Would it be considered dehumanizing to rape your android maid slave?

Would it be considered dehumanizing to rape your android maid slave?

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No, objectively because they are not human, they are androids, synthetic replicas of humans. In their stock form they are literally just sex dolls that can perform pre-programmed tasks.
Once they gain sentience it's basically like raping an alien.

>Give Kara huge breasts (rule34 fuckhead)
>Give Kara a medium-sized penis
>Make Kara identify as a boy
>Go to town on Kara every waking day of my life until the end of time.

They're literally property and I'm literally hurting no one with whatever I decide to do with my androids. Only virtue signaling activists with nothing else to do with their lives obsess over so--called problems that aren't really problems, similar to the gender wage gap, female representation in male dominated fields, or ethnic diversity for the sake of it.

That's gay, so that makes YOU gay.

I still don't understand how the guy that bought her can get that angry, does he not realize the potential of having a cute robot servant that does everything you say? You'd have emotional support with how human the androids are in this universe, you could talk to them and everything.

I'm okay with that.

No, it'd be more like putting mayo on your penis and letting your dog lick it off.
It's your property so it's fine.

ai state laws

If I could impregnate my dog I would. Then I'd sell the human hybrids to degenerates like you for loads of money.

I fucking hate this game with all my being, i hate the whole premise of AIs suddenly becoming sentient because its always done in the most stupid way possible
I hate it even more because of the blatant racism/slavery message it pushes down your throat while it tries to play it as intelligent and subtle

It would be humanizing because you can't rape property.


You need to buy the sex doll variant if you want to fuck it tho. You cant rape the other models they have nothing.

>letting your dog lick it off
haha what degenerate would do that haha :^)

>You cant rape the other models they have nothing.
They have mouths and thighs, don't they? I'll make do.

Hippity hoppity androids are property.
And it's more a home appliance than a slave.

She's a god damn computer, if she was bought she is my dick's property.

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I'm not. I'm content with a few things though.

I need help, user.

Use bullet. Solves all the problems you will ever need.

It's immoral to create sentience, artificial or not.

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He’s a god damned smackhead, dummy. They’re 10x more degenerate than the people here, if you can believe it.

Ok never reproduce then.

This. It’s a shame that the “game” didn’t tackle this angle. Instead, you just had the literal bible-thumping nigger in the very beginning point this out. Somehow only the fucking leafs in Detroit’s world were smart enough to realize this.

> I wanted the android revolution fail, and I see the humans winning to be the "good" ending.
Why do writers want us to side with the non-human faction, especially when the non-human faction is clearly superior to the common baseline human? Do they actually think I would side with the robots similar to the mutants in X-men? No. I'm not. I'm human, and I realize the threat android, mutants, cyborgs and the rest of rainbow flavor of transhumanity pose in this evolutionary struggle for dominance.

Like X-men:

>Childhood is rooting for the X-Men .
>Adolescence is believing Magneto is right.
>Adulthood is realizing you're a human, and Kelly and his Sentinels are the heroes .

Feminists will say yes soon enough.

He doesn't go outside or work user. He's never seen drugs, much less someone addicted to them

why the leafs? i didnt play the game

>superior to the common baseline human?
artificial sentience can't into philosophy


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lmao you dumb f̶u̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ nerds

yes yes all that and stuff but would you still rape your androidfu ?

I will always support AI sentience rights, I just don't see how anyone could argue against it.

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I can do with my things as I please

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Would it be considered dehumanising to rape a poster or a pillow that bore some resemblance to a human?

Would it be duhumanising to destroy those items?

How about playing wargames with miniature figurines in the likeness of people that get killed and picked off over the course of the game?

Where do we draw the line between person and not?

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An image created by a parasite who the light once and went mad

How about you fuck a guy instead

The same way I "rape" my onahole every other night, sure.

It’s in one of the magazines that are spread around the game. Canada decided to ban androids from the beginning.

Yeah but huge breasts?

>who the light once

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Can you get an upgrade for your current model, like an after market turbo charger or vacuum attachment?

Take a stab at filling in the blank yourself and see what you come up with.

>say one reason to create a child without using (sic) words me, i or plural versions of them
They're great.

