PC-niggers actually beleive this

>PC-niggers actually beleive this
Enjoy you 3000 dollar rig that will never EVER run a AAA game.

Attached: HAHAHAHAHAH.png (780x810, 207K)

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Well they have to release it. I mean, emulation is nipping on their heels so it's either release it now or don't make money.

JAPANESE loving, small dick nerd about to come here saying "who cares about the game"

Why can't one just enjoys some of both western and eastern games?

well I mean the first one from 2010 still hasn't been released on PC so it would be a bit surprising if the second one comes anytime soon

But really, who cares about this game? It was dead on the water one week after its release.

The first one barely runs on both X360 and PS3. It's probably frankenstein code not suitable for porting and considering how jewish 2K is thre's no way they're going to waste resources on what probably would have to be complete rewrite of code for an old game that won't make big bucks.

Won't feel right if not on the home console.


Please have reduced input lag.

Get creative.

>defending exclusivity at all

Dumb shills

pc niggers only play early access, moba, cs go and indie trash.

>implying anyone wants to play yee haw the movie 2


It was only fun when it was new and everyone was making new discoveries within the game.

Pc gamers are some of the most deluded individuals on Earth.

I don't your "ride a horse while listening to some fag talk and occasionally shoot people" simulator, thank you.

I own a PC and a PS4 Pro with RDR2 so the joke is on you.

Attached: Sort of Poor College Student 13.jpg (3999x3238, 1.95M)

who gives a fuck lmao
there are so many things to play on pc

>implying you opinions matter

Please keep this smug shit up. I'm still glowing on the inside from the absolute BTFO your crowd got when GTA V came out on PC, as the definitive edition.

>gym machines instead of weights

Can you imagine if Bloodborne ever went multiplat? God the shitposting would last a lifetine.

Nevee happening simpleton.

Go back to /fit...

Attached: Gloomhaven.jpg (1920x1080, 789K)

Who cares? Game's dead.

I would buy a console if they would at least run all games at 60FPS. I don't even care if it means lowering the graphics. I don't understand how it's acceptable to run games at 30 FPS for the past decade.

enjoy your 500$ dvd player

PC is short for player character in game dev.

doesn't really make sense given the context though

already have it on PS4, but I'd love to have it on PC as well for a better graphical experience and mods.

people who didn't play it probably want to know what happened to the gang.

it was obvious that they were going to release this game on pc

>Player Character Achievements
Yes it does

does the sound not work or something?
anyway pretty neat did notice a bit of weird glitching terrain but I'm pretty sure the original did that a bit too sometimes

Kya yourself

I got a rtx 2080 from my cousin who works at microcenter for $350. I'm going to be good for the next 4-6 years faggot. Enjoy your playstation 5 for $499 when it comes out.

You’d be surprised at how many people out there don’t share your opinion

RDR2_PS4_Trophies, my nigga. Read the actual pic for the context

>Enjoy you 3000 dollar rig that will never EVER run a AAA game.
you mean $350 rig that will be sufficient to play good games for years to come? stay fucked consoleplebs, have fun with your absolutely amazing AAA titles.

They're fleshing out the online portion while they still have time before next GEN then it will hit PC after, so it's still a good 2 years or so away from PC but they made bonkers amount of money from triple dipping they're obviously going to do it again.

PC gamingn is dead. D E A D

>Manga covered book-case
>Not ONE (1) proper book
For shame. Absolutely pathetic.

Remember, PC stands for Pirate Cave.
Porting your games to PC is allowing them to be stolen. Atlus knows, the RDR team knows.

This but unironically. Any port made to PC will cost more than it earns, guaranteed.

Good, I'm not paying a single cent for a Rockstar game.

What even is this website? Some retard just copy-paste a bunch of code

>also soinyggers
>completely destroy sony's handheld division because they literally could not stop stealing

That game is pure shit though. At least post something good that PC users would want to play instead of trying to trick them into thinking rockstar did or is even capable of making a good game

social club code, the RDRO profile portion of the website recently got a huge overhaul when online finally dropped the beta tag so it's a lot like GTAO's player character site now.

Why are console peasants so afraid of the PC release? What do they think will happen? That they will suddenly lose all access to their game? That their enjoyment is over?

The Vita failed because the 3DS cornered the markey

yup. They're the blacks of gaming.

Videogame series are ruined when they go to PC.
>Dark Souls
>Metal Gear Solid
>Valkyria Chronicles

PC is a disease

Well the quality of discussion will drop off dramatically like it always does.

how did pc ruin any of those?

>imagine not owning a switch,ps4 and pc and enjoy gaming to the fullest

Attached: lmao @ ur life.jpg (891x717, 77K)

>will never EVER run a AAA game.
Thank GOD

Enjoy your down syndrome. Retard.

something something Steam something something EGS

>owns shit consoles
>says "gaming" unironically
Checks out

But MGS2 was kino

seething poorfag

>console peasants
This whole thread is one giant false flag no one on console actually gives a shit if this game comes to Pc. Enjoy the game cowboy

>consolefags claim pcbros spend 3000 on a pc
>at the sametime, call them poorfags
Your doublethinking is on point.

>Enjoy the game cowboy

>buying denuvo AAA games

Attached: 1561134926089.png (2048x2048, 1.13M)

just like how people who played MGS3 on a platform besides PS3 wanted to know what happens in the next game
and people who played MGSV want to know what happened to their series

He included PC in his post you knobgoblin

from what I saw it looks incredibly boring and repetitive, not even worth a pirate

>a AAA game
you mean that specific one single AAA game

why am i responding to this retarded bait anyway