How do we fix the Videogame horror genre?
How do we fix the Videogame horror genre?
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By making horror games. The problem isn't that the games coming out are shit, though they often are, it's that they're rarely being made to begin with.
You can't.
Games can never be scary because they are goal and victory-driven.
Atmosphere isn't scary.
Grizzly deaths quickly lose their punch.
Jump scares aren't scary.
Jumpscares. Also MJ is without question guilty as sin.
hee hee
el ayuwoki...
WAS guilty, don't know if you're caught up but dude is dead
>Atmosphere isn't scary.
>Jump scares aren't scary.
What is scary?
How do we fix the Videogame horror genre threads?
Condemned: Criminal Origins (2006)
The only thing that comes to my mind is somehow using raytracing to create new horror games. Like a demon looking at you through a mirror or reflection. There is a new horror game that uses rtx but I cant remember the name.
Stop makig amnesia knock offs
what are your fave horror games Yea Forums
>The water is dark and cold, you are by yourself. The skies are dark, and it's raining heavily above the water.
This is explicitly atmosphere
>You are forced back down underwater when you surface because of the beasts swooping in from the sky. You see three large shadows coming at you. Mosasaurus.
So being powerless to an approaching threat?
I like RE2 and SH2. I wish more mainstream horror games did the whole "I feel guilty about putting someone/thing out of misery" Jacobs ladder had some good stuff in it that inspired silent hill. If only they werent remaking it with black people and modern horror tropes
i dont. It's not scary or horrifying. Just sad.
Why do so many people consider themselves to be above a good jumpscare?
>It's not scary or horrifying
it can't be like that all the time.
maybe dead space?
The same is true for movies too, unless you find gorefests nice horror movies
gimme the jackson memes
>Atmosphere isn't scary.
Bullshit, try again.
horror should cease being a genre. instead it should only exist as bug/glitches fucking up the game to make it spooky in a way
well no not all the time. But in your example sh2 more than re2 its not scary or horrifying just sad.
Dead space is a good one. Gorefest have the potential to be but most arent.
oh god damn it not el heehee
fuck off
Why are beaner memes so stupid?
>Jump scares aren't scary
>Atmosphere isn't scary.
Bullshit. The VVitch was scary, and that movie was 90% atmosphere
But what is a good jumpscare?
/zoomer thread/
id love something like RE7 but where you explore a whole suburb
>>Atmosphere isn't scary.
>Bullshit. The VVitch was scary, and that movie was 90% atmosphere
How do we fix "How do we fix the Videogame horror genre?" threads?
Why is zoomer horror so cringe?
video games can't be scary because you can turn off the console
Didn't El EO kill him already?
System Shock 2 is the scariest game out there IMO. Playing it with headphones on in the dark, going through the dimly lit cargo bay, and later on hearing the ramblings of cyborg midwives from unknown positions. It's fucked
Thief: The Dark Project is scary.
wait, there's lore?
VVitch was boring shit.
>Waaah scary pixels
>Waah scary bad quality sounds
Cringe boomer
Silent Hills was supposed to fix it, but it got shitcanned.
i picture an entire room full of them, shirtless and shouting and yelling and pointing their finger at a computer screen
stfu u dirty monkey u don't know jack shit, dude was framed, stop spreading lies
Is that MJ?
It used to be scary to me but I've beaten it so many times and usually just Invis through most of it that it doesn't phase me.
Sound design of it is top notch tho.
I personally think it is extremely frightening to hear an enemy and not see them (but you know you will have to face them eventually).
this is why op
zoomers are smoothbrains and can't exist for more than 20 minutes without being subjected to some kind of loud and obnoxious stimuli
make it a banned phrase
this is why you don't vaccinate your kids
is the whole basis of this meme basically just that area in gmod you can walk through? Funny how instantly it caught on to normies
Nature is scary
no, you cut the best part
Some people made an animatronic with the soul of MJ for the purpose of terrify people at every 3AM while being accompanied by dwarfs and shouting the most popular phrases as ''ayuwoky'' or ''hee hee'' while making weird moves after that people were willing to summon el EO to end him for once.
>bleached man bad
If you think atmosphere can't be scary then you probably can't immerse yourself in a videogame, in which case horror games simply aren't for you.
One that makes you jump. Especially if there's buildup which makes you kick yourself for not suspecting it.
Horror never changed or got worse, you've just become desensitized. There's no other inherent problem, you just get used to horror games and they stop being scary.
That’s ignorant
You’re so ignorant
Nah, it changed. It became a genre that people can just shovel crap out with. Both games and movies.
Furri snek cute snek.
Who framed him?
who said he was bad? he was just guilty of kino sexual preference
So they die?
wtf is wrong with that cats arm? did it get burned?
Pedophile Bootlicker
> noclip is a meme now
Remove walking muh stealth simulators forever
Return of combat with iron pipes and shotguns
Horror games have always been about atmosphere/scenery/creature design than getting omg scared by the pixels
Only The Sword is.
tahts a bat you fucking retard
Need more SUBTLETY
The camera taking a picture and showing a monster behind you
just let it die
like this fucking thread you keep making
arrest yourself onions wojakposter.
True horror in vidya can not exist in game alone. You can only achieve it by the way and time you play. Imagine you play a "spooky game" imagine in these two situations
>One play is during the day on a sunny summer afternoon and your friend is chilling with you.
>In some dark basement at night all alone near the boiler room and near a window looking out into a dark backyard forest.
Ever watch a creepy video in the day then the same at night. The night viewing will always give you more chills. P.T was indeed creepy yet I played it with friends and we ended up laughing more than actual fear.
No matter how creepy a game is you will only react based on the outside (real life) environment. So
>Play alone
>Play at night
>Put yourself in the mood. Read creepy stories. Unsolved mysteries.
