Name one (1) valid excuse to play as a nazi in a videogame.
Name one (1) valid excuse to play as a nazi in a videogame
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the majority of the wehrmacht weren't nazis
why are burgers so fucking retarded?
No, i dont care and people will do what they want anyway. Fuck off
To rewrite history the way it should've been
Which game ever let you play as a nazi? Talking about a commercial, rated game.
They got it from their euro cuck ancestors, thats why
I thought we were supposed to stop "dehumanizing" people
Role playing as a crazed ideologue can be pretty fun desu
Anyone got that image of the dragon that one extra credits artist drew with a girl? think it was in some arpg video they did or something
Cod zombies had rictofen in it. Does that count?
Why would you NOT want a Hugo Boss uniform?
It makes soibois seethe
vastly superior voice commands in rtcw mp
What did he mean by this?
I feel like I'm watching an even more cucked version of maddox
I enjoy it. I love playing through community made Men of War AS2 missions as the Germans. Those are some of the best missions.
Dino D-Day.
I would like to play as an evil bastard doing evil things cause it's fun to be an evil bastard doing evil things.
found it
It's fun
Saw this shit almost a decade ago.
Thanks for reminding me this trash exists.
>not wanting to run around in Hugo Boss equipped with the best German engineering could offer during the time period
I like their uniform
He's just whining about multiplayer in WW2 games
>Dude Iron Cross Bad
What is Prussia
They have the best SMG and rifle in COwadOOdy 2.
It would be interesting to see a AAA FPS have campaigns where you play as Germans, Italians, and Japanese. Like how we can play as various Allied nations.
I am a nazi, duh
>playing shitty fps
By making Nazis banal, you are making them to opposite of cool.
You mean Battlefield 5?
Only the worst nation to ever exist.
Its fun user, i like to kill jews
The term nazi was coined by bolshevik jews. Nobody in the german natsoc party called themselves that.
The best charcter is a Nazi, and he is also your best bro trough the entire gme
>The Iron Cross is now a hate symbol
Retardation as it's finest
They were just following orders bro
if you want a WW2 MP game, someone has to play them.
Name one (1) valid excuse to roleplay as an evil aligned character.
did they fuck
Who else am I going to play as in a WW2 multiplayer game if the allied team is full?
This. These games don't glorify Nazis. If anything, they trivialize them. Any time the Nazis do or say anything, they're pretty much just generic German. I've never seen a game where you are playing AS Nazis and they're saying shit about the Jews or whatever.
Besides, literally nobody in this day and age that refers to themselves as a "Nazi" is anything but an edgy neckbeard that spends too much time on /pol/ or is a LARPer looking for a place to feel important. Nobody is actually a Nazi anymore, no matter how many times mainstream media tries to paint Trump and his supporters as such.
it's fine if it's single player, because then at least it won't make us run out of internets.
>omg! he called me a cuck on twitter, that is literally fascism!
>did he make fun of Anita Sarkeesian is what fascists do!
>not wanting an easy mode in Sekiro is a fascist dog whistle
>not wanting politics in your video games? That's exactly what a fascist would say!
>muh gamergate brought back Nazis!
Do these faggots even understand what fascism means? Literally everything is fascist to these people. They've probably never even used the word 5 years ago but suddenly won't shut up about it.
cry for Alsace-lorraine more.
Is he saying that germans are a symbol of hate and oppression?
I'm pretty evil myself.
because it can be fun and everything should be acceptable in fiction
get woke
go broke
>Do these faggots even understand what fascism means?
Does Yea Forums like video games?
have at you!
You saying they aren't?
Funniest thing is that the society they desire is one where the government has a fascistic control of the population, what the can say and do.
man im glad people are disliking this en masse extra credits has always been garbage
Well I'm sick of playing the bad guys user.
So I can role play gassing kikes
because I symphatize with them
Waggle more Willy
You just know
Why is it always nazis instead of communists?
god I hate that fucking word so much, why do I irrationally hate that word so much lads??
the most difficult thing is figuring out whether they're just that retarded or genuinely so evil as to feign retardation and push anti fascist fascism
Because in world war 2, Nazi's existed.
Name 1 (one) (uno) (un) (Ichi) excuse to not play as a nazi in a video game.
