Dragon age thread

Discuss the last good game bioware made.

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morrigan best waifu


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old good new bad

>Elder god tier
Human Noble
Dwarf Noble
City Elf
>Great tier
Dwarf Commoner
>Meh tier
>Shit tier

Name a good bioware game that came after

Human Noble feels like the canon way to play since its brought up so much more throughout the game

Define good

So I played this back on my ps3 and only ever played the awakening dlc. Got the ultimate and was wondering if anyone ever used any mods? I recall seeing gameplay once of one that made Morrigan look more like her concept art.

>the only non-subhuman origin

Can't handle magic chads, huh?

Fuck off demon slut. Go cry to daddy pride demon that the martial chads were bullying you again. I'm talking about the origin itself, not so much playing the mage class. That said would have been neat to have a apostate origin.

What the fuck was his problem?

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Literal pussy and I called him out on it

>listens to stories of GW
>When it comes to join
"Nah, you good senpai"

Yeah, I was meaning to get it for quite some time already. Should I finally pull the trigger?
I've no idea what I'll be in for...

And by "no idea" I mean, I only ever played the in-browser flash game back in the day, so that'd be it.

Flash game?

The one to make the dog not take up a companion slot. I know the guy who made that new vegas redesigned mod made one for Dragon Age but I know nothing else about it. Also a mod that restores and fixes some of morrigans scenes, like when you refuse to dump her she slaps you and then kisses you instead of just saying you'll regret it.

Wife at home and kid on the way and no one telling the mere joining could be the death of him.

>a 2-D flash game set in the Dragon Age universe

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Why would you go asking someone that?

It's one of the last classic style RPGS with tons of dialog, silent protagonist, tactical combat, lots of choices. There's 6 different origin stories you can choose that are an hour each with human, elf and dwarf as the races.

Cool, didn't even know that existed
Cheers user

Well in this current playthrough Alistair and I are good friends, but because of his quick deflections with wit I similarly like to mock him for fun
He takes it well

Threadly reminder that Inquisition is utterly redpilled

>Homo companions can all be rejected, one can even be killed
>The tranny can be killed
>You can replace the empress with an emperor (male) who is clearly more competent
>The church is further confirmed to be corrupt

Are you playing as Loghain?

imagine having taste this shit

We can all agree on the fact that Inquisition is at least better than 2


Worst part is there isn't really any good end for Alistair if you become the king and want your father of law to still live

>Hi, Al! How's your sexlife?

DAO has soul it was in development even before Kotor came out there's nothing like it nowadays

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Advanced Tactics.

Baldur's gate if it was released in 2009 essentially. The main gimmick it has is you choose your characters origin, from the 2nd son of a well known noble family to a elf living in a slum and your race and origin will come up throughout the game.
>Have you ever licked a lampost in winter
>Asks me this after we already talked about me fucking Morrigan
What did he mean by this?

sorry but that's not mass effect 2 + all dlc with the first person mod

Is there a mod that gives Morrigan her the hood from her concept art?

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not anything that came after DA:O

Worst part about DA:I imo is your character doesn't get enough unique dialogue depending on your race and class. You can play as a qunari mage and still have the same reactions/dialogues as a dwarf fighter for most part
Though DA2 with a Hawke mage being completely free isn't really much better

>first person mod
>it's fine until you try to look down
>no more creep shots
No thanks

I agree, nobody seems too fazed my the fact that a qunari is the leader of a major political and religious faction

Also there is that scene with Morrigan explaining a Dalish elf their own gods. I read the main character was supposed to be human only like DA2 and others were added later, kind of makes sense I guess


He's talking about the origin stories you fucking brainlet

As a city elf you can sell off your redheaded cousin to a noble to rape for the night to raped by him and his bros. You can kill a kid in front of their mom or make her do it and can fuck a teen elf girl, then go right over to the guy you said you'd help to get her as a gf and tell him you fucked her, saying you wanted to test the good first. It's great.
>I know the guy who made that new vegas redesigned mod made one for Dragon Age but I know nothing else about it
Isn't he the guy who added a bunch of beaten crying sex slaves around the fort? Wonder what he thought of the city elf shit.

Mass Effect 2 is a literal non-RPG with a completely boring and on the rails plot and an uninteresting antagonist. The only thing it has going for it is companions
DA:O at least usually has 2-3 different ways to solve the main quests and Loghain as a secondary antagonist is actually really great.

