Zen 2 Awakening

Yea Forums, only a few days left before time to upgrade our gaming rigs. Have you decided on which processor you'll buy?

The 3600x will be the new king of gaming, but that 3700x is looking pretty good for general purpose. Even that 3400g will likely be good enough for your casual gaming experience, without destroying your wallet.

i'm moving up from the 7700k, so it's been a long time comin'.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>buying hardware at launch
you deserve everything you get

I'm fine with my i5 4690K for now.

So on intel CPUs, the i7 and such are different lines, the first number afterwards is its generation, but what do the rest of the numbers mean?
Who even named this shit

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I built a Ryzen 5 2600 + Vega 56 build a few months ago. Ain't gonna upgrade shit in the next two years.

>i'm moving up from the 7700k
no point in upgrading

>4 cores when games are starting to take advantage of more
>no point

and aren't they supposed to support PCIe 4.0?

>and aren't they supposed to support PCIe 4.0?
yes. another reason to move up.

I'm still on 2.0, don't even know what the benefits are

its literally 2 years old, you are absolutely fine with 8 threads

>3600x kign of gaming
just get the 3400g

>4 cores and 4 threads

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Unironically get X570

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Why would I upgrade when everything I play work fine with my 2600 right now?

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There are no tangible benefits outside of having faster bandwith for things like PCI-E SSDs.
If you want to save money you can just get an X470/B450 board which has 3.0 instead.

unironically kill yourself, or alternatively, buy a b450

4.0 is not the only new thing in x570

no 5 ghz, no buy

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>faster bandwith for things like PCI-E SSDs.
sweety, that's more than enough reason to 4.0. granted, it's one of the few reasons that anyone cares about, but it's a very big one.

I'm keeping my 1800x that I got for 250$ for the next 5 years at the very least.

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So? It's the biggest new feature. The VRMs on older boards are decent enough even for the 3900X and 3950X depending on the board

Unless you move huge 4K+ video files around your PC 24/7 then there is little justification for it. Most gamers won't extract any benefit from it, which is kind of the point of this thread

Why a fucking "gaymer" should care about a cpu when even with a fuckin 2010 i7 you can still ultra almost everything if you have a decent gpu?
Are you stupid?

>ancient 4core cpu
unironically kill yourself, you poor nigger. this isn't a thread for homeless faggots that think their 4/8 is suffice.

Because i7s are pozzed and hyper-threading needs to be disabled unless you want computer AIDS

>which is kind of the point of this thread
fair enough

i7 don't have hyper threading anymore?

It still does, but if you enable it you risk having security issues due to how HT is designed on intel processors.

believe the 9th gen removed it, but they still perform really well without it

When are the new GPUs out? I want to see if they can really compete with the RX 2080, I doubt it tho

The same day

Now that AMD has made a good CPU architecture, when are they going to make good GPU drivers?

Only two things keep me from buying AMD: The worse than awful OpenGL performance (mainly for emulators) and the overhead on their D3D11 drivers. Will Navi change these things?

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I'm fine with my 5 2600.

Why do people give a shit about boost speed? Its only done for a few seconds. Having 5ghz boost would not change the speed of any substantial operations, be it gaming, rendering, compiling, etc.

Due to consoles being 8 cores, most engines are being optimized to take advantage of as many cores as you can throw it. Most games on UE4 will benefit from simply just more cores, and as time passes shit will move further in this direction. You already benefit a lot today from 4c/8t over 4c/4t on many games/applications.


The problem with AMDs cards is their architecture. Navi's architecture is different but is still based on the god awful GCN instruction set, so it will remain to be seen how much better it is.

Would there be any point to getting a 3900x for vidya? Even just for futureproofing memes?

Not really, 3900X is more for if you do gayman plus video editing or 3D modelling type stuff. Future-proofing is a myth and retarded

dota 2 cant be played with vulkan api though,
visual bugs everywhere

>felt for AMD meme
>GPU fans don't spin
>temperature reaches 90ÂșC
>fans spin at 100% for 5 seconds and stop again
>impossible deactivate idle mode
>afterburning, speedfan, wattman can't do anything
>have to play vidya with annoying 100% fan speed noise, high temperature and low FPS


oy very shut it down, this is anti-semitism...

