Based. Let's get all these exclusives to PC baby. Hopefully by the time BOTW 2 is released Yuzu will be good enough to run it at 60fps at launch
How are you gonna play online?
Yeah, not to mention there's already a level injector for MM2 so you won't need online. I just wonder why people would play the switch versions of these games when they can just play the PC versions? The modding tools being released for BOTW 1 makes it the definitive version.
I suppose an advantage to Bayo 3 and Prime 4 still being a long way out is the emulation will be in an excellent state when they do come out
Just wait for netplay to be fully fleshed out and you'll be able to play the games multiplayer online with better netcode than nintendo's service could ever provide. If you just wanna play levels than you can use the level injector. Aren't you glad you didn't spend 300$ on a switch?
You can't, plus games are very unstable and they are very likely to have missing textures, frame drops, game-breaking glitches or some of them don't even get past the menu screen and that's for all the good exclusives like Bayonetta 3, Metroid Prime 4 and Astral Chain
Also: It takes one year for every "big" game to get them to work, it's not really worth it
>Has never used an emulator before
>and that's for all the good exclusives like Bayonetta 3, Metroid Prime 4 and Astral Chain
Oh yes, you really can't get past the menu screens for these games that aren't released yet
yes, because i can homebrew and take it with me
sorry, ment for
>PCbros will never have Atari 2600 games
>PCbros will never have SEGA Master System games
>PCbros will never have NES games
>PCbros will never have SEGA GENESIS games
>PCbros will never have SNES games
>PCbros will never have PS games
>PCbros will never have N64 games
>PCbros will never have PS2 games
>PCbros will never have Gameboy games
>PCbros will never have Gameboy Color games
>PCbros will never have NDS games
>PCbros will never have 3DS games
>PCbros will never have PSP games
>PCbros will never have PS3 games
y not? most of us actually own the consoles
Most of the emulator users don't and for a good reason.
Performance, flexibility, mod-ability.
Exclusi... Imprisoned games are not the solution.
It's funny to think there were once kids on Yea Forums who thought these threads would actually have an impact on the industry. Imagine actually believing in current gen emulation. And if u say switch isnr current gen that's just more pathetic cuz these fags still can't emulate last gen well.
CEMU plays BOTW better than the switch or Wii u ever could and has a level editor for custom dungeons, lol?
It's easy to spot posts backed by purchase bias.
What about smash?
>N64 emulation will always be spotty as hell but emulator faggots will pretend they're perfect because all they care about is Mario and Zelda
>PS2 emulation will always be a horrible mess reliant on 15 y/o plugins, but at least PS2s are easy to mod
>ahahahha oh god, Sega Saturn emulation
Yes, it's in >>/trash/
The N64 games I played on my 2005 PC worked.
The PS2 games I played on my 2005 PC worked.
Fuck off Sanshiro. You won't make my fingers break again.
god i love being an idort, this thread is like the two sides of the spectrum clashing
Mmm yes. I love playing Mario and Zelda mmm yes I love PS2 games with stuttering audio and broken draw distance mmmmmm yes.
pic related.
Why do you love games that run bad?
Is it because you're incompetent and don't know how to set up emulators? Or is it because you find it funny to lie to make it seem emulators can't play games?
That's impressive considering it can't run anything else.
The stuttering audio and framerate issues isn't a feature user.
You're right, it isn't, so why do you have it when I don't?
Because I'm not the one lying about emulators on an anonymous chinese basket weaving forun
No problem with that, but what's the point in emulating a multiplayer game?
>kid that doesn't own a computer talks about emulators
lol retards
Imagine not owning a computer+console
there is a new ps2 emu in the works
Play/Purei, right? Or is there another one?
I already own a computer, why would I buy more hardware that can do less?
What console today have 16TB+ storage space?
What console have 32GB+ RAM?
What console have full support for keyboard and mouse and can use other brands controllers?
>Trying to imitate a PC user, when all he does is showing that he really doesn't have enough money to pay for this months online subscription.
Dolphin has amazing netplay and CEMU lets you play online on the official Nintendo online servers.
What computer is a handheld? You are just a PC newfag.
>What computer is handheld
It all depending on how masculine you are.
But if you mean handheld as in taking games outside, you just lost all manhood in you.
>PC newfag
>Started building my own computers in 1996
So what handheld device did you play on that had color, support for kb/mouse, controllers, online and mod support?