Considering how Bioware functions nowadays, that doesn't surprise me in the least

In some ways it's equal or worse they cut out the attributes and the ability trees are still just as simplified, Origins probably has more spells alone than both games combined with giant fire tornados and shit that Inquisition doesn't have.

I was just kidding I only learned about the mod today


it briefly made me consider reinstalling but I looked at some gameplay and holy shit these games are EMPTY. I totally forgot. I know it's an old game but still, where are all the fucking npcs? Even the witcher 1 felt more crowded.

ME 2

I was spending some long hours on it back then. Really hooked me up and if it wasn't for a much better deal on Mass Effect I'd get DA:O ages ago.

How tactical? Don't want to feel like a brainlet.

The purple make up really doesn't suit her but it looks like there's a version without it in the updated one.

Yeah, spells are kinda lacking, I will say that Knight Enchanter is pretty good

Witcher 1 takes place in only one city and it's near areas. Of course it's more focused

Once mages start getting the aoe spells they pretty well smash everyone else

Being an elf doesn't mean you know shit, they are uneducated hobos.

It's not that hard, there's a difficulty slider anyway and a tactics system, so you can set up your party pretty well to deal with shit.

You can zoom out the camera for a birds eye view and pause combat to issue orders or set up each member to work on their own using specific abilities during certain situations or use a potion when health is low.

>I read the main character was supposed to be human only like DA2 and others were added later
Guess that would explain why you can’t make yourself King of Orzammar as a Dwarf Noble but you can make yourself King of Ferelden as a Human Noble

Funny thing about DA2 is in game there is a placeholder, text to speech sound. The game is that rushed

even places like the citadel though, a massive space station, just totally empty. You'd think those hallways would be crowded. Somehow it's nothing like I remember it. This is the worst case of rose-tinted glasses I think I've ever had,.

Remember those trailers with Manson music and hideous Morrigan? Now that was cringy.

That post is about DA:I

You could just download it, and see if you can just take the armor only instead of the facemorph shit.

He's talking about which origin story and/or the story's consequences in-game are better in his opinion.


The CG trailer for DA 2 was pretty cool IIRC, shame it didn't turn out like that


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Yeah they had odd music choices for the trailers.

I hear they won't put her in the new game for some reason? This can't be true right? She is dragon age

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Mage origin is one of the weaker ones the best to worst are probably:

Dwarf Noble
City Elf
Human Noble
Casteless Dwarf

>the last good game bioware made.
Uhm, what is Inquisition?

Who made this, I can't find that flower for SFM. Yes it's important.

She is only in when it makes sense unless a CERTAIN other character who is not only in every game even when it's dumb for her to be in it but also in every DA book I ever read for also no reason

A mediocre single player MMO

Slightly better than mediocre my dude

I think it's finally the time.

You can't make yourself a king, only a cucklet to queen if I remember right.

A meh game that tries to drown it's player in a shit ton of nothing quests that lead nowhere

Blame EA.


Jesus Christ my sides

user we got lucky they didn't completely fuck her up in inquisition, do you really want to push our luck?
>can desecrate the literal ashes of the equivalent of the virgin mary
I loved how much of a evil cunt you could be in this.

Its bad copy of ME1 story, cod gameplay thats way less sci fi than it should be. The only good thing in ME2 are some of the character's side quest. ME2 is cashgrab shit.

The actual game music is pretty good Inon Zur composed stuff it's baffling that they ever did that

It's not mediocre though, at least a 7 thanks to the graphics and story. Arguably their best game this decade.

>Marylin Manson and 30 seconds to mars songs
>For a fantasy rpg trailer
What the fuck is wrong with EA

>Inon Zur
He does the soundtracks for the bethesda fallouts right?

Game was pretty enough, but the story left me a little underwhelmed, your railroaded with no option to tackle the overarching plot in anyway other than what the devs wanted

>mfw played again for years and seeing this shit again
I honestly forgot all about this.

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Yeah and New Vegas as well

I played DA:I more than DA:O
Not really because I like it more, DA:O just means more to me and I don't want it to become stale. But DA:I is a good timesink with pretty maps and an alright main quest. Plus shieldbashing enemies off cliffs doesn't get old for me

Origins only has 2 bisexual characters, zero trannies and the Qunari are a sexist patriarch muslim sort of society.