Given both ATI and AMD's history with divers, I don't doubt you'll see a 15-20% performance increase over the span of the next 2-3 years for the card. But that said, they're still over priced for what they are and I do also worry that the GCN portion carried over may bite them in the ass.

Thats all controlled by your motherboard user, not your CPU

Nah. Just bought a 9900k.

>bro just WAIT

patience is a virtue nigger

I have a RX 480 that microstutters horrible on the latest update. I had to go down to a 2 year old driver for my video card to run normally. I like AMD but seriously fuck them sometimes.

Even the lowest Zen2 is stomping 9900kys is benchmarks, good that you're finally owning the fact that you're a cuck though.

>buying a $500 CPU that gets beat by a $199 CPU in both single and multi-threaded tasks

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It's AMD GPU. Thank God I bought an Intel CPU.

Who /Ryzen + GTX/ master race here?

>blames AMD for GPU
>Thank God I bought an Intel CPU

>buying AMD parts
Way im seeing it is that I spend a few extra hunned now and save myself alot of tinkering and headaches later
Time is more valuable than money and AMD parts waste time.

Intel's offerings look much more attractive, especially considering 3rd Gen Ryzen has even more latency than 1st Gen (meaning bad gaming performance, input lag, audio latency/stutter, and crashing)

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PSA to Intel owners itt

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It seems my B350 board can handle a 3800x just fine so I'm going with that.
Next gen games are going to use a ton of threads, and I want the Ryzen with the highest freqs too.
Then my 1060 will have to sit tight until it get a worthy successor.

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post more irrelevant spic benchmarks sir, /g/ doesn't have enough

>nano seconds
Fuck off.


I hope it's not a gigabyte. My friend bought a veg56 gaming oc and that shit was overheating and crashing all the time, turns out it was niggerbyte's fault for fucking up the vrms, not amd.

>spic benchmarks
Guess brown sticks together, huh pajeet.

Nanoseconds is crucial in applications like games retard, that doesn't change the fact that the spic benchmark was poorly done however

>meaning bad gaming performance, input lag, audio latency/stutter, and crashing
that's not what latency means in this instance, pablo. but I'm sure you got a small fraction of Yea Forums with it.

It's Sapphire. It was working good, AMD fucked up some update like said. I am already using the oldest driver I could find in their site.

They're notorious for producing temperamental budget hardware for a reason

Yeah, back when Bulldozer and Polaris were around
Times have changed gramps, but enjoy your overpriced garbage

>32c/64t fags ALREADY coping when highest TR sku is specced at 128c/256t

At least you can play terraria or something on it.

>le racist may may
sure showed me
nano second for each instruction, these add up to actual delay that can be felt even while moving your mouse
It's exactly what it means, that's why AMD has been trying to band aid the latency issue by cramming more cache into their CPU's, they are even calling it "Game Cache" now. But nobody asks what happens when you need to access data not in the cache, stutter and crashing is what happens.

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>can be felt even while moving your mouse
No. Kill yourself

what do you need 64 cores for? 2 is all you need! you'll hear from my shills about this!

Buddy...my distaste for AMD began with a Ryzen. Not providing my anecdote, but it was a bad purchase that wasted tons of my time.

don't mock Terraria fag

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>dude trust me
how big was the deposit, pajoo?

>incel pajeet litterally REEEEEING

great thread, OP!

>el chapuzas

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Oh, so you're most likely a retard who made in ill-informed decision and now you're salty at the company and its products instead of your own incompetence.
Again, cope.

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>how big was the deposit
Just enough for me to buy some stable hardware

Keep coping, it wont save you from facts

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post one stable thing from intel, I'll wait

>so you're most likely a retard who made in ill-informed decision
yeah I'll cop to this. I bought AMD.

holy fuck
my fucking sides

I'm sitting on Athlon II x4 @3.2 so literally anything will be an improvement for me.

