Pokemon games have competent coding and there is nothing you can say to prove me wrong...

Pokemon games have competent coding and there is nothing you can say to prove me wrong. All of the shit you guys spew is completely unbased with 0 proof. 1000 Lillies on SuMos maps, my ass. The games run and look fine.

Attached: screen_pokemon-lets-go-pikachu-lets-go-evoli_32.jpg (1920x1080, 397K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>the games run and look fine

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>look fine

Attached: file.png (1322x1096, 1.11M)

What had more bugs?
Pokemon games or masudas interns asshole?

Yeah but OP I just threw out of a Moltres.

I have yet to experience on performace drop on any of these games.

the games ran smoothly for the first and last time on the gba

> competent coding
Every piece of evidence we have suggests otherwise
> Multiple Lillies
Like this
> The games look and run fine
Sub 30fps is never fine. Especially when the graphics are this godawful looking.

Lets Go is super smooth. So are X&Y, ORAS and USUM. S&M had a few shakes here and then, but nothing too major.

Congrats, it's still the same CoD-tier rehashed shit game after game and Pokefags are willing to buy literally 4 copies of the same game.

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Show me the proof then. I only ever see shitposting, but never any concrete proof that it's like that.

Just because you can make a giant string of spaghetti code work to as intended. It doesn't mean that it is good coding. It will never as good something well optimized and clean

this is bait

SM runs so badly on the o3ds that even the menus are unresponsive. n3ds is better but still struggles to hit 30fps

*destroys your framerate*

Have you actually tried playing the games? Even 1v1 battles lag.
Plus, even if they didn't, the games themselves aren't very fun anymore.

They scrapped triple battles because they couldn't run on 3DS technology.

>Pokemon games have competent coding and there is nothing you can say to prove me wrong.

>$0.02 has been deposited into your account

>A horde of Trevenant appeared!

Nice hacked gameplay you got there

There aren't more glitches in there than in regular games

thanks a lot.

>There aren't more glitches in there than in regular games

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>ignoring the other posts
poor bait OP
the games are badly designed but you can still enjoy them you shit eater

Of course there is no proof, you know Yea Forums also loves making shit up, but
>The games run and look fine.
The games look oudated as fuck and they run like ass too, there is no reason they have as many framedrops with 2 character models and a circular arena with textures and models no better than n64 games in the 3ds other than Gamefreak lazyness and incompetence. And now on switch they don't look any better than the emulated 3ds games running at a higher resolution, and somehow the are worse with all those mons popping out.

Attached: 25_Years_Later_And_Its_Still_Disappointing.png (1440x1080, 2.65M)

>competent coding
Didnt the games ran through ALL the pokemon dedicated IDs until it matched the ones in your party every time you sent one out? Instead of already knowing the ids of your party and not going through a 800+ check? EVERY SINGLE TIME?

The why did you post?

I was actually really disappointed at the amount of lag and sudden frame drops in Let's Go. I'm not sure if OP has ever played.

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there was nothing worth replying to.

You call that destroying the framerate? Behold!

>and there is nothing you can say to prove me wrong
So why even make the thread?


one of the games literally encrypted and decrypted all pokemon data every time one attribute was changed

to show you guys you're wrong

You forgot your wojak

Maybe on a n3ds but horde and double battles made XY and ORAS shit the bed hard

XY and ORAS had no New 3DS feature, as far as I'm aware. You can probably mod them to unlock the extra hardware power.

>the games run fine
Imagine saying this when double battles on 3ds drop the framerate to single digits

What's the big deal about having a new pokedex? I was always so excited going from Gen 1 to Gen 2 to Gen 3 and having an entirely new 150 pokemon to catch.

Am I just too casual of a pokemon fan to see what the big deal is? I don't want to catch and play with pokemon I've already used before. If I wanted that, I would just go back to those older games. What's the big deal? It's exciting having brand new pokemon to get.