Qunari are socially conservative but also have some communistic tendencies. I’d say they’re Stalinist or Strasserist


The segment where the Warden gets captured is one of the finest pieces of game design in human history.

Theres some decent mods but the vast majority are QoL or cosmetic like the morrigan one you mentioned.

There's a few that promise extra content but it's low quality and fucks the games level curve.


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Please refer to this

>at least a 7 thanks to the graphics and story
1. Gameplay.
2. Performance, lack of technical issues etc.
3. Stylistic (or atmospheric, if you prefer that) integrity, presentation, world-building, story and so forth.
4. Support for latest and greatest gimmicks from the video adapter manufacturer of your choosing.
This way and only this way, never stray from that and your vidya will always be enjoyable.

I remember liking some class/specialization mods. Go to nexus and check them out. There is even one that lets you play a monk IIRC

>Alistair still talking before getting cut off
>Leliana getting dabbed on by the guardian
>Everyone gets upset but Morrigan who tells the guardian to fuck off
Based best girl.

I want to say ME2, but I don't want to upset ME1 fans.

Is there a mod changing her face? It looks different to me.

it's unironically gold
love that part

Dragon Age Redesigned + several other mods on nexusmods

I broke out along with Alistair and was surpuised how there's different dialogue for pretty much every possible duo you can send in there.
Is the redesigned worth using? I don't recall noticing many characters that had weird or fucked up faces.

RIP leliana

Shame the game was so rushed.
Unironically one of my favorite DA games, even with all the massive flaws.

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Is Morrigan the best wife and mother in all of vidya?

Have you played Origins?



>he didn't play Witch Hunt
>he didn't import his save all the way to Inquisition to see Morrigan still absolutely fawning over the Warden ten years later

Origins has 68,260 lines of dialog they wrote this thing for 7 years. They covered all the bases there's even secret dialog with Duncan if you pickpocket him.

Does Awakening count as well?

Dalish elf straight up starts with the Eluvian as the last DLC ends with one.

Morrigan is just coping. Now based Shale gets respected by the guardian.

>Origins was 10 years ago
My god how time flies.

It's just an expansion to DAO so no.

>that Oghren one
Makes me want to do the dwarf shit first and take him early on. I always end up leaving them for last.

Awakening is part of the total package so yeah

It's where you are introduced to Anders so I'll allow it.

>Dialogue for every single combination of companions, some of which can successfully sneak in and some that can't
>40 minutes of dialogue just on the different duos breaking into the keep, different combos have different plans to break in
>Choosing between party members has mechanical consequences as you may end up with no tank or healer
>Can also break out yourself in a couple of ways
>Can also skip the segment entirely by beating a balls hard encounter
It achieved what every game that tries to boast having choices pretends to have

>Liking the SJW of Dragon Age
That's kino

Sure I guess. Getting to bro it up with Nathaniel is pretty cool as a human noble.

Originally Orzammar was a set high level but they patched that so it's more level scaled and open you could get him

Okay. Then I agree. Bioware hasn't made anything good since DAOA. I believe we can adjourn now.

Dragon Age Inquisition was good.

Is ser Cauthrien the hardest boss in basegame DAO?

I'm assuming people are talking about this after those videos by that GVMER channel talking about the series and each games development.

For what?

It was good until you break out by yourself and realize no one reacts to it whatsoever. Not even a single word.

For a laugh

Oh nice, that's handy. I went
and sometimes going Redcliffe first, but if so I might leave the elves for last since you don't get any companion there.

DAO actually has real choice in the era when it was starting to fade away for the illusion of choice. There's so many situations where you can just gut someone with your little stabby knife as your companions look on in horror

It's weird going back to this game and Sten is just a tall guy instead of a hornless qunari.

I did a the Redcliffe quest last before that is the dwarves, before that dalish (unlimited ingredients for potions since I don't bring healers in my team), and obviously the first thing you have to do is the Circle.

I like it.
Just like elves are just a bit shorter than regular humans with pointy ears, qunari can be hulking masses of people with silver hair.