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AMD isn't the problem though, it's (You)
I can buy an i3 processor and 4GB of 2133 RAM and pair it with a 2080ti, is that Intel's fault for my games running like shit or is it my fault for being a retard?
Protip: it's the latter

>I can feel the additional less than one frame of input lag
No you fucking can't, google the word "placebo".

First gen Ryzen would have been good, but for holding out you'll be rewarded in spades.

If you want to go first gen though 1600s are like $80 now. For 12 threads.

>getting a CPU weaker than the 3000

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still waiting, pajoo

10ms, is more than 1 frame at 120HZ, and you can feel it during constant movement of the mouse, just like you can feel smoother mouse movement at 120FPS vs 60FPS

retarded ESL nigger

I could be wrong, and you'll definitely let me know, but doesn't CSGO favor Intel? And who is ripoff hardware unboxed literal who?

The chart you posted says that ryzen has an additional 7 ms of input lag over intel. 7 ms is less than one frame unless you're running 240hz which I seriously fucking doubt you are.

If he didn't care about input lag he wouldn't have made into the E-Sports League user.

>time is more valuable than money
Please. You are probably some neet

>could be wrong, and you'll definitely let me know, but doesn't CSGO favor Intel?
Yes but the test was limited to 300FPS on all chips, the framerate was the same, but input delay was different
Test done by a dude with a high speed camera

Yeah, that was the issue. I bought a weaker unstable CPU and paid the price in time.
Live and learn, I guess. I made an informed purchase this time around.

coping here, but maybe CSGO has an Intel fastpath ;)

Still rocking my 4770K and probably will for the next ten years

Well I'm glad you're acknowledging it's your own stupidity rather than the company's fault. We all make mistakes building our first PCs, user.
But now you'll be left with a CPU that performs as well if not worse than the competition's lowest priced SKU, and that still makes you look like a dumbass. Sad, but hindsight is 20/20.

>the framerate was the same
What about frametimes? FPS is becoming a weaker and weaker metric.

I want to do GPU passthrough, so I'm hoping to get the 3700X unless it ends up costing too much here.

Moving up from 4440S

When's AMD getting raytracing?

Tick tock, Intel.
Or in modern terms: Tick tock tock tock tock tock, Intel.

Good points, but I'd still rather not risk having lower grade hardware inside my rig. Intel has it's own host of problems but at least this build doesn't make me want to tear my hair out. Only thing I'll be dealing in with AMD is stock.

They already support it, just look at the next-gen consoles

stupid question but will it be compatible for this motherboard (b350 pc mate)

Refer to here:

The first couple rows give you approximations of certain SKUs at stock and OC, then check your mobo (it's on there) for VRM support.

Also keep in mind you'll need a BIOS update to support 3000s. I have an MSI board and they pulled the beta bios for it so let's hope they come back in full force.

>only play 2d and indy shit nowadays
I am fine with my 4670k
MB is dying though, might have to do it later.

>CPU that performs as well if not worse than the competition's lowest priced SKU

Consider this is without the magic "fine wine" windows update that gave Zen's a 15% boost, and the intel chips are lacking mitigation patches. Still, looks fairly blow for blow to me.

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I'm still happy with my Ryzen 5 1400 and RX570

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Did he show the ram speeds for this test? High speed/low latency ram is extremely important for Ryzen systems


feels bad when a 2400G can be had for less now while being a bit more performant

AMD's official E3 benchs, blame them for realizing most of their install base plays at 1080p and under.

be a smart consumer and buy the new amd cpus and gpus next year

Also doesn't help that at higher resolutions the GPU becomes the bottleneck.

Nigger I've been waiting to upgrade for 5 years, I'm not waiting any longer

If you go by the AMD roadmap you'll be waiting forever cause they'll be releasing better stuff next year every year

>to compete at gaming
AMD's really grasping aren't they

shut the fuck up pajeet.