Most strategy games and most multiplayer modes in fps.
Because... Uh... Are you racist?!
because muh holocaust industry that supplies zionists with a license to kill civilians in the Israeli Palestinian conflict
Because big words hurt your tiny brain.
this, the question they will never answer, I have tried to get them too. It is because they are the victors and they write the history books.
Communist are not a race.
It reminds me of when children learn a new word and won't stop using it.
Except this has gone on for years.
>4 syllables
>big word
well you played yourself there user
because it's meaningless newspeak designed to control what's acceptable in speech and art
nazis/hitler are just the stand in for "the devil" in the modern pseudo-religion of liberalism.
Boy, I can't wait until I can no longer play as evil characters or play as a morally gray character that does questionable actions in pursuit of justice. I also can't wait until all the bad guys are boring ultra "I'm evil because I'm evil" types.
SJWs and hand wringing moralists have never written a good story, a good character, and - most damning of all - a good villain. Because if you put any effort into your bad guy that MUST mean you sympathize and condone all his evil actions, amirite?
This was the cherry on the cake. The German army today uses the iron cross as their logo. Does that mean they're all nazis? Does that mean a nazi army still exists today?
>people should have a choice, they shouldn't be forced to play as a nazi, even an implied one
Yet they bought a ww2 game.
Makes sense since hammer and sickle is never censored or banned while swastika is.
say my name.
Pretty much every WW2 shooter
Reminder the phrase "we can do better" is code for "You will do what I want"
Here is what I don't understand, the whole idea is about "normalizing" nazis right? That being a nazi makes you desensitized to the imagery and to hang around places that push fascism right? Does that mean fascism is a convincing argument? Is it THAT appealing of an idea that people can't be allowed to consume their ideas? Hell imagine if "Horray! We kicked out all the nazis off the interwebs!" If its such an appealing idea won't it just show up again under a different name? Does that mean in an attempt to crack down on sudo-nazis a purity spiral will begin until the internet is pure chaos again?
tl;dr don't buy the nazi shooter if you don't want to play as a nazi. It's a fucking toy get over yourselves.
probably yes, what gets me is they think they have a grasp of what's normal, these fucking trannie blue haired freaks.
a miserable pie of secretions
Because you have a healthy aversion of being coerced by creepy weirdos
German WWII soldiers were just the other side of the conflict, folks who left their relatively safe life to battle for their country. Just because they aren't the popular side of the conflict doesn't make them taboo.
What I personally don't like is those games like Wolfenstein which do nothing other than glorifying Nazi murder, especially in these times where people are actually considered Nazis and others think it's inherently justifiable to beat them up. They stoke up redundant flames, and they keep giving spotlight to Nazism, even if in negative light.
I'm a Jew, by the way. I think the best way to "battle" or mock Nazism is to let it disappear into the history books, without bringing it up again and again and keeping it relevant.
>Unless the game gives written in game proof the German soldier you are playing was not a Nazi or speaks out against Nazi's then it shouldn't be allowed
Are they stupid? Okay how about you can only play as a homosexual character, if its stated in game he isn't a molester and doesn't have AIDS
Why do I need an “excuse”? I can do whatever the fuck I want, and this faggot needs to get a life
You know theses threads are made by falseflaggers to get (You), right?
At least most of the comments are pointing out how stupid his opinions are in that video
Same. The allies were fitted with unifirm from a no-name company. Hugo Boss survived the war.
To get into the role of a villain. What are actors who play nazis evil now?
There aren't as many games where you play as communists.
Because it's roleplay and not real life.
Because its fun.
>lefty journalists are the real fascists!
They aren't fascists, they are communists. Stop existing within the leftist moral paradigm.
So are we going to make these standards of not "normalizing" things consistent? Not allowed to play games as the Mongols because Genghis was a bloodthirsty warlord who slaughtered like 5% of the entire world's population at the time and razed whole cities to the ground? Can't play as Napoopan because of his evil wars of aggression against everyone else in Europe? Can't play as Zulus/Bantus because they genocided literally fucking everyone on their trek southward during the bantu expansion? Can't play as Arabs because of their conquests?