>Turn all phones off and make sure no calls or messages can get to you
>Play with windows near you. You'll start to wonder if when you turn to look out that window if you'll see some face or figure
That's your fix. Prove me wrong.
This is true. I've managed to get myself scared as shit by closing my eyes when I lie down in bed at night and imagining a scary creature watching me from the corner of the ceiling.
Also I'm sure you have told or heard creepy stories with friends at night. campfire or the beer table. Or been to a sleepover telling creepy stories that make you feel a bit uneasy.
No game can achieve that bit of life to life story telling. Ita always jump scares of wanna creepy using sounds, music or odd visuals. Yet the stories you hear that creep you out dont come with music. Sounds or visuala. They make your brain think of the unknown and off.
Also why horror or kinda weak. Movies and games. They are only truly as scary as the time you play and how. I bet you could play or watch your "favorite " horror game with zero fear when you're playing in the day time with friends and beers. You'll end up laughing and having more fun than any fear
micheal jackson was an unironic communist and really did deserve to die like the nigger was, and i DON'T CARE how well his albums did.
play with the door open
i can't relax if i have an open door behind me
if i play a horror game in the dark with an open door behind me i'll shit myself every fucking second
I Have dreams and nightmares more creepy than any game or movie. I actually have a lore within my dreams I write down and remember. It's probably not spooky if I say it. yet
Basically there's always a forest in these dreams. The people and I in my dreams know of this forest. It changes place. Size and style yet it always has a sort of haunting lore behind it. Sometimes I will see murders in this forest. Sometimes I'm on a large hill in an out of place house. Yet no matter what everyone is always creeped out about it.
well, theres different genres of horror. youre talking about action horror, which relies more on the tension of constantly being under the threat of dying by enemy attacks, with an equal amount of firepower given to the player usually.
although, that kind of sounds like an oxymoron when i think about it. maybe action horror is more about the threshold "glass cannon"; if you get touched, you die, but you have many ways to make the enemy not touch you
is it even possible to express horror in pure metagame elements, like controls or goals? does it all come down to athmosphere created by the art direction?
Bring back low poly ps1 graphics.
Reminds me of Another World.
honestly, i dont think 99% of the people on Yea Forums have the faintest idea on how to create horror, or how fear works in the human being. on top of that, you have to add videogame elements that work in a satisfying way too.
Fucking zoomers
Then again, boomers thought Jaws was scary triple kek
He was a nazi
Making a game yourself that's better than the games you consider bad
nice falseflag, he was an ancap
this is genuinely a good idea. i've always wondered why old horror games tend to be so effective, even today. i've started to think that the lo-fi world of old games leaves a lot more to the imagination.
the more advanced graphics you use, the more specific visual concepts you express, which leaves the player to imagine the details of the expressed concept, rather than making his own context.
a viewer creating (or taking from) some of their own context in terms of horror is always effective, because it always comes from what is specifically scary to the one viewer.
No it didn't.
I thought the same.
>MJ is without question guilty as sin
Whoa, what a controversial take!
That's funny. I used to have dreams like that growing up. I remember the dreams having a certain pattern or following a story. I knew the forest as if I lived there. But something was off. It was everchanging and there was something chasing me, but I don't know what it was. I was always with at least 5 people that I never met IRL yet somehow I dreamt with
With modern games there's also way more of a clear idea of what would and could happen.
Two big noses poked my eyes through the screen
thats not scary. Thats a physiological reaction to being surprised. Something thats actually scary sticks with you for a bit; something that comes back to you at the quite moments (like right before bed). Its often something that isnt overtly scary, but rather a concept that becomes terrifying the more you think about it.
KIKE ME. He fucking knew.
>Jump scares aren't scary.
what about just enjoying all of those
i think this also comes down to modern game design conventions. the amnesia games are a good example of this, and how many games FPS survival horror games took notes from it.
lets take machine for pigs for instance. theres a scene in an animal kennel/lab kind of thing, with many open cages arranged into a labyrinth and small, shadowy hiding places and open cages draped over with cloth. anyone who plays horror games can tell that a stealth section against a monster is about to begin. here is the unfortunate clash of gameplay sensibilities vs. horror creation. all the cages the player can access have a small amount of light pointing at them and draped with a specific color of cloth. you can tell that the game is helping you, removing a sense of helplessness.
and, of course, if you fail, you can try the segment over and over again as many times as you wish. this, i think, is the biggest killer of horror gaming. a fear of any kind always comes down to a basic survival instinct, aka fear of death. being virtually immortal is antithesis to horror. a horror game is really any good only during a first, blind playthrough.
oh look, Yea Forums made their own version of it
i think a perfect way for doing jumpscares comes down to subverting player expectations. if you want to do jumpscares, only do them at the beginning of the game, once or twice, but never again.
this way, in terms of storytelling and player guidance, the player is given an expectation that jumpscares are a part of the experience given to him, as they are presented from the very beginning. if they don't come again, but let's say the buildup to a jumpscare does, you have a very powerful tool of creating anxiety.
experiencing a jumpscare after a buildup of tension is a release of stress, like crapping after eating. it's a relief. not giving the player way to release tension works really well for a horror game.
additionally, being startled by a jumpscare is a natural prey reaction. when presented with a possible danger very suddenly, the body kickstarts your fight-or-flight process by accelerating your heartrate and pumping you with adrenaline. doing a jumpscare once and early sets the player at unease from the very beginning of the game, even physically.
according to this list horror movies dont exist lmao. good troll
based ayuwoki still making burgers SEETH don't you have some dyke's soccer division to watch?
el awioki...
With social horror
Death does not absolve you from guilt.
MJ was innocent, prove me wrong
>game is about girls laughing at you