Why is Activision Blizzard scared of Final Fantasy XIV now?

Why is Activision Blizzard scared of Final Fantasy XIV now?

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Coz WoW below 1m subs and basically dead

what class do I play in XIV now that I'm tired of Monk
preferably one I don't have to level all the way

>WoW's most recent expansion is an obvious flop that everyone other than their most diehard fans and turbo-casuals who just play the game like facebook anyway have abandoned it after only a few months

>FFXIV's most recent expansion is recieving universal acclaim from new players and thier established fanbase alike, and is still in the honeymoon/hype period

gee i wonder

wow had it's day. many, many mmos tried to topple it and failed but now it has finally happened.

Kek are those tweets real? 10/10 banter there.

>now that I'm tired of Monk
I hope Ralgr rapes your sister. Play BLM just so you can get fucked by your leylines, traitor

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these corporate entities twitter accounts acting like people is kind of cringe

Stupid reddit. 3/10 banter, just to advertise their games and seem relatable to faggots like you

Should I prioritize SkS for GNB? On paper, it seems to give the most damage increase of all stats, but that's assuming 100% uptime on your rotation. I think it might cause problems with lining up No Mercy with everything else though.

>no actual endgame out
>trannies suck its dick because they can be rabbitgirls

how do i cope with the rng house timer

Sks is the fun stat so meld it anyways, that's what I'm gonna do

seething Mhigger

but bro

lol blizzard can't into banter

>you think you do but you don't
>don't you guys have phones
>fuck that loser

I, too, enjoy multi million companies pretending to be gamers just like us on social media, fellow gamer slash customer. I wonder what hilariously relatable thing are they going to tweet next! Perhaps Wendy’s will join in the fun with them, wouldn’t that be epic?

That's cute to be honest.
An MMO doesn't need more than 100k to be a success. But yes, WoW is indeed dead since 100k for Blizzard is meaningless.

Can someone explain to a non MMO person who's only experience in MMO is playing RYL 2 but never got into or do anything significant like raids or guilds and shit. What makes an MMO good? I read these kinds of XIV vs Wow threads, but I have no clue why one MMO is better than the other. I have played a bit of XIV. They gave I think the first game before Heavensward for free for new players to try IIRC. Played a few couple of hours alone. Got bored of it and dropped it. Probably because I missed those cybercafe like feeling that I used to have when I was playing RYL. None of my current friends are into MMOs.

>innocence's theme
>amaurot theme
>hade's theme
How does Soken do it

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Salty wowcucks. LMAO

>What makes an MMO good?
that's entirely subjective and you won't get a solid answer as it varies to person to person which you may agree or disagree with.

It’s the power of chicken tendies

>what makes an MMO good
friends and a sense of progression/game mastery.

You MMO fags have your own generals already get off my board

unlimited resources

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you cant shitpost at the other MMO on /vg/ tho

>bless is shutting down
>dragons dogma online is shutting down
>tera is dying
>wow is dying

gee I wonder why other publishers are scared

WoW is, unfortunately, not dying. Its just swapping to a whale hunting model with WoW tokens

Because Japan doesn't hire based on cronyism or nepotism, and the occasional yazuka political hire still works their ass off towards the project.

>they brought back Guldan as a main villain for 2 expac

Why did these fucktard killed Arthas in the first place?



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The appeal of early MMOs was that they were hardcore multiplayer games. Hardcore in the sense that you would lose part of your progress and gear if you got killed. This was completely different from online games at the time and it was exciting, it was like proper adventuring with risks and big rewards

Then came Everquest and it started streamlining the experience. The appeal shifted more toward social experiences. Not just being in a clan but belonging to your clan. You worked together with your guildies and you shared in the exploits. MMOs were the only truly massively multiplayer games. The name wasn’t a misnomer.

Then classic wow came. It took Everquest’s formula and polished it beyond anyone’s expectations. Classic wow was a bit of a second life. You were your character and you lived in the world. It was very immersive. Then that feeling of immersion got old, and the game became all about endgame. That is, raiding. There were basically two types of raiders, the epeen raiders who wanted the best gear before everyone else got it; and the casual players who loved getting into a 40 man raid with their buddies and downing bosses, even if they lagged behind the current content because they didn’t take the game too seriously. For some people, wow was a glorified chat room. Which makes sense, since the same type of people who would idle in chat without actually playing the game are now in discord. MMOs were always about the social aspect so it makes sense that with all social media options right now, they’ve lost most of their players

wow is dying a slow and painful death. should be obvious when every zone in the game is a phasing cross server and they refuse to announce subs since WoD which also happened to be one of the most panned expansions next to BFA.

I hated FF8 but I just finished Shadowbringers and what the fuck was I wrong all along? Is it actually this fucking fantastic?

>trades you a Faded Copy of Oblivion

I guess. But the decreasing WoWnumbers must've mean something has pushed away players for resubbing. I do recal something about a hashtag not my warchief of something. Is that it?
It's understandable that WoW has gone stale? It lasted too long. IIRC I was still on my highschool years when it was released. Around the time RO is dying. It became the quintessential MMO of that time. I'm curious, does each of WoW’s expansion felt like a good one? I know that XIV adds like 2 jobs IIRC. The last WoW update that was blown up and was widely hyped from what I saw was the Pandaren expansion. And that was years ago.

The xpac isn't even over yet, there's 5.5 patches of kino left.

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I like to think of XIV as a Final Fantasy MMO where your character gets carried over into new adventures every expansion, it's like playing a new final fantasy everytime

>there's 5.5 patches of kino left.

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Speaking as a person who never played WoW, is it me or did the expansions start blending together at some point? I've seen the release cycle for all of them happen as a spectator. I can list the first half off the top of my head.
>The Burning Crusade
>Wrath Of The Litch King
>Mists of Pandaria
and those all have defining traits I've picked on over the years. The new expansions... don't?

I don't know what any of the new expansions are about and don't even remember what order they come in.

>kinobringers wasn't a meme
holy shit

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This isn't a general, dummy.

I wasn't expecting Living Shadow to do so much damage, I just thought it would be a little dot, but each hit is just a couple of thousand less than a combo Souleater.
Absolutely bananas.

You can't pick on legendaries,mythic+ and being a expansion about the burning legion from legion?

>Hating rabbitgirls
>Being straight

Pick one.

They can be described as thus
>WoW's first expansion
>Oh shit it's Arthus
>They blew up the world
>Dumb fucking pandas (everyone sane leaves here)
>WC2! World of Orc craft!
>Oh shit it's Illidan
>Battle for Abilities

>Having to choose between nu-wow and Tranny Fantasy niggerbringers
Fuck, that noise. Private servers it is, then.

Samurai is aight. Only 30 levels to go up instead of 80

>those WoWfugees that left for 8.2 are back in novice network today bitching about 8.2
They really need to go back.

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You must have thin skin if some of a community stops you from playing a fame

So did you fully absorb Ardbert, or is he still gonna be with you in upcoming story?


Anybody figure out gathering alarms yet? I can set them but I don't know how to view what I have set or anything.

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>that quest where they expect you to fertilize a fish egg even though you're a cat girl

He dead dead, but I wouldn't be surprised if he showed up as a force ghost to keep us going against Zenos like Haurcheft and Ysale did

When his axe disappears and the ending where he's walking towards his friends means that his soul is now joined with yours. He's gone bro.

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I'm considering one of the expansion classes for sure. SAM appeals to me aesthetically but RDM and MCH look flashier. GNB would also be an option if I wasn't terrified of tanking.

WoW decreasing is a combination of a lot of factors culminating into one instead of just one thing happening only.

>Bad PR with consumers "You think you do but you don't" "Don't you guys have phones"
>Game has become more expensive to play (sub price raised in Canada, newer expansions are now $50 instead of $40, cash shop sells in-game currency which hyperinflated the economy in combination with WoDs broken garrison system)
>Content takes too long to come out (patch 8.1 to 8.2 in WoW took about 7 months, in comparison it takes 3-4 months for FFXIV to receive a new major update)
>Class balance is fucking whack where you got certain specs doing vastly lower or vastly overtuned numbers than others or are severely gimped without a RNG loot drop that affects their spec
etc etc etc, there's a lot more to it but basically a lot of shit hit the fan and now its catching up to the game.