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Play doubles

The big deal is that they're scrapping a bunch of pokemon out of the game (not just the pokedex) so you won't even be able to transfer em in anymore from go/3ds

Then you havent played them

They're just scrapping old pokemon though, right? If you want to play them, why not play the older games? That's what I don't get. I don't see the appeal of having the same 6 pokemon you use every single game. Sounds super boring. It's fun to mix it up and use all the new pokemon that they're making.

>It doesn't affect me so what the big deal
I hate cunts like you. Some people want to use old mons, some want a mix, some people enjoy running the game multiple time with different teams. Don't even get me started on whats going to happen with the competitive scene.

I do what you do usually and just grab new ones, but at the end of the day the issue is that GF is taking shortcuts just to be lazy. They're just cutting content cause they don' care.

If there was evidence they put the resources they saved on the cut mons elsewhere, there would probably be less backlash. But low and behold, we're still getting the same low effort trash.

then you haven't played them
SM drops to like 8 FPS in double battles

Attached: Harpy-eagle-top.jpg (300x436, 33K)

Until you people stop buying the games, they aren't going to change shit.

You and everyone else bitching online about all this crap already have this preordered and are going to play it.

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So? All the encounters still load perfectly fast. If there's not a problem why complain about it? Or are you so illiterate that you think this is what caused the frame drops?

>hurr durr wurr you'll buy it anyway wblblblblblblblblb
How come people forget that pirating is a thing?

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Then you clearly havent played Sun/Moon or Ultra

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but that's wrong, did you even play DP?

Because some people have min/maxed stats on a shiny mew or some shit like that, and so 20 years or so have been transferring then from old gen to new gen to keep using them. Others just like the Pokemon they have in the old ones and would like to keep them.

>1000 Lillies on SuMos maps
I'm geniunly curious about this, is this actually true? lmao

Fuck off nigger. I didn't but usum, didnt but let go, not buying this shit.

every different map where she appears uses a copy of the model

It has already been said before, unless the process ran through the whole game through every single click, is not what's causing the frame drops. Stop trying to use hyperboles just to take advantage of ignorant people.

Yes, Every route/dungeon where Lillie appears in a cutscene has its own model. Not a big deal at first glance since it's only about 137kb, but this adds up for every other character getting the same treatment in a game that's already bloated with cutscenes.

this can't be serious
you can't be this incompetent with coding

why do people like that have a secure job at one of the planets most profitable studios and I'm struggling with securing basic income?

Ok? Explain why is bad.

wastes my SD card space

If you don't understand why that's bad you know nothing about coding

You can't, do you? You just see, WOW THIS IS BAD. And reply with. WOW IT SURE IS.
And then you faggots like to pretend that this place is not a echo chamber.


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>competent coding
the bare minimum that as we've seen in the past, has plenty of glitches, isnt competent user

>The games run and look fine.
no they don't

Shit art

You're just gonna ignore the post the explains it very briefly, just above the post you're throwing a hissy fit over, huh

It's more about the principal of the thing, if game freak weren't so horribly lazy in general most people wouldn't care but in this case it's a final straw thing.

There is nothing wrong with that image. Prove that there is an actual problem there.

>It takes space from my SD card
Sure, great explanation. What exactly is used from your SD card then? Why your SD card? since when 3DS games use your SD card for save files or other game related files?

nice video editing of slowing down footage

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compared to just using one Lillie,
- takes longer to load
- takes more disk space
- more reads = lower memory life
- complete nightmare if you want to change an aspect/the design of the model
- more time consuming to develop with
gamefreak aren't lazy developers. they're just slow, and it's because of baffling shit like this.
before i get a "but the games run fine, so what if it takes longer to load/more disk space?" think of the opportunity cost, they could fit more actual content in the game with the time and space they save by using non-retarded practices.

since you started being able to download them digitally
also it's really shitty for caching so load times are inflated

>competent coding
No one could say this with a straight face is how I know you're wrong.
>runs fine
Tell me how I know you never played any of the 3DS games.
>looks fine
Yeah, until SS.

