Well Yea Forums?

Well Yea Forums?

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metroid clone, since they're all the same shit

They're literally right but watch Yea Forums disagree because Kotaku said it

ARPG with exploration focus. That’s literally all it is.

The word 'Kotaku' is an inelegant portmanteau thatd to explain to people ho don't play videos games. We should come up with some better.

Why should we have to explain and market niche video games to people who don't play video games?

>How the hell do we sell tampons to men?
>Guys, I got it...

>because Kotaku said it
*because everything kotaku says about video games is wrong because kotaku knows nothing about video games

People who don't play video games can call it a video game.


"explain to people to who don't play video games"
Why in the fucking hell would you ever want to?

Kotaku is shit and we should come up with something better.
Twitter threads are shit and we should come up with something better.
Yea Forums is shit and we should come up with something better.

>mfw Americans call a Swordy Explordy a 'Metroidvania'

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


so call it "x" vania, the metroid part is entirely unnecessary

How about Castleoids?

i know
lets call it "action-adventure"

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fuck off cucktaku

A castlevania

Exploration Platformers
MetroidVania is still way better though

we have internet everywhere ffs

>don't know something
>throw one word at google
>know something

>kotaku complains about metroivania which is a pretty good descriptor of what the core gameplay is gonna be like because it is just names of the games
>continues to abuse the term 'roguelike' everyday

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exploration platformer

don't @ me

there is no way to call it to people that dont play games, so you have to explain it anyway.

>people who never played a single metroidvania and who write articles for people who have never played a single metroidvania are trying to change the well-known and established name of a genre
yesterday it was the "stop normalising nazism >:-(((((" video, today this... can't wait what tomorrow will bring!

Better change roguelike too while you’re at it.

What does RPG mean guys im new here teehee

So just say platformer to people who don't play games it's not like they'll know or care about the specific mechanics that make it a metroidvania game.

exploration platformer

Should be called "pitroids" since Pitfall II is the real daddy of the subgenre.

How about Kotaku "journalists" hang themselves? THAT would be a start.

dungeon jumpers!

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since we got "dungeon crawler"
why not a "castle raider" ?

Metroidlike and Igavania
They're nothing alike anyway, it's like saying Call of Duty is a FPStrategy game.

roguelike is fine though
What's a roguelike? its a game like rogue!


Why would you need to explain it to people who don’t play video games? Even if you called it something else you’d still have to explain it in more detail

you should be fucking permabanned for peddling this garbage you turbofaggot

Metroidvania means nothing to be honest, like roguelite

How about fuck off?

Why should we be catering to casuals who can't understand the lingo?

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they're not though. It's a subgenre, you can just call it a platformer if you really need to explain it.

If someone didn't actually play video games I wouldn't waste either party's time by using that word in the first place. If I absolutely had to I would just describe what you do in the game in a brief summary

Because they’re wrong. If you want to get into a hobby, learn the culture and lingo.

this. ill have a discussion with someone and the first thing they say to do is use my smartphone to google it right in front of them if i'm confused instead of them articulating it themselves.

Came here to post this

Why is it bad?

The real defining difference between "metroidvanias" and other style of games is how the worlds are connected. For example, you could say Dark Souls has the "Metroidvania" aspect to it because of the level design, but people don't generally call it that and just say action RPG or something, in which case Castlevania DoS is also an action RPG.

That being said, the last time some faggots tried to better categorize things they have a bunch of faggots calling hack and slash and beat em ups "character action games" and before that we went from AoS to "multiplayer battle arenas" which are both ridiculously vague so I don't want to change it.

Yea, just last week I was mocking Yea Forums's overuse of the term and now I unironically like it. Fuck Kotaku's subversive agenda.

Xvania doesn't give you an idea of what kind of game it is given the scope of Castlevania games.
Metroid-like would be better.

why the fuck would we want people who don't play videogames to understand our genres?

>hard to explain

Are they talking about the etymology or the definition?
The definition wouldn't change with a new word so I assume it's etymology, which would make that statement absolutely moronic considering you don't even need to explain where that word came from and people who don't play games won't care about something like that either way.
How is this even a problem?

It's really not, unless you're an actual retard and don't know what it means yourself.

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Why do we need to explain videogame terms to people who don't play videogames?

>Metroid + Castlevania is too confusing a concept for people who don't play games
Why is that a problem? If you haven't played a Metroid or Castlevania game before go play that first?

Why should we cater to people who don't play Vidya?

Bouncy castle.

>ITT - Internal Tech Theory

people can't even lurk long enough to understand the vernacular before trying to teach others and making the place worse and worse.

Side scrolling adventure game


I'm going to fucking kill you

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Is there such a thing as an actionless adventure?

The Japanese call these games "Search-Action."

just because nobody at kotaku plays games doesn't mean we should change what we already established

Why would you need to explain niche topics to someone that does not even know the basics on a subject?

MOBA and DOTA also describes nothing



I wish gatekeeping was seen as necessary and not "cringe".

Roguelite has a meaning though. Roguelikes typically give you a game over and have you start from scratch while rogue-lites allow you to carry over some progress to the next. And Metroidvania has a meaning, and people should learn it because they use it wrongly all the time.

It's a combination of Metroid's exploration and post-SoTN Castlevania's RPG mechanics. Which is why people calling Hollow Knight a Metroidvania are really irritating, it's like 5% Vania and 95% Metroid.

Games journalists tend to live in big cities, and unlike real gamers they spend a lot of their time socializing with normies and probably feel constant embarrassment at having to tell people that they write about video games, and having to explain video game terminology to said normies. So then they go to work the next day and write a shitty blog post about how we should make gaming more accessible so the 20-something girl who works in advertising that they drank Starbucks with the day before can have an easier time understanding it. This is their life.

Yea Forums was agreeing with Trump for a while when he said violent games make people violent some time ago after years of arguing the opposite with SJWs.

>my feeling when

>adventure platformer with equipment/abilities needed to progress to new areas
"Metroidvania" is just easier to say.

no, that's retarded

the latest yoshi games are exploration based platformers and their structure is completely different from the metroidvania template

likewise for 3d collectathons

So what you're saying is that you're disagreeing with Yea Forums and most gaming communities because kotaku said it

>using "portmanteau" in a sentence
fucking journos believeing the are smart when they just went to the synonymous dictionary. fukcing faggots.

to be fair we did call FPS games doom clones for an embarrassingly long time.

Metroidvanias are action platformers with just enough gameplay conventions to merit the nickname. The 3D ones are action adventure games -- metroid prime, darksiders, etc. It does not make sense to come up with a generic word for what they do any more than we have a generic word for roguelikes. It's just a way to describe the rules of a particular set of games in a particulaly broad genre

There is no word that can be used to describe what people mean when they say Metroidvania, because it is a thing that only exist within the space of video games. There is nothing that can say "it means its an interconnected world in which you get a bunch of abilities and upgrades to your character that, as you gain these upgrades, allow you to go to previous portions of the world and unlock new areas as opposed to a style of game with loosely connected or not connected at all levels that you progress through in order or an open world."

Except the vast majority of "Metroidvanias" possess little to no "-vania" aspects. They're Metroid-likes.

First of all, this.

Secondly, "Metroidvania" is better than "Rougelike." More people know what Metroid and Castlevania is than Rogue.

change it to character adventure game

Agree. Transplatformer or non-binary-exploration should be better terms.

>technically work in the game industry
>cannot explain what a platformer or exploration game is

metroidvania is perfect description

fuck these retards who wants to take it away from the groundbreaking games that started the genre

Most Castlevania games aren't even Metroidvanias anyway.

