Unironically one of the best Yakuza games, in the TOP3 for sure.
Unironically one of the best Yakuza games, in the TOP3 for sure
do you run into yakuza characters in it
No, but there's Tojo clan and you do see some of the side characters like earth angel's Mama and bantam's barkeep which at least confirms that it's the same universe as the Yakuza games
Yakuza's shit writing doesn't suit a detective game. There's no fun doing actual detective work or even thinking about clues or what's happening when everything can be undone at any moment because of bullshit twists and melodrama. And of course the usual piss-poor combat is there with no improvements, they just added a new way to do ebin finishers as if these games weren't easy enough.
You're allowed to stop posting it
Fuck Keihin gang and fuck Kim.
Leave me alone god dammit! I already beat them like 20 times.
you're not wrong
God dammit man I really hope they bring this to PC before the 3-5 remasters
I was enjoying the game (apart from the tailing missions of course) until Keihin came into the picture. No idea how the devs thought it was a good idea. It felt much more annoying to me than the usual street fights in previous Yakuza games, since I couldn't escape many of the battles. Which meant not being able to carry on doing side cases, friend events, minigames, or even the main story. I have to take on these same stupid enemies with so much health that I realize how boring it is to button-mash. The spawning is ridiculous. And as far as I know you can't circumvent these battles completely--there's only a skill that reveals enemies on the minimap. Don't know if I can handle another rehash of this shit.
weak bait
stop shitposting anytime
Yeah they're extremely annoying and you don't get much from beating them either. On top of that if you fuck up and get hit by one of the mortal attacks the bosses have, it costs you 20 000 yen to get those wounds fixed.
i wish they leaned hard into the detective stuff
i thought this game was gonna be different, kinda like la noire
instead they just made another yakuza game
>criticism is shitposting
This guy never stops does he
Probably has google alerts to let him know when a new yakuza thread comes up
disingenuous faggot
I miss when these threads were good. PC fags ruined everything.
You're trying too hard.
Stop falseflagging if you're not gonna put any effort behind it.
you seriously think isn't shitposting?
Didn't play 6, so this was my first experience of the new engine. Can't tell if it sucks or the PS4 just sucks and can't handle it. Either way it's ugly and doesn't perform well.
holy shit dude just stop
This, unfortunately
I pity anyone who has the time to be in every single yakuza thread on Yea Forums. I mean... how shit must your life be?
why do devs add the whole follow a target that turns around every 30 seconds into games? jesus christ it's so fucking boring
at least it's not going to return in a mainline game, since it wouldn't make sense for someone like kiryu or ichiban to do some detective like stuff.
It takes up a lot of time and is boring. Perfect for Yakuza.
Also, those fucking chase mini games
>Just finished Chapter 2
They really went all out in that one holy shit. Can't wait to shit on that faggot Hamura, hope he gets a Kuze-tier humiliation
game has been absolute kino so far, quikc question can you date multiple girls at once or do I just have to pick one and reject the rest?
they're not as bad, but i'd prefer not to have them.
the tailing sequences can stay gone for good though, the last one takes upwards to over 5 minutes since the cunt goes around the same block 3 times.
you can date them all at once
They should have had you use the drone to tail people I'd make more sense but then you have to deal with the shitty drone controls
sweet, I felt really bad about rejecting sana but I honestly wanted to date aname more
It’s the best I’ve played since 0. I’m really enjoying doing the side cases, my only complaint is having to grind for some of them.