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Imagine that now that we are one stronger hardware we finally have the potential for the best online experience in Pokémon. But because Gamefreak we are getting a weaker experience when it should be the best one to date.
This idea that it’s not a big deal, that it just one game is not a good mentality. It opens the door for them to do this every game from here on.

imagine how good lgpe could look even with just the tiny additions of global shadows

The game has all these models of the same characters
These models are used for cutscenes in different areas
There's a LOT of cutscenes
That shit stacks until it bloats the game, making it larger in file size
On digital copies, it will eat your SD card which sucks if you wanted to have other games on there
On physical copies the load times might suffer or the framerate might drop from all the shit each area has to load

It doesnt take longer to load it takes less time stupid. It's a trade off for disk space which there is more than enough of for faster loading times.

And yet this are not the issues people complain about when they talk about SM, I have never seen anyone say that SM has long loading times.

The game is only 3G, yeah most likely it was slower to develop, but there was still plenty of space in the 3DS game card.

>having an entirely new 150 pokemon to catch.
We haven't even had a gen with at least 100 new Pokemon since Black/White. The regional Pokedex from X/Y and Sun/Moon is 75% old Pokemon.
They only make around 70-80 new Pokemon now, with 1/3 or more of them just being the starters, early route rodent/bird/bug lines, and legendaries. Then half of the actual new ones are extremely gimmicky and can only be found in a single area with a 5% spawn rate.

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it definitely doesn't take less time. using the overworld Lillie in a cutscene by simply repositioning her during a screen fadeout will always be faster than loading in a brand new Lillie including model, texture, rigging and animations.

it's bad by principle. lucky for them the game didn't exceed the gamecart filesize limit, because who knows what they'd have cut if it did.

Ok let me spoon feed it to you since you're too much of a retard to put 2 and 2 together.

Lillie's model exists in hard storage on the cart. When the game needs to have Lillie's model, they just copy that same chunk of memory to RAM. Making multiple god damn copies of her model on the cart is not just a waste of space, its fucking nonsensical. It affords no benefit, and implies that the game was just thrown together haphazardly. Each time one of the interns at GF needed a model, they just spawned a new one off like some freshman programmer who doesn't think about how their code impacts anything outside of what they can immediately see.

Furthermore, the fact that they fucking shipped it like this means that either there was no code review, or not a single person at GF understood/cared enough to point out this beginner's error. This is the kind of shit even a minimum wage poo-in-the-loo programmer would get fired for. There's no excuse for a company sitting on the largest franchise ever to be this god damn lazy.

t. Professional programmer

Why do you keep posting about something you clearly know absolutely nothing about?

So what all this bitching amounts to is just "programmer ethics", seriously? Then why not complain about actual broken games? You know, the ones with game breaking glitches, instead of pretending that you can't take two steps in a pokemon game without turning your cartridge into dust?

>paying 60 dollars for what was supposed to be a mobile game
>pokefags on the right

Attached: 22-155s9q9.gif (320x240, 3.59M)

>hard evidence gf is incompetent/lazy
>lol doesnt matter


I could say the same for all you. Professional programmer my fucking ass. Pretty easy to baselessy and cluelessly criticize when you're some random anyonymous cunt

They look like PS2 games, and I'm not even kidding.

>game's timestep is locked to its frames

Absolutely disgusting.

Where the fuck is the hard evidence? Still havent seen a single lick of it. Just parrots parrotting.

sumo fucking tanks on totem battles

Sinnoh remakes are automatically going to be better than the original.

Attached: alot.jpg (480x360, 19K)

I agree with everything you say except for the frame rate. You can't even tell the difference, and if you really think you can, you're delusional.

Yes you can, and if you can't your eyes are broken

>there nothing wrong with redundancy
Are you for real?

Was there ever any proof for the whole "new Lillie in each map" thing?

>if I just plug my ears and ignore itll go away
>everyone criticizing GF is making it up
>my favorite video company is infallible

The delusion in the GF defenders is astounding.