Any Zelda game would take the metroidvania defnintion and break it over its knee

But the Metroid part is the important part, a shit ton of Metroid-likes keep getting called Vanias despite having no equipment system, no stat system, no upgrading system and more.

I dont understand a bunch of terms peolpe use in their hobbies or professions, they should change that.

source: my ass

who gives a fuck?

also calling it an inelegant portmanteau is fairly ironic

aren't these guys against the use of walking simulator tag?

>Instead of explaining the definition of a word, we should invent a new word we'll have to explain the definition of!
I guess roguelike would be next.
What utter twat-ery

That's because they were Doom clones for longest time, you dummy.

Honestly, aside from kek, redditor, and absolute madman, these are close enough.

>to people that don't play videogames
Who fucking cares? It's a very specific, niche genre, and people that play those games know exactly what it means.


The whole reason it combines Metroid and Castlevania is because of SOTN's map system being taken from the former. I don't like the name solely because of that, it was meant for something specific, but the term is already ingrained and people know what it is about.

Really? I've always observed the opposite. Sure, they ape Metroid-style labyrinth, but the mechanics seem to be ripped from SotN more often than not. The pointless RPG progression, the absurd amount of useless equipment and items, etc.

I'd kill for a few more pure Metroid clones.

I'll invent one myself: "castle crawler". Oh look, someone who doesn't play videogames still has no idea what I'm talking about.

>Metroidvanias are action platformers
some metroidvanias aren't platformers, like insanely twisted shadow planet

If you are playing a fucking Roguelike you probably know what Rogue is.

They are just action adventure games with open ended level design.

If someone really doesn't know how Metroid or Castlevania games play then they're beneath an explanation. The whole reason "Metroidvania" became a term is because anyone worth talking to knew one or the other and could quickly grasp what you meant.

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Is this "glib fascimile" 2.0 ?

Just name it Murivania since mutts are too dumb to understand anything else

video game

do you think they actually give a shit

>sorry, I don't know what is that
>well imagine mario, only instead of on level you have a huge map to explore with some paths closed until you'll progress further into the story or explore more and gain more power as a result
Wow, that was hard
How do I go into journo line of work, seems piss easy

>but the mechanics seem to be ripped from SotN more often than not.
Not really, most of them don't even have a level up system.

>castlevania clone that takes place in the Wild West.

why would anyone who doesn't play video games care what a Metroidvania is?

Roguelike ISN'T the term people use anymore. People use "Rougelite" now

Rougelikes != rougelites


I'm in my mid-30s so I still call them action adventures like we did in the 1990s. To me "Metroidvania" is less an actual genre and more a colloquial comparison phrase. Like you'd never see Konami itself refer to SOTN as "Metroidvania."

>Metroidvania is too "video gamey" a name
>casuals that don't play games don't know what Metroid and Castlevania are
>people that play games are gatekeeping people who don't play games with toxic gamer terms
>the word Metroidvania goes against diversity and inclusiveness, and gamers need to be better

It's a word. No word by itself means anything. If you've played a single game of the genre, you should be able to describe it at least rudimentary.

Get a """journalism""" degree and not be good enough to be hired by legacy media.


Why are you savescumming on Yea Forums?

Metroidvania are not Metroid clones. They are SotN clones. They need some RPG mechanics mixed in.
Axiom Verge is a straight Metroid clone, Hollow Knight is a Metroidvania.

Shit, I'd play that.

>action adventures

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The genre's #1 defining feature is that it copies Super Metroid.

nintendo uses the term metroidvania to describe the subgenre on their eshop and news channel

If they are right is up for debate, but one thing I know for sure is that someone else said it, about 3 months ago. Likely on here.

Walking sims, sort of

>Action Adventure RPG
>Exploration Platformer RPG
>Action Adventure Platformer
>Action Exploration
>2D Action RPG
>Side-scrolling Action Adventure
How hard can it be to explain? It's an exploration based RPG with light platformer mechanics.

>To me "Metroidvania" is less an actual genre and more a colloquial comparison phrase
However, new developers are making games based on that description. Same as some stores, it's no longer colloquial.

What’s the problem?
Game with exploration of a large interconnected map that involves some backtracking and shortcut taking for the skilled.
2D action game with emphasis on inventory management and difficulty.
The fusion of the above.
Kotaku is fucking retarded. That’s why they literally had to LIE about Mordhau devs.

Fun fact: People who doesn't play video games doesn't care about any kind of portmanteau. To them, video games are video games. They'll tell you to pause your video games in the middle of an online gaming session. Giving any kind of terms no matter how family friendly is useless.

All four of those things are true though. The point is that by not being inclusive we sound like raging spergs to everyone we talk about our interests to.

How the fuck do you call yourself a writer if you can't come up with something as simple as an explanation?

"Exploration Platformer"

if you care enough to divide it into a subgroup smaller than 'action adventure', you better damn well be aware of what castlevania/metroid are

HK is another metroid clone, there's no character progression outside of items.

outsiders don't need to know. It works for us and that's all that matters.

this wasn't the case until like three years ago

Why would you have to explain it to non gamers?

Rogue like is shitty in the same way, but I bet they use that just fine. A genre is always going to be loose with language. The important part is just to convey a message and once you've played one, you can use that word to identify others.

fuck off back to resetera and don't forget to dilate

I thought the proper abbreviation was ASSFAGGOTS and not just FAGGOTS?

I don't believe anything but the first one, but on the other hand, I'm not giving them clicks.

It will trigger me for an eternity that people still spell it "Metroidvania"
That sounds fucking retarded. It should be and i feel like it used to always be "Metroivania"
You don't say either of the original words in most portmanteaus, and pronouncing the "d" makes it sound awkward, like two seperate words.
Kotaku is gay and wrong either way. Many subgenres are based off of things you should know or games you should have at least tried if you want to have video games as your hobby.

Do they? I'm honestly surprised. Maybe because "Metroid" is the more prominent word they don't mind but it's not like Sony would call Crash Bandicoot "a Mariorunner game" or whatever. Seems weird to openly advertise a potential rival product in your own description.

I've had more trouble explaining rogue-like
>what's a roguelike
>it's this this and this
>why is it called a roguelike
>there was a game named rogue that kick started this genre
>and in what genre was that game
>fucking rogue like

You can't just change the name of a genre

Why would a person who doesn't play video games, not only care what Metroidvania is, why would they even KNOW what it is?
If they ask what a Metroidvania even is, considering it's such a odd term they would probably maybe know.

>advertising a niche genre from the 90s and early 2000s to normies
Who the fuck cares? And there are plenty of ways to call the genre. Exploration Platformer for example. People use the term Metroidvania because it's straight to the point. A JRPG can be turn-based, time-based, action, or other genres. Metroidvania is to the point, it's a 2D exploration adventure game that might have RPG mechanics.

Gee, what a coincidence, Kotaku! We just had a thread on this very subject recently, and now you made an article about it! Weird how totally RANDOM this occurrence was, right?


People who don't play video games won't know what you're talking about no matter what you call the genre.

please, these faggy journalists are the ones who coined "character action" which is possibly the shittiest most useless descriptor for a set of games in existence

Here is a paragraph taken from the article, word for word.
"Video games need to be easier to parse, not harder. We talk a lot about diversity and inclusion in games—how we games could become a better, more welcoming space if we just figured out a way to represent more perspectives both in the games we play and in the studios that make them. These are necessary, urgent steps. But I also wonder how many people have never bothered because we’ve spent all this time using the wrong words."

>2D action game with emphasis on inventory management and difficulty.
There is no real inventory management in classic Castlevania. Not even Castlevania II.