I wonder if he's a gravy man or a bbq sauce man

Wait didn't shadowbringers only just come out, how could New players be at the expansion content already

why would you not complain about community in an MMO?
I have no idea what you mean. I guess end of WoD and start of legion can kinda blend together as its the resurrection of Guldan's plans but the systems are pretty clearly separate

That's not the reason I don't play FF. I'm just not a fan of Asian MMO's.

>>Content takes too long to come out (patch 8.1 to 8.2 in WoW took about 7 months, in comparison it takes 3-4 months for FFXIV to receive a new major update)
not to mention content patches in WoW don't give you jack shit.
>a new small zone
>maybe 1 new dungeon but you have to be super lucky to get that
compared to XIV where they shit out 2 dungeons and a 24 man/8man raid every patch + additional shit for casuals.

Tanking isn't bad if you just cycle through your defensive skills. Especially now that agro is no fucking thing with tank stance. As long as you don't literally stop attacking, you can't lose agro.

If you ever do go tank, I'd recommend drk since it has the best class quest series hands down

The entire playerbase has been playing since the 28th because of early access. Game launched on the 2nd of July but everyone's been playing since the 28th of June.

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>You were your character and you lived in the world. It was very immersive.
Ah, I see. No wonder the game blew up back then. I've only played RYL which is not that big of an MMO, but that game felt more like an action adventure game with social aspects. And what made new WoW so “bad” that made people wanted the classic server back?
>Then that feeling of immersion got old, and the game became all about endgame. That is, raiding.
Ah, this seems to be a problem that almost all MMOs I've seen have. Usually that or PVP. How was WoW’s expansion spaced out? Was it that long that made people loose interest in staying? I'm asking out of curiousity. Something about the drama of WoW kinda interest me. It's like hearing about that hot girl back in highschool but nowadays you start to hear that she's gotten worse.

>that level 80 class quest
>why don't we wait here, you and I, in the snow, in the cold, in the dark, alone.

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Every single patch in BFA has had a full raid tier though. Why do you feel the need to lie when WoW is shit enough without making things up

Skip potions

Only returning to a hardcore format in new mmo's would save the genre from a slow death but the mmo crowd nowadays is too casual for that to be lucrative which is a shame.

pray tell, is this the kinobringer thread my fellow heroes?

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>Supposed to be DRK Expansion, a WAR saves the day

Why would anyone play FF XIV? It has no PvP and PvE is way easier than in WoW.
Inb4 story. Fuck off with that, MMOs shouldn't have these grand stories in the first place.

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WoW went woke and going broke by including fatties, attempt to get players back by going "classic"
FF14 went japanese and finally included sexy bunnygirls and gets more subscribers by pandering to baser instincts of humans that just want to see sexy females

If you ask me, the problem with wow is that you can’t expect people to play the same game for almost 20 years without getting bored and burned out. No matter how innovative your expansions are (which they aren’t).
Also you’ve got this thing where the lead developers used to be players themselves. Now it’s a lawyer. And you just have to look at people’s reactions to see how detached blizzard is from their players.

Oh and they’re getting unbelievably lazy. The rate at which the game gets new content is much slower than the rate at which classic got new content, and yet blizzard is a much richer company now. The content is also lackluster if not downright insulting.

>How was WoW's expansion spaced out.
Not sure what you mean by this, if you mean release time its like 2-3 years each expansion.

The only fun pvp in an mmo that I can stomach is in ESO but it's still lame that there's no fear of loosing anything if you die.

not him but that's true. but on the flipside, their raid tiers are more quantity than quality. I mean some bosses tankbusters look like generic auto attacks, only way you can tell it is a tankbuter is from an addon telling you or looking out for a yell quote from the boss. They put in the bare minimum when it comes to visually designing boss fights but go all out when it comes to mechanics because they are tuned with the assumption that everyone uses third party tools.

We can never go back unfortunately

People that played mmos in those days have job/families and nowhere near the free time needed, meanwhile zoomers don't have the attention span required due to the way online gaming has evolved

They really need to come out with a successor to wow and leave vanilla as an alternative to people that still crave it

WoW classic is unironically better for boomers than nuwow

Does ffxiv have a monthly fee? I might check it out if it doesn't.

Never touched WoW endgame raiding. How does it compare with Savage/Ex primals/Ultimates?

FF14 player base is climbing. WoW player base is shrinking.

They're now at around the same population (1.5m players each).

It does but comes with a free month

Unfortunately for you it has a subscription free thought there's a free trial up to level 35

>They really need to come out with a successor to wow
never gonna happen. all the good talent at blizzard left the company or are in management positions of other projects (diablo, overwatch, hearthstone). if blizzard tried to make a new mmo, it would be designed entirely by interns and people that joined the WoW team late like post cataclysm.

>PvE is way easier than in WoW
cleared mythics in wow and ultimates in ffxiv, it really isn't

it mainly depends on if you consider "more people, therefore more chances to fuck up" real difficulty or not, if you scaled all of wow's mythic fights to 8 people they wouldn't be completely braindead by FFXIV's fight design standards, but they would absolutely be on the easier side.

unlimited time free trial up to level 35 (can level up to 35 on all classes on a single character)

if you want to go past that then you have to pay $13 a month. at least the base game gives you a free 30 days upon redeeming it.

OH, I'm passing it then. I'm not going back to another monthly fee game.

Why is reacting to verbal queues bad but visual queues okay?
Anyway, you were wrong in the last thread and youre wrong in this one. The final bosses in the raids I actually did on mythic in Legion both had tank busters that were fully indicated by in game mechanics and had effects for them. Guldan had Fel Scythe, which had a known trigger of being cast when the boss reached max enemy or a player stepped on the current tank and had an associated animation. Kiljaeden had Fel Claws which had a buff on the boss denoting the duration, he would cast it at regular intervals and it modified his animation to add a green effect to each attack.
Mechanics>Visual for boss fights anyway. XIV eyecancer is genuinely nowhere close to some of the good boss fights WoW has had.
Has nothing to do with lack of talent, although california is an absolute cancer so I'm sure they have very little. The players left are mostly super attached to their characters and collections and would never jump ship for gameplay if it meant losing their 400 mounts.

Someone who played 8.2 and Shadowbringers
>8.2 is based around a zone with lost and fabled technology and a zone based around an underwater kingdom
>XIV does both of these way better
Kind of laughed when I arrived at the Tempest because the context of being there makes so much more sense than Nazjatar.
There are things I like about WoW over XIV, but XIV definitely does story and presentation a thousand times better.

>People that played mmos in those days have job/families and nowhere near the free time needed
As a boomer with a full time job I can easily make time if the mmo was worth it. I'm sure many others would to but yeah I know it's not going to happen.

Never played WoW so I can't comment on it but I played ffxiv through all expansions except for Shadowbringers and found the story generic and cheesy. It definitely has a good presentation though.

Blizzard as a company can only copy popular games and polish them. Literally the only good thing that blizzard can do is polishing a concept. There’s no massively popular MMO right now so you can forget about a wow 2. Again the only reason why wow was ever a thing is because Everquest proved that MMOs were popular.
>the lost Vikings
Literally the most popular type of game at the time, a platformer
>Warcraft I
Riding on Dune’s and other RTS games’ success.
>starcraft, warcraft II
The genre was reaching its peak.
>warcraft III and Starcraft II
Released then those games were super popular
After Everquest did the heavy lifting
When MOBAs were at their peak. Except they miscalculated their timing and didn’t realize MOBA players usually play one game only.
Took most of the ideas in TF2. An attempt at doing something a little original but the game ended up sucking

The only original game that blizzard has ever done was Diablo. And guess what, it wasn’t even blizzard making that game. It was blizzard north which was a small studio that they bought.

it's either that or a B2P model like GW2 where the game development suffers immensely when the money dries up or a F2P model where they jew on everything to get people to buy a premium sub or cash shop items.

