Its literally gambling the video game

Its literally gambling the video game.
There are no tactics involved.
You ether get good random shit or you get bad random shit.
This is the next step in normie bait garbage.

Team based games where popular because you could always have someone carry you shitter ass and feel like you deserve a win.
This game is the next step in the evolution its literally RNG the game. There are 8 players you have a 1/8 chance to win evry match so there is always a chance that the universes unpredictability will carry your ass.

This is exactly why arena shooters have died and why most fighters are only popular among a niche audience.

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>glorified mahjong is gambling
wow what a revelation

>where popular
Lmao get a load of this fucking moron

>have group of friends that mostly plays LoL and pubg nowadays
>still play a few lol games with them every other day (mostly ARAM) to stay in touch
>they now have moved on to this shitty mode

I don't think I can do it. Even I have my limit.

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>card game

Its literally PvP Tower Defense, you casual shits.
How newfags is this generation of Yea Forums plebs that you can't spot the formula, just because the towers are represented as soldiers instead?

dota is better

When they think of autochess they believe its really an automated no brain RNG game that you dont need to do anything and just AFK

I find it similar to card games. You play around your rng.

There actually is a tactic but haven't seen anyone use it and I have yet to lose, though I stopped playing because it's boring as fuck

>pc gaming forces yet another cancerous fotm
can you fags fuck off already

thats pretty much how it works
>one player gets funneled all of the same units and gets a level 3 by the 1/3 point
>one player gets 3 items from minion kills and another player gets zero
yes there is a small bit of strategy for composition but it's behind 2 layers of RNG. comp doesn't mean shit if you can't put the correct items on your carries.

underlords has consistent item drops

In my limited experience in the genre, only playing Valve's Underlords, your post makes no sense.
>everyone always gets to pick from 3 (or more) items from every neutral round, so it is unlikely one player has much better or worse items, and all have the same amount of total items
>very frequently the person who ends up winning the game is one that was doing badly at the start, and a swing is something normal, so nobody steamrolls just from getting an early strong unit, as games are too long for that

nah you're the pleb, soldiers are cards/tiles, you literally draw them and if you lose a round you lose points, literally a card game/mahjong, literally no pro argues this

I'll let you in on a little secret build economy and don't worry about taking damage until after krugs

I don't remember the upgrades being random in the tower defense games I played you stupid nigger

and yet good players consistently win
makes you think

No obviously it's all luck. Op couldn't possibly be just bad at the game. It's the games fault he can't win

On three separate occasions I have started up a game, and all three times I couldn't finish it without getting bored to tears. I genuinely don't understand how this shit became the FOTM

>gambling and rng dont take skill
Boy i guess those poker champions are just people getting really lucky right?

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>blow your cash trolling to get 3 stars
>get fucked late game as your opponents rushed to 50 for that double gold and now cam reroll 3x as much as you

And yet they cry that console games are not interactive enough (especially when talking about QTEs) but then they play this garbage where you click on some characters and put them on a and then they AUTO BATTLE WOOOOW

user a level 3 vayne with items is better than any level 2 5*.

Items are flat out more important than units and other than the carousel portion its impossible to have any sort of control.

i would say there is more meaningful decision making in autochess than in magic arena (at least standard)

Its really just econ management while getting your minions beefed up cause you can have a great comp going but jew your money away on rerolls and fuck your ability to upgrade your dudes at an optimal moment.

>things that nobody said

so its mahjong

From other thread
I don't think I've ever not come third place or higher in tft in the ~20-25 games I've played except when the game broke & didn't let me buy units or let me place units

>Its literally PvP Tower Defense
>you casual shits.
Ohh you're ard mr pvp tower defence player.

tft will soon too

winner tends to eco pretty hard

Watching my favourite streamers play this game makes me want to die
Staring at a wall seems more entertaining- I try my best to learn but the more mechanics I understand the more I wonder why anyone wants to play this

>winner tends to eco pretty hard
Open-forting is definitely more prevalent at higher ranks but i wouldn't say it's the optimal way to play. It's a tool in a good player's toolbox.

I can consistently get top 4 and probably win 1 out of every 4 or so games. It really isn't that hard, but I've also played the game a metric fuckton by now putting around 10 hrs a day in since day 1 of the PBE.
Pretty much this. There is of course variance due to the RNG nature of the game but thats what makes it fun instead of just a game that follows the exact same course every single time, ie most mobas/rts games.

People in poker dont have random decks.

except it isn't though, many of the early game 1* units have great synergy with late game units. wild + shapeshifter + dragon is a retarded combo and you need warwick and nidalee for it to be effective. you cant just sit on all your gold early and not buy units, especially because later into the game, the low level units you need for the strategy stop showing up in rotation in favor of 3+ rarity ones

I want you to sit down and think about what you just said

I don't disagree but I don't see the difference between this and games like hearthstone and magic. They are all silly rng.

>this puke-inducing color palette
>these busy as fuck silhouettes
>all this overdesigned pseudo-animu deviant art tier bullshit everywhere
You're allowed to reply "seething" because I definitely am.
This is some cheap chink shit made by art college dropouts, not something that should be one of the most popular games in the world that's consistently in the TOP5 of most watched games on twitch

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it's literally just a one month project meant to attract new players to league
of course they won't put too much polish into it retard

except all the assets were ported straight from league of legends, a 10 year old game, retard

so you're not talking about the new "flashy" effects used to indicate higher level units?
in that case what the fuck did oyu even mean with any of that shit

>There are no tactics involved
That's just wrong
Theres some ridiculously overpowered shit that usually automatically wins you every game like full assassins or a pyke with two shojins but you can always build a working unique team out of all the stuff you randomly get.

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