1080/1440 will remain the popular resolution for a very long time. e-sport titles drive the market, and even some competitive pros play at 720.

4k market is smaller than 1080 and 1440. there's no reason to pander to richfags with more money than common sense, when the largest group are still running 24" 60hz panels.

don't worry you'll (((match))) intel one day, maybe


that all you got? no actual defense?

cope :^)

you sure are, amdlad :^)

cope àČ _àČ 

last word

First number represents the generation (9)
Second number represents the grade and line (1-3 is i3, 4-6 is i5, 7-8 is i7, 9 is i9)
Third and fourth numbers are specific to that model (Usually 0, unless there's a special in-generation revision)
K means whether or not the CPU clock speeds are locked by Intel.


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Yeah, leaks leaks leaks. We'll have real numbers in a few days.


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>swapping a 7700k
>for gay-ming
never go full retard

>muh cores
what part of "never go full retard" don't you understand?


>he bought a 7700K
that's going full retard in and of itself

2600k/2700k are still decent gaming CPUs to this day. Only now are they finally showing their age.

Who even upgrades their CPUs anymore?
I'm playing on a like 6-7 year old i7 6700k, at 4k and 60fps. It's all about GPU and RAM, the latter you should've had 16GB since ~2012.

>Who even upgrades their CPUs anymore?

No one using Intel since it is pretty much guaranteed you'll have to buy a new mobo every time.

Funny how Intcel regressed in performance after releasing Sandy Bridge

>dude, check out these leaked rumor graph youtube tweets that say the thing I like is better than the thing you like
>no ignore those official numbers my rumored leak chart forum post says otherwise

>6-7 year old i7 6700k
6700k was released in 2015.

so how bout that zombieload

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>mfw went from athlon xp > phenomx2 > 6700k

I only buy 10/10 gaming cpus. Not changing the 6700k till the market settles down. Put your money into GPU power.

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AMD stockholders ITT right now. Deploying the shill-line


My bad, then, I forgot when I upgraded.

I can't believe Intel is going to become the poor and stupid man's choiec.

>4 threads in 2019
zen save me from this abyss, I can't take the stuttering anymore

>Buying incel

Don't be a retard guys. Less money for intel means less money for jews. Less money for jews means less niggers in western countries.

You don't love niggers, do you Yea Forums?

The caveat being that while the 3600 performs slightly better than the 9900k at the same clocks, the 9900k can still clock a lot higher make it a much faster CPU.

either way you lose

>muh clocks

What with a fucking chiller?

Still rocking a 4690k & 1060 6gb. I'm not really playing anything demanding so I'll keep on waiting.

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9900K would have already beaten it then, since Passmark doesn't care about the actual freqs they're at.
The 9900K could be at housefire tier and passmark will still mix in its score among the averages.

Goyim means non jews.

Is the only difference between a 3700x and 3800x the clock speed? Could I just buy a 3700x and overclock it?
My 2500k is starting to feel long in the tooth and it's either one of those or a 9700k.

It still may not if the 3600 has better IPC, which the benchmark definitely implies it does. And besides it's a $199 CPU, if it even comes within 15% of the $500 9900k then Intel should just blow their brains out at this point

Huh, a 3700X popped up on the 1st.

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Man im pretty jealous of you guys with i7's now but its been 8 years and my 2500k needs a replacement you're playing it smart though no need to replace something that works.

>AMD getting destroyed by Nvidia Super
>doubles down on Zen 2
>against Intel CPUs from last year

>BFV most demanding PC game out there rn
>can still play with 75+fps with all maxed out settings on 1080p monitor with my 2600 & 580

yeah, nah this is great but I'll just wait a few more years.

it's almost as if they leapfrog each other, dumbass.

>implying 10nm will come out within the next 5 years

who /1600to3600/ here?

I'd say this is more a case of Intel angrily shaking it's fist at a smug Lisa Su on the moon.

cpus are rarely a choke point in video games, anything that can hit 4ghz on 4 physical core or higher will run any game in existence....with a good enough gpu.

if you want workload and cock size discussions fuck off to or linus tech tips

I was thinking about 2600 and sit on it for like 4 years maybe.