The story in shadowbringers is a tremendous step up in quality. Most of the people you see talking about how good the story is are talking about shadowbringers.

Please don't forget me, old friend...

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WoW has a cheesy story but none of the persistence of characters or presentation as XIV so it feels disjointed and terrible.

When is an actually decent MMO going to become the biggest one?

what is a decent MMO in your eyes

Of course it has, like every MMORPG that's worth playing these days. Subs keep the BRs away.

Not WoW or its clones.

I hope so I'll probably eventually resub to play through shadowbringers but I was told this same thing about heavensward and found it to be underwhelming.

Never. (relative) normalfags don't prioritize gameplay

I wish people would realize that if your game is B2P/F2P your development focus is on cash shop items more than anything else, the game itself suffers to support that financial model.

too bad you have an army of paid shills bringing them into shadowniggers

Normies don't want to play a good game, they want to play a slot machine.

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Because its kicking their asses

>tank-in-need returned to leveling roulettes

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verbal/mechanic queues are incredibly easy to miss in WoW, which is the whole point of why DBM exists in the first place. even when WoW tries to visually display mechanics through combat, it often does a bad job at it which why there are addons and discord bots that yell out mechanics in chat or a robot calls it out in voice chat.

FF14 is the biggest sub based MMO now.

osrs will never become big because jagex his hellbent on trying to monotize it and people can't get over how bad the graphics are.

WoW raiding content is essentially now done in seasons. Every 3 months or so a new raid comes out that makes all previous gear/content obsolete.

Raid loot drops have adopted a mobile-style approach where normal items are easily got but the "warforged" and "titanforged" versions are the ones you have to grind/draw for.

Runescape was best as a chill minigame chatroom back in the early 00's during its peak popularity. Only turbo autists that are probably dead inside still play.

what's the significance of the pic on the left?

so ultima online but in HD?

This is a chicken and egg scenario.
DBM was invented to simplify raiding and thus Blizzard made raids more complex because people complained they were too straightforward due to things like DBM.
Now DBM etc feel even more required because the mechanics soup occurring without proper context.

Someone that works on WoW went to FFXIV FanFest

Blizzard employees were at FF14 Fan Festival

Doesn't Legends of Aria sort of fill that niche? Albeit with it's own flaws.

Did they update the previous expansions or do I have to still play a real reborn on a new character unless I pay to skip?

So? I work for the government, doesn't mean I like the government.

Never because pandering to the lowest common denominator (retards) is what it takes to be the most popular thing

I think loot design is one of the worse things in wow nowadays besides class design, it's literally killing the game. They drip feed you with items for months (with rng to make things worse) and make them useless in 3 months.


They are never going to just remove chunks of the MSQ as they are pertinent to the continued story. Even trimming some of the quests around the 2.1-2.4 area means there is still hundreds of quests to do before being in current content.

so what?

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Ff14 is pretty narrative focused, so ARR will never be removed because its the beginning of the story that sets up nearly everything to come.

So no, you can't skip ARR without buying a jump potion

>Healer: Pull everything!
>*Proceeds to not cast a single dps spell for the entire dungeon.*
>Run goes as slowly as if you had respected the content because there's 5k dps missing from every pull and boss in the dungeon.
People truly are brainless.

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He will be remembered forever and every past, present and future villain will be judged against his performance.

Are HW trials soloable now when you're 80?

But both of the tankbusters I mentioned have multiple indicators?
The only reason to have DBM right now is because target markers on players usually suck or aren't color coded, which XIV admittedly does better. The timers are absolutely not necessary if you use the ingame notifications instead, people just are more accustomed to watching the timer than a boss energy bar, its not functionally different.



WoW community manager was at FFXIV's equivalent of Blizzcon and was shilling the game there and giving out free gametime

Its crazy how good he was. I was expecting a dumb comedic villain from his first appearance

it seems like just the opposite
>no xiv threads yesterday
>today there have been at least 3
>every one of them have an OP similar to this
not even about how great the game is, or any mechanics, story elements, nothing. Its just about Blizzard

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SCH would based if we had Energy Drain back and maybe drop AoW to 600 MP.

>>no xiv threads yesterday
That just simply isn't true

>no xiv threads yesterday

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I feel that Energy Drain wouldn't be necessary if you lowered the mp cost of broil and AoW. I like the 'healer resources are for healing' they have going

Because this shithole of a board
>doesn't want to discuss video games
>requires controversy or contrarian opinions to get a thread going

You're not allowed to post that without sauce.

never because the genre is flawed

There are so many FFXIV threads that mods are getting buttblasted and moving them to /vg/, while keeping all the nintentotrash on Yea Forums of course.

If you only had a reason to use these healing resources..

I feel like there's still plenty of time when I am not healing and I'd like some offensive options back.

That or we had back the trait that made Aetherflow 45s.

you could solo bismarck at level 70 with echo as a warrior. not sure if you could do the others bosses at 80. for example in sephirot his green/orange tower mechanic is a one shot if you fail it unless you have hallowed ground so unless you're paladin or have so much dps that you can kill him before that then it doesn't seem feasible.

>hating on the game Yoshida is a fanboy of

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>where they jew on everything to get people to buy a premium sub or cash shop items.
reminds me of an other game I know
one that sells even the most base of cosmetic changes in addition to a subscription...

XIV and WoW cash shops don't even come close to something like BDO/GW2/ESO.
It's disingenuous to even compare them.

Here you go user.

cosmetics are meaningless. I'm talking about real jew tactics like F2P players earn less exp, less money, lower drop rates, have trading limits, etc. all to encourage people to buy from cash shop (buy in-game currency now, buy exp boosters now, buy loot directly from cash shop) or get a premium sub to bypass the grindier restrictions F2P players have.

man i really hate the scions, every one of them has a stick up their ass

BDO I get, since it's like Korean or something, but what about the other two

Battle royale game first

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At the very least FFXIV doesn't put their cash shop in the character select screen or it's not the first thing you see pop up on your HUD upon loading into the game. Games that do that feel predatory and only straight up smartphone tier games do it.

Maybe Samurai? It shares gear with Monk. Big dick DPS as well.

If you want to change it up, try Red Mage, they're simple, but stylish.

If you're a tank chad, the new Gunbreaker is really cool and fast, and the changes to Dark Knight made it better and less clunky.

If you like to heal I'm sorry.

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ESO is fine since it hands out a lot of cash shop items as free gifts and most stuff is just cosmetic or makes certain things slightly more convenient but not p2w. The only problem I have with it is locking the crafting bag behind a subscription.

GW2 and ESO both contain cosmetic lootboxes, both have severe disparities in the amount of paid cosmetics to earnable cosmetics, both offer tons of boosters and time saving convenience items (level skips are one thing but paying for 1-2 hour XP boosters are another).
Those games are built around their stores at this point whereas with WoW/XIV if you removed the store it would have little to no impact.
For fucks sake you can't even cut your hair in ESO/GW2 without paying for an appearance change token.

i can verify the sub numbers from an ex-employee who has been threatened with legal action for speaking on the sub numbers

I hated the majority of them pre Shadowbringers but 5.0 redeemed Thancred for me at least. Urianger was always based with how he out-Keikaku'd the ascian cuck. Y'shtola is terrible and only popular because she does things to people's dicks and gineys.

XIVs cashshop is *far* more prolific than WoW's regardless of how they show it off. This is extreme grasping at straws

ESO is not fine and the daily rewards don't excuse anything.

type /alarm

the button is under action and traits -> extra -> alarm

Is it though?

What's the problem then aside from the crafting bag?

will Varis be a boss at some point this expansion?

I'd take cosmetics over selling literal in-game currency like WoW does which only inflates the economy and makes professions worthless for making money.

Considering he's fucking dead I doubt it

I hated heavesward. I think the story was dumb in a lot of ways and the people who say it's good are brainlets who got suckered in by the tiny amount of good content and forgot about the heaps and heaps of shit it brought.

I REALLY liked shadowbringers. REALLY liked it. It's my favorite FF story period now, i think.