>if I make up enough shit with no proof and spam it everywhere maybe I can trick people into hating these games as much as I do

>Move one Pokemon in your box.
>"You did something crazy! Now saving will take 3 times longer!"
Gen 4 was a tragedy and a laggy clusterfuck.

dump the game and find out for yourself

The fact that it's for a console game released in 2019.

I've been playing through Volt White and Blaze Black, fuck man I forgot how great the sprite work was. Do you think we'll ever move away from 3D garbage?

Fuck that, why didn't the guy who made the original post take a pic? At least the retard who did the whole P5HERO = SHO rumor for Persona 5 posted "proof" that everyone gobbled up even though it was wrong

How do people actually defend Gamefreak and Pokemon when it's the same milquetoast game every time

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>Sinnoh remakes
>the Spear Pillar project has begun
>the Distortion World project has begun
>the Platinum project has begun
>saving a lot of data

I really don't know why you people are responding to the GF troll. It's so lazy an blatant, it makes me sad he is getting replies


For anyone that is actually interested in the truth and isn't just here to spread stupid rumors. Here is the truth about the game "encrypting and decrypting" 100 times and the truth about the lillie models. By someone who is an actually programmer and has a verifiable history of programming and hacking feats, especially in pokemon games, not some "professional programmer" that exists for exactly one post on fucking Yea Forums.

Attached: Untitled.png (619x336, 41K)

This. This is the first mainline entry for pokemon on the most powerful hardware Nintendo has had at any given moment. It could be visually stunning despite being weaker than offerings from both Microsoft and Sony.
The potential this game had was massive. Decent hardware, not limited to a resolution of like 400p, arguably the largest existing franchise so it could have an astronomical budget behind it, etc.

In short: it doesn't have nearly as many limitations as all the prior pokemon games but it's getting treated like just another entry because gamefreak is fucking inept or lazy and uninspired.

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THERE IS NO MIXING IT UP because they are taking your options away. If you like just having your new mons its fine by me but don't take my option of choosing between the whole roster. I don't care about the national dex but at least code the mons in

>you can't, do you?

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>if i just not read the post with proof, you won't have proof
300 iq plays from GF fans. inb4 what proof, read the thread retard

user, the Switch is a fucking mobile tablet.

is it actually that powerful. i mean i have seen some strong tablets before

Yeah but compare that to the 3DS and it's a huge leap. I'm not saying it's powerful in general, just that it's the most powerful hardware Nintendo has played with

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There isn't a single post with proof about the Lillie thing in here. You can't link to it, it doesn't exist.

There's no proof of 100X Encryption or 100 Lillie
In fact, BOTH were proven wrong
Not him, but research your bullshit claims, your only making your argument weaker

Attached: GF is incompetent, but not THAT incompetent.png (473x411, 42K)

The switch is actually pretty strong as far as tablets are concerned

For Lillie

Attached: GF is incompetent, but not THAT incompetent Pt.3.png (1366x257, 53K)

please use the pokemon board, you absolute retard

It's not even sure that we get more than 100 pokemon and they're already cutting corners.

...of laxatives?

The Pokémon engine feels like it's running the mechanics of an early 90s game on a graphics engine made for a low end 2004 console, but upscaled.

It could hardly be more primitive technologically.

double and triple matches run like shit so your opinion is invalid

>le tree meme xDD
Jesus shut the fuck up it looks literally exactly like real life go outside and have sex

Is it finally time for digifags to rise up?

I'm legit confused how this happened can anyone more tech savvy explain why would they make the tree look like it came straight out of a n64 game?

>oh geez the games start chugging like a motherfucker when there are more than two models in battle. what should we do?
>let's get rid of triple and rotation battle formats
>but also make trainers uselessly stand behind their pokemon every single battle now, making even single battles a laggy shit

Attached: 1528985399691.png (707x706, 251K)

trees are not important

only autists have noticed it looks like shit

Normal people realized the rest of the game looks like shit

>haha, I don't really know

every asset is important, the fuck you on

Pretty much. Game looked low effort from the reveal trailer.

