Post a worse mechanic that enemy level scaling or weapon durability

post a worse mechanic that enemy level scaling or weapon durability

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online functionality

stamina and shit like labor points (like the stuff in gacha games where you can only do 10 fights before you have to wait)

Sorry im a pajeet, bad english.

post a worse mechanic then enemy level scaling or weapon durability


I don't think you can really dispute this- a mechanic that stops you from playing the game unless you wait/purchase in-game currency is just awful

Keys that fill up the same inventory space as say a hand gun or a crowbar, or a health weed. Yeah that's worse than those mechanics. No key rings for you lad just a shotgun and 10 keys because you're full up.

Pacing that requires grind.

You're looking for than, not then. Then is elapsed time, than is the comparative.

mobile garbage dont count

game design is more important than realism you dumb fuck, that's why weapon durability is a bad mechanic

not my fault you can't into the minimal suspension of disbelief that is necessary in order to enjoy a childish thing such as video games lmao


Following a strict calendar á la Persona or older Atelier. Very nightmarish.

Both are terrible and incredibly difficult to balance. You have games like FF8 where it has seemingly no impact unless you know about it, in which case you can completely and utterly destroy the game with that knowledge. Then you have shit like Oblivion which makes it seem like you’re never really getting stronger, in spite of new weapons and armor, and it hilarious still has a difficulty slider anyway.

As for weapon durability, it’s either nonexistent or a serious issue. Dead Rising handles it well by making weapons disposable so it works there, but most of the time it’s more like Dark Souls where durability is a none issue anyway unless you’re up against one enemy who can destroy your gear in a single attack.

Timed quests are objectively worse.

only X type of damage can hurt the enemy

tank controls


I just don't want to run back to a god damn closet to store a god damn key in the name of inventory management. I could give a fuck all about realism but inventory tetris with items that would and should be relegated to another area of the UI instead of bullet space and weapon / armor space is just ridiculous

It’s extremely immersion breaking and while I understand that it’s there for balance reasons, it still feels really dumb. If anything, simply half the amount of max inventory space and make each key/healing item/ammo take up 1/4th the space of a weapon or larger item. It’s not terrible but there are definitely better ways to handle this.

>hated ff8 because as a kid idiot i didnt know about level scaling but they at least taught you how to junction in the game. Imagine my surprise junctioning one of those early bosses Double spells into my stats. Nothing like 30 minutes of drawing to spice up boss fights :^)

>having a separate limited inventory for separate smaller items that would still be limited is okay because it adheres to my special kind of autism despite fixing fuck all

That's just dumb and quite frankly so are you

permadeath in tactics games with unique characters
fuck you bastards Im not going to replay a 100 hour game again just to see a few dudes get a happy ending

Escort mechanic
Non optional
Killable NPC
You are punished for it for the rest of the game

We all agree that button mashing to make GFs do more damage was cool for the small period of time you used them right

Weapon durability is a patrician mechanic, only NPCs like the lack of thought and tactics that come with indestructible weapons, taking the one with the highest numbers and spamming it until the game ends

Level durability

Attached: godforsaken.jpg (239x256, 13K)

Exploring any JRPG dungeon looking for treasure chests in their mostly linear designed areas and accidentally taking the wrong direction at the crossroads, only to run directly into a 30 minute story dialogue that kicks you out of the cave eventually leaving you to wonder if you just missed that one good ass item but you turned left instead of right.

Level locked loot.

Worst mechanics are when its not fun.

This guy understands.

>menus have animated transitions
>map doesn't open instantly instead there is a two second long fade-in
>contextual keybinds
>game needs to be restarted in order for changes to take effect
>unskippable tutorials
>antialiasing: on/off
>no borderless window mode
>gamepad option offers couple of different schemes instead of fully rebindable buttons
>subtitles don't match the dialogue letter for letter
>alt+f4 causes the game to still remain in the running processes
>loading screen before the main menu
>inability to move friendly AI by stumbling into them
>unskippable special attack animations in jRPGs
>random encounters
>"it gets good 20 hours in"
>recommended mods clash with each other
>MC animations have pathfinding and it's shit
>movement speed not in sync with the NPC speed

>alt+f4 causes the game to still remain in the running processes

Whats that

>gun breaks down during pivotal fight

Attached: mista gun break.jpg (1273x716, 115K)

slippery surfaces especially when a surface that looks like you can stand on does that shit

skip captcha keybind for Yea Forums

Durability is great when done properly.