Nahh, as he got killed by Zenos for daring to even think of using Black Rose to spoil his "hunt" with


>grrr trannies! trannies! trannies! reeee why do people like this game they're all trannies!

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What wrong with heal faggot ?

when did that happen? what becomes of the garlean empire now?

>Log into WoW
yikes from me dawg

Finish msq user

>when did that happen
Finish the story

Muahahahah! My plans are unstoppable!


Muahahaha! My plans are unstoppable! I am a genius!

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What's the faceroll class at the moment? I want to put in the least amount of effort.

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>Houses are over a hundred dollars
>Assistant NPCs are 50 bucks a pop
>Motifs in-game are being delayed so they can be added to the store as part of monthly rotations or just farm for ages
>Content being removed from the game and put in the store instead
>Limited time availability on digital items
>ESO+ feeling more and more required as there have been no bank slot increases and housing storage has a defined limit.
>Even basic cosmetic changes are locked behind purchases
>Want a non horse mount? Either pay up, get lucky in random daily login rewards, farm an obnoxious amount of events or do the trial and all its achievements just to have a mount that looks exactly like a store mount.
The game is very clearly focused on promoting its store over an actual in-game way to customize your character.

Elidibus is going to wait till Zenos fucks off then possess Varis

>hmmm, how shall I deal with the WoL?
>I know, I'll try doing the same thing that failed before!
>I am a genius!

By faceroll you mean the easiest class to play or the class that you can do the minimum amount of effort and still parse higher than 70% of the playerbase?

Former is DNC, later is BLM.

Because Japan owns SJWs and Blizzard's tumors have been steadily growing.

Red Mage

>he doesn't boost M+ or heroic raids for gold
It's really depressing as it sounds.

RDM, apparently

You can tell how shit WoW is when the first thing you see upon loading into the world is a cash shop ad rather than ad saying "look what's changed with the new patch!"

I can't possibly be the only one who's tired of the "YEA, WELL OUR DRAGONS ARE BIGGER! AND OUR AXES AND SWORDS HAVE TEN TIMES THE SPIKES AND LAVA!" shit in MMORPGs.

The original Eastern Plaguelands in WoW was a thousands times more foreboding and intimidating than anything they've made in the last decade. And probably everything in this FF game. The huge, expansive, epic gimmick just cheapens everything and makes it feel unsatisfying because it constantly one-ups itself to the point of parody.

Those games and that Blizzard don't exist anymore.
>inb4 trying to pass off Blizzard's current SJW and corporate slime infested products as Blizzard's heyday games made by passionate gamers

Easiest job of each role right now:

BRD or DNC depending on your playstyle
BLM in easy content, RDM otherwise


Dunno about BLM. With poor fight awareness, your dps plummets as you spend too much time running around

That scene where you arrive in the tempest and it cuts to Emet with the music really got me good.
I'm not even sure why.

Most of your complaints are about cosmetics and you can buy most houses with in game money even though it's a completely optional aspect of the game that serves little purpose. Assistants are a convenience yeah but mostly the banker even though it's still easy to reach one. The biggest offender is still the craft bag and I'll never not be mad about it though.

I'm getting sick of the Ascians...

I know people that do M+ carries. They don't have fun doing it, they're just doing it because it's the most lucrative way to make gold and get gametime without paying real money.

I used to play it back in the day. I had several friends that raided until recently. They said they were all just tired of the game. One of them said he's wasted so much time on WoW he regrets it more than anything. So yeah, I'm glad I got out early

should i resub?
i stopped playing just at the end of all the post arr to heavensward quest slog.

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>I can't possibly be the only one who's tired of the "YEA, WELL OUR DRAGONS ARE BIGGER! AND OUR AXES AND SWORDS HAVE TEN TIMES THE SPIKES AND LAVA!" shit in MMORPGs.
>The original Eastern Plaguelands in WoW was a thousands times more foreboding and intimidating than anything

This guy gets it.

Also anyone that still confuses current Diablo with good needs to play pic related. I mean really play it with all expansions. Highly underrated gem with zero marketing hype.

Then weep at how a 6 man team brought what D3 should have been to glorious actuality and absolutely mopped the floor with le current year Blizzard.

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The biggest cause of inflation were the garrison missions from WoD and Legion, now that those are gone the economy's totally stalled out

Tis good to see you awake...

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BLM memes are my favorite memes.

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>Cant maintain full uptime on damage buff as dragoon without wasting tons of damage elsewhere

Wow's been dying for ten years.
Just because it's not dead doesn't mean it's not dying. It's steadily been losing players since WOTLK and shows no signs of stopping. That's dying.

It's not even the most popular MMO out anymore. XIV has more players. Wouldn't be surprised if GW2 and ESO did, too. Maybe not GW2, but I wouldn't be surprised if ESO did.

Not to mention Warcraft and Starcraft are just more cartoonish and simpler versions of Warhammer and 40K from a world building perspective

>Emet is a legitimately top tier antagonist in every way imaginable and is easily one of the best, not just by FFXIV's standards but by video game standards as a whole

>Now we have to go back to the elder jobber and his scooby doo antics

Why does life have to be like this?

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Despite what anyone says cosmetics do matter because it's what you do when you have all your gear and are just farming content.
Considering ESO has one of if not the worst content update schedules of all time there's just nothing worth doing. You might wait an entire year just for 1 raid that doesn't even have sets worth farming.
Cosmetics extend content and "dress up" is quite important to keeping people around and running shit even if it's just for a new chair to put into their house.

I honestly half expected for him to pivot when Zenos showed up properly and kill and take over Varis right there.
Well there's only one left now. Well one "proper" Ascian. Wonder if we'll see more of the lesser ones.

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By the time WoW introduced the garrison inflation is around the same time they introduced getting gold for real money through the cash shop or spending gold for gametime. the inflation+token fucked up everything.

Is this still accurate?

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>If you didn't play CT, you don't get to make G'raha cry

Poor bastards, they should have made CT mandatory like the ARR hard trials.

Your first paragraph is completely true. I stopped reading there because you are already based

>Have to waste Aetherflows on overheals since you can't dump them on damage/MP regen anymore
This is the one flaw that upset the fuck outta me on SCH right now, I really hope they give us back Energy drain.

Is this a good time to join FFXIV? Am I too late?

all these facts you're pulling from your ass are really impressive
tell me more

How expensive are ShB mats right now? I wanna lvl my goldsmith so I can be ready for the Ishgard rebuilding, but I don't have any gatherers at 70.

Fucking saved.

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way too late

Why do people believe that "leak"

You have WoW devs playing FFXIV & posting it on their twitter

Now's as good as any time. The best time to start would have been a few months ago probably, but now is fine too.
Shadowbringers' endgame will be released over the next two years, so you got plenty of time to get current before the rest of the story and the final tiers of both raids drop.

Yes ESO's content update schedule is an entirely other discussion and it has always had a shit end game which is why I don't play anymore but other mmo's suffer from this as well including ffxiv where there's not much to do after the MSQ. It's also super easy to farm gold and buy crown store items from people.

pretty damn expensive. i've made more money selling the excess of my gathering expeditions than i have the crafted goods I made to recoup the costs of buying shit to get my crafters to 71 so i could ditch my level 60 ironworks crafting armor

funny thing is a lot of stormblood mats are valuable now. Kudzu Vines for example

>You have WoW devs playing FFXIV & posting it on their twitter

Do you want to play the game to play it? Then no, not at all.

Do you want to be part of the first wave for the new expansion's endgame content? Yeah you're probably too late for that.

especially since the 1 million for xiv is a player consensus

>i said kino again! im so cool & not a virgin

Seems like fast endgame crafting is a "need money to make money" scenario. All the people zooming through crafting seem to already have millions of gil.
I doubt 3 mil will get me very far in comparison.

heavensward is good

The SHB areas are the best.

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Why do we still have WoW threads?

HW is good, SB is okay, ShB is great.

All in all, yes.

