like you're the miserable fuck. Money literally cures depression. Wagies in full suicide mode and I'm Lovin It (tm)
I want notch to do a q&a here, at this point there's no reason not to
Based but bluepilled.
Minecraft probably isn't his dream game. it was just a fun hobby project for him at first heavily limited by the capabilities of a single dev with little talent for art.
>anons ITT don't know about Notchs affinity for open source pasta
Well no wonder idiots are defending him
I wouldn't touch gaming anymore. The dykes and trannies took hold there's no coming back
Imagine being the guy behind Teletubbies, making billions, and someone saying it was your "dream show"
Really sad legacy
lmao OOF dab on wagies
Notch is just butthurt he's a beta male and no women would ever really love him. I feel like he didn't know this before the money and found out the hard way
>Man id hang myself after 2 years of that living
doubt you will.
you'd probably max your life span just to spite everyone else.
You go for those mormons
Holy shit
How can anyone not love this guy.
based and vargpilled
>implying wageslaving in an overpopulated city, where it's always noisy, eating literal cancer, being domesticated is real life
An actual bait post that isn't written by a literal retard. Nice to see one every once in a while.
>buy stargate
>buy xcom
>stargate + xcom
The same world posting on twitter multiple times a day somehow makes you miserable even though if that was the case almost everyone who uses twitter is miserable
It's gacha you mouthbreather who the fuck told you it was gotcha
>Money literally cures depression.
Fund extreme sports games with an over-the-top arcadey style.
>I want to see him put some of that money back into the industry that made him.
It didn't make him, he made himself. Fuck off.
>someone post that furry hitting him too close to home.
Requesting this
>video game "god"
>minecraft mastermind
are you kidding me? and the rest of the team???
>Notch is literally who
Just wasn't rich enough
Because you like them? Until now we could assume millionaires were boring old people and they don't care about movies, games etc, but now there's tons of rich young guys who don't do anything interesting with their money, especially Notch who fucking made the money on making games in the first place.
I would invest robo-waifus, specific GFE A.I. and prosthetics limbs.
I dont know any tech billionaires but i know many tech millionaires and that's definitely the case for quite a few.
> almost everyone who uses twitter is miserable
Have you ever met twitter retards in real life? They are absolutely miserable.
I could afford to give 10% of my salary to charity but I won't. Because is my money and I will spend it as I see fit, or not spend it at all. Why should rich people be any different?
>$500 a month
>donates to e-celeb camwhores
like pottery
Davenport does nothing but creepy kids show.
I can cum inside my own asshole
They invest it. That's why they don't just fund random garbage, because they could be making even more money by investing what they have.
You can do both
>still awkward as fuck at minecons
>still doesn't have real friends
>wife divorces him
>reddit and twitter hate him now because he isn't swallowing the PC pill
>only Yea Forums likes him again
It really is. And it came full circle
>It didn't make him, he made himself. Fuck off.
>Spent all his time on vacation while someone else polished and made his game actually good.
Notch dick riders out in full force.
Here comes the faggot patrol with the ancient maymays. Membah duckroll? xD
>though if that was the case almost everyone who uses twitter is miserable
Holy shit u r in for a rude awakening. My condolences.
Invest some of it in companies I like, such as platinum games and vanillaware. Vanillaware will not give a good ROI and I already know that, but I got 2.5 billion to diversify and sit my fat ass on.
I would also buy out politicians in Japan to knock it off with this censorship in porn nonsense, I can't even get hard when it's mosaic or full censorship in my hentai, and it needs to god damn stop.
based pc gamer
Invest in Epic Games
I'm sorry the only Yea Forums you know is this shithole.
Well user i don't know where you are from but that is real life.
>Videogame God
Original idea wasnt even his
The guy did fuck all, he almost had to be forced to develop the game as he was to lazy
Then he had others work on it so he could take even more vacations
Rich people kill themselves because of problems like diesease losing tons of money major injuries or getting screwed over by the media
be a professional substitute teacher
many rich people do invest in sensible things. just because you are too underage to understand things, doesn't mean it's nonexistent
>46 under 40
>out of 1826
It's not too late Yea Forums, get working on it.
mad poorfags are mad
>Because you like them?
I like older games. The current climate is too sterile and/or political.
I would only fund a company that's the equivalent of 90s era Konami, but that won't ever exist anymore.
