'Sup fags, here's your new smash dlc character

'Sup fags, here's your new smash dlc character.

Attached: 1562101753248.jpg (2730x3640, 1.7M)

what is that

The image needs to more blurry.

Attached: 38c.jpg (1024x834, 84K)

This is the blurry one. There's a higher quality one somewhere.

i don't understand this joke

I'll stop spamming it when someone finds out who this guy is.

But do you know who it is?

Attached: no.jpg (436x348, 52K)


Attached: F1E44CAC-4DF0-43BA-9990-D2914C1D4D0C.gif (350x231, 429K)

Stop trying to promote your shitty indie game, faggot.


Did you use the pattern of a fingerprint? Because christ that looks easy to duplicate.

I've seen it posted several times now; at this point I kind of assume it's some totally random thing the creator made up to have people ask "literally who" and cause confusion as a joke.

Or maybe it's the protag of Big Maring

On a more relevant note, where is Hero

Sams Undertail

Was it autism?

are you drunk
you just take a photo of another screen displaying your shopped image, idiot

Is that Adult Nanalan?

Attached: nanalan-why-2-19108-1462900673-2_dblbig.jpg (625x415, 53K)

>nanalan blue dino alt skin
i buy it
>final smash is a casapiller in ur kibble

No, nanalan doesn't have spikes on her head.

>File not named "CirNO"
So close, user

maybe she grows them during puberty

Maybe, but the adults don't have them.



>be me
>use nofap for better concentration
>go to locals
>ez get to semi finals
>havent't fapped in months
>opponent picks lucario
>oh fuck, for some reason I never expected that
>get him down to last stock fairly easily
>calm down, maybe this will go smoothly after all
>can't land a single hit
>get hyperfocused
>oh no, can't stop staring at lucario's ass
>try to get tryhard
>get hard instead
>can't concentrate
>lose stock
>get even harder
>can't only think of blue dog booty
>black out
>come to it
>40% and last stock
>can't land any hits
>try harder
>can only concentrate on Lucario's ass
>tears in eyes
>parry opponent by some miracle
>edgeguard perfectly
>opponent @ 120%
>think of smelly dog farts
>get destroyed
>run crying into the bathroom

Attached: Lucario.png (397x587, 96K)

*blocks your path*

Attached: smile_by_crashrule1-d48irqi.png (232x200, 37K)

He's the last one, nobody's denying that.

I am user, go have sex crashfag, until he actually gets a new game and not another mediocre remake, he won’t be receiving his invite to join the battle.

yeah like cloud

Is that Nanalan?

>until he actually gets a new game

Attached: D8zjW8vXUAA6S6C.jpg (1024x576, 89K)



Different fucking story user
>Banjo was an iconic N64 icon, he doesn’t need a new game to be in smash.
>Crash is a iconic mascot rival that got revived, revivals don’t mean your into smash, he needs a new game to prove he’s worthy to join.

how many times do stupid rulesets need to be blown the fuck out until you idiots stop making them up

Attached: 1561037973714.png (338x338, 230K)

yeah i thought it was supposed to be her too

This is the actual final smash dlc character, enjoy.

Attached: spike.png (183x422, 96K)

Delete this

Attached: 04D16AD8-EEAE-4F20-A3C2-182F7C9B2EC0.jpg (680x680, 29K)