Even if you don't like the story (and it's understandable if you don't, anything before the first expansion is dogshit, even for weebshit) there's plenty to like in the game.
It's very visually polished.
It's got a very strong fashion/housing game.
Crafting classes have their own stories, quests and skills.
The music is amazing.
Ton of minigames and side content like Triple Triad, Chocobo Racing, Golden Saucer, Mahjong, hunts, PoTD, HoH, Sightseeing Log and a ton of other stuff I don't even remember.
Possibly the best fashion variety and quality in any MMO.
Some very good PVE content. If you're complaining about it, you haven't gotten very far in the game or attempted some of the higher difficulties. Even without the quality, the presentation and music immediately puts it above any other MMO.

Really, the only reason it isn't played more is because of how SLOW to get to the good parts.There is so much filler and garbage before you get to the expansions and it all feels absolutely pointless.

>Developers so lazy they include gifting but don't actually include any internal systems to support Gold Crowns and just let people do it on good faith and hope they don't get scammed.
>The biggest crown trading discord is shutting down
I'm just saying ESO is not a good MMO and their financial model doesn't make the game "better" it only detracts from it. When the game was still P2P it had arguably one of the biggest updates its ever had with Craglorn and almost every update since (every non-chapter update for sure) has included less content. You'd think with all this extra money coming in from lootboxes and the cash shop they would be ramping up content updates but it's the exact opposite.

there's still mid level stuff you can make to make a decent profit. think in 5 digits, not 6. 6 digits draw too much attention and the megacrafters will already have thoes markets locked up

BFA is so bad it even got my mom to stop playing. She’s been subbed and playing daily since TBC but now she’s playing TORtanic

Because it's on PS4, console gamers can't play WoW

I heard you're the Warrior of Darkness in XIV is that really a thing?

OSRS isn't an MMO.
And whatever it is, it isn't good.

I just want to play chill and play a good story
How's the grind? Can I have good hear playing few hours a week?

ok thanks based hivemind i was afraid for a second i would have to decide something for myself

Yes but it doesn't mean what you think it means.

it used to be much easier to make gil back then. airships back in heavensward brought back a ton of crafting/gathering materia which at the time sold for over 1 million per materia. if you were the few people that did the original diadem in 3.1 then you earned the highest tier combat materia like crazy as well which sold for a high price as well. but now those materia are worthless and so are airships.

Kinda like Square copied WoW huh

of course he is a bbq sauce man user, what kind of question is that?
you think he would compose such amazing music eating tendies with gravy?... i dont think so

>wants to make an MMORPG from scratch without any limitations or restrictions

How is Yoshi such a chad compared to all these balding permavirgin gamedevs?

Yeah but it's nowhere near as edgy as you might imagine. The enemies in the latest expansion pack are a SMT Order tier depiction of light that kills everyone, so you're going around killing the big bad light monsters to restore balance and night.

I feel like I might be overreacting since I just finished the story, but is Shadowbringers just straight up the best Final Fantasy game out of the lot?

Fair enough I never had a problem trading for crowns when I played but I agree with you it's a bad mmo or else I'd probably still play. It's a shame because elder scrolls is a great setting for an mmo.

I have no friends yet I'm enjoying FFXIV

Interesting...are we by chance in Garlemald? or is that coming later? haven't finished all of SB, just the main story but will probably buy ShB and resub eventually

whats that got to do with anything?

the leak is complete bs & shows how dumb Yea Forums is to believe it

If you just want to play chill and have a good story you can do things at your own pace, yeah.

There's a lot of grindy content, but all of it is either completely optional at this point or only really matters once you're at level cap and want to gear up for savage raids.

Square copies Blizzard, Blizzard copies Square.

There's a cutscene where Gaius and Estinien are walking in the streets of the capital so they've done some work on the environment but you don't get to go there yet.

Mmo gameplay has always been trash, and now that MMOs are coming out with actual good combat along with all the stuff that made MMOs desirable, the classic form is dying a slow death.

Nope. Right as it looks like things with Garlemald are coming to a head, we get asked to come save another world called the First. If we're going by Yoshi P's roadmap, Garlemald is the next expansion pack.

Why isn't WoW on consoles already anyways? You have less buttons/APM to press than in FFXIV, the game is less graphically demanding which is perfect for PS4's APU hardware, and there are already addons out there that basically make WoW play like a ARPG with a controller.

>WoW is dying
People have being saying this line since TBC came out. I remember the threads on the forums about how "TBC is the worse thing ever and will kill the game".
It is true now with new expantions but forgive me if i have not seen the line
>WOW is dying/dead
So fucking much it has become background noise. GET ANOTHER WAY OF SAYING IT YOU UTTER FAGGOTS!!!!!

Am I the only one who completely dosen't give a shit about the garleans now that Zenos is on the throne? I was already mostly checked out on them, but Varis was basically thier last hope for having any interesting dimensions, now they're just gonna be the edgy warmongering evil empire again, and it will probably never improve

MMOs are shit and XIV is no exception.

The only good MMO was pic related

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WoW's subscriber count is steadily decreasing with no signs of recovery.

I'm pretty sure the whole idea is that Zenos killed Varis and fucked off rather than taking power for himself, meaning there's probably going to be a power vacuum that some antag is going to fill during the patch quests.

They've never not been that

>Why yes, I always do give my commendation to my dance partner. How did you know?

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>now that MMOs are coming out with actual good combat
like what?

>too focused on forcing "le jaded meme" to just have some fun
>"if you enjoy thing company does, you are mindless drooooone"
Blizzard is garbage, but the fake-ass "bantz" on social media are fun anyway.

>FFXIV Bahamut's Cinematic
Unironically the best cinematic in the world. That shit was cool as fuck, especially because they had to shut down the servers right after the Bahamut's doing.

>Less than 1m active players across all servers
>For the past 10 years, the community reception to every patch and expansion has been almost entirely negative
>Players consistently leaving throughout

But hey, servers are still up, it's totally doing great guys haha. You know what still has servers up? Everquest.

>Why yes, I do only dance with HrothChads, how could you tell?

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They gave up reporting sub count and decide to focus on revenue from blizz shop and services instead. Milk the ones that are staying.


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DNC looks like shit. They don't even dance.

How is that related?

When people say "WoW is dying" they are speaking from the consumers perspective. Revenue and profit are completely separate from population and activity. If it has one single whale playing the game it can be profitable, but dead. Good for investors I suppose but why should we care?

Because YoshiP is going for the kill.

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WoW is for faggots

>haha i wish i could play wow, but mommy only brought me a ps4, im so cool haha

there is...quite a grind ahead of you. The one thing I really hate about XIV is it sets up roadblocks
>whoa there this quest is level 10 you're level 6 go gain 4 levels then come back
so you have to queue for something like a Guildhest or a Dungeon or try and solo a FATE but unless you're a tank or healer queueing is miserable and FATEs were not meant to be soloed

also to finish the main story you have to complete the dungeons and trials which can take quite a while to do. Hopefully now that you can replay the story more people will be queuing up for everything

Because whales don't play dead games alone, retard.
WoW is in dire straits and even Blizzard realises it, why are you trying to be a contrarian so hard?

Who in their right mind would want to play modern WoW?

It's always the same with shills. They always resort to "B-But it makes them moniez!". ESO community is filled with those.


i only have havensward expansion would i need to get both stormblood and shadowbringers once i finish it or only the latest expansion?

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XIV is more expensive than WoW, user...
Just leave the thread, this is embarrassing.

Just Shad

Shadowbringers is the best written FF in over a decade at least.

Only the latest, silly you.

Overall, currently the healers just aren't very fun to play. They do their job well for the most part, but they are just very boring. Scholar especially.

Shadowbringers will give you access to Stormblood.

I'm not being contrarian, I'm explaining to some retard what people mean by "dying". For his sake I hope he's a troll.
Read the chain.

Why should a consumer ever care about the game's revenue?

I give them all to healers now

God bless you for playing those boring gimped classes so the rest of us can actually have fun in dungeons

Why would you buy XIV and pay a subscription when it's less fun and interesting than 99% of games

Who is the singer who does Tomorrow and Tomorrow? It isn't Susan is it? It sounds like the singer who did the opening of Heavensward

>wow is in dire straits
>makes more money than ffxiv

Best written bar maybe Tactics.