He did kill himself because of parkinsons you fool
Do NOT insult based minecraft man
Cool to see him have success
How could I use 2.5 BILLION to fuck with video game studios and publishers as much as possible? Buying up ad space everywhere? Lobbying for stricter lootbox laws?
Billionaires usually do donate hefty sums of money to charities.
He didn't invent videogames retard, only people who come up with an actual original never before seen thing can be considered self made
uhmm, sweaty, you're on some shit
this is 4CHANNEL y'all :^)
Most normal people don't need that even if they have the money for it
Fund a giant death ray and point it at Ubisoft HQ until they make good games again
Buy 10 overpriced computers
Buy citizenship for my third worlder friends
Hire all the people I liked from previous jobs to do nothing
Buy every single video game that comes out on steam and consoles
Buy one tv and 4 controllers for each console
Get bored and never play video games, just shitpost here
Buy Yea Forums
Fuck a different girl every day
Build a mansion in a secluded place
Build houses for my family and friends
They are rich but someone richer is dicking them.
Explains why George Soros is still alive.
fucker is probably power high since the 70s.
I'd buy out a niche game dev with a passionate fanbase and I would pay them to not make games but portion out piecemeal content if the community behaved itself, God Emperor style
Why would you shill for a man who is still /r9k/ tier even as a billionaire? To own the libs?
What is the best sign of an assurance of profit?
It isn't. Those are stupid investments too.
Buy EGS-exclusive games back
Sponsor lobbyists to fuck over lootboxes and other bad practices
Fund indie game devs that are good
I'm not talking about literal charity, I'm talking about funding personal passion projects that have little ROI and are essentially as wasteful as charity (barring the tax breaks?)
Make an actually good, competetive 3d fighter. I feel like there's potential there that has never been fully realized.
Wasn't just parkinson's it was lewy body disease
it may be to you and many others. but it's soul crushing and unhealthy.
do your best to get away from it
This, but I would probably pay a competent studio to make my dream game as well.
I would secretly hire genetic engineers to create an aggressive virus that would kill all non-whites on the planet starting with the chinese.
Can anyone prove Notch ISN'T doing this right now?
Making money for the sake of making more money is falling for the classic monkeybrain trap, you're literally a slave to yourself
well first being in a perpetual money machine industry.
And just grind maize from there.
How is the disease going to determine who is white?
but the rights to old video games and tv shows im nostalgic for, and pay the original creators to make something new
This thread proves reddit really did invade this site
Fuck off commie retard
>Unless you make something what I arbitrarily define as new then you're not a self made creator
Fucking hilarious and absolutely retarded, get the fuck outta here. Apparently all the creative geniuses weren't self made cause they used unoriginal concepts and tools from their own mediums
>it was a negative impact
how so?
too lazy
sensible =/= interesting
yeah, because they dont have money, dipshit
I would get rid of debt for the people closest to me and then spend a fuck load of time figuring out how to make some passive income to ensure I never work another day of my goddamn life.
Ask sickle cell
If I had anywere near that money I would invest in some Hollywood/Netflix shit so that I would be invited to all the studios aftershow events.
And on every New Years Eve I would pick 5 Yea Forumsirgins to go to the biggest Hollywood New Years Eve party with me. There I would make every "aspiring actresses"/waitresses believe the 5 Yea Forumsirgins were produces for whatever Studio I invested in and that they had some pull so that they fuck the Yea Forumsirgins for free thinking it's the ticket to their big break in Hollywood.
This has been a dream of mine for years.
>buy Yea Forums
>delete Yea Forums
actually no, just delete Yea Forums,/vp/,Yea Forums,/pol/ and /r9k/
>Because you like them?
Liking them does not make them worthwhile. If they made themselves rich by making games, why give handouts when good games would be successful by themselves?
You know who used his money in an interesting way? That guy who funded all that Astrid torture R34. He's definitely fucked in the head but I can respect him.
there's a thing, we call it genes
Easiest thing? Make Microtransaction Free ripoff of the top selling Mobile games.
Activision makes stupid money off people buying Candy Crush powerups.
if I became a billionaire I'd stay in my own comfy countryside house and do fuck all all day.
I don't understand why when people get rich quick they move into huge mansion that eats their cash quicker with rent, just buy a small nice place and leave off the money for the rest of your life, maybe get a small paying but enjoyable job if you don't want to sit on your ass all day.
