Post your gamer fuel.
Post your gamer fuel
Other urls found in this thread:
chocolate is a terrible snack
acquire taste
this, chocolate has a bad aftertaste and makes your breathe smell bad
Crummy water? You should be drinking Pokemon creatures!
>On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.
Behold the ultimate gaming fuel.
Oreos have a careful balance between sweet and bitter, milk chocolate always ruins it.
Milka should get their shit together and bring luflee back.
Look at this pleb, never had European chocolate
>eating food while gaming
>not having breaks away from the computer to rest your eyes
>tfw dangerously underweight but still addicted to sugar
Life is hell
You might have a diabetes.
i live in europe
It's AIDS, user. He has AIDS.
just stop eating sugar
shit tag
Too many to post, but it's usually a combination of
>croatian chocolate
>turkish coffee
>german beer
Are these fried porkskin? I saw them at diners drive-ins and dives and I really want to try them.
Just bought these
Based Spaniard anons
Is "sugar" the new slang for getting roughly rogered in the alley behind the gay bar?
We still have luflee here. Where do you live?
Obviously Gamer Girl water.
Based & torreznopiled
Almost pure chocolate is great, faggot
i was born for this
It's for getting red coins in your Jolly Roger Bay, yes.
You should try one. They are usually good.
a dick
Such a shame it's so expensive here.
this and the strawberry creme are both leagues better, Oreo's are shit tier
you wouldn't think jelly bean bits and popping candy in chocolate would work but it's great
also Scottish tablet is absolutely God tier
Kek they sell eurpeo chololate here only poor people eat Hershey's
lmao fatties
Muesli with greek yogurt, then a few large gulps of organic free-range oxygen.
oops wrong pic
>I'm ready to settle down now
Fucking gross
Going to treat myself with shitton of sugar today, give me your absolutely best recs
Water with lemon juice.
Cool wine aunt
I always wondered who are the people that make " quirky " images of basic things like water or pic related
Ice Cream
Absolutely best? Deep fried candy bars, like Mars, Snickers or Milky Way. But it takes effort to prepare and is extremely unhealthy.
When I treat myself, I have sweet pickles.
>buy a pack for it to last for a month or two
>1 day passes
>half of it is gone
I'll shill Scottish tablet every chance I get, depending on where you are in the world it might be hard to get but it's damned good
Imagine liking Bounty. You honestly make me sick.
This is my jam.
wow you must really hate yourself
gamer girl bathwater
used to be coca cola
but it fucked my teeth RIP
And a big can of red bull because I want to die anyway.
unironically based, any chocolate + coconut combo is god tier
Gamer girl pee lmao.
Ginger nuts dipped in tea is god tier and anyone who disagrees should be executed.
Why? They're pretty good.
You both are worse than filth.
Roasted cashews anyone?
I'm East European, so this is predictable.
raw sugar
Based fat man living a life of luxury that no lanklet will ever understand.
Cup of coffee and some ginger biscuits. Nothing else comes close.
>when you exceed your recommended daily calories in one cup
Coco anons unite. I fucking LOVE coconut so much. I put it on everything. I especially like Italian chocolate salami dusted in coconut, holy shit.
My bro. I love this stuff so much.
Unironically gamer fuel
>not getting all your nutrients directly from the Sun via photosynthesis
I bet you love the taste of chocolate salami, huh
I wish I was kidding, since the year started I've done nothing but pig out and gained 10kgs already, if I don't cut it out I'm going straight to lard-ass territory so I just stopped buying shit to eat other than the bare minimum I need for my regular meals
every time I get up the first thing that comes to mind is "man I could go for a snack", fucking hell
Don't be like that.
I don't eat because I need to focus on my game
Milk chocolate is literally garbage tier, user.
Just eat proper 70% chocolate like a real man. Honestly, since I've started eating those kind of biteter chocolates I can't go back to those sweet milk chocolate ones. It just tastes like fat and sugar.