>b-b-but nazis were uniquely evil!
no they weren't, there's been plenty of fucked up shit that's happened all throughout history. Don't conflate propaganda with reality.
nazis arent human
I love how most of these kind of people were calling Jack Thompson a retard a decade ago and now they claim that playing games makes you a racist who hates women
>giving a shit about what team you get put on in FPS multiplayer
Literally nothing wrong with being a nazi
>You can't be a communist and a fascist at the same time
Stop shilling your fucking dogshit channel you fucking baboon nigger autist
Something wrong with the way in witch i type, Han's?
>muh winners that wrote history
All sides did awful shit only nazis didn't get the benefit of expunging all of it from records
So what the fuck is this fag complaining about anyway?
What games even let you play as a nazi? Only series I can think of at all is Hearts of Iron.
>spend 3 years calling anyone who disagrees with the liberal way nazi's, making it a household name again
>"you know guys we should really stop normalizing nazis"
I like cute girls in uniforms.
exactly, it is absolutely a case of the victors writing history. Someone told me the other day my Grandfather fought in France and Holland (I am British) to stop evil, and the Nazi philosophy. I nearly laughed in their face. My grandpa didn't btfo Nazis to save democracy or stand up for minorities. My grandpa hated other races more than Hitler did. He considered all non-Anglos subhuman.
He fought because they were on the otherside, and what Britain needed from him, Britain would get. He fought for his family and land. He didn't give a shit what the Germans believed.
But the neo-commies will tell you that it was the principled Allies fighting for justice and moral uprightness.
Yes they are. Just like every damned soul who helped sack Rome, every Mongol conscript, every barbaric aggressor.
Why stop there? Can't normalize street violence better have all fighting games use point systems and headgear + uniforms. In fact all games require pacifist modes because players didn't "choose" to be violent. Dear god think of all the normalizing guns that are in games! Quick patch them out and replace them with confetti launchers! We can't let the NRA win!
>nazis "supposedly" kill 6 million jews
>are the bad guys of history
>americans drop 2 nukes on jap civilians, killing way more than 6 million people and introducing the weapon that will eventually lead to the destruction of our planet
>are the good guys of history
Battlefield i guess.
It actually makes sense when you keep their ulterior motives in mind. They want "nazis" to be this symbol of ultimate pure evil that is never discussed in any other way so that it remains free to use for their own purposes, which is to browbeat everyone that disagrees with them by calling them nazis/literally-hitler/etc.
How the fuck can Extra Credits still be around? They always make the shittiest "game design" videos ever made. They are hacks, pseudo intellectuals who always make small things big and big things small. Even their delusional fan base should fucking see it at some point.
I don't even think they fucking play video games.
Any multiplayer World War 2 game, and that's it. He talks about how you have a "random chance" to play as a Nazi, and that game devs shouldn't do that. Really, if people didn't want to play games with Nazis in it they probably shouldn't do that.
>So are we going to make these standards of not "normalizing" things consistent?
Fat chance. Principles are a prison.
So what games do nazis like to play? I own a 3DS but I also play mobages and some JRPGs on the PC.
>Dear god think of all the normalizing guns that are in games!
dear lord, this is probably going to be the next step. Just wait until Kotaku starts demanding all FPS games replace realistic firearms with nerf guns
I love how he pointed that out as a good thing. Like holy fuck do these people even play video games? Most people don't even like being forced to play as the onions infused Californian self inserts a lot of modern games are pushing and you think they're going to stand for being subjected to an objectively negative gameplay "feature" for the sake of some arbitrary SJW points?
Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.
aren't these the same faggots who said we should stop whining about lootboxes and pay 90$ for basic games?
I just assumed they were being retarded for hate clicks.
>stop doing this thing
>be more socially responsible with your art
Why don't artists just tell them to fuck off?
Why the fuck aren't people more mad at Mongols? Yes Nazis killed jews but the Mongols ate babies alive, raped almost every woman they came across
But i guess they aren't white so instead they are teh noblez
>The two nukes dropped on japan killed 6 million people
Actors play villains in theatre, film, and TV for others' enjoyment; is that any different from me playing a villain in a video game for my own?
>hey lets have a discussion about the topic in which our board is named....
For 4 fucking years.
>killing way more than 6 million people
You're mistaking Nazis for commies.
