Are lolis?
Are lolis?
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They're only okay so long as the fourth member of the party is the grown-ass man who constantly has to take care of them.
in my first run it was the opposite, little girl taking care of 4 deadbeat old men
That works too.
>fourth member
Doesn't EO usually have 5 member teams?
We’re a year at best away from the EO Next announcement, and I don’t know how to bide my time anymore.
nah she just short
He needs to be in the back-middle of the group to keep an eye on all of them, user.
>who constantly has to take care of them
with his ____?
With his common sense, yes.
Made to be slotted onto your dick and hid underneath a baggy coat while they constantly balance on your cock?
No they aren't
Lolis are love, life and salvation.
Worship lolis.
That's a very smol one.
Actually lolis should worship me.
What's that white stuff?
You guys aren't actually pedophiles, you are just into skinny girls shorter than you
So stop committing crimes
>committing crimes by enjoying art and fictional content
That's wrong though. At least in my case.
>Stop commiting crimes
What crimes have I committed?
You wish you were being offered an umbrella by a tiny girl, or you wish you were a tiny girl offering an umbrella?
The crime is being a pedophile
That's not a crime.
if loli is a crime, I'm becoming a supervillain.
MILF fartress was the best in EO4
I have a jolly good time with other child-lovers on /pol/ regularly, like your image implies.
>you are just into skinny girls shorter than you
I'm not a manlet so a girl can be 5'9" and way shorter than me.
Who the hell spilled all that mayo around? Don't they know it just ruined the taste of her meal.
lolis really are
It's a man's semen, he masturbated on her food, because he is probably aroused by the idea of cute girls being forced to eat his semen
>you are just into skinny girls shorter than you
I'm not a manlet by my race's standards, every girl here is around shoulder height at best
Grown up women in Etrian games are always better than loli.
This, lolis are the embodiment of the platonic ideals we strive for
Normalfag hylics will be reincarnated as pigs until they learn
>FOE can teleport
You don't say.
Fartress is not a loli, she's a womanlet.
When will society stop pretending that cunny can't make men penis hard?
When we figure out what to do with the excess roasties
I suggest we restart the volcano method
me on the right with glasses
god oh god I wish I was friends with these lolis
They are normalizing 8 year trans boys fucking adult gay men, but marriage with girls in their prime is still treated like a crime
you need something to be outraged about.
I want to lick their beautiful feet and suck on their toes
Come on now
These threads are the only reason I browse Yea Forums
What a chad.
We all know that, but don't say it. Not saying it is what makes it funny for the ten thousandth time.
>Yea Forums is the prime board for it instead of Yea Forums
How the turn tables, etc.
lolis must be pleasant to talk to
the 2d ones are always written by some middle aged MAN
the Yea Forumsutism is too stong