I like to get one of these every so often, especially if I've gotten my wageslave pay.
I actually JUST bought some fuel for myself and ma bro
>olw super cheese puffs bag, 250g
>pack of fanta orange cans, 33cl
>two 1,5L pepsi max bottles
>2 packs of 6 choco balls
>2 50cl cans each of monster energy drinks, sugarfree blue
I suspect I'll go again by saturday for more.
Fat, self deprecating, generally unhappy, tried to eat better many times including recently but always give up, BUT still enjoying all this shit while vidya.
>like a real man
THIS. These cookies here are awesome. I think every country something with coco and chocolate.
I tried that and it tastes like shit.
Bro did we just become best friends?
behold, the ultimate gamer fuel
How horrifying. What man would willingly drink Pepsi over coke? Also, how the fuck do Americans drink that Dr Pepper shit? I had some in the UK and it made me want to kms.
My gf loves those
>he doesn't eat fucking charcoal
lmaoing at you
Chicharrones are always the best choice.
Milk chocolate is the only good chocolate.
Don't @ me foodie scum.
Well, 70% and above I should have said. But haven't tried those, I think I have tried Lindt ones and it was okay. I still prefer to buy non-commercial brands for the extra bitter ones cos cheap ones just taste bitter and not much like chocolate.
What's the story of the guy on the right, didn't he just come out of jail or something?
what the fuck
it's greasy, you can only eat like 5 and you must eat bread with it
how fat are you
how poor are you
Ever tried these, cookieanon?
now we're getting somewhere
Chocolate peanuts
That works too. I haven't seen that one around here tho, only the pleb milk ones which were decent at least.
fuck you I want that
Who here /bulgarian/, /romanian/, /turkish/? Greeks might have these too, not sure. Either way, they are GOD TIER.
We have almond joy in the US but I think it's kind of shit even though I really like coconut and chocolate
redbull but a cheaper version not the real one.
This one was great tho, although I know some people don't like them with orange.
They are great! The chocolate and peanut contrast to give you a delicious burst of taste orgasm. Your breath will stink afterwards, but it’s worth it
That is a terrible chocolate bar picnrelated isn't a candy bar but far superior for gamer fuel.
it's so tiny though
Croatian here, usually I see them big
>Crustaceans: Yes
We don't condone such offensive words around here, user.
based and porkcrackling-pilled
put some sour creme on that bitch
Well, I think it might be the picture. I make them as big as my palm, though here in Romania you sometimes also fill up bell peppers in the same way, and that's pretty great too, imo.
Crispy MNMs are god tier. It’s weird though, in Ireland the pack is blue. I was confused.
C-come on, it's just chocolate!
Where are my CAKE bros at?
btw. Tiramisu/Tartuffo/Mouse is also pretty rad.
girls eat cake
Surprised no dirty weeb has posted sushi yet.
All these Darkchocolatefags. They can not compare to the true greatness of the White Chocolate Master Race.
Are you from Austria? My mum always brings milka for me when she visits, and those chocolate bananas that are out of this world. I think theyre called choco banan. Milka is god tier
Milk 3%
Kiviks fruit drinks
Occasionally water if I'm a bit over my food budget
Fazer milk chocolate
Lindt 70% chocolate if I want darker stuff
Tyrkisk Peber
Taveners wine gums if I can find them
I also carry a tin of Amarelli 100% licorice but that's not exactly "fuel", just breath lozenges
why are american cakes always 80-90% sponge, isnt that very dry?
Russians make them big too. But azerbaijani make them really small, and use grape leaves.
You can find Milka all over Europe. It's a known brand. The bananas in chocolate are pretty common too.
Vanilla ice cream with strawberries and somechoclate chips.
An ice cold cuba libre .
Thats the stuff
>Candy fuel
>Just water
Double yikes.
I'm never going to have another sushi out again. Got poisoned twice.
