Any games that has the protagonist doing the right thing, even if it gives them unjustified hate?
Any games that has the protagonist doing the right thing, even if it gives them unjustified hate?
I despise Justin, but even I feel kinda bad for him there. How humiliating.
If the liberals dropped Trudeau they'd have the election in the bag. Only hope now is that the people's party eats some of the Tories lunch.
I almost want to vote for them in the hopes it shakes up the constant con/lib back and forth. It's always the same shit these days.
Fuck, I don't even care, someone just promise to get housing and rental costs under control across the country. Why can I get a picturesque one bedroom with a balcony for $750 in montreal, compared to a dirty cardboard box in ontario and bc?
>i can't articulate an argument so i'll just post a drawing of myself
good job kiddo
The liberal caucus is so uninspiring they live or die on Justin's personal brand, just as they did in 2015. Liberals like to spout on about how Harper was a control freak who routed everything through his PMO but Justin has done the same, keeping everything orbiting around him and not allowing any other minister to attain a high profile as a possible successor (certainly not in a positive way).
>hey that guy is trying to shake your had, mr. brazil
>oh thanks mr canada, I'll shake your hand now
There's nothing embarrassing about this...
humiliating how? I have autism I can't tell feelings on faces
This is what actually is happening
trudeau is a ponce, but this clip is misinterpreted by autistic children who can't read body language
Dragon’s Dogma does it pretty well
>trudeau alerts bolsanaro to the guy next to him and he immediately does what he's told like a lap dog
85 IQ /pol/tards: LOL HOly freaking crap...Based!!! Trudeau BTFO!!! MAGA!!!
montreal has a higher number of rental units and way stricter rental control than those places
I just noticed Xi looks cute here
This kind of thing is why I ended up on Yea Forums
You have to go back.
Because QC gets a ton of money in equalization from the rest of the country, allowing them to keep costs artificially low?
Ok, I kek'ed.
That's what first past the post elections get you. That's one of my biggest complaints about Justin, he was pushing for a new system and dropped it as soon as he won. The people's party isn't going to change anything. All its going to do is take some racists away from the conservatives.
what would equalization have to do with the market prices of rentals
Hope that faggot gets assasinated by is lovely refugees
my pronouns are xi/jinping
he is a handsome bastard, holy shit
Well, I don't know about good, but certanly the right thing, in Super Mario Sunshine's emotional ending Mario has to beat Bowser, who isn't there at Bowser's house. Well, no one died in that last scene... but Mario doesn't die! And he's still happy with Peach and Peach's father! That's the ending! Because the story really wants to have it both ways here. But I guess it's still "game over" for Mario and Peach. And maybe Bowser's ending is better than the end of Super Mario Sunshine... and they could still have kissed! We'll never know in this story, but it gives us another possibility at why they didn't kiss. They could've gotten divorced and then had a child. Or maybe just got married and stayed together. But why couldn't they kiss after that?
>all these people pointing out that he was just trying to get Mr.Brazil to shake the other guys hand
Sure but he looks awkward as fuck and out of place the entire time leading up to it. And after words he is clearly trying to get Brazils attention again and it doesnt seem to be working.
>interesting thread topic
>it's just thinly veiled political shit
Justin Castro getting trolled.
I think Ontario has more rent controls now.
Golden Sun.
no it isn't.
man, id love to shake mao's hand. Why would he go for a literal nobody Brazilian when mao was right there.
FF tactics advance
Trudeau is a bitch but at least he won't go banning Mr. Potato Head like a certain communist leader.
He's letting the guy from brazil the guy on his right is trying to greet him. You can even see that his earphones are in
I do respect him basically being the only one to tell the Saudis off after they murdered that guy
Because Montreal has way more high-density housing. Possibly due to zoning laws?
He's being forced to sit next to Xi when China has got Canada in the global economic doghouse thanks to the Trumptard. The Hue Hue would naturally try to avoid JT, at least in front of the Chinese
the retards here will never understand basic primary school level social cues
Read the news?
Did he plant something in Xi's bag?
Probably a I'm sorry card with a tim hortons gift card and a couple complimentary totally legal bag of Saskatchewan hashish.
Ok. But his expression goes to 'WTF DUDE' pretty quickly is what I'm seeing. Bolsonero hadn't even finished shaking hands with the other person before Justin gets the look on his face.
hes trhowing rubbish
He just pointed out to Bolsonaro that tha guy next to him wants shake hands.
the brazillian even glanced in JT's direction when he suddenly does a 180 and dodges the handshake to greet the guy on his left. he knew exactly what he was doing and it's obvious why he did it (i.e. the dictator seated to JT's right)
He wanted to speak to Xi about the Canadian hostages the Chinks are holding. He even went hat-in-hand to Trump to ask him to put a good word in for him, since the Chinese are making a point of reminding Trudeau and Canada as a whole that we're small players on the world stage and they only respect the strong.
it looks like he thought justin was gesturing to look to his other side
still made me audibly "oof" tho
>literal nobody
Do you live under a rock?