I much prefer the DA 2 and Inq designs, Stens is pretty bland looking

>Alistair is the most closeted faggot character ever and he craves Duncan's cock and constantly cries about it
>Morrigan disapproves because that's how sexually challenged David Gaider sees every relationship with every woman in his life
>Leliana sings while she should be keeping her dumb mouth shut
>Oghren is an alcoholic dwarf, that's a concept never before seen in fantasy
>Sten is just a plain cunt and leaving him to rot in his cage would rid me of his horrible dialogue choices that could never be explained through Hegelian dialectic
>Wynne needs to die to make this game less insufferable
>Zevran is just a plain faggot, wow so progressive such character depth
>Shale actually costs money if you bought this piece of shit at the release
>and the only dog is just a dog which makes him mediocre, congrats bioware

Let me also add
>shit single player MMO gameplay mechanics
>clunky mechanics in combat which is mostly shit btw
>absolutely abysmal writing across the board
>terrible and uninspiring story
>useless tactics
>horrible path finding gets party stuck in an open field with a single fucking rock
>the worst level and dungeon design I have ever fucking seen in any RPG since the days of Amiga 500
>and while speaking of Amiga 500, the graphics of DAO looks like something you could run with 512KB of RAM because it's all brown and shit everywhere
>shit visual design
>shit engine and technology

So, why did I play it? All the way to end? I just wanted to see how full of shit you actually are Yea Forums. Jesus Christ you people are irredeemably retarded. How do you allow yourself to play shit like this, love it and make countless threads about it? How do you fucking live with yourselves? Are you just fucking BioWare shills? I sure hope so. I will never listen to your advice on any game ever. I'll go play a better RPG trying to forget this complete trash. That would probably be any RPG ever made.

Get a load of this guy

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Me and my son say yes

The elves looked pretty shit in 2 but I preferred the quanari in inquisition.
>no bugs image
Fuck off pretender.

>Can't even post a pasta right
lmao @ your existence

I can't post filed due to 'abuse' lmao.

Merrill is DA 2 best girl

It's a spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate 2, I like it.

Sure and she looked alright but the vast majority of elves looked like shit my dude.

I played with this mod nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/3868?tab=images

And there's a lot of other mod


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It's a pasta dumbass.
I mean, she's good and all but her competition is a STD riddled pirate whore so it's not like she had to try hard to begin with.

No way faggot. It doesn't have almost anything in common with BG

Mass Effect 2 was the last good game they ever made

Agreed, lets be honest, most of the character models pre Inq looked like shit

No, it was a meh cover shooter with rpg elements. As much a rpg as cyberpunk will be.

It was an improvement on Mass Effect in every aspect and elevated the series to new heights

No Mass Effect 3 was, it was not their best game, the game could have been A LOT better, but it was still good (of course the ending is still complete trash)

Okay CoD bro

Nice argument

I leave out mass effect 3 because it wasn't more than mass effect 2.5. They really went all out on mass effect 2 and it showed

Technically he is not wrong. If ME2 is a good game as far as Gears of Modern Battlefield "standards" go, than it was their last good game. It's just a shitty sequel and now a definitely different genre, but hey, that's not what OP asked about.

Best girls.

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Dragon age did RTwP right

Elves weren't that bad in origins they looked human but the one you can bang as a human noble was hot

>Another wojak edit

If you replay ME1 you'll realize that the only thing ME2 did differently were thermal clips and the removal of the mako sections. Everything else is an improvement


I've never played a human in DA O, so I never saw that elf

It's like Mass Effect with KotoR

I liked the concept of DA2 elves at least with their huge eyes

2 had some good design choices, just boring gameplay and shit story

>and now a definitely different genre
It's still a third person shooter with specials, just not an abhorrenly clumsy one.

its better for her. She is happy now and doesnt need to appear in nu bioware garbage.

No. At least 2 was playable, Inquisition was full of shitty design choices that made it unbearable. At least 2 was fun if you turn your brain off.

>If you turn your brain off
Then surely that approach works for Inquisition as well then?

>2 was fun if you turn your brain off

DA:I's AI is so bad

>He didn't play the best origin
He means this one. She mentions having a kid in the alienage who if you try to talk to just wonders when her mom will be back from highever, but you can't talk to her. She's with your moms friend as her lady in waiting, and you can hit on her a bit. After that you can head back to another room and flirt with her more and invite her to your chambers.

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>Discuss the last good game bioware made.
Sure, we can talk about Neverwinter Nights. What's your favorite class?