They use to be blue in America, but they went away for a while and then pretzel m&ms came in the blue packaging. When the crispys came back they were green.
Im in the UK, milka is here now but the show stopper is the chocolate bananas. Im sure there is an equivilant here but they wouldnt compare to the ones she brings
I stopped doing those at 13
Might as well just drink cream mixed with sugar at that point.
We use grape leaves also, I think it really depends on taste and where you're from. I've noticed peasants use grape leaves more since they have vineyards growing in their yards. But as a city boy, I almost always use cabbage or bell pepper. Good shit, man.
White chocolate is hard to make. I have only tried a very expensive one I liked cos it had real cocoa butter and stuff on it. There is just too much shit white "chocolate" around that's basically fat in a bar.
Well, that's true, when I was in the UK I couldn't find shit either. Don't you have LIDL there? I guess you don't. Germans have taken over mainland Europe so anything you might want that's German you can find anywhere.
>Thought I was being a fatass and still do for drinking McDs Mocha fraps constantly because they're about 800-1k calories.
Holy fuck is it super big or some shit? That is outright disgusting.
I enjoy hot chocolate or green tea as beverage. Sometimes French vanilla coffee.
Snacks are not that enjoyable for me while I game. However, if I do eat a snack while gaming it’s usually something easy to grab and low maintenance like pretzels or Ande Mints.
You should still drop those.
Remember that not everything is calories, all that sugar can give you diabetes.
Yeah, it's almost 1 liter.
My eternal nigga
its fucking crazy expensive though
its a shame that most 'chocolate' is actually just a lump of suger dyed brown
HERE is some gamer fuel for REAL men.
Black Forest gateau is so good fuck
lemon cheesecake and lemon meringue is also fantastic, love lemon anything
Completely agree, it and regular coke is undrinkable to me.
>pepsi max, with cola zero as a substitute
Every day
Ahhh yes... table's dew.
I am still disgusted as what has become of Milka. Milka once had aluminium wrapping around it, way fewer variations and the standard milk chocolate version tasted comparable to what Lindt chocolate tastes today. What the fuck did these idiots do?
he was hungry
Define crazy expensive. Here it is around 10 dollars for a really good 80gr bar. I don't mind buying one sometimes cos since it's strong you don't need to eat the whole thing
Depressed man's meal
Got bought out by Kraft
true gamer fuel coming through
P.S. not for drinking
They're so good, but they feel so decadent. Shit feels like I'm eating pure oil and fat. But god it's so good.
the only problem with buenos is you eat them so fucking quickly
you're trying too hard
>you must eat bread with it
vid ovog kretena jebote
Gummy worms
Peanut Butter
Yes i am weird
They cheapened out to turn it into a mainstream brand instead. I agree with you, the new Milka is shit. In fact, all these new chocolates are shit. We used to have one in Romania here that was the same story - used to be good and wrapped in aluminium, now it's some cheap garbage that comes in plastic. Schogetten is the only one that's still halfdecent.
Bueno’s are fucking god like. In fact, most Kinder products are great.
stop thinking about sucking dicks faggot.
water for drinking and ice for eating
You gotta do it carefully, like picture eating out your waifu. I usually remove the bottom with my teeth and slowly crunch it down, then I lick all the cream inside. Finally, I eat the top part.
the coffee is top tier, but the biscuits are low quality.
>Still smoking Cigarettes
>In 2000+19
Enjoy your cancer
Who said I was talking about dicks?
That better be bourbon and not scotch user
Yea we got LIDL but theyre few and far between depending on where you live. I shop there regularly, they sell some decent grub but the ones in Europe have alot more choice. Ours are basic as fuck though. Just a cheap and cheerful place to shop
fucking BASED
and dare i say it
Damn I forgot about Schogetten. When I was younger I’d go into Lidl and buy one of these. They were fucking great.
Not weird, you just sound like a girl or a twink.
don't you have training, Gonzalo
stop posting on Yea Forums
>entire bag is fucking 1,000 calories
I miss not giving a shit and just eating those 2,000 calorie tubs of flapjacks every few days, fuck.