SOTN essentially WAS just Super Metroid. "Metroidvania" may as well be just "Metroid." The only reason the -vania is tacked on was to distinguish SOTN-like Castlevania games from the classic platformers. Using it for non-Castlevania games is retarded since, again, the -vania contributes nothing when taken out of the Castlevania context.

And protip- Symphony of the Night is a shittier Super Metroid.

>The point is that by not being inclusive we sound like raging spergs to everyone we talk about our interests to.
Technicalities come with every hobby and profession. It's a waste of resources explaining them to people not interested in such matter.
Socially, it's actually perceived as awkward trying to explain technicalities to people not interested. Unless you're a kid trying to talk to adults about your new toy.

Kotaku is a pretentious platform and it's absurd that they think they can lead the charge on anything. Metroidvania is a fine term and only an incompetent isn't able to define it simply for someone.

if you want to get technical

The word 'Linux' is an inelegant portmanteau that's hard to explain to people who don't use computers. We should come up with something better.

How about they learn what the word means instead of being a newfag? If they don't play video games why should "we"(whomever that is) come up with another word for it? Fuck off.

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Remember when Kotaku was banned from Yea Forums and Neogaf? Good times

Yeah, because talking about the term metroidvania is a such a new and hot topic, right user?

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It's because the games were Japanese games and those are problematic. How fucking intolerant.

Who are "we"? Why is this even a problem? It's a dumb term that's become ubiquitous with side scrolling action rpgs

>They'll tell you to pause your video games in the middle of an online gaming session.
If I ever made an online video game I will absolutely give every player the universal power to pause/unpause. I want everyone to feel like Captain N.

Rougelike has been bastardized to hell now though and can refer to any game that has you reset you progress when you die, but mostly for random level generation, and not simple games that are like Rogue.

>*tch* man fuckin journos think dey smart cause dey to the synonymous dictionary. fuckin broke ass niggas

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> calling men tampons metroidvania
based absolute retard

yeah this is typical of that delusion progressist faggots tend to have

we need to change reality because we must do better :)))) you're not the one who decides what words people use bitch

You have to understand that the world of online journalism for everything, not just video games, is about writing as much shit as possible. You're competing with the entire planet now.

>Implies that all black people falsely protest their innocence when accused of thievery, particularly of bicycles
>particularly of bicycles

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>Metroidvania is too much of gamer lingo
So? Casuals probably don't know what an RTwP is or a CRPG or a DRPG.

The word 'Kotaku' is an inelegant portmanteau that's hard to explain to people that enjoy video games because all they actually care about is SJW bullshit and dismantling Otaku culture from the inside. We should come up with something more derisive for them.

I suggest: faggots.

>twitter screencap of a kotaku article
This place gets worse and worse by the second

They're not right. If you're not a retard, it's easy to explain to people. You dont even have to know a single thing about metroid or castlevania to explain the basic gist of the genre.
How long before these are actual genres on Steam? One month? Two?

I'm mad. Fuck you, Metroidvania is literally the best way to describe the genre.

But again, why is the -vania even there? Just call them Metroid clones and be done with it. SOTN literally contributed nothing beyond the thinnest possible RPG elements, elements that not all "Metroidvanias" even have.

Everything is a problem.

Most Roguelikes (as the term is used by normalfags) are nothing like Rogue

I don't know what a fucking rtwp is.

I can't remember the last time I saw a single image so perfectly encapsulate the mentality of game journos. Look at how their primary concern is explaining it to people who don't play video games. Everything needs to be uprooted and changed for the people who don't care about our hobby so that Faggy Kotakustein can pretend video games are serious business when he's sitting around the table at Thanksgiving and his family members all exchange sad glances when he tells them that he writes about video games and they're totally legitimate now.

>"Guys did you see Dad of Boy? He's a dad who's bald and has a beard, like me! It was so poignant! Please Aunt Sue, stop looking at me like a puppy with three legs who doesn't realize anything is wrong with him! Video games are serious now! We got ride of the "Metroidvania" term!"

Why should we explain what a metroidvania is to people who don't play videogames?

gaming journalism is something that is hard to explain to people who play video games and expect actual journalism. We should come up with something better.

This is the "is Smash Bros. a fighting game?" argument in reverse.

>people in a niche should stop using niche-specific language

retarded idea. The entire point of specialised language is to convey concepts quicker inside the group not to outsiders.

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Videogame genre names are awful by default. You're better off describing the characteristics of the game, like:
>camera position
>turnbased / realtime / mixed gameplay
>gameplay elements like platforming, inventory management, equipment, exploration etc

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Using "Metroidvania" as a genre name is dumb but not for the equally dumb reasons Kotaku states.

Why should we care about people who don’t play games?
They clearly are not going to play these games anyways.

Metroidvania isn't a dumb title for it's intelligence. It's a dumb title because it's a misappropriation of actual 80s and 90s kid culture. It reeks of "I didn't discover these games until yesrerday." It's ironic watching newbies ask newbies to stop using newbie terminology and make newer newbie terminology.

>This jargon is hard to understand if you aren't into this hobby. Let's cater to people that don't even play games for some reason.

Why can't those people just put in the modicum of effort it takes to learn the phrases? Medical schools don't go "The word brachioradialis is an inelegant portmanteau that's hard to explain to people who don't study anatomy. We should call it the arm-twisty instead."
That sort of bending language not out of necessity for new description but entirely because people were too stupid to learn the meaning of a word is why literally both means itself and its antonym now.

I mean, no-one knows what a "Walking simulator" or "JRPG" is unless you're part of the fanbase either. Jargon is expected and normal.

Metroidvania is a sub genre. Castlevania is a RPG but to explain it in more detail to peopel you can say its a Metroidvania.

Good there is enough people shitting up the game industry as it it let's use even more gamer centric wordings to gatekeep harder

>that's hard to explain
They're 2d platformers with a continuous, open ended world. So hard

This, why would they care?

*its ineloquence


The point is you and your ilk are trying to assume control of a hobby that never belonged to you in the first place. Everyone else is just patiently waiting for you to go out of business as everything you touch turns to cancer.

Real Time with Pause, it's an in-between of turn-based and real time combat used in stuff like Baldur's Gate.

I am 100% for decreasing the complexity of language used in science though. It's ridiculous how much random shit you have to remember because of fucking latin.


Explain what an "adventure" game is.

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>looking at me like a puppy with three legs who doesn't realize anything is wrong with him

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Its KOTAKU. THey can go fuck themselves. They arent a credible video game news outlets. More a retard blog for people who DONT play video games. As they have proven time and time again. And in that exact tweet.

You go on an adventure

action platformers

Sop, like Super Mario Bros?

You have 10 seconds to come up with alternatives for the following

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Every genre besides sports and maybe RPG more or less splintered off of "action game" in the 80s and early 90s. And they usually adopted a term that represented the primary thing you did in the game. "Adventure." "Fighting." Then somewhere in the mid-90s they started appending "RPG" to everything once half the PlayStation's library added an experience point system. "Action RPG." "Tactical RPG."

"Metroidvania" is an extremely modern thing. It's no older than the Nintendo DS.

Fuck people who don't play video games.

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Oh got it.

Notice how it's "We" who should come up with a new word. Instead of just using a new term when talking about said games in the future the person decided to write an article how someone should do something about it, beyond retarded

An adventure game. It's an "action adventure" because it takes adventure game design of solving puzzles by exploring environments to find items and discover information and adds action game mechanics of fast paced dexterity challenges like combat or platforming or whatever.

somebody pls throw a nuke on kotaku

You should come up with a cure for your down syndrome first, retard.


>Castlevania is a RPG
That's b8 and you know it.