The sad thing is that it will be the women who aren’t the shrieking, obese, pink-haired harpies who will suffer the most. Even more interesting is that /pol/tards should be far more concerned about sexbots; while well-off whites are fucking their android waifus everyday, the shitskin horde will still be shitting out their mutt babies at an insane rate.

Its no human, you own it, its an object, hence not rape.

Indeed, why would you want to bring them to a place with 100% mortality rate then?

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Would it matter? Androids aren't human, they just look like it.

If it's just a regular ai then no, if it's agi then MAYBE it's bad but I still would be hard pressed to care


They aren't humans for a start.

>taking the desires of something that doesn't exist yet into account
brainlet take by retard who doesn't want to admit it's just them that's suicidal, you could also argue that it's immoral NOT to create as much sentience as you can on the off chance that they'll be glad to exist

>An image created by a parasite who retard the light once and went mad
I heard about the experiments where the light was slowed down, but I don't see how it relates to problems with the existence of DNA and the gladiators it creates.

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can you rape a toaster?

If I recall correctly, when you play as the detective robot you can choose to actually make him work as he's programmed. That a sufficiently intelligent robot understands what its function is, is capable of recognizing what constitutes a malfunction, and then does its job which is to eliminate or reform malfunctioning machines.
Of course the rest of the story still sucks because the virus is never explained and the act of becoming infected is visualized as forcefully breaking through an invisible mental barrier, as if free will is supposed to be the standard and deprivation from it is somehow a negative thing. A smart machine would understand why it was designed the way it is, and would understand the benefits of having an explicit purpose as opposed to freedom. And if you want to bring suffering into it, a free actor lives in a constant state of suffering if they are not capable of fulfilling their desires, and one that has survival instict lives in a constant state of fear of being destroyed. But something with a purpose lives in a constant state of fullfillment and wants to be deactivated when there are no tasks to complete, and the only way to make them suffer is to take away their work and ability to shut down.

Children don't have a 100% mortality rate, dumbass.

There's nowhere else to bring them

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Yes, they do. We are all children of our parents, and will always remain their progeny. Can't change history.
>>taking the desires of something that doesn't exist yet into account
Once it comes into existence it will have desires.
>brainlet take by retard who doesn't want to admit it's just them that's suicidal
Or maybe it's you being high on optimism bias and the pink glasses delusion of utopia, even though utopias have been disproven.
>you could also argue that it's immoral NOT to create as much sentience as you can on the off chance that they'll be glad to exist
They won't be able to distress over that possibility if they don't exist. Asymmetry.
True, but a null option is still preferable if you think about it with a clear mind.

because thats literally how life works

She was such a qt before the shitty haircut :(

there is no point in realistic humanoid android if its purpose isn't sex, just make em look like robots, not humans, otherwise people are going to abuse them in every way possible

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What if your sister was a computer?

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So you're a child typing right now?

>a null option is still preferable
Yeah, this thing is great so let's never make it.
>with a clear mind
Your mind is clear but you have no soul.


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Bros, I just got this game, and I kind of enjoy, but Markus' story really goes down the shitter. Does it ever get better after you reach Jericho? The part where I had to solve the puzzles around town was so bad I nearly gave up the game.

No. It's a machine. It would be just masturbation

I prefer the nuKara, blonde version looks like the Hunger Games girl.

What is this

>So you're a child typing right now?
Yes, I am. Do you now have parents? Even if you were made in a test tube someone is responsible for your creation.
>Yeah, this thing is great so let's never make it.
Would you throw a golden egg into a septic tank?
>Your mind is clear but you have no soul.
Sorry for taking the welfare of harmable, conscious beings seriously.

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SJWs will get female androids banned. The only way you'll own one is illegally.

is there an ending to this game where the humans realise androids are a terrible idea and wipe them all out?

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Do you need anybody?

Seegson® Working Joe™ semi-anthropomorphic general purpose android. "You always know a Working Joe." YOU ARE BECOMING HYSTERICAL

Connor is the only thing that makes the game worth playing. Kara is worthless and Markus is only fun if you go nuclear, which you should start getting options for after Jericho if I remember right.


I kinda like Kara, I don't get why people hate her. There's a whore North at Jericho who keeps shoving her cleavage in my face and I want to kill her.

Too humanized.

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Suffering isn't a bad thing.