I'm not a fat fuck anymore but the sugar, oh god the sugar was so good
Ritter Sport is still decent, too. I recently saw discounter chocolate that had higher quality AND aluminium wrapping around it. That's how bad Milka is nowadays.
Yep, and it's nice how they're already separated into squares to avoid a mess. When I was a kid you could only buy these from gypsies at the bazaar.
I tried to do scottish tablet once. First, I misjudged the amounts and the pot was too small, the molten sugar ended up spilling over and fucking up my kitchen. Then, the rest I salvaged ended up getting too grainy from the sugar, and melted too quickly at room temperature. Maybe I was supposed to let it boil a bit longer.
That’s why I have little bowls that I pour them into. I’ll get around 5 bowls out of one bag, and only have one bowl a day.
I dont get it.
I drink this raw
On my way to Diabeetus
Yeah, I use to just open up the pack, pop one into my mouth and let it melt away. God I really want one all of a sudden.
We have LIDL here in baguetteland too. They used to sell pic related which are fucking godlike. I can't find these anymore and its a shame
We make those in Lithuania too.
Im 100% aware they're shit for me I only drink one like once every week or two now though.
cakes are not really snacks imo but I'd eat sachertorte all day erryday if I could
Anybody? Taste great and aren't as fatty as chips.
I have no idea what's going on with Milka, I get some semi-regularly and now I have a 50% chance of getting the Milka I've always known and a 50% chance of getting something that tastes nothing like it.
based and breastmilkpilled
not a true gamer, fuck off retard and go back
only the best for me
>Out of sale
Oh no what are we gonna do gamer bros?
grab an empty glass and pour tap water in it since it's exactly what these retards are paying 30 bucks for
Same here. And go get them, bro. They've got them everywhere now. Also, god, it took me forever to find this, but get one if you're at it. This is even better to melt in your mouth than Schogetten, since you're left at the end with all that crunchy goodness, it's SO SATISFYING, JESUS.
>they are finally coming to the U.S
>tfw you were to late and now it's out of sale
holy shit just come over and i'll give you some for free fuck...
Real man
Pick one user
It was inevitable.
Why would you assume that? he's just eating without giving a shit what other people think
Are you a genuine gamer girl©?
I know that feel bro
that's not sushi, you subhuman mutt
Oniguiri is not sushi
acquired taste coming through
>chicken, seasoned with salt, pepper, cumin, touch of chili, coriander, paprika and apple cider vinegar
>properly cooked rice and fresh vegetables
My fuel is real food that's both delicious and healthy. Best part is you can eat metric tons when you lift every day.
Why are weebs so autistic?
These are good
sorry for bad engrish
ばせる あん れうぴる
go back
they all get prion disease from the raw fish they eat
why are subhuman mutts so stupid?
do you also call hamburgers hot dogs?
Crème brûlée
Sugar Cane
>leaving the broth in
who does this? do people actually ramen the more soggy it is?
>so triggered he goes to his /pol/ images
Fucking weebs, you can't make this shit up.
Difference being that sushi and onigiri both taste identical.
I don't even watch anime and even I knew rice balls aren't sushi..
triangular sushi is still sushi, stay mad weebs
sugary chocolate is disgusting. 70% dark chocolate is great.
t. coping subhuman third worlder mutt
Gahhh, fuck I actually bought this stuff in an Asia shop. At first you're like "ooh this doesn't taste so bad, sometimes actually nice". A few tries later this shit becomes disgusting and you never buy it again.
i believe this image! in no way is it false!
bread with meat is still a burger
stay mad mutt
insulin auto-injector
My nigga!
No >:(
Unironically correct. Keep coping about your triangular sushi.