>Brutalist Horror
>No idea what this is

This is such a non issue? What faggot is autistic enough to use in-hobby terms to describe things to someone who doesn't play them? To my friends I might call something a metroidvania, to someone not familiar I'd call them a 2D side scrolling adventure game or something. Kotaku is such shit

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>We journalist aren't pretentious because dictionary
Do you think your post through before replying?

If you get a fundamental understanding of Latin, though, you pretty much can intuitively break down phrases for their meaning. The reason so much medical and scientific jargon is in Latin is because it's an effectively dead language with its vocabulary written in stone. Anyone can pick it up at any time and their understanding will be as up-to-date as anybody else's. It provides a naming standard.

SMB is just a platformer.

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This is how it sounds to my ear, too, whenever a new non-Castlevania game is described as "Metroidvania." It sounds like retro-pandering to get me to buy your shit game.

>Castlevania is a RPG
Only form SoTN onwards, they were combat platformers before that.

The ones in the style of symphony of the night are RPG's. The...metroidvania style ones.


>particularly bicycles
Okay, which one of you wrote that?

Well considering I said a sub genre of metroidvania could you just not be a fucking stickler for half a second and infer I didn't mean the first fucking games, or some shit like Lords of Shadow?

Stop people from saying soulsborne too while you're at it
Then the world will be less cringe

Soulsian makes me throw up

This one isn't comparable since it's used to describe actual Lovecraft creations like Cthulhu.

>let's make the genre more mainstream so we can casualise it even more

Soulsborne has literally no defining traits

But you go from one place to another.

This. If they ask what's a metroidvania, just say 2D side scrolling adventure game. Wow, so fucking hard.

The point of niche terms is to quickly talk about something without having a long ass term about it.

Surreal Slice of Life
Surreal Horror
Surreal Mystery

Now I'm a journalist too! Fuck off and restore the Hugo while you're at it you shitty Maoists.

>explaining video games
why would you do this?

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>"Do you know the metroid and castlevania games? well it's like that combined"
How fucking stupid do you have to be to not get this? If you don't play videogames you can just look these 2 up. What the fuck

If that's the case then why not just call them RPGs or Action RPGs? Metroid and Zelda are really the exact same game with the only difference being a 2D vs. isometric view. Logically that makes SOTN the same genre as Zelda.

it's called click bait

No user, Cod is FPShit

To the average faggot on the street it means "You cannot comprehend!!1!" and tentacle monsters.

Or, instead of being close minded they could politely ask the person to explain what they mean by Metroidvania

Searchy Jumpy

Action platformer woah that was hard. Fucking retarded

Sounds a pretty based life desu.
I want to bang a finances airhead, as she browses instagram without reacting to my pounding

Games have no business pandering to non gamers.

>Wrongly atributed to tentacles and not the higher scope of existance and the insany of comprehending it
>Who cares

>as she browses instagram without reacting to my pounding
A man of finer tastes.

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As a child of the 80s, anything with platforming alone is either "Action" or "Action Platformer." And anything with platforming elements but some other mechanic beyond the Mario standard just appended different words to get Action-Whatever. Action RPG, Action Aventure, etc. It worked just fine for us. Genre names are hilariously stupid today. They're not even words anymore, just a series of letters that resemble an old-school cheat code and every game gets its own genre based on some extremely minor mechanic.


>Metroid: Exploration, Platformer
>Iga-Castlevania: Stat System, Equipment
Wow that was hard.

2d action platformer

>kek - egyptian god of chaos
Lolwut? I thought it was a progression from lol > lel > kek.

Better change fucking everything. Shit tons of video game genre names are just abritrary jargon that only make sense to people who actually play games. Fighting games? Any game is a 'fighting gane' if it involves combat, which would be most of them.. Shoot em ups? You could be describing any game where you shoot things. And what about stuff like adventure games? What exactly do you mean by that? Is it a game where you go on an adventure or is it a point and click game? Are RTS games point a click games too because you point your cursor at things and click them? Let's not even get into the warped definition of what an RPG is.

I dunno if it's realistic to come up with a whole bunch of new terminology and just expect everyone to start using it for the benefit of people who don't even play games. Why the fuck would it even matter if someone who couldn't give two shits about vidya doesn't have an instinctive understanding of what genres like metroidvania mean in the same way as genres like first person shooter? Who the fuck is having this conversation with them in the first place?

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"Platformer" also doesn't mean shit to anyone ho's never played a video game but that didn't stop it from being the biggest genre for a decade.


Lovecraftian should probably be Wellsian instead, given he was doing the whole "humans are insignificant ants in a bigger universe, human society does not matter" shtick like 15 years beforehand. His most famous story even had space octopus monsters with tentacles.

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>censored feet
Why am I getting a chub?

Metroidvania is fine, Soulsborne is a shitty fucking name for a shitty nongenre

No one complains about "roguelike" even though it's the same fucking thing

Lovecraftian already has 'cosmic horror' as commonly used alternative.

Post uncensored.



More elegant than "action platformer" which describes barely anything at all
>we should come up with something better
Then do it, faggots. If people like your word they'll use it.

The words "Games Journalist" is an inelegant misnomer that's hard to explain to people who don't misuse the word journalist. We should come up with something better.

It's GNU/Linux.

"Platformer" actually conveys a shit ton of information provided the person receiving it knows what a video game actually is in the first place.

One life of randomly generated engine dungeon or Olored for short. See it makes sense

2D action RPG

>Yea Forums now agrees with shitaku.

The absolute state etc.

why would i talk about video games with someone who doesn't play video games?
journos are retards

I never understood the point of adding Borne. Bloodborne literally added nothing new to the Souls formula

Please fucking God no. You know damn well there's a real possibility these would catch on.

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>this game is a metroidvania
>Oh, I don't know what a metroidvania is, I don't play games that much. Could you explain what a "metroidvania" is?
>Yeah it's basically a game that combines elements of Super Metroid and Castlevania games where you have a big map and you collect upgrades that you can use in combat but also let you access more and more parts of the map.
>okay sounds cool, glad that didn't take long
Congrats now someone who doesn't play video games knows what a metroidvania is
literally not that hard to explain

Kotaku is more retarded than this girl.

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Thats the smartest thing I've ever heard from a kotaku "writer"

do people at kotaku play video games

Even though its Kotaku, its true though. The term "Metroidvania" is fucking retarded. Just call them 2D action platformers for fucks sake. If it isn't Metroid or Castlevania why bother even calling it Metroidvania?

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>hard to explain to people who don't play video games
Like games journalists?

>If it's not Rogue, why call it a roguelike
people make associations with better things

"Journalists" want to be able to talk about their job to people that they don't despise, i.e. only people that don't play video games.

People who still play 2d sidescrollers are fucktards, we advanced past that era 15 years ago

I guess people are just mad that you're comparing their precious 2d sidescroller with a game that came out 20 years ago, they have the exact same mechanics and gameplay, deal with it.

since when the fuck do genre names need to make sense? music has shit like "post hardcore" and "shoegazing" and nobody bats and eyelid


they're kids who never grew up


If they don't play video games then who gives a shit about them?

Reminder that this was literally fake.
it's still funny though

Just because a genre is old doesn't mean it's been replaced, retard. Good bait.

>a game that combines platformer elements from one exploration game and RPG mechanics from another exploration game uses a portmanteau of both games

>2D action platformers

Viewtiful Joe is my favourite metroidvania

For you

call it "run and staby castle crawlies". fixed it for you

It makes it seem like it's less derivative than if you just call it "Soulslike" I guess? Or people want it to sound more "valid" like metroidvania when it's just games aping Dark Souls.