Thanks. I'm only healing because I was told the healer role storyline was really good.

At what point does the combat in this game stop being dogshit, anons?

>Why should a consumer ever care about the game's revenue?
A consumer should never care about the revenue.

anyone on levi want to sell me their house

>Why should a consumer ever care about the game's revenue?

says the console fanboy who always brags about ps4's sales


>immediately deflects to talking about profit AGAIN

stats on the ronkan striking set fucking suck

People say this often, and while it's true, they love to understate how impressive it is that Blizzard managed to improve better more popular games, and that they did it consistently for about a decade.

fun and interesting is 100% subjective.

You don't even know me.

is Gunblade really a tank? I don't want to tank but I want to try the job

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Call me when they get enough money to make BLU a real class.

Can't blue mages shoot beams from their eyes? also the state of Blizzard.

what article is this can't find it


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Nah not with MMOs

>Loathsome and you want to see him dead for the things he does.
>But you can also understand his motives, understand why he does what he does, and you could easily see yourself allying with and helping him achieve his goals if only his methods and execution weren't so totally opposed to yours and a threat to that which you want to protect.

He was such a good, complex villain. I can't even remember that last time an FF had a villain like him.

Why do you, as the consumer, care about the profit Blizzard makes?

to you which is subjective

Tanking is easy bro just put your stance on and start attacking shit and turn them away from your party.

I'm not a consumer, I'm an employee of the company.
Play our fucking game.

Do you hear that, Blizzard?
It's coming for youuuuuuuuu~

This tanking is pretty braindead but imo those classes have some of the best aesthetics and are easy for me to chill and play high/drunk


Nah, we actually have to heal more often now, and at the very least WHM has some damage to their name. It's not as bad as it seems. But thanks for the commendations anyway.

>I'm an employee of the company.
Why do you, as an employee, care about the profit Blizzard makes?

>tfw classic wow will have more subs than ffxiv

oh no no no

>can't get in due to servers being full
i don't know if i should be mad or glad

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God dammit. 20 more fucking levels? Fuck this.

they steal boss attacks so if whatever wow boss does his super ultimate move blu can just copy it

So Yea Forums, would you want Natsuko Ishikawa to write the story for a mainline SP FF game after Shadowbringers?

It takes competition to make good products. This is why the most seminal platformers were made when every company was attempting to dethrone Mario.

Same goes for MMO's. While MMORPGs are still popular, there isn't a big cultural drive to make a sensational one like there was with wow in the mid 2000s. I mean this was a game that was all over popular culture during that time. That's a big reward which drives people to try and compete.

In general, modern gaming markets are just too big and diverse to create sensational games. There isn't as much neck-and-neck competition when you can still turn good profit from smaller, niche audiences.

>61 queue with a new expac

i remember when WOD had like 10,000

>so ARR will never be removed because its the beginning of the story that sets up nearly everything to come.

Would sure be nice if they at least condensed some of it and just turned some of those fetch quests into cutscenes. Maybe auto-plop the player back to the waking sands all those time Minfilia calls them to make it less tedious.

If the level cap keeps going up they may also have to bump up the armory bonus for other jobs after the first so it doesn't take people forever to level things in a game where it's encouraged to level as many of the things as possible.

Everquest being anything but hardcore is laughable. The zoomer is strong in this one.

>Why do you, as an employee, care about the profit Blizzard makes?

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But I'm expected to lead the party. I'm extremely insecure and I have a small peen.

I get passed the queue and then get kicked from the lobby server. Is it an issue with my internet because I thought they fixed this shit last night?

>Being this delusional

This ain't WoW. Players that use skip potions are retards.

>and I have a small peen.
I feel ya bro. I too have a smaller penis. I once got drunk with a buddy of mine and we both ended up fucking my girl. He was huge. My girl was practically cumming every 30 seconds. I'd never seen anything like it.

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I've had this happen to me recently, and a bunch of other shit like 90002 and 2002 errors for no fucking reason and when I don't get kicked from the game I lag like shit

Did you play everquest's predecessors? Can you be so confident that they weren't even more hardcore than EQ was?

Just let your Nii-san guide the party through you while bullying you for your insecurities and small peen.

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classic wow got up to 200k viewers on twitch user, ff 4.0 gets like 10k with new expansions

I played RYL years ago, around 2003 if I recall. I had a lvl 90 rune-off. I had two leveling buddies to farm with, a Templar and life-off. Miss that game and it's PvP.


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that's because there are streamers with large followings who were playing it.

they really are. it's a good thing the game lets you know they are skip users by giving them a shitter icon and their lodestone page is publicly accessible and you can see how bonedry it is.

You know what's really going to die? Your fat mother and your retarded father before you're next if you keep shilling Tranny Fantasy XIV
Last warning

Why don't we all have to play 1.0 then?

not him but your regular classic 200-500 viewer were sitting on 2k+ during that week
blizzard games just has insane hype factor even if they push trash games/patches

Because 1.0 was a completely different game.

And for the most part it isn't necessary since they wrote the story to be accessible to people who didn't play 1.0. And in the process they scuttled their original plans for the game anyway. Bahamut was supposed to be relevant much later in the storyline.

>DPS hitting 4+ extra mobs with their aoe somehow makes things go slower because the healer isn't doing damage
user, you're a fucking retard, please go drown in a puddle.

When are people going to realize that people watch Twitch for the streamers and not the games themselves.

Ninja streamed FFXI and it shot up to the top 3 most watched games of the day. Does that mean that FFXI is popular today? Fuck no.

When 8.1 released like 300k people watched method and limit trying for world first

It doesn't matter if the game is bad, WoW is still a huge player in the genre. Classic first month is going to be crazy.


Back to Plebbit with you, foul creature.

>viewers on twitch
And this means what exactly?

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Did the guy who originally made that LARP repost his own stuff constantly or did the average IQ drop to 60?

just wait for phone FFXI.

>tfw I'm a level 80 sprout

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Any level 80 crafters here? Did you guys really fate farm for the mats that are gated behind the gemstone vendors?

eScape roll sells fro 4mil holy shit

the old one?

difference is yoshi-p almost certainly wasn't hanging around the event purely to offer sub codes for his own game to people playing someone else's game

>mirage dive
>mirage dive
>2 eyes? geirskogul
>spam nastrond on cd
rest is just 123 rear side, 145 side rear and eyes/litany/lancebuff/guaranteed crit
drg easy af

So basicly both games are bwloe guild wars 2 now?

the story would be more accessible if 1.0 was viewable
like when Cid comes back, you have no idea who he fucking is and it's never explained to you directly, everyone just keeps cumming in his presence

>Just bought the game at sale to start over even when I had one char from one year ago.
>Play ARC as always so I can lvl SMN and SCH at the same time.
>The changes on both...the stripped skills, summons aren't summons anymore.

I loved summoner and scholar and I was happy healing on dutys and doing the missions as smn...now I don't know what to do...they look like a husk of what they were a year ago...

I probably won't resub after the free 45 days...fucking squeenix

yeah not the new remix, the new one probably sells for even more

oh and your new edgy nidhogg dive

Where do you even get it?

What server you on?

>If you're a tank chad, the new Gunbreaker is really cool and fast,
i hate that this isnt a dps class

it's being developed by nexon. it's guaranteed to die.


Elidibus is fucked isn't he

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>4 eyes to enter lotd
God dragoon was so fucking garbage in SB. What fucking dragon in the game even ever had 4 fucking eyes? That doesnt even make sense.

I can't imagine what they want to do with elidijobber

He's going to get jobbed hard and replaced by a better threat.

Where would the shadowbringers normal battle theme fit better

It means there is substantial interest in the game or at least the people making content for the game.

XIV has never had a large amount of English-language streamers/youtubers. The only two I think who are over 100k are Larryzaur and Mizzteq, and the later makes guide videos so it's not even like she's particularly entertaining.
Having streamers isn't necessarily a good thing, and a lot of people plan on playing Classic don't think that large streamers such as Asmon or Soda are even good for the game but they do a great job of drumming up a lot of hype and interest.