>destroying anything but Nvidia's stock price
>also implying Intel have a response to Zen 2 before late 2020 which by then Zen 3 will be out

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should still wait for the 3600 because the hype, and to be benches, will continue pushing prices down.
back to the 1600 for a bit, it's weird to see a 6c12t cpu at $80 and destroying anything else at that price point.

Your actually wrong the stutter is horrible I have this cpu at 4.9ghz and 4 cores 4 threads no longer cut it. If all youre doing is playing old games you should be fine but now in newer games especially fast paced ones the stutter is fucking shit. I have to close shit beofre I play any new game because the cpu is being maxed out by games shits not feasible anymore.

don't forget emulation, rpcs3 and xenia like threads.
and all of them love single core performance.

Yeah I'm waiting for 3000 series so that the price for 2600 maybe drops a bit. Need to buy MB and RAM too after all. My setup is 7 years old.

so we're at that era of the decade again where amd is on the top of cpus

i rather wait for the next intel processors, i went from p4 to i7 920 and it was glorious

>doesnt name cpu
>no mention of gpu
no need to lie on the internet bro, its ok if you are a poorfag.

this logic is fine, but now you must know by the time those exist (intel's "tick"), amd will be on their "tock" for ryzen 3000.
for intel to be competitive again they'd have to far and away beat 3000s out of the gate, and have an answer for 4000s or whatever.

I'm in no rush. i7-4790k is doing okay.
By the time I decide to upgrade I'm sure Intel will get their shit together and actually figure out 10nm or a stretch but even 7nm, and bring back hyperthreading muh exploit shit, which obviously won't happen until like 2022~2024
if not then yeah I'll probably get a 3700X

It's a $700+ investment because I have to buy a new motherboard alongside the CPU and the RAM since 4790k+Z97 is DDR3 and I've gotten comfy with 16GB, would need to get equivalent 16GB but DDR4-3200 CL14 and who knows where RAM prices will go

I am buying an RTX 2060 Super to upgrade my 970 however so we'll see how much it bottlenecks for VR performance

3700x seems like the middle ground and a good choice

All processors have hundreds fps in csgo, it's impossible to have such different lags.

>chugging along on an fx 6300
>waiting for 2600 price drop

where by budget niggas at

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if you do productivity and not just gaming then yes. if you want to future proof for games maybe then yes.
otherwise 3600/X is for gamers, and all ryzens can OC anyway to make up single threaded performance deficits.

>wait for the next intel processors
they will come but you might be waiting till 2024ish (5 years from now) since the latest internal intel memo indicated "we're currently fugged, management sux, these guys with 1/10th the employees and no money keep whooping us in 2/3 markets"
good time if you want a thin light long battery life laptop from intel though but in server and desktop its gonna take a while (see: time from bulldozer to zen)

>4 cores is enough
nigger, you can stop posting now

4.9ghz 2500k I stated it in the post you replied to GPU is an r9 390. That's besides the facts that 4 cores don't cut it anymore your 1% mins go to shit with 4 cores.

>2600 price drop
microcenter was selling all cpus for crack prices just the other day. sale might still be going on, actually. had a 2700x for $199.

There's no 10nm desktop parts, they're sandbagging until they get 7nm ones. There's rumors that they'll pay off Samsung for 7nm stuff.

Their GPUs will annihilate AMD but get dabbed on by high end Nvidia cards.

Only reason I might get a Ryzen is for PCIE4.0, but when the 9900KF is the same price as a 3900X, no real reason to go Ryzen otherwise for games.

I'll see benchmarks, but knowing AMD's track record I assume Intel CPUs will wreck them in most stuff that isn't productivity.

Retard question:
I have to replace my DDR3 with DDR4 but buying 2 x8Gig is not optimal for my wallet right now. So if I buy only one stick and it would be in single channel, will I be able actually run games and shit or it won't start at all? Like wtf is going to happen?
I know it will be half the potential speed but even that half is at least twice faster than my current RAM speed.