QTE in RE4 works just fine

weight limit and/or tetris inventory

>inability to replay certain missions without having to replay the game again or mods

>it's okay in my childhood definining nostalgia game

No it's not

stealth levels in non-stealth games

>Bayonetta has insta-death random QTEs
>game also shits all over your end of level rank if you die
God that shit sucked.

nothing worse then either timed quests or escort quests

weapon durability is fine if the entire game is designed around absolute realism and immersion. a game like skyrim wants to have weapon durability, but also include fast travel and auto quest markers? seems pointless.

Permanently missable content in RPGs

>you are supposed to die to progress

nothing wrong with tetris inventory

>fast travel and auto quest markers

Fast travel is optional. Quest markers should be able to be adjusted on or off

have sex

I'll wait for you to explain why QTEs are good in RE4 case and bad in others

Go on you dumb shit I want to hear you backpedal like a moron

>enemy level scaling
This I'll agree with. Every world designer wants the game to constantly challenge the player, but never overwhelm them or leave them bored. Enemies magically becoming stronger to match the player is a lazy shortcut. Verisimilitude goes out the window, and exploring the world just becomes a boring checklist.
>weapon durability
This one I'll disagree with, but I'll tack on a caveat. Weapon maintenance is a mechanic that's really easy to fuck up, and plenty of developers do. Here's a few spitballed instances where weapon durability can be great, though:
-A way to give players gamebreakingly powerful weapons without breaking the game. An extremely powerful weapon with prohibitive maintenance costs gives players access to something strong without invalidating weaker options.
-A goldsink in any game with an economy, especially MMO's. Since every game essentially generates free money from stuff like loot drops, a goldsink is necessary to stop Zimbabwe levels of inflation.
-A risk/reward calculation in a game heavily focused on resource management, eg survival games. The whole idea behind these kinds of games is to give everything some sort of associated cost in order to generate a constant stream of cost/benefit analyses. Weapon durability makes it so that even a perfectly executed combat still has some cost associated with it.

fuck every game that has an inventory limit in any way, I want to pick up every single fucking item fuck you game

Skyrim has no durability, you're thinking of either skyrim enchantments, or oblivion durability. Point stands though


I can’t tell if you agree or disagree.

This, and if you think inventory management in a good mechanic you are fucking wrong, pal.

>Kleptomanic hoarders
get help

surprise mechanics

There's literally nothing wrong with weapon durability.
Every time someone brings up BoTW but a lot of weapons are overpowered as fuck in that game. People who complain endlessly about that shit just don't know how to improvise, or don't know you can just scavenge for more weapons in the fucking ground to deal with smaller enemies.

>game design is more important than realism you dumb fuck, that's why weapon durability is a bad mechanic
Weapon durability is literally the epithome of game design, it has nothing to do with realism you incompetent idiot, do you also complain about jumping because it's too realistic?

You can roll/dodge
But you can't run

Attached: JoJo_spin_going_for_infinity.jpg (724x457, 71K)

>weapon durability
Nothing wrong with it. It's a great mechanic.

because they are actually fun, can be fucked up, and they are not overused throughout the game (see GoW original, which I love but christ the QTEs).
>I start a new file on Resident Evil 4 several times a year
>never even played it until I was 20 years old
get out of here with that nostalgia nonargument


I hated BOTW but weapon durability was something I had literally 0 issues with and I believe everyone who does have an issue with it, must be a complete idiot.

First of all: the game is throwing weapons en masse at you. Like, you literally find them in chests, get them as quest rewards, from enemy drops, stolen from enemies, etc etc.

In fact, weapon durability is less of an issue with weapons breaking, but more of an issue with inventory space(if at all) due to the game showering you in weapons literally from start to finish.

I think the only people who complain are as said either no-fun idiots, or brainlets who couldn't comprehend not using their best weapon 24/7 as the game is literally suggesting to them.

Well I may as well ask here as I don't have anywhere else. I am playing Odin Sphere (remake) at the moment and I am in Chapter 5 of Cornelius' campaign. I feel extremely underlevelled. Am I missing something?

I hated BoTW for this reason. Also because the game attracted a bunch of trannies, popping out of the ground everywhere. Yuck.

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