I just bought one of those piece of shit after getting meme'd on and it fucking tastes like piss. What the fuck is wrong with boomers to willingly drink this shit ?
I just bought one of those piece of shit after getting meme'd on and it fucking tastes like piss...
Tastes great. You must be a fag. I'm guessing you don't like beer either.
the original tastes better
I actually do, you dumbfuck. Why even the comparison ? You can't tell me this garbage is any close to the taste of a real beer.
Anyone who drinks these energy drinks and other garbage are retards.
Green master race
Rockstar Green Apple is the best energy drink.
Thats it you just made the fucking list you zoomer fuck!!
Tastes fine faggot. Remove your tampon and develop taste for delicious boomer juice.
The whole "boomer" meme was an ad campaign to push their shitty energy drinks and all the retards fell for it.
They regret their renal failure and are trying to drag others down with them.
Monster Zero Ultra is for zoomers. Boomers drink Bang's now.
newfags gotta newfag I guess
also not vg
... That's Barq's
>calls other newfags
>"not vg"
kek you're not fooling anyone faggotron
tastes like fizzy toothpaste, imo, the original one as well
the doctor is fuckin based tho
Its Bang's root beer you fucking idiot.
>t. guy cursed by a witch to taste piss in everything he consumes
Tastes like sweetarts, I didn’t like it at first, but it tastes better than 100% of zero calorie diet sodas.
american meme, the only good energy drink is redbull. And it’s millennial for you, you fucking zoomer
It's a fine drink, but only used as a mixer.
Vodka + Monster = homemade OG 4loko
Bang's is fucking top tier boomer fuel, mah nigga
I'm guessing you can't handle anything not loaded to the brim with sugar.
It tastes great, OP is a faggot as usual. Sad!
I doubt anyone over the age of 16 consumes that garbage.
There's a new blue one out now and it actually tastes good.
monster helped me through a districts tennis match and I won 3/4 matches except for the first one because I was fucking tired and hadn't drinken any monster yet. those fuckers were laughing at me until I beat the shit out of them thanks to based boomer juice
Should've gotten the superior drink
Red Bull is still the best. Monster is liquid candy shit for skaters and people who watch too much Jackass.
That said, I haven't tried the boomer one, I can't justify spending that money on some shitty energy drink when I can just buy Red Bull and be satisfied.
Your tastebuds aren't mature enough kid
>paying 3 dollars for 8 oz. of boomer juice
this one is just flat fanta, what the fuck is wrong with you
>meme mocks onions
>filtered after a couple of months
>meme advertises monster energy
>still up 1 year later
Guess who is behind this?
I've honestly never seen anybody drink a monster energy drink. I think it's mostly hicks that drink it.
nigger fanta tastes like orange scented mouthwash
helloween is my favorite metal band ever
Dr, Stein makes funny creatures, he lets them run into the night, they become great politicians something something
the doctor is the only one i can drink without gagging
Monster is whack, Rockstar or GTFO
I much prefer the crisp, cool taste of Oliet Bang's, myself.
not boomer approved
My favorite part about boomerjuice is the green liquid burning shifts after. Convenience store pizza and zero energy ultra, now thats a meal.
mmmmmmmmm I fucking want to see your juicy shits. Get your gay ass to /gif/ there's a scat thread there
I just took a big "solid" green shit with corn in it. It was solid but any touch of it would probably make it dissolve into a liquid.
Also I'm not into scat.
>literally falling for a marketing campaign
lemon rehab>all other flavors
you cannot debate this its on another level of taste
I bet you don't even like the mcchicken
Congratulations, you fell for viral marketing.
The fact that it's so prevalent on here shows how far gone this place is.
Why would you sip anything else?
You realise that shit's just a placebo right?
You get more caffeine in a cup of coffee and the rest of the ingredients do literally nothing.
*fist bump*
Shit, if that tastes like piss than I'm about to have a watersports fetish.
I switched from the regular stuff to the diet entirely due to this meme and I can’t go back to non-diet drinks. Thanks, Yea Forums, for saving my health.
Cup of coffee is like 100mg caffeine, monster drinks are 140mg.
Guarana is decidedly not placebo. You have no clue what you're talking about.
Because they don't have this easily available anywhere near me.
This one was the king
"boomers" don't drink that shit, you moron. It's all stealth advertising.
As someone who frequents local arcades/pinball places, boomers definitely do drink this shit. Around here Bawls is currently more popular though.
congrats dumbfuck you got shilled by monster
The original tastes like a really strong guarana juice.
Zero Ultra tastes like bath water with antacids.
I drink the zero Monster but comparing it to beer is autistic.
I've gotten into this one recently, but I only drink one can a week at most since it has sugar
Clearly it has rottened my brain
My boomer dad actually met Mr Barq's once. He said he was a pretty cool dude, and that that when he shook his hand he tried to put a 10 Dollar bill in it. I think that was when my dad worked at car dealership? Not sure
I don't get the "Boomers love Monster" meme. My dad's a literal boomer and I think he'd die if drank anything with that much caffeine
It’s boring I tried one recently too
It's called viral marketing.
Certain kind of boomer. Imagine the pinball and nintendo boomers, not the read newspapers and beat you all day boomers.
Then you are a moron, because everyone in that generation drinks coffee.
My nigger
>boomers to willingly drink this shit
It's a meme you dipshit.
It's a meme. Like bleach or tide pods. You're not supposed to actually drink it.
(monster java drinks are bomb though, get that instead)
just a water for me thanks
I coincidentally bought two cans for the E3 right before the meme exploded just because they were the cheapest.
It's so sickeningly sweet it made me gag.
Monster doctor tastes like flat citrus scented mouthwash
Imagine not drinking water