The fifth Smash DLC character will be Shinji inside his Unit 01 EVA to promote the new Neon Genesis Evangelion game...

The fifth Smash DLC character will be Shinji inside his Unit 01 EVA to promote the new Neon Genesis Evangelion game coming to current and next-gen Sony consoles. NGE will play alot like Persona 5, as it has borrowed alot of mechanics during the time that the player is not in the Metaverse. NGE will behave somewhat like that, where you get to go to school, NERV and visit other places in and out of Tokyo-3.
Combat is action based instead of the turn-based combat that Persona 5 uses. Think something like Ratchet & Clank meets Armored Core. (will cont later)

Attached: 4326EBAA-FEF9-43DA-B192-DA27B1BAA8E8.jpg (419x550, 48K)

Holy shit kill yourself netflix zoomer

its real

this is a joke right? FUCK NETFLIX, now eva is consumed by zoomer trash. fuck stay away from my GIS and star blazers.

>non-vidya shit in smash
Is this nigger even trying?

Attached: 1562101753248.jpg (2730x3640, 1.7M)

Zoom Zoom

So long as he can run away still.

This would have absolutely nothing to do with Netflix and everything to do with Eva's popularity in Japan, the new game, and the series of movies that's slowly been released.

What new game are you talking about?

Eva is getting just one more movie that was delayed many times.

>be me
>use nofap for better concentration
>go to smash local
>ez get to semi finals
>havent't fapped in months
>opponent picks lucario
>oh fuck, for some reason I never expected that
>get him down to last stock fairly easily
>calm down, maybe this will go smoothly after all
>can't land a single hit
>get hyperfocused
>oh no, can't stop staring at lucario's ass
>try to get tryhard
>get hard instead
>can't concentrate
>lose stock
>get even harder
>can't only think of blue dog booty
>black out
>come to it
>40% and last stock
>can't land any hits
>try harder
>can only concentrate on Lucario's ass
>tears in eyes
>parry opponent by some miracle
>edgeguard perfectly
>opponent @ 120%
>think of smelly dog farts
>get destroyed
>run crying into the bathroom

Attached: lucario-smash-ultimate-625x352.png (625x352, 316K)

there are video games of evangelion though, reaching back to the n64

And they were bad and underrated.

I’m sorry to hear that, Sonicfox.

Evangelion is one of my favorite pieces of media I've watched and this is fake as hell, and I wouldn't want it anyways.

Pre or Post Netflix?

Pre-Netflix. I watched it on my friend's DVD set twice.


Tell me about Evangelion on Netflix. Did they change it some way? Or are people mad just because it's available to normies now?

Normies like it now so it sucks and isn’t cool

The English dub sounds almost universally worse and the new subs took a few more liberties with the translation than people were willing to accept, mostly
Also Netflix couldn't get the rights so Fly Me to the Moon is gone

Fly Me to The Moon is gone with no trace, even in Japanese audio.

There's also some issues with wonky subs and Netflix doesn't even let you cut to the episode previews so people don't know those exist.

that doesn't matter lmao

>even in Japanese audio
still here in netflix japan though

yeah, they still have the rights there

>be netflix
>throw billions at shitty shows for teenagers
>can't pay for one song


>The English dub

Yea Forumsutists need to fuck off with the neon jellyon overrated shit