One day you'll realise Yea Forums is just an endless swing of what opinion gets you the most (You)'s. /pol/ has been dominant since 2016 now so posting anti-/pol/ shit gets you more attention.
Reminder that the F@nboys guy quit making his comic to work for these guys
Mongols were so long ago and less relevant to our lives right now I guess.
That just makes the Mongols even more based and redpilled.
That's because /pol/ became what they said they where against, an annoying bunch of faggots.
Most people still hate the same people that /pol/ hate. They just also hate /pol/ now.
neither are commies
It's a videogame and it isn't real.
>Can't normalize street violence
The chinks are unironically actually implementing this right now, so take a year or two max for it to affect the western market
>Reminder the phrase "we can do better" is code for "You will do what I want"
Truth. It is a soft power push for whatever they want to see happen.
>Does that mean fascism is a convincing argument?
That is what they are afraid of. I was part of a debate club in school and I defended racist speech like claiming blacks are inferior because I said there are only two option.
1) the speaker is wrong in which case you have the right to respond and can disprove them.
2) the speaker is right in which case you have no basis to silence them as you are in the wrong
They imagine that Fascism might be right, which I think comes from the fact they are crypto-Stalinists and they are drawn to the authoritarianism, but it would be the wrong type of regime for their tastes. They are happy to have other speech banned but not there own, that's how you know they want to be authoritarians.
RPG about Nazis looking for religious artifacts around the world during WW2 could be fun.
>killing way more than 6 million people
nazincel education everyone
why do you keep posting this
Yeah I agree we should stop normalizing groups of genocid-
whoa there, EC, what's this? Looks like you're normalizing genocide there, bucko!
>The death and destruction during the 13th century Mongol conquests have been widely noted in both scholarly literature and the popular memory. The Mongol army conquered hundreds of cities and villages, and it also killed millions of men, women and children. It has been estimated that approximately 5% of the world's population was killed either during or immediately after the Turco-Mongol invasions.[citation needed] If these calculations are accurate, this would make the events the deadliest acts of mass killings in human history.
>retards falling for stale pasta
Oh fuck, I knew it was him.
The killed most of the people that would care about the atrocities. They barely got their asses to Yurop.
It killed at most 30 people and they were all military targets.
someone tweet this at them or whatever the fuck
I'm convinced that this is literal Discord tranny who keep posting this shit.
That you think /pol/ has a single coherent line of thought shows what an utter newfag you are.
I really want to play as one of those rumored magic Nazis that go around recruiting witches and warlocks and digging up magic artefacts.
This is objectively wrong.
Not that guy but you literally cannot be though. They are diametrically opposed economically. Unless you beleive that being a Fascist is the same as being authoritarian (the nu definition). Commies are not the real fascists, but they are the real thought police.
if they say it enough it becomes true
like all of hillary's polls saying she would win hands down
>he actually replied to my double bait
Both bombs combined killed around 200,000 tops. Less than the Tokyo firebombing campaign. And far less than a land invasion would have killed.
because their ideals and propaganda is not part of the gameplay
the only relevance nazis have in modern times is from the circular logic of calling everyone who isn't a cock-gobbling faggot a "nazi"
Dies Irae
>What is Prussia
So they they correct about iron cross being bad after all.
It's fun.
nice bait
Name one (1) valid excuse to watch this nutjob's videos.
>failed to spot the bait
Glass house, newfag.
Not really, the communist just treats their ideology as the nation state, and considers everyone a rebel against it. If you look at it like that, its a complete overlap.
fug, I forgot about this.
Also is that video still up where the fag who does the animations is crying in front of his webcam?
This video is pretty retarded and trying to make a political statement out of something literally nobody cared about, but the amount of sympathy you guys have for Nazis when half of you would have been dragged out in the street if not sent to a death camp is pretty fucking sad.
yeah I'm on your side dummie
>you can believe in statelessness and ultra-nationalism at the same time hurrrr
No one:
You: TRANNIES!!!!1!
>no follow up image
>to ignore the past and therefore succumb to it all over again
okay retard. revere nazis and give them special privileges in video games if you want, but I'll be making fun of them and playing them just like every other horrible faction that has done horrible things to mankind. Video games aren't just about playing the good guys.