Attached: hmmm.jpg (746x719, 74K)

I dont think they will this time Intel has been stuck on 14nm for so long theres only so much more that can be improved on that node.

it will work just fine. just consult your motherboard manual to see which dimm is preferred.

>till 2024
Big corporations like Intel move fast when cornered.

The timeframe between Pentium /D and the first Core2 processors was like 2-3 years. Intel most likely has a new arch ready but they don't have their 10nm or 7nm yet.

The 9900KF is no different than a golden sample 9900K that can all core 5.0GHz. We already have those numbers, there's nothing to discover from Intel.
And even then, frequencies can not be compared against different architectures. Zen 2 at 4.5GHz might match Intel's 5, we don't know yet.

The meme that's going around that a 3600 beats a 9900k is fake as shit being shilled around by AMD fanboys

However the 12-core and 16-core Ryzen will instantly shit over the 9900k, including the higher clocked 3800

whoops, thinking of the 9900KyS.

Aight, thanks user.

that 3900X has enough cores and cache you could run two VMs and demanding multicore games in both
it is literally better than some server shit from a few years ago
I'm still tempted by threadripper simply because of the silly shit you can do with ALL the pcie lanes in the world but yeah most people aren't into that
60 lanes of PCIE 4 is just insane

I just got an Intel 9700k myself. I dont trust AMD because they're run by chinks who put spyware and steal your information all the time. Also AMD always lies about their benchmarks.

>that 3900X has enough cores and cache you could run two VMs and demanding multicore games in both
Why would that be relevant for actual gaming though?

>new IP in the thread
yeah I'm sure you're the man of reason

too bad a vdecent motherboard that you can OC with is going to be 450 to 600 dollars

>would that be relevant for actual gaming
I like to think of a future where you buddy comes over to visit and you can just spin up a guest VM with him and you both get top tier pc performance on separate screens out of the same box

how wrong you are, but nice try. also another new ip, welcome from the front page!

yes i am wrong
I was being nice becuase i just woke up and don't want to get into an arugement already
the aorus master is 1100 usd
crosshair is going to be 750
so, its actually way more

if only there were other boards, and if X570 wasn't a requirement....

Was pc gaming always this cringe?


>comparing brand new CPU's to intels last gen

>lying about prices, the 9400f goes from 120$-150$

>paying off websites to purposely slant test results

yep, its another AMD launch of their shitty cpu's, they can't even match clockspeed anymore LMAO

Funny that you think only AMD spy on their customers.


user, what else should they compare it to?

> matching clockspeeds with different architectures

no, these fools got tricked by clever marketing campaigns into actually thinking that one company is good.
teh whole pc master race thing is a meme, most likely started by corsair

Meanwhile on Intel's release:
>comparing brand new CPU's to AMD's last gen
>lying about security improvements
>paying off shills to purposely slander AMD
yep, it's another "it's fine when Intel does it" launch, they can't even beat AMD in single threaded performance anymore LMAO

half cope, half seethe faggot

My i7 4790k is still good.
I'll upgrade next year.

play real games or stop talking

You know I'd love to see a real world test on cpu cache and how it affects performance. Like picking a CPU and testing stuff with different ammounts of cache enabled.

i play in 4k and paying $400 for +5fps isnt worth it

>not waiting for glorious 3950x and not getting a 2080S in the meantime
absolute plebs

depends on the workload. as long as whatever task has what it needs to in cache it'll be faster.
this is why people meme about latency and why you always see tests go until they reach system ram.

>games you play aren't real
wow that's like too deep man

literally me

there should be some reviews that cover that on gamersnexus or level1techs that last one is part of why high core count CPUs that use chiplets rather than one big die don't fucking suck on windows anymore after the recent patch

What PSU manufacturers are preferred generally? Need a new 500W.

SeaSonic for true /g/ tier



XFX too


Attached: 1557665470557.jpg (1000x750, 67K)

careful. there's a brand of corsair that's known to be pretty shitty. can't remember which one, but try not to cheap out.