Well baited friend

Because "2D action platformer" could describe literally anything. It could be Mario, or Mega Man, or Contra. Metroidvania specifically implies that the game is going to follow in the footsteps of a Metroid and/or Castlevania title, with an open world, permanent upgrades to collect, backtracking to do new shit in old areas with new abilities, etc.

i say fuck people who dont play videogames

Fuck Kotaku, everyone who work or has worked here deserve hell on earth.

Don't forget "the Dark Souls of"

This just tells me you don't understand what a Metroidvania entails which differentiate it from pure 2D platformers.

>Oh lord red

Kek is actually older than lel. Although that could be because of WoW.

Because 2d action platformers doesn't capture the essense of the genre. The classic Castlevanias are 2d action platformers because that's all you do. You platform and you fight things. Castlevania post SOTN and the Metroid games have 2d action platforming as part of their formula but they also make extensive use of exploration and can be characterised by that feeling of finding an insurmountable obstacle that you need to make a mental note of, keep playing the game until you unlock the item or ability needed to traverse it and then backtracking later in the game to get past it. That shit is what Metroidvanias are all about and it's basically impossible to sum that experience up in a snappy way that doesn't involve just citing the two biggest and most popular examples of the genre as an example.

Instead of Kotaku they should be called GameOutrageClickbait.

>That shit is what Metroidvanias are all about and it's basically impossible to sum that experience up in a snappy way
platform RPGs

It should be illegal to make or play video games.

Prove me wrong

>we should
Really? We should?

Language policing is very toxic and ignorant

Translation: I sounded silly at a party and got embarrassed and now video games need to change

I agree that it's kind of dumb to call an entire genre after the games that popularized it; it'd be like calling all platformers Mariothons. But who gives the slightest fuck if its too confusing for people who don't play video games. Why do they care?

ARPGs are top down/3rd person

someone that doesn't play video games will absolutely not care what you're talking about no matter what you call it

"Two-dimensional action-adventure" is four words, Metroidvania is technically one. It's stupid and I dislike it too but it's not my place to decide for others what they want to call it. And frankly Metroidvania is even more specific of a genre than what I described, since it usually focuses on the exploration and movement through the environment.

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call them action game then, that's what they are

This right here is the actual truth. Metroidvania is used to distinguish between Classicvania and Metroidvania inside the Castlevania franchise. You wouldn't call a game outside of Castlevania a Classicvania would you? So you shouldn't call any games Metroidvanias either, they're just Metroid-like games.

'you have to go back' apparently is an insult to hispanics






>hard to explain to people who don't play videogames

Why would people who don't play videogames give a fuck about metroidvanias to begin with?

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He's not wrong, the "Roguelike" moniker lost all meaning because no one knows what Rogue is

eat: my ass

That still doesn't really adequately sum up the whole exploration element that's such a major part of the genre. And keep in mind that games like Super Metroid can't really be called RPGs in the same way that games like SOTN can. There's no stats or gear or anything like that. And then there's older games like Valkyrie Profile that are literally platformer RPGs but don't play anything like metroidvanias do.

My suggestion: 2d action platformer explore em' ups with RPG elements but not always.

It is an odd name. I'd have called 'em chazwozzers.

>Term related to [subculture] is hard to explain to people outside of [subculture]
Imagine my shock.

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fuck people who don’t play video games, we don’t need to make genre names more accessible to normies



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wow, portmanteau, this guy smrt

>it would take 2 seconds in google and maybe watching a video or 2 to understand what the genre is
I get that it's important to be welcoming to people who want to start somewhere
but when it's that easy to figure out or explain then there's no point
I have never played any of the original games that inspired the Rogue-like genre but I know what it is because I can fucking read

we call them smibbly bibbly ups

Only thing wrong with metroidvania is that it should just be metroid-like. And if you don't like Metroid-like than come up with a better genre name than souls-like or rogue-like. Game genres can be incredibly nuanced and difficult to accurately name, don't complain if you can't come up with something better.

Guarenteed replies

It's not really an insult, it's just...they have to go back.

metroidvania always refers to SotN clones though, nobody really clones metroid

For some reason I want this to become a thing.

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>literally right
Morel like you're figuratively wrong.

That is incorrect, user. Even people who don't play video games must be aware of the blatant sexism, racism, misogyny, LGBTQ+ phobia, islamophobia, antisemitism, white supremacy and male supremacy in any shape and form.

How about "pretending not to be linear linear game"

A man can dream...
Just spam that shit!

The word "portmanteau" is an inelegant amalgamate term that's hard to explain to people who didn't grow up in the 19th century. We should come up with something better.

>What's a Metroidvania?
>it's a game where you explore a map made up of different room. You acquire different abilities that help you explore the map and unlock different areas that where previously out of reach. You also fight stuff
that was so hard and difficult to understand for people who don't play games

holy shit

Why would I need to explain it to people who don’t play video games?

It is, but coincidentally Kek (or Kuk) is an Egyptian god of primordial darkness. He also has a frog head. /pol/ had a field day with this information.

>half of the Castlevania games released don't play like SOTN
>people still insist on this shitty term

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Clearly not thinking like a marketer

yeah, they're called ps4 exclusives

It always bugged how if they are 3D we just call them action adventure, but if they are sidescrollers we merge 2 games together.

>fucking anons thinking they're shit using written words to communicate thoughts to each other when they just learned that all at school. fukcing faggots.

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Point and clicks are adventures and most don't have action.

>The vast majority of the good ones play exactly like SOTN because it's widely regarded as the pinnacle of the genre even today.

Imagine playing video games all your life and not actually being able to appreciate them. Penoso!

It's Gnu is not Unix! / Linux.

If you're getting into that level of specificity though then you're outside the scope of a genre and have wandered into clone territory. Mario and Mega Man are both the same genre. They don't need to be identical. If someone is literally just cloning SOTN then just call it a SOTN clone and be done with it. "Metroidvania" is needlessly wordy and too specific to function as a genre. We lump all kinds of different movies under umbrella genres. We don't say "It's a Terminatorambo film."

Wow they're just like us!

I agree because Castlevania doesn't deserve equal billing to Metroid in influencing the genre

"metroidvanias" should ONLY be the subset of castlevania games with Metroid-style maps

Metroidvania is the greatest genre name ever. Anyone who disagree is a retard

>dindu nuffin - insult against black people. implie that all black people falsely protest their innocence when accused of thievery
>particularly of bicycles

Metroidvania is a stupid term for it but this is Kotaku and I don't care what they think so fuck them.

It's true that you get this sense of a really pretentious fuckwit trying too hard to sound superior when you hear a fifty dollar word like 'portmanteau' sent to walk the alley for these types. The same feeling you get reading Kotaku all the time.

Words like that are like gold teeth and a bottle of Cristal in hand for white people.

cute, faggot

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Keep the normies the fuck out.

People don't play video games don't give a fuck. You don't see me badgering pilots on the stupid ways the name their fucking instruments.

"it's a type of 2d game where you run around a big map fighting enemies, and collecting tools that help you reach different areas of the map"
Easy, though I can't imagine a scenario where somebody who doesn't play video games would want to hear a full explanation.

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>Yea Forums: a place where adults enjoy childish shit
>kokatu: a place where children pretend to be adults

Why should anyone care about it being difficult to explain a video game genre to people who don't play video games?

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I unironically agree. Metroidvania is such a vague term that you even get retards calling things like Dark Souls Metroidvanias. If people get confused enough that they think Metroidvania just means "open and non-linear structure" then it may as well just be dropped.