Buy the rights to STALKER and make the proper sequel we deserve
they'd fall off a bridge most likely
If I had all of that money I would buy a nice house and live comfortably for the rest of my life.
Fuck the people saying that I should waste the money on my dream videogame; as tempting as it sounds I'll rather not spend a single cent on frivolous shit. It wouldn't be any different from those athletes who waste their millions on expensive gold-plated cars.
>But you won't spend all of that on your lifetime
So be it.
I would try to get some games I want made, made and inject some money into the japanese game industry by funding some new IPs that publishers don't want to fund because they are new IPs, but I would also fund some western games if they are good and have 0 political agenda messaging in them. I would do a few things for the industry.
he might not even be rich just a sicko.
Polyle made like 10k from him.
Truly a man of vision.
probably buy some of the more expensive games i've wanted to play and donate toys for tots then waste the rest on milkshakes and salami
The $5 I donate every month goes to an artist who draws the best buff girls in the lewd fanart business, it's not for charity, it's for my personal satisfaction.
man, it must suck, that you hold the entire world to your standart of what is interesting (probably some faggot drawing shit on patreon).
Imagine feeling this alone and villified. If only you could stop being bitter about existing and be more positive
cringe and redditpilled
and you forgot Yea Forums
Also I would make sure Shadman is taken care of financially.
that's literally like a $200 dream user
This. I would buy a nice play far away from the hip places.
It just would need fast internet
is a man not entitled to his opinion?
that's because you haven't been brainwashed by media and probably aren't a low IQ subhuman
forgot to add only strawberry and banana flavoured milkshakes fuck that chocolate shit tastes awful
Unless you're going to make the game "free" on the app store, it would have no chance.
Plus people who play those games does so in terms of brand recognition.
Robin Williams was dealing with a lot of money problems due to alimony, forced to sell a number of his things to make it through the month. He was far from living free of economical issues.
>Tech & Science
>you can afford to treat yourself earning minimum wage,
maybe if you live at home with your mom
i dunno man some of those games are expensive and i'd want to donate a couple mill at the least for toys for tots
but you're right i'd also adopt like thousands of animals and get a house just for animals to live and chill
I'll spend mine trying to discover the actual best friend chicken reciper, beer and ice cream.
>not vanilla and hazelnut
This is why you will never become rich. You are a man of mediocre taste.
>i am silly
Better question is why do you care so much? Did he "own" you too, huh?
vanilla is a good choice i'd have that every so often but i've never tried hazelnut sounds delicious
>waste the rest on milkshakes and salami
fucking kek how does this dude fucking destroy people so fucking much
I'd probably buy a huge house, and then feel completely unfulfilled... then i'll flip it around into a reasonable urban flat and some kind of cottage, and spend my time doing hobby-jobs with various small companies i'd start up. From a gaming cafe to a small tier game publisher.
While secretly building survival bases across the planet and recruiting an organisation to either prevent or survive the inevitable apocalypse.
There's a world of difference between making an industry and making it WITHIN an industry. Notch's success can mostly be attributed to luck, Bill Gates can be called an actual self-made man. Am I self-made if I win the lottery? I had to walk all the way to the store to do it.
notch isnt happy he said so himself
the hero we need but don't deserve
its like he thinks twitter is Yea Forums
He never bends to fucks that achieved less than him.
I'm not talking about handouts, I'm talking about funding your own project you yourself want to make and oversee. There's no reason it wouldn't make money with enough advertising, see Disney or Bethesda.
If I had that kind of money I'll be sure to spend some in buying Yea Forums and make it cater to my needs.
For now it's the only chance for me to have an Anime retro board and get rid of captcha for once
I don't understand this comic
i'd buy Yea Forums and remove all the mods we have today and replace them with actual employees who won't dick about 24/7
also i'd buy discord and burn it down
I don't think you realize just how big 2.5b is. Who the fuck cares after that point?
His father killed himself. Enjoy that.
Wouldn't be an investment. Even if I came out in the red (somehow) and the game was good it'd be fine.
I'd descend into hell for just the demo.
