Here's your 500p, 30fps, 12 player F-Zero, brah.
Here's your 500p, 30fps, 12 player F-Zero, brah
This is just a mock-up
You had me hyped af for a second
Good job user
I'm not crying, something fall into my eye
Go pretend to be a vampire, you trust fund baby
F-Zero is dead and it's long past time to accept that. Captain Falcon is more of a Smash character than the star of his own series now.
No Nintendo franchise is ever truly dead.
Punch Out and Kid Icarus eventually got sequels, people just need to keep demanding a new F-Zero. For, like, 10 more years.
just make a smaller scale game for like 20$ on the eshop to gauge interest
F-Zero GX is still a perfect game and does not need a sequel
an hd version of gx would be far more effective. your proposal would push people away.
Some of them would be better off staying dead though such as Fire Emblem
Punch-Out and Kid Icarus also didn't have a more successful series in the same genre keeping Nintendo from justifying making a new one. Mario Kart being the popular juggernaut of a casual pick-up-and-go party racer means wasting time and money on a niche game like F-Zero just doesn't make sense.
They did that for Metroid (it had a retail release but w/e) and you saw the shitshow it caused
>No Nintendo franchise is ever truly dead
Except Mother, the creator flat out said that series is done.
make it actually look like an F-Zero game
or just remaster GX
i just want it on the switch
Fire Emblem never really died though, it got entries every couple of years (sometimes spaced closer together, like 8 and 9).
That's where you're wrong, kiddo. The rubberbanding could be improved, as well as the glitches you could pull. We could have more racers, HD graphics, more locations, online races, etc, etc.
"Done" and "dead" are very different things.
But will it have
>Waifu Wars
>actually Fire Emblem
Pick one.
I know but there was a real risk of dying at some point. I remember eagerly waiting for the DS game that didn't get localized and I wondered what the fuck was up with that, then Awakening was announced and it took them months to claim they'd localize it too. I wasn't aware it was dying back then, wish the others did their part and bought all the games as well
There are several ways to modernize F-Zero GX and bring it in line with modern games, though.
The main menu could be your starship that you use to travel to different planets, which all have a dozen different tracks unique to that planets ecosystem, with several difficulty tiers.
On your starship you can place trophies you won, customize your own racing ships, customize your pilot, display high scores, and display custom tracks you made maybe? And on Nintendo Switch Online you can see other peoples ships and look at their high scores, game progress, and download their custom ships or tracks if they allow. I could see a pretty big online component in trading parts and trading tracks.
You could have some more modern elements, like specific challenges that open up per race track depending on your level in the game and how good you are at racing. Maybe even a "Hero or Villain" pilot subplot that allows more challenges per planet. A lot more hazards on tracks could be present too, like erupting volcanoes that randomly occur, savage natives sabotaging the track, bombs, tracks literally rearranging as the course goes on, etc.
please stop hurting me
I prefer X over GX
It's fine. I mean, I also love GX, but fuck me if I didn't want it to be better looking and also have more of Outer Space
I kind of want an F-Zero game that plays like Crazy Taxi, starring a boomer Douglas Falcon who drives a cab but gets involved in a murder mystery that leads to him taking up racing to solve it.
All you need is the GX/AX cast (maybe even the Climax/GP cast as well), more tracks, and a more expansive custom machine system.
in some ways i agree
I'd prefer a new Wave Race.
A lot of people do
It's an arcade racer, story comes second.
i never played X but played the fuck out of GX, whats the difference mechanically?
>when she sees you're dick
Not the guy you're replying to, and I'm probably late to the thread but I believe that normies would be hyped for F-Zero if Nintendo bothered to market it. IIRC, F-Zero GX was somewhat succesful, I believe it is because it was marketed, even if a little bit, on top of having excellent gameplay.
Just my two cents.
Core gameplay is mostly the same. X has the X-cup which has procedurally generated tracks. The expansion kit that you can emulate on project64 also has a track editor and two new cups which are the hardest in the entire series.