>already posting made up stories
wew, your newfaggotry is showing
What about color, support for kb/mouse, controllers, online and mod support is made up?
Are you mentally retarded as well?
The most complex parts of this game for emulation would probably be NSMBU and 3D World styles, no one should be surprised at this.
that's last gen
You better be baiting, a 30+ year old being this invested in console war faggotry is a pretty sad sight.
All these threads on both Yea Forums and other boards talking about Mario Maker 2 while nobody is talking about Super Mario Sunshine really pisses me off. Mario's design in Super Mario Sunshine really seems like it was designed by someone who has no idea what he's talking about except to throw things at you when they hear you talk. I understand how to make 3D models because I use this stuff and I understand how to make 3D models of anything that isn't super complex or expensive (i.e. a bunch of little green dots). I just have no idea how people would make Mario 2 on a Nintendo DS, and while I think Mario 2 is a superior game overall in my mind but it's still going to be better in all respects than anyone else's remake is, I understand that no one else on Yea Forums makes Mario 3 with Mario on it that I've seen. If I understand anything about this I think Nintendo has some really bad design decisions with most of their games, and so maybe it's best to ignore everything they say since it is all crap, but just because there's nothing new in Nintendo games and nothing about Mario is in-depth it does not mean that Nintendo has done nothing with Mario's design that people would notice. It's just not worth ignoring a good design from anyone since Nintendo is such a successful company.
You should spend as much money as you assume, then you'll finally have enough money to go from toddler toys to real men work machines.
unironically don't. keep paying nintendo to use your own internet and p2p multiplayer goy
You need a very good pc to run it and the build is patreon only.
Also no real online yet but you could do the cfw way with pirate anons but yuzu team hates people who do this.
Hopefully these journalists stop talking about it.
>tasteless bait
Called it.
Cringe and autismpilled.
Who gives a fuck
How well do the anime games run that are censored on PS4?
How do I emulate 3DS games? I'm too retarded to figure out how to work Citra.
You need a 3ds to rip the games and make them not encrypted.
Then you will need to copy the files to your pc.
Current Gen emulation is nothing more than a bunch of amateur coders wanking themselves off because they released a dog turd faster than their competition
Citras been able to play encrypted games for quite a while. And even before then, there was a thread on 3dsiso with every game decrypted.
>Being 30
>Join thread because you know that the truth will shit up the thread to no 404.
>baiters that pretend that consoles are good just to further spark hope in the degenerate sub-30fps CGA resolution consoletards
>consoletards think the baiters are on their side.
>all while the PCbros watch some movie or series as they multitask on their superior hardware, all while the consoletards think PCbros are butthurt, when they couldn't be further from the truth.
Truth hurts, that's why console threads always blow up to extreme proportions since the inferior never realize they are played with.
TL;DR _____________TEH REI___________________________________________________________
yeah i agree also sony gay pride parades and that webm of the cat mauling the sonyfag. boy i sure do love talking about sony in completely unrelated threads because all i think about at all hours of the day and before i fall asleep at night is hopefully waking up the next day and sony going bankrupt
The same way PCSX2, Dolphin, CEMU, Desmume did and do?
Why would you want to? Lunar Magic is better.
Just a reminder that yuzu cannot be taken down since emulators are legal and yuzu doesn't give any switch code to users.
Cemu could get fucked since that was made from a stolen dev kit but it is too late to fuck with cemu now.
imagine only being able to talk about memes you've seen on Yea Forums
Right now I'm not paying a thing to use my Switch online, you shitlord.
>I love PS2 games with stuttering audio and broken draw distance mmmmmm yes.
Works on my machine. Maybe you just suck with computers.
No one knows what, if anything, CEMU used as an aid.
And dev kits are next to worthless for all things hacking and emulation. Stop spouting that dumb shit.
Cool story bro. Now tell us about how you coded your own program that automatically changes the plugins and settings so your emulators will always run at the optimal settings for every individual ROM, and all that time saved from not needing to manually do so is used to fuck tons of hot bitches.
>Now tell us about how you coded your own program that automatically changes the plugins and settings so your emulators will always run at the optimal settings for every individual ROM, and all that time saved from not needing to manually do so is used to fuck tons of hot bitches.
I used a keyboard and mouse, but mostly the keyboard.