If you're pretending the choice between becoming insanely rich and making a good game is "Make a good game" you're retarded
You don't even have to get rid of captcha. Just bring back legacy captcha. This Jewgle shit is borderline torture.
is 2.5b enough to hire people to uncensore all jav and doujins?
i'd also pay abe off and tell him to force uncensoredporn
I would buy my waifu's dead IP and fund quality content for it for the next 30 years. I'd also ensure her VA is pampered and taken care of for the rest of her life.
Never mind finally found it in the archives
>see Disney or Bethesda
Those are established brands user with big accounts and investors.
>I'm talking about funding your own project you yourself want to make and oversee
see Cliffy.B and those fuckers behind Evolve.
He signed a pact with the devil at the cost of his fathers sanity.
He is now filled with regret.
just buy a Yea Forums pass bro
nothing you cuck
He should have went down to Georgia and played the fiddle.
You pay a decent but not excessive salary, and then offer a lucrative bonus structure based on how well they implement your vision.
Give them some control so they are creatively satisfied buy also have weekly/monthly progress meetings where you can veto any deviation from your vision.
how much does a hitman cost? i've got a lot of youtubers i want to die
Why would I do that? Pfft
turn off javascript retard
I'd bet you'd rape your own mother for his money, you little faggot.
depends on how many bit coins u have
>my dream games are already made
That's because he sits on his fat ass all day shitposting on twitter and cumming into already full fleshlights.
Why does Notch have to live your dream life in order for you to be satisfied? I bet if he really did all those things you’d just be here bitching about the kind of game he’s funding, or the studio he hired, or even the size of one of his female worker’s tits. Don’t project your ideals onto others who actually got off their asses and created something, instead of sitting around daydreaming about becoming rich and successful all day long.
right now 0 but i'd convert all 2.5 billion to bitcoin to have these youtubers die
Kudos for actually naming games and not just knocking down his target, but HK is fucking amazing in atmosphere. The only real complaint is the majority of powers are pretty standard metroidvania-fair.
>it may be to you and many others
Just because others have lives that differ doesn't make it any less real user.
I'm not talking about any idealistic nor pessimistic crap. I meant that is real life, as real as the lives of people living their dreams and bathing in success.
Wallowing in the badness of it or working to get away from it does not diminish any of its realness.
$0 if you're good at bluffing
>that's right kids, if you work hard like me, one day, you too can indriectly imply you're wealthy to random anons on Yea Forums
>What would you do for vidya if you had that kind of money?
Kill the industry.
Its about $10,000 for good hitters.
bout 3 fiddy for niggers.
hey man i'm willing to spend some good money to these hitmen money is not a problem i just have a lot of heads
Imagine being such a loser that the first thing you'd do with money is kill some youtube retards.
Doujin translation is hella expensive but im sure 2B would be enough
>2.5 billion
>enough to kill this fucking industry
Life is a game and money is a high score.
nah my first one was for milkshake and salami and donate to kids my second would be to murder youtubers through hitmen
He's objectively correct, though.
I'm not fucking financing Hiros shabu and gacha addiction.
You could probably radicalize a NEET on here to twitter or something to do it for a decently low price
Just convince them that whoever you hate is a nazi/commie and that you'd pay their rent or something if they axe them
Who's top of the list?
then fake-hire a lot of sub-par hitmen to catch those heads and real-hire few really good hitmen to kill all of those sub-par hitmen
nothing, nothing at all. I'd never play video games again.
>You could probably radicalize a NEET on here to twitter
that's easy to traceback.
it's just so funny seeing these journos want so badly to destroy him, but being utterly incapable of doing so because he's independently wealthy.
Holy fuck. Suck on that, George Broussard, you console sellout.
I'm pretty sure notch singlehandedly paid for age of wonders 3
fuck that, have him legalize marijuana entirely in japan and watch the fireworks
You have 2.5 billion. You aren't going to work another day of your goddamn life.
Wish I had money to burn.
Notch has done small symbolical gestures in the realm of politics here and there.
Those have had some minor ramifications in the ongoing culture war.
Dealing with gaming directly is worthless, in the end of the day the ones in charge are the companies but they will always do whatever is socially the norm, the only way to restore freedom of speech to gaming is by changing culture in general.
Thus in an indirect way Notch has been doing a lot to help gaming.
What else can he do?
Make a pro gaming lobby? Build his own console, or his own game store? His own publisher?
really a hard choice either boogie2988 or jimqusition
TB is already dead so i basically saved money
Most celebrities sell their soul to agents and higher-ups just to get what they have, so it's meaningless.