>eats poor people food
>calls other third world
Go eat your rice balls, m8.
shit is cash (in all senses... they're literally too damn expensve in my area)
it's ok fatty, calm down, think of your heart
my African American
enjoy oesity and impotence
>no u
>makes your breathe smell bad
>implying you'd be interacting with anyone else at all
it's more like 1 in 30 where i live
tianmen, winnie the pooh
>talk shit to weebs
>they automatically assume you're american
Every time.
>implying I'm American
>implying I'm even overweight
How is it that every weeb is a fucking retard? Do you think the world is split between burgers and sushi, you absolute philistine? Imagine being this much of a cunt and insecure about literal fucking rice.
any competent ramen (not the one on user's picrelated) has really tasty broth + veggies (you eat it like a cup of soup)
>smoking cuck sticks
how is it having 90iq
>The worldwide prevalence of obesity nearly doubled between 1980 and 2008. According to country estimates for 2008, over 50% of both men and women in the WHO European Region were overweight, and roughly 23% of women and 20% of men were obese.
You don't even have the excuse of shitty unregulated food that we do.
boiled goat head, orange puree and ice cream??
>Uma delicia
Mashed turnips and potatoes. You're looking at what Icelanders consider a delicacy. Snowniggers are something else.
Cope with what, you imbecile? Like, are weebs legitimately so low IQ that you have no response beyond a catchphase? YOU'RE the one that posted shit food and got triggered for being made fun of. You're the simple-minded weeb that loves fucking rice balls and burgers. Wash your neck.
>European cuisine
Those things are god tier
>still being afraid of cancer
psst... 2-3 pieces of fresh garlick once every 2 days, shitload of green tea, no sugar and eat fresh green veggetables. You're welcome
i mean it's not gonna nullify your chances, but will greatly help you body to self-maintain.
Shut the FUCK UP you faggot European
dark chocolate is the kind of shit people pretend to like because they think it makes them better, but its actually fucking terrible and everyone knows it.
Do people generally put chocolate into the fridge or is it just me?
I've seen the vid of the guy on the right then I can't find it again at youtube please help
do you wanna know how i know you're over 400 lbs
i want to make that
Juicechads wwa?
until i became a little bit of a white chunky myself
99% of chocolate is also harvested by children, by the way, in case everyone wants to know. It's very likely that even that big brand chocolate you're eating comes from the hands of a child slave.
>not enjoying things for a lifetime just to reduce your chances of getting cancer
what the fuck is tastes even better now
Why are muttys always so angry?
That's because you're a retard.
it takes, like, 20 minutes out of your schedule to consume those.
Young country who still think they're the shit.
lead in pipes
*blocks your path*
I usually take my garlic pickled.
we all have (((them))) though
those have lost half of their vitamins... better take it fresh, if it's available
some brands taste better that way but not all
its made in germany so meme trash
I'm going to guess that those are not white children so I don't give a fuck
>i'm so edgy and racist XD
You're a fucking dumbass and I hope you know people like you would be first to get gassed. Subhuman.
This one suck desu
I recognize that book cover
Milka are so desperate, it's sad. Just make a single good product, you fucking hacks.
Who /cadbudy/ here
99% is the shit.
Why are they using that subhuman language called french?
Uh, this isn't reddit my dudes. Click on your home page and go back
That was people's guess since usually you wear something nice to court and you leave prison with what you were wearing before. The truth is it was actually a staged viral video.
Gassed by who? I doubt your country even has the technology to build a gas chamber
and you have to be 18 to post here
sorry kid
this must be the swedish national brand
they already did - whole hazelnut
buy m&m's then
I'm actually sexually aroused by the guy on the right. What the fuck. He's just being such a slob but I find it incredibly sexy. This makes no sense.
Not sure how you're calling this place /reddit/ when /pol/ is literally THE MOST redditor board on this website without question. I've been here since 2007. I am willing to bet you are a mouthbreathing zoomer.
Leave and seek help.
>implying you know my country and my background
Try again, imbecile.
>croatian chocolate
Based Dorina with keks bro
dolma is great, but you know what's even better?