I did it while emulating the games you hold so dear.
Well, before this thread 404s, post your specs & settings. I got a surface pro 4 and I wanna play PS2 & Dolphin.
inb4 "g-get a real PC" I have one and PS2 & Dolphin run fine on that
Yeah I remember when those emulators connect to official servers to download files.
Oh wait.
The PC already has Mario Maker tools that are better. Nobody cares about this because a large part of the novelty is playing mario on a comfy tablet
The best levels are in story mode anyway cuck
Doesn't YUZU allow you to dump your NSO info to play online?
>Saturn emulation
Yeah many games don't work but im glad that based Bulk Slash works pefectly on SSF.
Eh. That's nice but it's not like it's gonna look way better like BotW can.
i9 9900K
ROG STRIX Z390-E (LED turned off)
32GB DDR4 RGB gaymer LED (turned off)
500GB+500GB NVMe+SSD
2x4TB, 1x 10TB HDD
65' UHD monitor
7.1 surround sound through receiver
VIVE with knuckles
>inb4 Ryzen 2 I'm aware, hope it is as good as I think it is, which is WAY slower than AMDrones think it is, which still is good value.
I haven't played PS2 games since I had the Q6600 so I have no idea how much PCSX2 have improved, but I remember using ZeroGS with no problems on Final Fantasy X.
I kinda always wanted a Surface when they first introduced, but I have a HP Spectre XT 13-2308tu which serves my on-the-go needs.
Imagine this level of cope
AMDrones overhype AMD products
That 9900k will serve you well until Intel finally releases an actual new processor
No shit the 12-core and 16-core AMD processors will dab on that 9900k but I highly doubt that the 8-core ones will
lol cope
because unlike these threads and posts want to make you believe, yuzu games are nowhere near playable yet
odyssey is probably the most playable one out of the bunch but that suffers from heavy glitches too
mario maker is the same
many games like xenoblade only see regressions, although I believe it finally got some improvements so there's that
also, botw is better on PC but certainly not on yuzu, you mean CEMU for that and that's not the same thing
The 10th gen will be new, and faster than my i9 9900k, but you're right, It'll server me well.
Considering most programs I use run so fast anyway and I don't encode movies 24/7, and games are more limited by GPU.
inb4 AMD vs Nvidia.
inb4 404
reminder that smash, to this day, still doesn't boot
yet it did boot day 1 on that other, weaker emulator
you can mod switch games
>Playing a portable game on PC
that's pretty cringe bro
Can they run at UHD resolution at 60FPS with custom music, textures, models and custom GUI and external connections?
I got a Switch and I'm playing Xenoblade and Odyssey on it right now
I don't play BOTW on it because it's much better on CEMU. It just is.
It has OK netplay.
The master race wins again.
>just wait for netplay
>years later
>"why the fuck are you playing the switch online on your PC? That's last gen."
owning a switch is cringier bruv
Sure if you don't enjoy video games...
user, there's a reason these guys are busy lying about emulators when they could be actually playing games.
All those emulators do (or did if they're shut down) connect to official servers.
YIKES! I hope you're baiting man, this is pretty cringe.
>Beetle Saturn
No problems at all for Saturn emulation.
Reminder people here insist PC + Switch is a good combo just to discredit PS4.
Alright user.
Whoops. Quick google search tells me Mednafen is one of those multi-core emu packages. My mistake.
>not portable
>no online
Yeah, enjoy doing what you could've been doing with Mario World hacks for the past 25 years.
You still don't have Xbox games :^)
Okay, but does it run well? That's what's important to me at this point.
Go to bed.
it's too early but you need a real good pc to get full performance.
a shit one can get half speed (30 fps) right now.
arrest yourselves.
Why would someone ever want that?
HALO is shit, Gays of War is too.
Yeah yeah nindies are egetting trolled but is it actually playable?
How are the other games?
>but is it actually playable?
>How are the other games?
unplayable unless you've got a titan
>Anything I can't play on my glorified typewriter is an ""imprisoned game""
yeah it’s called mario maker idiot
Every exclusive is imprisoned, yet the majority of them are played on emulators.
You're not using UHD resolution in, not even 1080p, it dumbs it down to 900p in non-2D assets.
>no custom music
build in music isn't custom
>no custom textures
build in textures aren't custom
>no custom models
build in models aren't custom
>no custom GUI
default GUI is not custom
>no mods with external connections.