>Clear party
>SCH joins
>nigga asks for a guide
>think okay whatever he just needs a refresher
>he dies 10 seconds in to god knows what, after the first wipe, he's like "oh i get it now"
>give him the benefit of the doubt
>brings swords fucking wherever
>add phase he doesn't heal me at fucking all and keeps throwing broil
>"oh was there suppose to be a tank buster"
What the fuck is wrong with people? I thought gilgamesh was the raiding server.

BDO tried. Is not working great, but it has carved its niche.

Game is cursed with a horrible publisher though.

That's literally like saying "Pokemon is a good game because people watched the advert for it at the superbowl"

how to unlock gunbreaker? the only class i honestly want to play as a beginner

Gunbreaker tank makes more sense than Dark Knight tank.

I assure you that nobody is scared of a shitty Jap ripoff of WoW

SMN is badass at later levels. Really, it's just SCH that is suffering from the changes.

The reason your small-fry summons don't feel like summons is because later levels have you go through a whole process to summon your giga-nigas to fuck shit up.

Skill pruning has affected all jobs and for some it makes the early game worse, which is unfortunate but without cleaning the jobs up they can't get new skills.

i want dps...

Shame. I've always wanted to play it but paying two MMO subscriptions is above my paygrade.

It's incredible that it's still fucking going, though.

easiest and fastes class to level so i can fucking play as "squall"?

Worst part is, people think the game that literally defined the genre for 15+ years, the total juggernaut that has made billions of dollars, broken record after record, reached 12m+ subscibers and 100m+ players, sold most MMO expansion copies out of any MMO ever
is somehow scared

no Kingdom Hearts crossover no buy

I feel like all the tanks make sense. How does DRK not make sense as a tank? In other Final Fantasy games DRK is all about heavy armor and life absorption. That screams tank.

>legit like the FF series
>can't get into FF 14

The only reason I think they pruned a fuck lot of skills is because they will be putting a lot next expac and it all be all oGCDs.

How the fuck do you get a clear for Ex primals?
Party Finder is filled with fucking terrible people.

You've got 9 to choose from.

can you solo most of the stuff ? i use the mmo aspect of the game to maybe do dungeons other than that i like to explore

I'd once have said this would take him into overdrive. For ages he was the only Ascian who didn't seem like a comic villain.

But his record as of late hasn't been too impressive. But then I wasn't too impressed by Emet when he first showed up, so maybe Elidibus will show more depth and become interesting again.

Fuck off

Just because you enjoy turn-based jrpgs doesn't mean you'll like MMOs.

Dungeons and trials are mandatory to play with others. The leveling dungeons in ShB can be solo'd, but otherwise you do gotta play with others for those things.

Otherwise, it's fully soloable.

but it aint my gunblade weilding one user also its just like 3 melee 2 ranged... dont like em

Maybe I guess. They have a lot of skills already though, so if they add too many more they would have to get rid of some of the current skills, unless they just upgrade them to new skills as you level.

no negativity on the dojo

I didn't draw any conclusions about the quality of the games. The guy pointing out stream numbers was highlighting how XIV always pales in comparison to WoW, even when the former is doing well and the latter is in a bad state, and I'm telling you why.

it's not that... the aesthetic of this one reminds me of any other generic korean mmo sadly

Eh I expect 3-4 skills max. I'm just basing this on MNK because goddamn they removed my fucking oGCDs.

>highlighting how XIV always pales in comparison to WoW
And I was asking why this information is relevant to anything at all besides indicating how popular a certain game is on a certain streaming website.
Why would you ever assume there is a connection between Twitch popularity and overall popularity?

Because it is. MMOs are largely very similar to each other nowadays, with the only differential being how much autistic grinding and/or paying you need to do in order to reach the endgame (which consists of grinding the same encounter(s) over and over again).

Do people really want the hype and audience from Twitch in FFXIV though? That shit is pure zoomer generayion cancer and is the opposite of what FFXIV aims to draw in with its long story and slower paced game design.

well yes but like, the style of each race besides humans just screams generic, not final fantasy enough :( maybe that'll change with the viera

I am a little disappointed you can't play as a Cactuar.

>I bought into the whole "muh 2.5 GCD" meme
when did you realize this was just a blizzdrone meme?

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>wiping to enrage at innocence ex
fucking kill me.

Be level 60 and own Shadowbringers

not memeing user, those horned thingies, those big kinda horned thingies, they look like something from every o ther korean mmo i expected some more FF like characters, give me a ronzo or something i know from the FF universe

>Why would you ever assume there is a connection between Twitch popularity and overall popularity?
There is though.

>on a certain streaming website.
Don't kid yourself, if you live in the western half of the world, Twitch is the only streaming platform that is relevant.

>playing MNK 50 job quests
>someone quotes Spiderman in a fucking serious scene

3 Melee, 3 Ranged, 3 Casters.

If you don't like them and want to play GNB they play GNB. It's not like tanking is hard.

and getting to level 60 as fast as possible ....?

either buy a jump potion or go on a preferred server and do the MSQ.

what icon ?

pfff that's lame
check out 0:55 seconds for REAL mmo combat!

Yeah but SMN already had bahamut before the "small-fry" summon change as you call it. Garuda was long range, titan was tank, ifrit was melee. Now they all feel the same and their powers suck, they deal less than half the damage they dealt before.

Stripping of their power to make them feel weaker on low lvl so you can have the perception of the lvl 70+ powers being OMFGawesome is fucking bullshit and you know it.

and which class would be the fastest to achieve level 60

Games can be popular to watch and popular to play. They can be one or the other or both. There's no way to glean how much just by looking at numbers on Twitch, you can't gain any useful information from Twitch popularity.

Fuck anyone supporting blizzard/Activision.

End thread.

>give me a ronzo
Well, you're in luck, they literally just added Ronso in this expansion

w-what? is it playable already?

and FUCK jannies

Has been for almost a week now

oh fffffuck

They are one of the subraces of the lion guys, The Lost they are called if I'm not wrong, and yeah, with blue fur, horn, all that shit.

Seriously what's fun about FF14?

Isn't it just 60 hours of boring quests so you can do the usual gear treadmill? Aren't all classes of the forced holy trinity the same?

Is it really a meme when you're literally showing a clip of a ninja which is the only job in the game that gets Huton; using Tenchijin and Kassatsu, and using mudras which look like unique skills to anyone who doesn't know how the game works?

are they unlockables? not from the get go?

The races in FFXIV look way better in action than Korean MMO trash. They have proper eye tracking movement on targets, their head moves accordingly with your main targets position x,y,z coords, every class action and emote works on every race because they aren't race locked. Korean MMOs wish they had the amount of polish FFXIV has. All they can do better is a character creator but the actual game part where you play your character falls flat.

how many years does ff xiv have left? Could I start brand new now and still have a reasonable amount of *fun* before everyone leaves?

it's an mmorpg so I'm guessing it's the social aspect and the rpg

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Well I guess I'm glad I'm not the only one but I'm a poorfag so it's really making me wish I didn't spend the money right now.

Why'd you link a classic WoW PvE rotation? Who the fuck argues that Vanilla rotations were complex or engaging?

It really doesnt seem to be slowing down
Sorely needs a graphics update tho

>and using mudras which look like unique skills
But they are though, you need to press them all.

The story is a big part, though you probably wouldn't see the big deal from just ARR. It's not like it's the greatest story ever, but it's pretty solid.

Also just having a FF themed mmo is fun in of itself. FF related mmo raids and such.

The thing is that FFXIV is not only raiding stuff. There's plenty of stuff to do besides mindless grinding.

don't forget VR works and they are debating implementing it. Fucking trash for combat but amazing for social interaction

If you own the expansion you can play them right from the start

I expect it has one to two more expansions left in it story wise. Honestly, I'm not sure how they can extend it past the next one unless either nothing fucking happens or they come up with a new story arc.