>retards don't know how to Google shit they don't know or are unsure of
So much for the age of information


might be right but it sure is fucking annoying that people have to find something to bitch about every single day of their lives, not everything needs to be fixed and fucking homogenized, fuck off you stupid tranny

I never liked the term Metroidvania. I don't like the term Roguelike either. It's not the '90s anymore; we don't refer to first-person shooters as Doom clones, and we shouldn't be naming other genres after games either.

If a genre is so specific that it's impossible to describe in a few words without referencing an existing title, then maybe it shouldn't be considered a genre at all. Mention any Roguelike and there will be someone who says it's not even a true Roguelike because, in some list of ways, its not enough like Rogue. So how is the term Roguelike helpful at all?

The same problem exists with Metroidvania, except its even worse because many Metroid games and many Castlevania games aren't considered Metroidvania games by Metroidvania fans. This makes the term Metroidvania incredibly unhelpful; if the games referenced in the name of the genre don't even necessarily belong to a genre, then the genre name is doing a worse job of describing the genre than a non-title-referencing genre name like Exploration Action Platformer.

In other words, fuck Metroidvania. Also, though, fuck Kotaku.

>2D action platformers
You mean Megaman, Icey and Gunvolt?

On the other hand Metroidvania's original use made perfect sense. It referred to Castlevania games that were structured more like a Metroid game, ie. SOTN and the GBA titles. Castlevania vs Metroidvania made it easy to tell which parts of the series one was talking about. When the usage extended beyond the scope of this one series, shit stopped making sense yes.

If there was a hypothetical Rambo film that also had a scenestealing Terminator in it, calling that specific one a "Terminatorambo film" would work. Because it's different from the other Rambo films and it's an easy way to describe how it's different.

>kotaku writer learns the word "portmanteau" from his word-a-day calendar and writes an article around it in 30min so he can fuck off the rest of the day
>Yea Forums buttblasted for hours after

Don't you love Jesus though user?

Look here:


See? That wasn't so hard now was it?
Just remember: Inclusion loves YOU
Remember to tithe at the embedded link.

The problem with you describing a scene like that from your mind's eye is that I'm an ESLfag and I have no idea about what the stereotypical differences between white people and other demographics are wherever it is you live; I'm just used to the English language being used in all kinds of ways on the Internet

Sure but Metroidvania as a genre is indistinguishable from normal platformers to people who don't play video games.

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Anyone who doesnt know what Metroid and Castlevania are doesnt care about the game's genre
Kotaku being as cancerous as usual

Explorer Platformer?

exploration RPG platformer

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I'm going to google it just to make sure its a real word.

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Open world sidescroller, you're welcome.

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It's cringe because anyone with a full, active life wouldn't care enough to expend the energy. There's all kinds of gatekeeping people accept as normal. The Dallas Cowboys aren't going to let a random obese fan be quarterback. An engineering department isn't going to hire someone without a degree. But those are things of consequence. It's not the gatekeeping concept people find cringe, it's what's being gatekeeped.

Not that I disagree that the genre name is a little off, but why should people care how to explain a video game genre to someone that doesn't play video games?

Tbh I kind of agree. "Metroidvania" always sounded kinda dumb to me out of the context of its namesake games.

I like it

It's the opposite of elegant.

Does your native language not have prefixes?

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Had the exact same idea. Still doesn't sound so good.

>Wine has been named exactly the same way for centuries by exactly the same kind of industry insiders and hardcore hobbyists.
>Just imagine one of these faggots trying to swap Cabernet Sauvignon for something they made up in the California wine culture and hobby communities.

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>have friend who doesn't really play videogames express interest in a game you talk about/play
>asks for an explanation
>be a gatekeeping faggot like this
>they never get into it
On the flip side,
>have friend who doesn't really play videogames express interest in a game you talk/play about
>asks for an explanation
>actually tell them why you like it and how it works like a well-adjusted human being
>they buy the game
>maybe they even enjoy it and find themselves playing more vidya
>you guys bond just a little more

Riesling master race.

I wouldn't introduce wine into the topic. Wine faggotry is right up there with audiophiles in the bullshit department.

RPG mariolike

it's that thing towelheads use to shoot down american helicopters

I agree with them but want to keep just for that. Fuck "accessibility" these trannies keep pushing. Yes I want to gate keep, nothing good comes from more people getting into video games

You ate complaining about this on a site where people dont even know how to use memes properly that originated from here.

Non-linear side-scrollers is the best one I’ve heard

I would because it hits them where they live.

It's not open world though zoomer. Open world refers to the amount of instancing. The more instancing the less open world it is. Metroidvania games are heavily instanced.


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>Hard to explain to people who don't play video games
Kotaku's excuse because they don't even know what that 'word' means.

What about the other half?

In what context would I need to use the term 'metroidvania' while talking to someone who doesn't play video games.

>Literally Everyone “Metroidvania”
>Trannies and Game Journalists “The Dark Souls of Metroid”

and yet music does sound better if you break in your headphones for 1000 hours straight

>when you friend learns a new word and tries to sound intelligent while stirring shit at the same time.
its all so tiring

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IGAVANIA is more restricted. Purely about the style of game as made under Igarashi. "Non-linear side-scroller" works fine as another user mentioned.

I just don't see the value in hyper specific genre classifications. They're not designed to be a thesis on the finer points of the product. It's just a simple word or two to give some idea of the game's primary function.

Role Playing

Any specification beyond that is best left to the rest of the game's material like the title, cover art, screenshots, blurb, etc. There's simply no need to come up with genres that point to very specialized experiences.

Then they ask you what an RPG and a platformer is

Exploration Platfromer. There, now delet this thread.

>Behold! I am one of simple mind!

Go make out with your $400 Monster cables.


Roguelikes are a bit different because there's a lot of games that are very much like Rogue, with a bunch of additions. Hack, Larn, Nethack, IVAN, ADOM, Stone Soup etc. It's a pretty clear genre.

Then at some point people started using it as a synonym for "hard", "permadeath" or "procgen". I don't know when, I don't know why, but it makes me 1000% mad. Sidescrolling shooters are not roguelikes damn it. You can't just slap roguelike and a completely different genre together like that. Unless you're Crypt of the Necrodancer, both a roguelike and a rhythm game.

Then came "Roguelite" which is... like Rogue, except not. What does it even mean? It's about as descriptive as "not FPS".

Yes we do but we dont add "in" to every word to make it an antonim.

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so... Mario Odyssey? Banjo Kazooie?
metroidvania is perfect. Its just kotaku being kotaku

fucking platform with exploration mechanics
why everithing has to have a genre?
Soulslike is another meme name, the genre is action RPG

No mans sky

There are constant threads about how "metroidvania" is a shit tier name for the genre

>friendly rivalry

Someone who doesnt play video games wont get what most genres are. You can just say its like mario with vanpires and they'll understand it more than whatever retarded word he wants to propose

Complexity is required in the sciences because precision is required in the sciences. It's senseless to ruin a working system for the idiots that can't manage to adapt.

Call it sidescrolling Zelda if you want every little kid to get the idea of what it is.

Jump and Explore with Stats n' Shit

No, just suffixes and a shitton of particles.

I'd go with "Cosmic Horror" because "A hack that isn't a good writer at all but still gets too much credit because nerds love Chuthulu memes yet will deny every extereme cases of racism, just like they do with Che Guevara" too long

like mario but your character gets stronk after defeating enemies


Any label that doesn't reference "platformer" somewhere in the equation will only cause more confusion than "metroidvania."

>shares nothing in common with the game called "Castlevania"
>called "-vania"
it's such a shit-tier descriptor

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Jumpsploration survival JRPG

That's because in video game terms you are satisfied with mac n' cheese instead of pasta con la ricotta.