>"hey only a month left until E3 how are those cutscenes and character models coming along?"
>"cutscenes and character models? How could I start work on that when I still haven't found the perfect tree texture yet?"
>"you're fired, put someone who has their priorities straight on this and stick some brown woody looking texture on this fucking tree"
>nooooooooooooooo my treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>The games run and look fine.
Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee run at 30fps despite having extremely simplistic graphics.
>exclusives on a system that can run Doom, Witcher 3 and Xenoblade Chronicles 2

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sometimes 30fps is an stylistic choice user

every choice made for LGPE was a disaster
>literally cannot play the game with a pro controller even though its the same button layout as playing handheld mode
>hype up the pokeball plus as the controller of choice
>Sword and Shield can't even use the pokeball plus

>STILL no challenge mode since BW2 introduced it
If this isn't laziness, what is it?

Wouldn't mention bothering Xenoblade 2 when it looks so dreadful in handheld

Or maybe just dont show it but I know you're just shit posting

at least they fucking tried.
There is no fucking reason LGPE should be 30fps when it's so simplistic,

user if you think Sword and Shield is fine, good for you, more power to you.

You have literally nothing to lose in this controversy, your either getting the game you have no problem with or possibly getting an even better version of a game you have no problem with.

Your wasting your time actually defending GF

At least it still runs fine

Pokefags will still defend this. Even if it's a challenge mode unlocked after beating the game it would still be something
I'll agree that Game Freak aren't even attempting to make an effort

BW2's way of implementing difficulty was shit, it should've been available since the beginning. Luckily there's an AR code for that I believe, but still.

>make the tree look like it came straight out of a n64 game?
Because it's from OoT

Pokemon games should not have fucking framerate drops, OP, you dumbass. There should not be a noticeable dip in performance just when you throw out your pokemon, let alone things like double battles.

Attached: 1524203352270 2.png (1280x720, 790K)

>There is no fucking reason LGPE should be 30fps when it's so simplistic,
nigga Kirby star allies is 30fps and it's even more simplistic. Xenoblade 2 is 30fps as well. Breath of the Wild as well. Pretty much near everything on this damn system sans mario kart and odyssey is 30fps

face it the switch is an underpowered piece of shit (if you care about fps)
There's a lot to blame Gamefreak for but not this. Want more fps, you need to demand things from the source.

Two wrongs dont make a right

nothing wrong with 30fps if it's consistently stable, which pokemon isn't really the case.

>pay 20+ more for a game that only now added shit that's present in a lot of console JRPGs but removed one of its more defining bonuses compared to most monster collecting games
>pay $60 for pretty much the same level of experience you got for $40 for years prior
>may also pay $20 for online functionality that you got for free before too
Imagine being fine with that

wew lad

I cant fucking tell if the tree is the pokemon one or OOT photoshop anymore. Anyone know?

But it runs like ass on handheld mode and still chugs at some points in docked mode.

>competent coding
your bar is so low im actually interested what you consider a bad game

*enters battle*
*framerate drops to 5 fps*

Iwata a competent programmer, ended up reducing their code's load by so fucking much a reigon could be added.
If that doesnt attest to their garbage abilities then I dunno what does, and last I checked all the fucks from back then are mostly still around

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>t. Gamefreak PR

Looks like a windows bitmap

Imagine those roaches are still in suits and roaming around the offices

Sinnoh remakes will have less content then vanilla DP.


Imagine trying to future proof a 3DS game of all things

Imgine still not being able to actually USE your models effectively.

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Is there a way to play Let's Go on PC?

Come on, you can't pretend that evidence doesn't exist.

Attached: The problem with gen 1.png (893x1200, 196K)

yuzu runs it okay on a powerful pc but has some bugs like you can't rename pokemons and for the same reason you can't make your own save so you need to get a savefile from their page to get started.

>All these retards failing for obvious bait

God I hate this board so damn much