Monk, easy choice

Post your face when EA bought Bioware for a billion dollars in 2007 right before the release of Mass Effect

Your big bro Fergus actually approves if you tell him about it the Couslands don't care about screwing an elf

Actually you only say you are getting some that night but not from who

>It's still a third person shooter with specials
"But like I aim my gun and fire but it doesn't hit even tho I like point it right at the dude and shit! What the fuck, dude?"

He knows it's the elf

Bioware said they were going to cut down on all the meaningless filler for the next DA game, from the leaks for it that was going to be true. Then they wasted 6 years and who knows how much money on anthem, EA completely scrapped the project and told them to make DA4 on the anthem frame work.

Anyway, I think Inquisition is alright but it would've been much better with less filler content, and less hubs to aimlessly wander in. It suffers a lot from big open game syndrome. Also Cory is pretty clearly just an excuse to tell Solas's story.

He'll have the same exact reaction if you got the dude.

...or so I've heard

she's actually pretty easy, I found
you just need to have forcefield and crushing prison

The sad thing is that DAO was the last Bioware game where you could play as a legitimate asshole. It's also probably the best out of all their games in this aspect.
Bonus points for being a mage on power trip. The amount of assholery you could do in the game is impressive. Mage origin allows you to be a backstabbing asshole since the very beginning.

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Sure and knocking down all the archers with fireball works too but if you are not prepared for the fight it can easily crush your party.

It's insane how much work went into that for a segment most people will never see. That's some shit I'd expect in a text adventure not a fully voiced RPG.

You're not really intended to win against her you need to be a master at the game and come prepared to have a chance

Yeah Alistair has a good 15 minutes of dialog in Ostagar that is only available for a very short segment. Between when you first recruit him and going into the wilds. The amount of dialog they crammed into the game is insane.

I wouldn't say it's the hardest, the fight is just weighted against you. You need to do a lot of crowd control and have a well leveled party to win.

I don't suppose there's a mod that makes the romance scenes not look retarded with the warden and romance partner dry humping each other in their underwear?

I'm surprised with the amount of people that kept Alistair in their parties

I don't know why so many people love the HN origin so much. I mean, it's fine but it's super predictable, totally by the numbers. It has a great payoff later in Arl Howe but that's an incredibly small part of the game.

My List:

>Elder God tier:
I.E, Origins that are excellently written with consequences that you care about within the confines of the Origin itself, that also pay off in hugely satisfying ways later on.

Dwarf Noble
City Elf

>Great Tier:
I.E, Origins that are very well written, with some great moments of payoff later but not as emotionally resonant as EG Tier.

Dwarf Commoner

>Human Noble Tier:
I.E, an extremely bland and predictable Origin, without much emotional weight, that pays off in a satisfactory way later on. Also probably canon.

>Utter Wank Tier
I.E, Origins that hold no interesting content at all and barely pay off, if at all.


He's fun. A snarky smartass but a fun one. And he's kinda like the bigger but more juvenile version of that dog.

Why does everyone hate the Fade and Deep Roads but not the last stretch of the game with the Darkspawn battlefield and climbing up the castle? It's fucking grueling, you just defeat a gorillion of the same 4 enemies over and over, it's like the developer's just gave up. There's even a large empty room with nothing but like 20 archera positioned in a square around the door.

He's the best tank and anti-mage

He's the only companion set up as a tank he's vital for rogue or mage playthroughs.

Why do you rate city elf this high? Just out of curiosity never played with one.

2 was shit bruh.

>And you're how old?

This manga was great

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I don't hate any of them but that's probably because I don't replay the game every 6 months or whatever.

It has a rape angle that goes a little differently depending if you're male or female, you get taken with the other women as female.

He's the only one really built to be a tank. Oghren and Sten are more built for two handers so unless you make yourself one he's likely going to be a necessary additon.

>two handers
Any mods fix them or do they remain irredeemable shit?

>Oh, I see. You lack the proper parts
Dicklets BTFO

Confirmed by DA:I. Morrigan is a top tier wife and mommy.


Dumping every point into strength makes them sort of passable. Also having a mage with haste.

For those who don't know, she actually has a son from either Irving or Greagoir, named Rhynn, Cole's friend from DA:I

>that time she gives you shit for fucking morrigan
>"The way she looks at you, it's as though she's completely forgotten there's anything of you above the waist."
>"There is a lot of me below the waist."
>Tell her to shut the fuck up about responsibilities when she starts going on about how you can't be fucking her because of them

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I doubt that higher strength mitigates the slow ass swing that gets interrupted by drafts or, say a squirrel sneezing on the guy.
And having more mages is always better because they are fucking OP.

