Gamer Names

>whenever I play with my friends we usually call each other by our real names
>there's 1 guy that calls everyone by their "gamer name"
>no one has pointed this out to him yet

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funny story!

Thanks, frend, I try my best. Glad I made you laugh.

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As it should be. I despise people who find out my real name and use it. It's none of their concern, not to mention we'll never be friends on real name basis to begin with.

you sound like a very lonely person

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>Change your gamer name
>1 year later
>That friend who still calls you by your old gamer name instead of the new one
Fucking fuck! It's so embarrassing. Especially when he makes youtube videos and puts both my names in the description.

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All of us know each other irl, which is why this one dude is being cringey.

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>Having internet """friends""" that you don't know irl
uhhmmm I really really hope you anons don't do this
>B-but i'm in a guild
In that case the only appropriate thing to do is use ingame name for the sake of people who are new in the guild and aren't familiar with everyone

Excessively lonely. But I'm not worth being friends with, so it's fine and dandy.

>change gamertag
>realise months later I preferred my old one
>it would be too jarring to change it back now

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Why yes, I only play single player games. How could you tell?

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Doing so is absolutely fine. I don't mind if people call me by my actual name or by my online name. Why would you?

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Idk I get a laugh out of it on the rare occasion that one of my IRL friends calls me by my gaming name. Sometimes I’ll do it to them too to lighten the mood.

Lighten up dude.

It’s easier to remember that you’re called BananaRammer than “John” you indescript son of a bitch

I dont have any friends that know my real name

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>Have fun pretend public beef with a guy online over anime
>Use different tag for tournament that weekend in his city
>Do well with shit character
>Everyone in that city remembers me as only that joke tag for months afterward

>Meet some friends online
>Call each other by our online handles
>Some come over to hang irl
>Still call each other by our handles irl

It just happens.

joke tags are always better though

>Not having part of your real name as your gamer name

> gamer name is real first and last name

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>have to call a friend by his "gamer name" because you don't know how to pronounce his real one

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ITT: Faggots that don’t have a cool surname to use as their game tag.

Get fucked, boys.

>Got so used to my gamer name being used that i ended up using it in my mind instead of my real one
Almost gave me an existential crisis once.

>What is identity theft?

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Have you ever met irl one of your online friends?
I fucking hate to be called with my nickname irl

The only person in my circle of gamer" """friends""" we call by his profile name is because his real name is harder to say.