Nazi is people.
You don't have to be /pol/ to have Antifa larpers who think they're surrounded by Nazis and are going to save America by punching everybody
Why do i feel like these threads are being spammed just so they can say on the next video that "evil 4channers are attacking our channel fucking naziz amirite?"
>its just bait guys i swear we still have power! /pol/ still matters!!!
How embarrassing.
Dude games should cost more than $60 and DLC milking is totally justified.
good. I want that to be our reputation so shitty redditfags and resetrannies leave.
why does he type like a woman
>killed around 200,000 tops
Not really, probably more like 500k when you include all the deaths from the lingering effects of the nuke. Nuke's deathcount doesn't end after it hits the ground.
>whine about Prussian equipment and symbols being evil
>made vids sucking Bismarck dick before
well flooding literally every single thread with non-vidya related bullshit for years non-stop tends to do that
Look at the Fireden link, newfag.
This place needs to be the sewer of the internet again.
>the communist just treats their ideology as the nation state
don't know exactly what you mean by this. Fascists and Commies overlap in their relentless pursuit of National Strength and The Revolution respectively.
LARPing Teutons who descended from a monk Order that abandoned their vows
We've had this thread like 5 times and Yea Forums willingly gives these fags attention. When is summer ending?
>can't play as nazis, which by the video's definition is a German soldier who isn't explicitly defined as not being a nazi
>no problem playing as Americans, who vapourised 150k innocent men women and children and not once questioned the morality of it
b-b-but nuclear energy is clean and would never kill people with radiation, this is clearly communist propaganda you're spouting!
okay user, sorry I upset you fren
200k is including all the lingering effects, only about ~100k died on the first day. With the other half dying over the next 4 months or so.
Id argue that they should cost more IF it wasn't for the fact that even if they did, companies would still be pulling the same crap they do in modern games anyway.
name one (1) actual argument against playing as as a nazi without bringing up retarded social contructs like "MUH MORALS" and "GUD AND EBIL"
>make willfully stupid video aligning with the left
>gets thousands of clicks in attention
>now has a stronghold of the wallets of any SJW with a paycheck
This was an advertising stunt ignore this
Its a nuclear bomb that detonates on ground not a powerplant dipshit.
Consider the revolution as a state.
Stop posting this video, retard.
Everybody already knows Extra Credits are laughably stupid and frequently incorrect. They have been for a very long time now.
Remember when they said Earth was about to run out of room for signals in the air?
>buy WW2 Shooter
>join Multiplayer
>name 1 argument against playing as a nazi without bringing up [actual arguments that the vast majority of people use]
wow, very convenient post. i am stumped.
While I don't go out of my way to play as a Nazi, I've played as something worse
Because its commies wining.
first off, right wingers are the ones trying to force politics into games. they are the ones demanding that every character in games be straight white males unless otherwise justified. and if you don't see the obvious problems with this stance, then you are part of the problem.
second, yes gamergaters were a front for racism and misogyny. gamergate was never about "ethics in journalism" - that was a lie formed after the fact. you yourself even point out how harassing people like anita sarkeesian was commonplace by gamergate and right wingers.
Anything that hinders march of progress towards utopia in their head is fascist. Of course progress of a society towards anything is a myth.
If gehe does, he needs to get woke. All white people are basically a hate symbol.
Communism and liberal democracy come from the same root of enlightenment. Their house is not divided against itself. Nazism and fascism are also socialists and have enlightenment influences, but they also have reactionary leanings. Making it regressive or hostile in their eyes.
The soviets and even the brits killed more innocents than we did.
If violence in video games has been proven that it doesn't turn people violent in real life then being a Nazi in game doesn't turn people into Nazis in real life either
but Mongols and the ottoman empire were the good guys. genocide is ok if its done be none whites!
didn't those bombs explode above ground?
Because communism is popular among many in the intelligentsia and liberal arts, and the idea of taking from the few to give to the many is not only inline with their view on social politics, but is the most ethical way forward. There is no further though put into how those strategies have played out any time and to the extent that they have been implemented. In fact, most socialists, when pressed to define what they mean by socialism, would have a hard time differentiating it in any real terms from communism (past a one sentence blanket statement about the mean of production).