I just hope they don't get cocky being on top

>The races in FFXIV look way better in action than Korean MMO trash
this is better? the humans okay the rest?
>generic pedo race
>generic elves
>generic demon whatever anime trsash

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because only the mentally disabled play retail

I know there's a way to get the armor your class is wearing in their art, but is there a way to get the weapon too

You need Shadowbringers to play them, but if you have that you can play them from level 1.
We all hope that. I trust YoshiP though.

yea like...


any source on the below 1m subs?

What do you think?

I'm a little dissapointed we haven't gotten any MSQ housing swag from the First yet. In my small house, I have an office where I keep all the random junk I've gotten from story stuff like Alphinaud's sketches of Yugiri and Gosetsu and the Four Lords poster.

but but you forgot muh lizard people! and bara lions! and bunny girls!

FFXIV endgame is pretty shit desu

You get your current ilvl and thats it. PvP is nonexistend, there is no M+ system and the raids just teleport you from boss to boss. Some of those encounters are hard, but most are like the first or second boss of a typical mythic raid

besides the raids there is nothing to do, and even yoshi said people should unsub after they cleared the raids

The world is designed very well, there is a metric ass ton of content they can slowly put in. Unlike wow where the entire world is known it's more like a feudal society where you hear stories of distance lands and empires that slowly get involved.
>Could I start brand new now and still have a reasonable amount of *fun* before everyone leaves?
depending on your Yea Forumsirgin levels it could take a few months to a few years to catch up. Now to do stuff like omnicrafter I'd suggest starting sooner rather than later

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>bought EU key
>somehow bought NA on steam
anything i can to do start via steam but play on EU?

please halp

He's a spicy buffalo man

it's guessing

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Oh no, you might have time to play other games because you don't have to grind forever, how terrible

lizard people look like a crossover from generic elves meet generic demon things
lions and bunny girls are actually the most FF race in this game

>Last warning

What are you going to do? Another failed ddos attempt that will be thwarted in a few minutes?

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>FFXIV endgame is pretty shit desu
Spend some time with your family
The expansion has been out for six days

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Yeah, you need to press three of them and then ninjutsu to do a single ability which actually does something. The mudras by themselves don't do anything which is why they're allowed to have an extremely short recast time. The only reason the Mudra/Ninjutsu system exists is to add a short memorization minigame to the rotation that just fucks over anyone trying to play with high ping. Even if you accept that they count as full skills for the purposes of tracking CPM, Ninja is only job except Monk which is anywhere close to being that fast. It's just a bit disingenuous to try and use that to represent the combat when for most other jobs actually sticks to the 2.5GCD.

No its FF so the story while having its slow points also has its parts where its insanely good and the music can be incredible too. I have played over a dozen mmo games to endgame and this is the only one where I truly loved the story. Heavens ward and shadow bringers have brought the entire genre of games to a new level. So its an MMO but storywise its like a return to the past glory of old FF.

In terms if competition its like FFXIV and WoW have been in an epic knife fight since Heavensward but with shadowbringers SE ended it by bringing out a fucking rocket launcher.

>want to check out what the buzz is about
>shitty two-step password system doesn't work because account.square-enix.com fails to load

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im playing dancer, and sometimes my fingers get twisted with how many offcd procs i have to cast in between normal cd

around 4 days casually playing the expansion and you'll run out of things to do

>PvP is nonexistend

thank god, mmo pvp is garbage

AST is the same during sleeve draw.

that's why you play other games faggot. Most people stay subbed to chill with friends they know in the game and play other things.

in other words you just couldn't be bothered and therefore your comparison is invalid so we're back to square one of only trannies play xiv 2.5 GCD

they are even called ronso in the first.. that was nice

lads pls help :((((

people like you are the problem with this game
>I've run out of things to do

>grind forever
what about fucking wanting to play the game? whats it with you XIV players that you are RELIGIOUSLY defending the lack of content and ONLY come out of the woodwork to criticise it when reddit does it first? You literally put up shitposting campaigns highlighting ANY other games lack of content but furiously defend it at the same time.

yes exacty six days and out of content. 440/450 geared, only other content is leveling alt jobs.

thy already said that the story they have is for 4 more expacs

>mx hz is 90

what th ehellf!?!?

You like the idea, but it's not the reality. The reality is, you either have to overheal with lustrate or let your stacks sit, because there's no reason to use them on so frequent a basis. SCH needs something like energy drain to dump stacks.

I have months worth of leveling DoW/L/H, hunts, accumulating clusters, and selling daily turn ins while they’re high. I’m only 67 on two jobs and I’ve been going full NEET mode since early access launch. I’m currently overwhelmed and no end game content has even hit yet.



i manage to burn 3 charges a minute. kinda wish they'd let me use it OOC but eh, i see the design philosophy behind it

If you want to make strawman comparisons, then compare vanilla WoW gameplay to 1.0 or XI.


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So how do the expansion packs work? Is it I just buy the base game and Shadowbringers or do I have to buy every DLC? I haven't bought a pay-to-play MMO since 2002 so I really don't know anymore.

the former. I don't even think they sell Heavensward anymore

>When you rewatch the cutscene and realize he wasn't dying, but was actually saying goodbye to adult Minfilia because he knew that she wouldn't let Ryne give up her consciousness in order to preserve her's


>I want to only play one game every day forever
Well, I'm sure there's something out there for you

>ddos attack
we're still keeping this narrative? an anonymous third-party flooding the network AKA people trying to play the fucking game?

someone just saw ShB on a honey bun and said "hmm think I'll ddos their servers today"

Only have to purchase SB and ShB

Yeah but healers have never been close to APM/CPM of other classes in any MMO, because healing isn't about that. Like, the average CPM of healers in WoW is probably pretty close to XIV because there's more healers in a raid, and it's more about timing and using cooldowns effectively.

They reverted it today

you have to buy the base game and ShB, most current expansion always includes all the previous ones

that happens every ffxiv expansion



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>we're still keeping this narrative?

yes, seethe harder wownigger

Yeah but you have another big summon after Bahamut. If the trend continues, you will get another next expansion. The focus has went from the small egi's to the larger more impactful summons. Just like how they slowly moved away from dots and have become more bursty.



is shadowbringers out or still in some open beta bullshit

It is pretty hypocritical how XIV players will call out other MMOs for content gaps when WoW literally puts out as many raid encounters in a tier as XIV gets in an entire expansion. Of course there's nowhere near the polish in a typical WoW non-final raid boss as there is in a primal fight but it's content.

DH>SkS but not too much because of what you said, rotations no longer line up.

what? why

you and I both know its just Yoship realizing the game won't retain enough subs to push the limit of the datacenter

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Thanks. Is the starter edition worth buying? Usually I like leveling and building my character up, but I keep hearing the leveling process was the worst aspect of this game.

I only make fun when it's a patch that gets hyped up and ends up being nothing, and I would rather have less content and have it be good, than get a lot of shit

Tactics is from over 2 decades ago user.


>I only make fun when it's a patch that gets hyped up and ends up being nothing,
Which patch? Cause the raid in 8.2 isn't even out yet.

>Is the starter edition worth buying?

yes, also, it’s still going to be a grind, but ShB fixed up the MSQ a lot. They removed all of the horrible 2.x filler so you won’t want to kill yourself from doing it. Since ShB also released already, you also get SB now, so it’s a good time to start playing, unless you’re a wowfag in which case fuck off we’re full.

there is no end agme content
the content you're doing is something that is literally nothing, you're just padding uselessness

came out officially 2 days ago

>Try to make my lalafel look old
>He's still cute looking

Wow, it took them 7 months to get it out, and they didn't even manage to put it all out at once?

>but ShB fixed up the MSQ a lot
I thought they didn't yet

>They removed all of the horrible 2.x filler
Pretty sure they didn't. Source?

one sure way to know its a ddos is when the login servers are fucked bu the world servers are fine. if it truly was server congestion then the world servers would be laggy as fuck or disconnect frequently, but people are getting the disconnects and lag from the character select screen instead which indicates a login server ddos.

>Grandmaster Caster BLM

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