Some of us use words to talk about the genre in shorthand, because we are experienced with the actual genre and don't want to waste time on generic platformers when we like Metroidvanias.

Along comes a faggot like you to dictate and gatekeep how a subculture should operate, and suddenly you find everyone disliking you.

Then you run to the Internet to write an article about misogyny or whatever particular trait you hold that you think raises your asinine opinions above the level of reproach of the dedicated community. The community clicks and shares and clicks and rages and you profit.

The wheel turns, everyone finds it all a just a little more tiring, and Hitler comes that much closer to making a reappearance for no reason at all.

This nigga right here is lugburious

>monster energey png.png

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Side scroller for ignorant normalfags. You don't need anything more for "people" who don't play videogames. For people that knows their shit you just say metroidvania, don't be fucking looser.

eastshade? its pretty chill but an adventure

>that's hard to explain to people who don't play video games
1. Why would you EVER need to explain a specific sub-genre of video games to people who don't play video games?
2. Even someone who doesn't play video games can understand the concept of "it's like these two games". Show anyone a screenshot of metroid and castlevania side by side and they'd get the idea.


the first time in a while where Kotaku says something I agree with

Fuck the terms metroidvania, souls-like and roguelite etc they're all retarded and should come up with a fucking better, more describing name that even a grandparent would understand

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some people ITT never played the Mariovania

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Nigger what? There isn't a simpler word for what "portmanteau" describes. And it's not a "fifty dollar word", you're just a moron.


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Okay. Let's test this. Where would you put Quake? It's not sports nor role playing, so is it a platformer or a fighting game? Speedruns make it seem like the former, the levels of violence would lean toward the latter, even if it's more shootan and less fightan.

In short, I don't like hyper specific classifications either, but yours is too much in the other direction.

If you're that deep in the weeds then you don't even need the genre in the first place.

No, retard.


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>It's hard to understand that Castlevania Symphony of the Night was similar to Super Metroid in the sense that they're both large 2D maps based on exploration, and thus the term Metroidvania was created to describe that sort of game
>This is actually hard for shitaku and their low IQ followers to understand

I will be very surprised if you can give me a different word or phrase synonymous with "portmanteau" that they should have used instead

Whats the difference between all these wines
They all taste the same to me..

Enlightened opinion. So tell me prophet user, where should i go to wait out the war?

non-linear is already too much information for someone that doesn't play videogames. Just call it side-scroller meaning game like old super mario, more information would be confusing for ignoramus.

Between people who play video games and people who don't play video games... I don't think the latter not automatically understanding our terminology is that big of a deal

Portmanteu is an inelegant word thats hard to understand for people who dont natively speak english

How about "word"? But that wouldn't show how intellectual and refined they are.

>There's simply no need to come up with genres that point to very specialized experiences
But that's wrong you retard. The point of a genre is to give the reader an idea of what it is.

Platformer would be the simplest therm. You are walking with character on platforms after all, they don't need to know that the level scrolls.


Of course, I imagine that it's difficult for someone like you to wrap your cerebellum around the concept of someone NOT keeping verbosity and loquaciousness levels dialed to eleven to be more intelligent than the person that couldn't find a ten cent word that would suffice. It's even more hilariously ironic when they're writing an article about 'accessibility'.

This has to do with the fact that your family tree resembles a bush I imagine.

It's true, but the word has been ruined because of devs who insist on having that label slapped onto fucking everything.
The faggots who made Toki Tori 2 are the straw that broke that particular camel's back. They were so obsessed with being labeled that and it made no fucking sense.

Progression platformer

It has nothing to do with subcultures. You just want to feel like your favorite games are important enough to define other games. Hence bullshit like "soulsbourne." It's just a masturbatory exercise performed by zoomers who were never around when genres were simple one word descriptors despite games being far more diverse back then than they are today. It's ironic that as games get increasingly homogenized the words to describe them are growing.

As alludes this is a holdover from when "Adventure" games had no realtime interactions. Either through text prompts, point and click interfaces, and to an extent the FMV choose your own adventure style movies as games.

American education, everyone.

This one makes sense though because the vast majority of Rougelikes these days, while admittedly great, have almost nothing in common with Rogue

>describes everything as hateful/racist
>except "gibs me dats"
this dude

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>Defending Kotaku
>On Yea Forums

Attached: chernobyl_brainchadlet.jpg (640x480, 28K)

The term Metroidvania never made sense in teh first place since the developers of SoTN were inspired by Zelda and not Metroid

>Press F to pay respects:... Pressing F actually means disrespect...
Even we aren't that ironic

Either learn English or don't, complaining is not an option. But if you think French loanwords are inelegant, maybe the scope of your issue is broader than English alone.

If someone can't make the tiniest effort to understand what a metroidvania is, that's their problem. They can adapt, the rest of the world doesn't have to adapt to them.

adventure games

Forgot to add sidescroller, then again it ain't that hard to explain the gameplay from those games. You know what genre I can't figure out yet? Rougue-like. What makes a game rougue-like?

a person can lookup 5 minutes of metroid and castlevania gameplay and under stand what a person means by metroidvania
Kotaku has and will always be stupid

>thus the term Metroidvania was created to describe that sort of game
No it wasn't. It was created to distinguish one style of Castlevania game from another. New Castlevanias would come out and people would call it either "Metroidvania" or "Classicvania" to distinguish the games within the franchise. It was never meant to be used out in the general world of video games, nor does it make any sense to, since like I said earlier, the -vania contributes nothing when applied to other games.

In thinking fucking "portmanteau" is an example of them flexing their knowledge you're just exposing yourself as a dumbass, it's a perfectly common word and it's being used naturally.

>defending being a moron with a shit vocabulary

Side Scrolling RPG?
Kill All Gaming Journos

>"hey user i don't play video games but Game X looks kind of neat. What do you think?"
>"it looks like a pretty cool metroidvania"
>"what's a metroidvania?"
>proceed to describe common features, give examples and have insightful discussion
Oh wow kotaku's right god forbid i accidentally end up in a conversation.

you sound like a beta

Or maybe if people really want to play and enjoy video game, they'll actually explore and try it out the games from which the genre got its name for.

Seriously, play Super Metroid and Castlevania, Symphonie of the night. They are both fantastic games that I wish I could play for the first time again and are more than deserving of their fame.

>Dark Knight Rises
>2011 movie
The worst part

It’s a basic term for a genre

>It has everything to do with culture. You are just an obnoxious millennial that wants to feel like he is in charge of anything and is important enough to define other games. Hence bullshit like "diverse." It's just a masturbatory exercise performed by millennials who were never around for: Doom games, Diablo clones, MUDs MOOs, MUSHes, BBS door games. It's ironic that millennials think everyone they're awkwardly criticizing in their desperate need to feel superior are zoomers. As games get increasingly more niche due to a growing indie and small dev market, the words people use to describe them are becoming ever more specfic. Much like tagging systems on Steam, people don't want to waste time with brain dead people with no actual sense of the hobby trying to ham handedly build it's lexicon.

Next journalist step up please.

Yet people still call games like Salt & Sanctuary and Hollow Knight metroidvanias. It has come to mean a 2D exploration game.

Yeah an IDEA. Not a goddamn treatise on it's mechanics. Shit, calling SOTN an "action game" gives you an idea of what it's about. When a so-called "genre" translates to "clone of this very specific game" then that's no longer giving "an idea of what it is."

Adventure-platformer would accurately emphasize the focus on exploration as compared to action-platformer. But it sounds stupid because no one is used to using it, and both words are three syllables long. Also it's already associated with the point & click genre.


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Daw, poor little baby is pissed that he and his shitty gaming "journalists" got called out trying to appear smart yet again.