Being a str rogue fixes them.

I prefer Arcane Warrior if we're going full cheese. Still doesn't fix warriors with two-handers.

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>men are more or less fine
>women are uhnemoo kawaii uguu

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Two handed rogue is not nearly as cheesy as a dual wield one. He deals less DPS in the end of the game and really needs to constantly backstab with animation cancelling - and you can't do shit to Broodmother, because her fat ass is blocking your positioning.
But it's very fun, unique and dynamic build anyway.

>Read the article discussing the original DA4
>Fixes every problem I had with Inquisition
>Linear areas with lots of significant content as opposed to huge, empty sandboxes
>Heist quests that allow you to use different companions for different things, a la the ME2 suicide mission, with various results
>Big budget spent on branching questlines
>All set in the Tevinter Imperium
>Qunari playing a significant role
>EA says "Scrape everything and make DA4 on the anthem model"
>Most of the talent left from the original in any capacity say 'fuck it' and jump ship at this point

At least I still have a decent group to play the Green Ronin Dragon Age RPG with.

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>Made Leliana dual wield
>Made Zevran an archer
>It's literally the opposite in-game unless you go out of your way to do that

You get Leliana early enough that you can build her either way and she is shown using daggers in future games

Reminder that if you don't choose city elf Shianni gets raped and becomes a racist against humans. Meanwhile not choosing Cousland Chad still nets him bombass elven maid pussy and he dies fighting alongside his family like a boss.

Make the right choice.

Alright, I want to do an /edgelord/ playthough, are these the edgy choices?
>racist city elf origin who sells her cousin
>help dog for money
>threaten cleric for sten's key
>bang morrigan
>help werevolves kill the dalish
>preserve anvil
>kill mages
>put dragon blood on ashes
>dont help redcliff
>kill the demon child
>side with branka
>support the dwarf who gives no shits about traditions
>kill city elves in blood magic ritual
>kill alistair
>no dark ritual
>let loghain die vs the archdemon

>>support the dwarf who gives no shits about traditions
But he's the best choice for the dwarves. Edgelord would be supporting the little fuckstack who wants to isolate the dwarves and laughing while he screws over his people.

Killing the demon child is evil but you can also sell his soul to the demon for a reward and let it lay dormant in him so it's your call

imo he's the edgy choice because he has no sense of justice and just fucks shit up to get whatever he wants

Friendly reminder you can get all DLC for the non-ultimate version for free off the wiki since the Ultimate version is locked in most regions on Steam for some reason.

Bhelen is based, but only dwarf commoner knows how based he is. He is a bad guy in the eyes of any other character.

Aside from being a generally great impression of what alienage life is like, it doesn't pull any punches with it's rape plotline. It's also pretty different depending on whether you play as a male or female which none of the other Origins do.

That is only available for a mage character IIRC. As a city elf he obviously can't do that

My go-to Origin is Dwarf Noble and I go out of my way to side with Bhelen every time. I see it as my character understanding he's better for Orzammar than Harrowmont, so he puts his personal opinion aside.

Doesn't Bhelen absolutely, mercilessly fuck over the Dwarf Noble in all timelines?

what Manga?
(asking for a friend)

Wish there was an option to become the king yourself

Male storyline is pretty fucking boring though. While female gets some good drama, your guy just plays a hero and then his bride cucks him out of marriage because lmao can't marry grey warden %%which is not true%%.

>Mage origin allows you to be a backstabbing asshole since the very beginning.
Around a mage everyone's of age... to fuck over.

Yes. He also fucks commoner's sister, but in a good way.

The dialog choices you pick when talking to Bhelen determines how the Trian thing goes. If you want to kill Trian then you confront him and kill him but if you're against it then Bhelen has him killed and frames you.

Reminder that we will never get a game about Tevinter where you can actually roleplay as a power-hungry mage

>actually giving a fuck about the marriage
That's whatever, but I never thought the male CE was boring at all. He's leaving behind his family, his cousin's just been traumatized and abducted, his friend almost died, and when he comes back he finds out his home and people are being sold into fucking slavery. That's drama to me.