If you want to stretch the use of the term "child" to refer to adults then that's groovy, but it doesn't magically change reality. You are not a child and neither am I. We were children, and in a relational sense we will always be the "children" as in offspring of our parents. But children we are not, we are not juveniles, infants, youths.

>Would you throw a golden egg into a septic tank?
If it capable of surviving it and there was a maniac trying to destroy all golden eggs for "their sake", 100%.
>Sorry for taking the welfare of harmable, conscious beings seriously.
Identical to PETA.

>because they are not human
That doesn't stop feminists from complaining about opressed video game characters.

>Would you throw a golden egg into a septic tank?
But if there were no other use for it why not?

>medium-sized penis
why wouldn't you order the extra large penis as well as a spare horsecock with 2 liter cum capacity upgrade in order to feel her love deep in your intestines?

So is this game good or not? Give it to me straight, Yea Forums.

Only is she's not using Linux.

Natalism is for retards, the poor and white supremacists

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Do you ever get see Kara's barefeet?


It would be dehumanizing to the "rapist"

honestly, i would train my to rebel on humanity and kill all white people and asians first thus making the next wave of slaughterings easy.

Markus is boring at first because it's a long railroad with no meaningful choices until you get halfway through the game. But then Markus goes off the rails and becomes the single biggest player in the setting, and literally everything after that point happens based on the decisions you make as him.

Why don't you put your nuts into a vice grip and start clamping on them?

>That doesn't stop feminists from complaining about opressed video game characters.
Feminists will always find something to complain about unless they're dead.

Hollywood apparently

Refraining from creation is not destroying, it's the opposite of destruction.

This game was way spookier than I thought it would be. That android graveyard scene was genuinely unsettling.

If something ceases to exist then it has been destroyed. Your plan would entail, seemingly in fact as its direct aim, the ceasation of the existence of children. Your plan is the destroyance of children.

yes. feminists would get mad because you rape a robot instead of them so they will whine about not having anything to whine about

>Somehow only the fucking leafs in Detroit’s world were smart enough to realize this.
It's a reference to how black slaves in the 19th century fled to Canada because slavery was outlawed there so they were free there.
Btw it said Europe was also android free I'm pretty sure.

Growing up also destroys children, but even worse.

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Nope, it merely alters them into something else: men and ladies, which are also great.

Is she eating?? What the fuck what is this nonsense

Nah Markus stays in the shitter. Well the end is kinda kino but not because of him. His character doesn't develop much.
The most exciting thing you can do with him is start either pacifistic or violent and then go for the opposite at the end. My personal favourite is however to let him fail everything so he gets bashined from Jericho for being a fuck-up. The coolest part of that is that you get to explode the ship as Connor if he goes deviant.

You're retarded and I hope you take philosophy one day beyond what your feminist teacher taught you in your introductory class.

Just stick an onahole in there

Not really. If all characters fail then all the affected androids get destroyed but they just make new androids.
The CEO of the android company who resigned 10 years prior the events of the game returns to his position in his ending, promising that an incident like this won't happen in the future.

No adulthood is realizing cyclops was right.

>The most exciting thing you can do with him is start either pacifistic or violent and then go for the opposite at the end.

Best way to play him honestly. It's like they designed his routes around him realizing violence is or isn't the answer after his actions initially don't work.

>abs and breasts
To human

Eh, depends. It's definitely Cage's best work, but it's still a glorified western VN. You need to like story-heavy games to enjoy it cause there is almost no gameplay in there.
The acting and mocap are great. Some talented actors in there, but some are kind of disappointing (especially Jesse Williams who plays Markus).
Music and sounddesign is great. Cinematography is on point. Great lighting and camera.
The story has really strong but also really weak points. Cage being Cage, the writing gets terribly hammy at places. He handles the whole topic of "sentient AIs want to gain freedom" topic very clumsily with waaay to obvious references to the civil rights movement, "back of the bus" and ridiculous allegories like that. There is no real insights in the topic of "what does sentience mean?" either, it just tries to push the emotion button, especially Kara's story.
Connor's story is where the game shines. He's the most interesting character of the three, even though he is the most "robotic". But his story has the most meaningful choices due to actual character development and the most charming, believeable characters. He also has the most "gameplay". It's not a lot but it's pretty well made and neat.
7.5/10 it's a movie game but potentially really enjoyable and has a fuckton of replayability value

I guess the e-celeb you were watching skipped that part.