Obviously the console can't run or interact with code outside it's closed little code, unlike based PC that can run OS inside an OS, and use external programs to inject functions, mods, cheats, improvements.
I have been able to play Make-A-Mario decades before Nintentoy, aka Bitchtendo, aka Rape-a-bitchie decided to make a watered down version for the Rape-A-Switchie.
Oh no a meme emulator that's gonna get C&D'd can run a game from the Wii-U welp we're doomed nintenbros, pc chuds win again.
>mention how you're playing a Switch game on emulator
>Nintendies go fucking ballistic
>mention how you're playing a Playstation or Xbox game on emulator
>no one cares
Why does this happen?
Because Playstation emulators are garbo and Xbox emulators are practically nonexistent. You may as well be posting with coolface as a reaction image.
Because almost every shitpost you see on this board is made by a Nintendo fan falseflagging, they are literally the worst fanbase on Yea Forums and it's not even close.
Sadly jannies are Nintendo fans too so nothing will ever change.
>pc chads win again
We've known that already.
It was true back then during the REW days, and it's true in the YUZU days as well.
They have their own pros and cons. Mario Maker has a funner interface, much larger sprite limit and its own sets of tricks that won't work on mario world.
Good to see PCbros having a blast and I'm saying this as somebody who owns a switch. Try splatoon 2 the single player is short but really fun, changed my perspective on TPS
What happened to Mario royale? I can't find it anymore.
Thanks for paying the bill senpai, could you buy Kirby Star Allies next? i'm planning on emulating it soon.
Kirby is too fucking easy to be worth 40 USD, looking foward to Daemon X Machina and astral chain tho
>emulating a rom editor
nintendo is prehistoric
>glorified typewriter
I think you're trying to talk about PC, but that description can be used for consoles, since consoles are locked-OS PCs with shitty hardware.
cope, jesus. poor consolefag.
Eh why would this troll anyone, you're proud you can't afford 60 dollars?
As a console hater, that game deserves more love.
Why are you getting triggered?
I think the point of paying for products is supporting the developers. But if you don't want to that's fine, Nintendo is a big company I'm sure they will manage just fine without your money.
Coming from the dude that plays on a glorified tablet? KEK
cope harder and dilate
Nice. Another game I can play without giving Nintendo a cent.
Thanks for paying to beta test the 30 fps 720p version of Switch games senpai, society needs more heros like you.
Cry more.
>tfw retards will just end making the emulator a bing bing and zelda machine
I just wanna play Xenoblade already
Nobody here actually plays these emulators, it's just shitpost material.
Prove me wrong
keep whining
>Mario Maker is already 60 fps
>upscalling a 2D game
Pee your pants, stay classy, post feet, have sex, kys, then deal with it.
that's what it is, just a giant copefest where people are just happy they have another meme point to mindlessly blurt out when trying to minimize the competition without any actual argument
Once they figure out how to get Mario Odyssey working 100%, I assume that will curtail into other games working as well.
emulation should focus on archiving and preserving older generations of games and consoles, since game companies are fuckers and dont want to
trying 2 get modern games for free is dumb and only enables filthy brazilians
Thanks for proving my point tranny
Go dilate
Honestly this. Here they are getting Last of Us 2 to work while Nintendo 64 still has glaring graphical issues.
>emulation should focus on archiving and preserving older generations of games and consoles
>trying 2 get modern games for free is dumb and only enables filthy brazilians
I like free games. That sounds good enough reason for me.
Because I'm not a pc fat. I have every console but have never been a pc gamer. I'm not that far gone into basement dweller territory
because there's thousands of games pre this generation and losing them due to c&ds and general apathy is awful
>Superiority complex user
OP here, I don't even own a powerful PC and I'm a stupid phoneposting switchfag slut, I just wanted (You)s. Thanks!
Which old game you cannot emulate?
Go to bed
Arrest yourself
Are you blind?
finna based
Bitch, I said go dilate. Did you forget to take your hrt xanax smoothie?
Quite a lot of unemulated hardware on MAME.
are you blind?
better inhale anthrax
You just wanted verbal abuse. You're welcome
If you're having trouble keeping the tranny juice down maybe mix a little bit of arsenic in there.
Shame Switch still has no good games worth emulating.