>Shit, calling SOTN an "action game" gives you an idea of what it's about
No it doesn't. Saying "it's like Metroid" gives you a much better idea of what kind of game it is.

I just answered myself with a simple Google search, thats how easy it is to discover what metroidvania is.

Edgy Mario

coat-hanger. There.
>using words
what a pretentious cunt.

Lovecraft didn't even invent the genre, he was just mimicking earlier authors like W. H. Hodgeson and Robert W. Chamber with some Edger Poe.

there really is no possible answer to this.

This, they also wouldn't care what rougelike is or soulsborne is.

Based and fuck liberalartsdegreespilled

If they don’t play video games then why the fuck would they care or be talking about a metroidvania? Talking to people about video games who don’t play video games makes you look like a massive retard.

This would have more bite if the world actually looked like you're saying it does. Games are most assuredly not getting more niche. And the vast majority of indie and small devs are aping on classic genres. You're the type who thinks Doki Doki Literature Club is some newfangled stroke of brilliance that defies classification.

i literally dont care about what people who dont play games think about terminology used in gaming

>doesn't even know what a portmanteau actually is
>gives coat-hanger as an example

Congratulations, you are exactly the pretentious fuckstick I assumed you were.

For someone that doesn't read books, horror would suffice. We actually don't need to invent new words, they already are there.

why the fuck would you even need to explain a relatively niche genere to someone who doesn't play video games?
>hurr durr fellow mathematician we should change the definition of Inter-universal Teichmüller theory because it confuses our janitors

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I know what it's come to mean. It's also stupid that it's come to mean that.

This. Yea Forums ragged on the term "Metroidvania" for years, and now they suddenly like it. Way to expose the electioniggers.

>Most assuredly

Pardon if you hear a flushing sound regarding what I think of your assurances and credentials to speak on this or any other topic.

I'll give you 3 reasons

1. Kid tells their parents what game they want
2. Adult tries to understand what game it is
3. hobbyist who hasn't played the genre before gets a better idea of what it means

/thread your mouth shut, retard

And yet the brain trust of Yea Forums has not been able to come up with a name anywhere near as concise. You can cringe all you want but it is a word that has utility.


Those are literally journos. Journalists do care what Metroidvania means because it's their job, but they actually don't play videogames so it's hard for them to comprehend.

Metroidvania is a hobbyist term. Every community for anything ever has similar terminology that requires similar context - whether that's gaming, sports, politics, sewing, literature, toy collecting, specific websites or whatever. No, you generally wouldn't use them among people that you know aren't familiar with that hobby or community, but that doesn't mean them 'exclusionary' or 'gatekeeping' - it's shorthand to succinctly communicate an idea or concept to people familiar with what it represents for when they're talking about it, which as people invested in those things, they often do. Should we stop using the term 'Orwellian' because not everyone's read Orwell? No, because that's stupid and it's easily fixed - just ask what it means or look it up, and then it'll be explained to you. Oh my god, so hard.

The origin of the term Metroidvania also doesn't matter, just the context and meaning within which it's used now. Weeaboo meant nothing and was just gibberish that came from a webcomic, but the meaning it's most associated with now is Japanophile, so that's what it means. It doesn't matter if that's just because moot was sick of people spamming Wapanese and put a filter on it, just how it's understood now.

call it a shooty wooty runny looker
and then give the people at kotaku a fishers price toy

Too fucking late faggots, you can't stop people from saying Metroidvania and attaching some fucking dumbass "THINK OF THE CASUALS" argument to what people have already put forth makes me want to use the term even more.

Yes, we know it technically only really applies to Castlevania games in the SotN style, but now it's just a broad term to any game that has the Metroid elements like picking up new items that give you access to new areas and exploring an interconnected world. Way more often than not when a game is described as "Metroidvania" it gives people who are in the know a very good idea of what it is so it's a fine term, literally any other description will still have people saying "oh yeah so it's a Metroidvania" because it's been in use for so long. TOO FUCKING BAD if you don't like how it sounds or it "annoys you" or you don't like explaining to the 4/10 girl you want to fuck what it means. If the term ever gets changed it'll be something organic and not a faggot lecturing people to stop.

>The world looks like my SF/Silicon Valley bubble community

>*flushing noises*

Sanity, I missed you. Can I ask you honestly? Are you a leftist? I won't even hold it against you.

Kotaku is pretty cool from time to time, they made this Dragon Quest XII review which is probably the greatest review ever made youtu.be/4iTbUGItU0s

Never played metroidvania until Bloodstained but i known the therm. You must be retarded and completely ignorant of videogames to not get it.

We're just arguing matter of degrees now. Capcom itself didn't see a problem putting Dungeons & Dragons and Mega Man under "action" for the purpose of genre. If anyone wanted to know more about each game they'd flip the box over and read the actual description. What's the point in using the genre to cram in as much information as possible as if there's no other way to learn about the nuances of a game?

Attached: saturn.png (1010x426, 1.17M)

I'd call a game a Mariovania.

To add to that, if I say "oh this game is an action platformer" or "a traversal game" or some other generic shitty term that still means nothing to people who don't play games. At the end of the day, who fucking cares? If you want to explain a Metroidvania to an utter casual just say "you explore this big game world, fight enemies and get new abilities to explore it further" and leave it at that because you literally cannot use a single term to explain it to people who are completely on the outside anyway.

The truly sad part is, if the people they wanted to share the hobby with had an inkling of interest in the first place they would ask.

Gutting the hobby to appeal to casuals is exactly what took Battlefield from an artwork like 1942 to Gender Clown Circus 2018.

Once you gut it enough, it's no longer a hobby. It's sitcoms on primetime, it's the lard in your crisco of the mind. It's oreo cookies, all filler, no substance and just bland mass produced shit.

1. They won't care
2. Every adult carries a device with Google access around with them 24/7
3. See 2.
Checkmate Atheists

>What's the point in using the genre to cram in as much information as possible as if there's no other way to learn about the nuances of a game?
What's the point in using such a non descriptive genre? I can tell you the exact reason for using one that actually describes something. To actually fucking describe something.

Stop samefagging. There cannot be two separate humans equally retarded enough to write out flushing noises.

>I only read boxes and approved commercial words to learn.

A pitiful fellow, the journalism defender. Champion of mass produced capitalism. Why have a relationship with your fellow hobbyists when you could potentially make a few dollars on youtube to hock their sad little angles.

>C-c-combo breaker.

I don't come to your house and tell you how to fuck your sister, don't tell me how to post.

Bluegrass is a genre of music and its name is derived entirely from a single band. I don't see what makes the term "Metroidvania" so different.

Kotaku is gay and staffed by pozzed commie retards, they're wrong about this just like all the faggot idiots who ever complained about the term. If you had a better idea for what to call those games it would've caught on by now but it hasn't.

I have no idea what ticked you off and I don't care. Keep freaking out, your spergout writing style is a pleasure to read.

>They won't care
A lot of parents care what their kids play these days.
Blame the SJW

>Every adult carries a device with Google access around with them 24/7
Yeah just like they carry a calculator so they don't have to be smart

fuck you, naming things something anyone can understand without explanation is never a bad idea unless you're trying to hide something.
You wouldn't need a translator if you knew what the world means.
Kind of like how you had to use google to check what portmanteau means because you're retarded

I grew up thinking I was, but I don't even know anymore.

Both Metroids and "Metroidvanias" existed prior the word Metroidvania ever entering the lexicon. That didn't start showing up until maybe 2005. It wasn't even around during the GBA Castlevanias. Yet somehow by some sorcery we managed to classify these games just fine.