Notch created a game that blew up and set him for life, all by his own hand. There's a big difference.
>I would get rid of debt for the people closest to me
t. cuck
>being so retarded you can't live off 2.5 billion
it's more my own stance on it. I don't think people are meant to live like that. And our health and problems support this theory.
Just like animals in a zoo. Sure, it is real in the way that we live it and it's tangible. But it's not right then, if that's a better wording for you. I still stand by "not real" but that would bring about an unnecessary philosophical debate
I don't think you quite understand exactly how much money 2.5 billion dollars is user
I'd say go for Jimbo.
But humiliate him utterly first, might take a while cause fucker self depreciates a lot.
Its better to let Boogie to suffer his life.
You're not self-made because you've never made anything and never will. The money you've wasted on the lottery has fuck all to do with it.
I'd probably do things like throw money at small developers who are making something interesting to help them along, and I'd also probably start sponsoring players in fighting games, since I enjoy top level player in those games
I'd buy out a couple of smaller devs and over time build it into a network of studios that release good quality AA games with creative and unique ideas
>He finally has enough resources to make any dream game he wants
Minecraft was his dream game but halfway through it he realized his real dream game was sitting on his ass all day doing nothing and having more money than he could ever spend.
No you aren't but if you made a product and everyone wanted it and bought it you're a self-made man
>Notch has done small symbolical gestures in the realm of politics here and there.
>Those have had some minor ramifications in the ongoing culture war.
Based minecraft man owning libtards on twitter is winning the culture war?
If he spent even a fraction of his worth, he could hire lobbyists and shills to have a way greater effect on culture.
In the adult world 100k buys you one competent dude for a year or 2-3 juniors. You don't make anything worthwhile with that.
actually Yea Forums made him and later Reddit
He made what he wanted you mean. Which is all we could ask for.
making too much sense user
He has been acquiring free real estate in the heads of twitter lefties.
With a rabid response like that sounds like they gotcha
Again user. I'm not going all philosophical, you're personal stance or opinions does not make the reality of it being part of real life diminish.
Just pointing that out, okay?
so drop the idealistic lecture, i really don't want it.
>rest of the team
the faggots that he hired after his game already made him a millionare?
the faggots that barely developed the game past what notch had already done?
get a clue based retard.
He could spend it if he really tried.
Dude, you'd have a hard time even spending all of that in a lifetime. But going the Trump "small loan of a million dollars" route with your money could be a good idea...
Gay. I would help some African countries to stop being a shithole and then saying “nigger” and “I hate black people” all day
>i am silly
What? Are you retarded?
>all thess newfags defending notch
Why not just create Niggerland so all black people and others PoC could live there? Not niggers would live in America anymore
And you obviously don't know how these work
Imagine 2 billion dollars worth of milkshakes and salami
>If he spent even a fraction of his worth, he could hire lobbyists and shills to have a way greater effect on culture.
Yes, I'm sure you know all about that, don't you?
Gates and Zucc are definitely worse people than bix nootch though
>Notch is a billionaire who spends all day shitposting on Twitter and people call him 'based'
Absolutely disgusting.
>I would help some African countries to stop being a shithole
You're going to need to drop their numbers significantly and then teach them to subsist on their own lands.
That and you'll need to oust the parasitic mining industry there, though i doubt you'd survive the attempt.
if money is the root of all evil
i'd like to be a bad bad man
Rent free
Buy a small mercenary outfit and play Jagged Alliance for real from the comfort of home
Why, yes, if somehow I were to get a billion dollars I'd no doubtedly spend it on getting easily impressionable young white girls to get on BLACKED with extremely well endowed black men. It would be even easier to do that If I make it so that college costs a lot of money, so that young white girls in debts resort to doing porn or prostitution with BLACK/BROWN men. I'd start in America then go to westernized Europe. After that I'd probably start to push a lot of mixing agenda in advertising and movies. Hmmm, but that's only IF I got money, not like that's happening or anything haha..ha.
>it's newfag to defend notch
Minecraft got its big break on Yea Forums many years ago. This is our fucking wheelhouse you idiot.