I never played GX, but something bugs me about it. Maybe you can put my mind at ease. The game is very fast-paced which is awesome, but this seems to require a lot of jerking around side to side to make micro-adjustments to your vehicle's position. It's ok, but just looks weird to me. Like it has to allow you to move side to side quickly, but I always see people having to do it a lot, because it's so sensitive that they can't help but overshoot.
>when she sees you're dick
You mean all 1,000 of us? There's effectively no fanbase for the game beyond memers who go "F-zero, da captain falcon smashy??? Hehehehe voted!!"
also some people prefer the metal ost.
you get used to it
>remaster GX on Switch
>also include the AX tracks
>bonus points: include X and translated DD, similar to what they did with Seiken Densetsu 3
Random track generator, also Death Race
yeah i think gx is a little too sensitive with the controls. x might be more up your alley.
Do you mean if you're good you don't overshoot? I've never seen someone play it where it doesn't look too sensitive for them at times. Maybe with two triggers on each side they can have both fast and slow strafing?
What rubberbanding? I'm tired of finishing races with at least 10 second advantage of the second racer. And this on master difficulty. I could play alone without AI and I wouldn't notice.
They just need to grab mission 7 very hard AI and slap it into the main game
>We could have more racers, HD graphics, more locations, online races, etc, etc.
You're right on that, we could use more stuff
I hope to play both someday soon.
Understandable. The AI was tough and X cup was the best i've ever seen. Plus, deathrace, emulating the same on GX isn't the same
What the hell man, me and everyone I know found master very challenging, especially on the later tracks.
My friends refuse to play racing games with me. I get why, but I don't like it
Compared to other racers how would you say GX's fares? I feel like it's a good challenge even for advanced players. Obviously you're evidence enough that it's "beatable" at some point, but I think it's generally quite difficult on the hardest settings.
I’m just gonna say, with all the racing games that are out, why wouldn’t they
is 30 player F-zero impossible?
Why isn't there a F-Zero X 30 player multiplayer mod yet?
It's one of these easy to learn hard to master games. In this regard I find that the story mode is very gratifying.
It may sound weird but i find it easier than X. In X you bleed speed like crazy if you start drifting, so you have to make wider turns to not lose grip. In GX I can drift 90 degrees and still going at 1400kph easily
For sure, I never had the confidence to approach the story mode on the hardest difficulty.
Can you blame him for not wanting to go through development hell for a third time?
certainly would be for online. offline, the switch would have to make heavy compromises for 30 racers at once.
FZero battle Royale
It’s a never ending race that perpetually drops a percentage players based on position and a timer.
Pretty stupid logic considering between 2014 and 2015, Mario, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Chibi Robo and Kirby all got 2D platformers released.
Just pick the death circuit from X and make shield regeneration based on a timer. After 2 minutes, the only way to heal yourself is by killing someone.
Also, if your speed drops from 60% of your max speed, you take damage. Just to prevent sitting ducks and trolls
Stop the battle royale shit
you know you can just kill players in f-zero right?
> After 2 minutes, the only way to heal yourself is by killing someone.
>Also, if your speed drops from 60% of your max speed, you take damage
Actually scratch that. Make it so going below X speed damages you. The slower you go, the more damage you take. And increase X over time.
This gets rid of people sitting down on pit stops to heal and makes sure everyone will die, so the game doesn't take absurd amounts of time.
The rubberbanding that allows the AI to get you from behind and make you bounce to your death, which goes both ways since you could do that too. I also forgot to mention a track builder ala F-Zero Climax. Hell, for GX would be surpassed if they actually used the Climax mechanics and put them into the same core as GX.
>F-Zero X had an expansion pack on the 64DD
>Pretty good track editor and some new cups, plus basic car customization
>Never got released outside Japan
>Nintendo never re-released the game with the xpack
>Had to wait until 64DD emulation was a thing
Is that GX Unleashed mod any good?
Classic meme.
said no way out loud thought about how that would be pretty cool and then realized it's F-zero and wouldn't sell trillions so no one would have ever funded it in the first place.
I would rather an online port of kirby air ride anyways. Please release daddy Sakurai so he can make "Kirby Air Ride Xcess" switch esports exclusive moba racer party city trial speedrun hobby grade pro experience.