>this isn't a thread for homeless faggots
you are right. you are the proof it is for retarded faggots.


The shitty corsair PSUs are the ones not made by Seasonic. The easy answer is just go seasonic.

>want new CPU
>realize i need a new mainboard
>realize i need new ram
>realize i need to re-install windows and do some other complicated shit so nothing gets fucked up

Those are the VS series, Ibelieve. They're rebranded chinese pieces of shit.

>Zen 2 tops at 110W or so
>RTX 2070 / 2080 at ~250 max
whats the problem, even a pcie 4 ssd is not gonna do shit
if your PSU is actually close (80-90%) load it's the most efficient

>>realize i need to re-install windows and do some other complicated shit so nothing gets fucked up
You literally don't need to do this with windows 10. Been swaping from laptop to laptop for the last 3 years.

> retard buying a 1000w psu for his epic gaming setup!


Attached: 1499499686720.gif (320x287, 982K)

fine with my R5 2600 and RX 590. Buying into AM4 now unless you already have a board is probably stupid since they'll be moving on to a new type next year

>they'll be moving on to a new type next year
They said motherboard for ryzen 1000 would last 4 years. If that means 4 generations of ryzen than the ryzen 4000 should still work. I'm betting that the 4000 series will be Zen 2+, just like 2000 series were Zen+

>they'll be moving on to a new type next year
got even a shred of confirmation on that? even if they change to ddr5 they can still use am4

yes, they said last year that AM4 was supported until 2020. You can easily google this and you'll see what I'm talking about

if it was so easy to google you could have saved yourself some time and just linked it

why do I have to spoonfeed you?

why can't you back up what you say yourself?
not everything is spoonfeeding.

You're welcome to not believe me, you'll just be wrong come 2020

yeah maybe I'll care to just google it by then

what does cache do in layman terms?

I'll upgrade my GPU and then wait. My CPU is still holding out fine

depending on the workload it just gives faster access times to things they may need to store or read.
as the tiers rise from 1 to 3 and then to RAM the access times get slower, in nanoseconds.
more cache means more things can hang around before reaching RAM.

>You literally don't need to do this with windows 10
Can someone confirm? Do I really just need to change my mainboard and it works?

It does but its recommended to a do a fresh install every time. On the other hand, that's a bit of a meme too because there's no actual hard numbers on how much of a difference it makes. I started out on windows 7 installed on an HDD that was cloned to an SSD and upgraded to Windows 10. One day I just said fuck it and did a fresh install and didn't really notice any difference.


When you change hardware windows just sets up the new devices and that's it. The only bad thing are the remaining hidden devices and drivers that will still be installed on the system. You can either leave them be or uninstall them later.

Attached: asd.jpg (781x572, 76K)

you can say both

> implying fatherboard can't be the mainboard

Why can't AMD's GPU and Driver division be as good as their CPU division was with Keller on board? I need to upgrade both my CPU and GPU, goddamn it.

Attached: jim keller.png (1000x1000, 387K)

Keller works for Intel now, so hopefully they'll get their shit together with Sunny Cove or whatever comes after.


This is an upgrade on a previous architecture with problems fixed. If anything, this is perfectly refined and tested.

>Unless you move huge 4K+ video files around your PC 24/7 then there is little justification for it. Most gamers won't extract any benefit from it, which is kind of the point of this thread
Nah. In 1 year you will see games EXPLODE in drive bandwith requirements due to consoles supporting customized high bandwith embedded SSD solutions.

How are they driver team so bad that the open source community managed to build better opengl drivers on linux?

Keller's work on Ryzen seems good enough for me to upgrade now, I can't wait until later as Bannerlord's right around the corner. I just need the Jim Keller of GPUs now to avoid getting jewed by Nvidia, fug.

cheers mate

4790k still gives me over 120fps on almost all games except ubishit.
It wasnt worth upgrading all these years.
Thag 3800x thou