I'd buy locally, i.e. here in slavland
>he doesn't use a pass
Change your ways young leech and you too will know convenience
Why is it so hard to help niggers? Then I guess I would pay a night to fuck Laurenbrite
kek why are they all like this
Probably move into a place secluded from the urban life. Probably find some games here and there maybe.
You can't spend that kind of money in one lifetime unless you're buying things that one person would never conceivably need for anything like a solid gold statue of yourself in every major city or some shit
You mean Africa? American slaves got their own country there, Liberia, and we all know how that turned out.
>Lauren Brite
i don't blame you but you can do better with that cash.
Just outright funding devs would kill creativity and motivation for a lot of them, to fix that I'd make a yearly contest where the award is a ton of money for advertising for the dev who makes the game I find the most interesting.
oofer gang
>Why is it so hard to help niggers?
Cause their current existence is like a forest fire and people won't stop throwing more trees in.
and 100k is 1/25000 of 2.5b. So he could hire an entire team and it would be like spending twenty dollars out of a 25,000 account. This isn't even accounting for the fact that notch very likely has a passive income from investments.
poorfags are cowards.
Wow, that's the most retarded thing anybody has ever said.
I never said cringe you moron. I said disgusting.
sounds good as fuck
Build an RPG that would destroy bethesda
Look at the filename He's a redditor
Probably buy the rights to a favorite forgotten RPG series and try to revive it. Or hire the original dudes to make Glover 2.
Doubt you'd actually get someone good with that production model.
truly the life of a sad man...
I understand. And like I said: It is real in a physical sense. But it is neither proper nor healthy. Don't be pedantic about it
>Build an RPG that would destroy bethesda
>buy skyrim and fallout titles
make Skyrim 2 and Fallout 152
>TB is already dead so i basically saved money
nevar forget
you're saying this as if you knew...
i mean, didn't he try to make 0x10^c? what happened to that, anyway?
He isn't wrong. They should've made put it at the top. It doesn't matter its upside down when docked.
Devs could just apply games they were making anyway
fuck that, that shit is tainted now
>It is real in a physical sense
no its just REAL full stop. I get it, but the pedantism started with you.
So please drop it.
just release dragon's dogma with the cut content added.
you'd never out-todd bethesda without them.
The difference between luck and talent is one success and a history of success.
Do you think Notch is skilled?
>leave /biz/ for 30 minutes because i'm happy to hodl till christmas
You fuckers are everywhere
bumfights sequels where the bums are fighting to the death but the winner will have his life taken care of
Lobby for better laws related to gaming
Planetside 3
Sins of a Solar Empire 2
Give a gorillion dollars to a bunch of autist to make full dive VR so I can finally be a cute furry femboy
I couldn't care less about appealing to reddit
i'd be depressed to if i lived in fucking california
nah. I said that isn't real life. you came in all "BUT IT IS REAL". the evidence is there
words have more but one simple meaning. This talk is over
you will never peak higher, you seething user
A couple Super Yachts would do it.
to make it more interesting i'd let them get a taste of the good life for 1 month feed them well and train them
>praises atmosphere
>criticizes lack of "innovation"
>no word on leveldesign and mechanics
do you even like videogames?
Notch is based but you guys are reminding me how fucked in the head people are
Look, I'm not going to praise every little thing. Good atmosphere alone can make a game worth playing, as long as nothing else is terrible, anyways.
>Good atmosphere alone can make a game worth playing
Yep this guy is officially not a fan of actual videogames get off my board before i spend 2.5 billion dollars resizing your asshole
I wish Toady becomes truly rich.
commission and fund the perfect Berserk game
fpbp as always, notch
Fuck off, retard. The one who has never felt immersed in the atmosphere of a game is the one who doesn't truly love video games.
A lot of things would including 1.25 billion candy bars. But I said
>unless you're buying things that one person would never conceivably need for anything
already came out on the ps2 brainlet
I do this even now as a poorfag
Make ATOM RPG 2. The slavs would gladly take my money, we would make a fantastic isometric RPG with high quality graphics and assets that would look better than anything else on the market and a world as big as the Soviet Union.
We would sell it for $10 a copy so that people are more likely to buy it and thus potentially bring newcomers into the genre.
oh yeah i'm sure pal :)
I'm glad we can come to an agreement.
You'd buy an island and never be able to set foot on it?
same here buddy
Well, he donates to GDQ if that counts.
Fuck off you mixed race subhuman.