So what was Bioware's reason for not actually making the Qunari look like this in the final version of the game? I know they planned to, but eventually just didn't.

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That's because the majority of the hardcore DA fanbase are very PC people who would get uncomfortable at that. The only people left in the fanbase are the kind of people who cheered when Iron Bull whitewashed the Qun and were genuinely surprised he could ever betray you or lie to you.

potato coding and problems with the engine

They'd have to make special helmets for them

If we are fair, it‘s ME2.

>Dragon Age Inquisition
>uhh the reason why Qunari don't have helmets is horns
>DLC comes out

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Why not just allow them to not wear helmets, just give a reason in the lore

Well, Iron Bull had that unique helmet

>and were genuinely surprised he could ever betray you or lie to you.

And you don't get like a single qunari specific dialogue in this dlc

>dude's name means "Liar" in the Qunari language
>surprised the fucker betrays you

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>tfw when you enter the fade to save Arl Eamon's son and just have sex with the demon instead.

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Big Brain Time

>morrigan just wants to fuck, no feelings attached
>gets bitchy if you fuck other people
explain this

>Iron Bull's Qunlet name means liar
>Works for the Ben-Hassrath as a spy
>Outright tells you he's Ben-hassrath on your first meeting
>Part of their job is making the Qun seem like something nice or acceptable
>Sten tells you it's a very ordered society where people keep to strict roles and are happy doing so, with little care for your personal desire to be anything different
>Iron Bull says you get free sex whenever you want it with amazonian, bangin' hot Qunari priestesses, trans are accepted and given a role as their preferred gender, and it's really not THAT bad
>People believe the charismatic spy over the no-nonsense soldier


What the fucks with all the retards bad mouthing the Dalish here?
>hot mommy Merethari
>Duncan actually saves you, making your reasons for going with him personal
>loss of a good friend that actually matters in the long run as you see him again as a twisted ghoul who begs for death
>after said death begging meeting his ghost in the crucible is fucking heartbreaking
>no dealing with outsider bullshit when you do elf quests
>get to dis human and dwarven customs all game
>play as the eternal underdog
>clan lives on to second and possibly third games
>noble savage rp if thats what you people are into
>make a better future while dabbing on human fuckwits by being best friends with the king
>in doing so secure new homeland for others of your kind
you fucking shems I swear

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>there is no DA:Origins jap dub.

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>make a better future while dabbing on human fuckwits by being best friends with the king

Gave me a bit of a chuckle there user

Morrigan gets continuously fucked out of her tsundere desposition and falls for MC for real. Even Inquisition writers decided not to screw with her and Warden so it's canon that he dicked her into a loving wife.

Dark spawn corruption porn

Absokutely fucking everywhere, unless you mean "making someone a Broodmother" porn.

fuck you

DA:O had some good ass art

Attached: Cropped_city_elf.JPG.jpg (794x1048, 77K)

>can't romance Wynne

Attached: aeducan_s_angels_by_clc1997-d8ga8ho.png (800x856, 888K)

>Bioware doesn't want to bother making a different model for Wynne's stuff so she ends up having the body of a teenager when she's in mage robes


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>Implying she doesn't have a great body

>Get picked up by ogre
>About to be eaten
>from off screen, a boulder flies into the ogre, dropping me
>My mage used the boulder spell I told her to cast when anyone is being grabbed
It's a fucking amazing feeling having your party flow so smoothly in combat.

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I love Morrigan but why is she so edgy?

shit example of that meme, DA:O is one of the unironically good old games.

She is it at first, but then she becomes the sweetest wife ever

I like that mod that adds an NPC where you can store items with at camp, since I like collecting stuff.

>the healing dick

You would be too if Flemeth was your mom.

Next game is set in Tevinter, everyone is a tranny/drag queen there.
Source: some concept art

reminder that solas, literal 1488 elf supremacist skinhead, is the real protagonist of inquisition

Bitches ain’t shit but hoes and tricks

Why would Tevinter be fine with trannies and not homos?
But elves still a shit who got BTFO my humans.

