Seriously what the fuck was she trying to accomplish in her part of the story?

Seriously what the fuck was she trying to accomplish in her part of the story?

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Sharia Law

Muh kotal
That’s it actually. Then he gets crippled and now she has to clean his diaper.

>Buh killing innocent people is bad you can't do that

>Let me sneak into their base
>Tries to "sneak" around like a fucking retard
>Gets found out and chased like the retard she is
That whole section gave me cancer, the storytelling in this game is aids and I regret playing it.

Why didn't kronika just go back in time and kill baby Liu Kang?

>she turns on him
>then just casually is like "Hey Shao Kahn I got my man for you"
>later on is seen being just as punished as everyone else

Fucking moron

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Why did Kronika bring the heroes from the past when she just wanted to make a new life without most of them? How could she not have foreseen her own defeat much less any of the other defeats she receives if you consider the arcade endings as alternate timelines

What a fucking weak villain. Shao Kahn is still the best.

Not anymore, since we are hard rebooting the entire franchise after 11.

I'm not buying the next one. I was a huge mk fan but mk 11 was the breaking point for me. Just cancel the series.

I don't share the same sentiment, but the arcade tower endings showed me just where it could go and I like the game enough as is. MK also has more weight to me than other fighting games so I can't back out now.

How did they fuck it up to the point having to reboot the series a second time after just three games? They made their bed and they should've just rolled with it.

I think Boon just wants to do something other than fighting games. If doing a scorched earth ending on MK can let him do it, I support it.

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the proof that Kotal is actually writer's pet and on the same level as D'Vorah. and almost as bad as Kronika and Cetrion.

>Writers pet

Did Kotal actually win ANYTHING in the story mode other than having Jade take care of his crippled ass? He's absolute shit in the normal game too.

As long as Smoke comes back i'll buy the next game

Everything about Cassie was nails on a chalkboard in X but she's really cute in 11

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>Kotal jobbed so hard he even jobs in his own reveal trailer

Life is pure suffering for him.

Being black

D'Vorah is way worse than Kotal when it comes to being the writer's pet.

sucks cause i liked his design

The Resurrection of Allah.