Grape leaves (need young ones to avoid thic threads of fibre)
Austria, I remember seeing them in stores when I was in middle school and haven't seen them in forever.
Can you do it cannonless?
Even if you love coconut, there are FAR better coconut treats out there than a goddamn Bounty stuffed with coconut sugar-paste.
grape>bell pepper>cabbage leaves (they're just so bland tasting covers, compared to former two)
>seeing nothing but middle aged bitches talking about chocolate as gamer fuel
Where my chip bros at
Based torresmobro.
>blocks your arteries
Europoor detected
That's not the cause of blocked arteries, fatass.
Man fuck this is so good
top nep
we have a local equivalent (essentially same beef jerky, but really spicy)
>projecting his own obesity
they absolutely are, lardland dweller - google ''pork rinds cholesterol''
I need it, you mother fucker
What class of obese are you, Yea Forums?
>"look at me making my life into a boring autistic spreadsheet. oh shit, it's time for my 12th activated almond!"
450kcal pepperoni pizza is my fav gamer fuel
>most of the traffic is from US
what do you think?
Is that your only argument?
Cholesterol is fine as long as you don't abuse it like a fatass.
how is this thread still up
God, I wish I could enjoy something that much.
What's wrong with no aliminium?
Milka is fine
pute reste pas contente ouhhh
That's just a tortilla with a sauce and some cheese on it
And pepperoni underneath. Still tastes good.
based and Dorinakeksfilled
same desu
i don't give a flying fuck about you well-being - you can go die in a ditch right now.
I'm just stating the facts you seem to be getting defensively butt-blasted about.
There is no argument about the facts - bad cholesterol from roasted animal skin is useless, no matter the doses.
Me too, bro
With all this eurotrash I'm surprised no one has posted the greatest müsli ever created yet
playing competitive games while drunk is truly nirvana. the loss of inhibition lets you play both like a god and like a retard simultaniously. i lived in scotland a couple months ago and drinking a never ending stream of whisky and playing shit was the most fun i've had with videogames in a while
yeah I love pure sugar with my milk, how do did you know?
are they using yellowcake for coloration?
I'm kind of cheating since I've never had them outside a restaurant but god damn I'd love to sit back and pig out on a giant plate of gyoza while playing something.
lmao, don't get mad at people being able to enjoy poison and still being able to stay fit and live beyond 80 years old
This shit is too expensive
You get a tiny ass package, for like 2 breakfasts worth
don't worry - i'm not, as i said before.
live long and prosper so that other people can point at you as a living example of pure faggotry
I feel really sorry for americans who have to live with these sorry excuses for cereal like Fruity Pebbles and Lucky Charms.
for me it's the vanilla pillows, but good taste nonetheless. I always bring back like 10 boxes when I go to Europe.
>wanting to cover your kb and mouse with disgusting grease
How much do you eat? I use fairly big bowls and they still last me a couple days.
Russian """intellectuals""" everyone
It's clipart user. It's usually just used to make slideshows slightly more visually stimulating.
You'd know this if you'd ever done a presentation in school or worked for a living.
because he takes what he wants and thats what you want deep down inside is a man to take you and use you like the slut you are
Soviet Russia ruined Russian literature.
>a couple days
exactly my point
These are incredible. They’ll make anyone a white chunky.
they're the only ones that are still so into books that vanilla stuff doesn't get them anymore - that's when a hobby takes turn into depraved territory like Stephen King shorts
Where my yogurt niggas at?
Truly a high iq snack that chip/chocolate fags wouldn't understand
meat and cheese, the best food mixed up
fruit yogurts are joke - half of beneficial bacteria dies from fruit's acidic juices. Taste nice tho
You need to mix them with oatmeal.
Better than a big box of corn, sugar and air. Vitalis is denser than the more common cereal and I'd rather pay extra for something that doesn't make you feel like you just washed down some sugar cubes with milk.