Which is why I have never sided with Bhelem

Tsundere and doesn't like sharing


Can't beat the cock man

I like how the setting consistently portrays elves and mages as absolute shitters who deserve most of the things they got, but I don't think this was intentional in 2 and Inquisition. Origins was more grey on the matter

Absolutely loved DAO despite playing on PS3 with near unplayable frame rate

I played a little bit of DA2 but hated the God of war combat and story seemed retarded and DAI was unsatisfying with that build camps close gates BS. That said is either worth playing for the story? Legit all I want is a decent story/choices that matter kind of game

>That said is either worth playing for the story?
Yes, but only if you play as female elf mage.

It's a shame that only Mage is worth playing because the other classes are atrocious.

DA2 is really bad at c&c part

Archers are fun too

In Origins it's only humans who enslaved the elves but now in Inquisition they found out that elves enslaved other elves and tore their own society apart with infighting so they look even dumber.

Dicking bad girls into good girls is the best trope.

Meant for

Appreciate the honesty. Feel like I have fuck all to play at the moment. Shits killing me

Inquisition made everybody look dumber

The problem with 2's story was that both sides you're forced to pick from are retarded as fuck.

And nothing changes regardless of which one you choose. I wanted to fuck some sense into Knight Commander Meredith and party her up like Loghain, but NO, she'd rather be a red lyrium crack whore.

Try growing up ISOLATED from society with a batshit insane woman like Flemeth being your mom and only kind of social interaction teaching you to be that way

I like the skip the deep roads mod
>because it's the (((current year)))

>Discuss the last good game bioware made

that's not "nothing"

Whoever is the fujoshi autist that keeps crowbarring singalongs into Bioware games is the perfect metaphor for why they suck cocks

Post yfw "The Dawn Will Come" breaks out

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they're roughly the same size in the amount of levels though

omg epically btfod!!

It was nice the first time, but on my second and only other play through I was just waiting for it to end.

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>Morrigan shakes her head
>Solas looks disgusted during the singing part in DA:I
Most based characters

Friendly reminder that the only right walkthrough is:
>be human male
>fuck highborn woman in your castle
>kiss Morrigan right after swamp
>fuck her right after first city
>fuck elf whore in elf camp
>kiss peasant woman in Redcliffe
>kiss Leliana
>fuck Leliana
>fuck all pretty whores in Denerim
>have threesome with Leliana and Isabella
>impregnate Morrigan in the end

>be male Hawk
>fuck qt insane elf
>be male inq
>fuck Cass since you have no other options

Skipping the deep roads is bad it's supposed to be a grueling journey with tons of unique loot you make bank on all the shit you sell from there and level 2 or 3 times

>attacked by a dragon
>flee the village
>barely escape an avalanche
>people die and others get wounded
>out in the freezing snow
>"Let's break into song!"
Have you ever gigglesquee'd so hard you want to nom one's head?

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But it's current year and they aren't that tolerant of homos. You can fuck a guy if you want but that's it, no relationship with them, have to have a political marriage and continue your bloodline.

The first or second playthrough sure. It then becomes an unbearable slog.

This is Bioware we're talking about, they have the gay touch.
But then again they can easily make Tevinter the nazis and your organization is the high fantasy antifa gud bois.

That chick you fuck is a elf, she's just your moms friends lady in waiting who she calls out for clearly wanting your dick. Also I played it as a bit of a dick but overall decent guy in the origin, then being a depressed asshole who does bad shit, becomes fuckbuddies with Morrigan then without realising it falls for her and starts sorting his shit out.

>liking terribly written janky ugly boring poorly balanced shit games

ooooof hahaha

I unironically want Bioware to bring the Warden and Shepard back.

Warden has his own happy end with family, leave him be

dragon age was shit. shit rtwp combat, shit quests, obnoxious characters, generic boring story. pic related is the actual last good game bioware made.

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No, you just have shit taste. Otherwise you'd post the good MDK.

Nah man, they'll ruin them.

I know but I just miss them so much brehs ;_;

Yeah but can you play as a fish

You are just a child that just googled the most non talked about BioWare game, who are you kidding

At least it's not Sonic Chronicles

Claudia Black hates Trump!

I just purchased it today before even entering Yea Forums
what a coincidence.
I would like to play as a priest, is it possible?

Should have let the thread die instead

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Without mods no, Idk if it's possible even with mods to be honest. Closest you can get is a buffer/healer mage

but most anons in this thread said playing as a mage is shit

Does she fuck her son?
She was jealous because she wanted the warden dick

I rented the game from blockbuster when I was 12 you zoomer.