Insider here
Amazon is buying sony for their streaming service.
This has zero effect on me.
oh boy
insider trading.
i thought japan couldn't sell their assets to filthy gaijin
Why haven't you sold your stock then?
Sure go ahead lol
Hahaha what a fucking retard. Google is the one trying to buy Sony. They want their games and their electronic manufacturing skills to expand their line. There's other smaller stuff too (i.e. with net neutrality knowing your ISP won't slow down your games is gonna be huge, so buy Google fiber if you own a PlayStation) but it's too much to get into right now. Can't wait to see you get fucking owned in a year or two.
>Buying Sony for their streaming service
>Sony doesn't have a streaming service
Faker than fake, but I hope it happens. The tears would be delicious.
So Amazon being broken up for antitrust violations when? This is so clearly a monopoly it's not even funny.
God I hope not. As much as I'd love to see Sony get destroyed by Google I'd prefer Google not have that much power over the gaming industry
> He hasn't heard of PS Now
>a company with $163B in assets buying a company with $186B in assets
Sure thing OP
The government of Japan wouldn’t allow that. They’d rather see Sony downsize and just focus on PlayStation.
Correct! 10 points for spotting his clever ruse.
That's a myth.
I work at an amazon warehouse and this is bullshit.
How does it feel after your 10 hour shifts there wagie?
and how much of their assets can be spent immediately on whatever they want?
>The government of Japan wouldn’t allow that
Good thing Sony has nothing to do with Japan.
>The government of Japan wouldn’t allow that.
This dumb weeb myth of Japanese companies being unable to be bought by foreign companies needs to stop
There isnt a company capable of buying sony. It might buy parts of it, but sony is too big
They don't have the money. Sony isn't just a random company. Sony is basically a portion of the Japanese state and its employees are protected by that statute.
Now Sony Interactive Entertainment on the other hand, maybe. I doubt they'd give two shits about the offer though. They'd probably counter-jew with an offer to collaborate.
Bezos ain't that dumb.
>that one time you looked up porn on the ps3 web browser because you had no other way
>amazon will now know this
just wait user.
They're buying it for crackle?
It's mostly because the kaishas that own many of these companies are also national banks and all of it is really just directed at China. They may sell parts off but something like Sony as a whole is a no go.
>streaming service
And nothing of value was lost
>for their streaming service
There are much better options than fucking sony to buy for streaming.
Snoy is absolute trash now anyways so Amazon/Google/EA/The NSA/Reptilians buying it can't make it worse
Amazon already bought your browsing history from Google for targeted ads anyways
>using chrome
shiggity diggity time travel to 2013 and undue your tragedy
Using literally any site on the internet that uses Google analytics will track you. Google doesn't need you to use Chrome
stupid weeb myth just like nakama being untranslatable
Yeah, sure. That's why Sony and Microsoft recently announced that they will be working together for streaming.
>for streaming
Why, so they can have such classics like the emoji movie or hotel transylvania or the resident evil movies on their streaming platform? I call bullshit, OP.
Who cares? I just noticed that Amazon logo looks like Wojak's smirk.
Amazon probably is older than you are, retard.
Another insider here. Oracle is going to buy Nintendo. The announcement will be in the beginning of 2021. Nintendo Directs will be hosted by Larry Ellison himself.
as long as its not illegal shit who cares?
I like BBW hotdogging brap porn and when people find out I just say yeah I like big ol brappers, what of it?
That’s capital dipshit not equity.