I don't think I've seen an EC here in a long time.
>Remember when they said Earth was about to run out of room for signals in the air?
I need to see this. No fucking way can someone be that stupid.
>first off, right wingers are the ones trying to force politics into games. they are the ones demanding that every character in games be straight white males unless otherwise justified.
Imagine believing this.
Fuck that.
The budget for game development are bloated. Even now you can cut $5-$10, if a bigger part of the budget goes into actual development.
>What about
>play as a nazi
>game wont let you kill jews
Historical recreation? Getting an experience from a dissenting point of view, because objective rights and wrongs don't exist and morality and laws are always decided by the prevailing power but a discourse can circumvention opinions in a logical singularity that will create new understnading and solutions bettering us as human beings? Playing in really sleek outfits? You pick.
Friendly reminder that liberalism is a mental disorder.
To kill Russians.
except none of those are actual arguments you fucking dumbass, they're just fears of leftist ideologues that the truth might be found out and their feared enemy may return
>right wingers are the ones trying to force politics
Find ONE article from mainstream gaming media advocating for right wing politics in games. I'll wait.
Nuclear bomb fuel is designed to release all its energy as quickly as possible. The nuclear material in power plants is designed to release energy slowly over time.
Experience the human side of both sides of the coin
It's funny how these people always defends that violence in games doesn't translate to violence in real life, but then these same people will say that the same idea doesn't apply to sexism or to "toxicity" and now to turning into a nazi.
They just pick and choose which ones they want there to be a correlation.
I cant wait for all the articles to come out at the same time claiming Extra Credit was attacked by internet nazis. Keep spamming you stupid fuck, I'm sure the admin team is getting a paycheck from you for allowing this garbage.
Now I actually want a decent WW2 shooter that revolves around a typical young german guy who gets drafted into the wehrmacht and sent along the eastern front.
seconding this
They should stop portraying organized crime in a positive light too, if that's the case.
Hey Ping-Pong, what happened in 1989? Do you really think your military would not happily put your people at risk if they thought it would protect them? Do you think they'd not use your women, and children as shields? Why have they disarmed you, why do they silence you? Why is the act of even seeking the truth a crime?
-WW2 had more than one side
-Most of the german army wasn't made up of Nazis
-We've been playing as Nazis in WW2 games since forever and it's only become a problem now because man-sized children bitch and moan when they have to do anything uncomfortable in a video game. They can't accept that the character in the game isn't them.
Also don't bring the industry shill here anymore.
I like cute nazi ships.
Multiple WW2 shooters
they stopped being funny when they took their shitposting seriously. good luck starting a race war while posting on a asain image board.
For commies the ideology is the strong state that wields all the power, for fascists the strong state that wields all the power is the ideology.
some of the enemy soldiers might be jews.
Is that the Gaming Addiction one?
>Nazis kills 6 million jews
>Everyone remembers it
>A Jews kills 10 million people
>No one gives a crap
The Jews are more dangerous then the Nazis
You don't play as a commie that wants everyone to live in poverty.
Why is Stalin the Jew instead of (((Lenin)))?
Even if it does, just like their videos, it is of no consequence.
>tfw no wwii shooter with anime girls
it's not fair bros
There's no proof that gays molest kids any more than straight people
You know, Extra Credits is terrible, but the guy who does their videos on animation, or at least used to, was pretty good at it.
wrong they adressed that in their video
wrong, it being okay in the past doesnt make it okay now
>first off, right wingers are the ones trying to force politics into games. they are the ones demanding that every character in games be straight white males unless otherwise justified.
how is that an ideology you dumb redditor cuckold? It is literally the truth
video games are MAINLY a white westerner product. If you force minorities which have no place in western countries but they still live there, into video games, then the game is diversified. SIMPLE AS THAT
Honestly have no idea. It's been like 6+ years since I've seen anything from those soibois
Did Jack Thompson write this episode?
Exactly. I played GTAV yesterday and now I'm going to go steal a car. It's just how things go.
Communism was already used as a bogeyman in the Cold War. Fads are cycling and right now it's nazi's turn. But don't worry, as we can see here the pendulum of public opinion is about to head the other way and they'll again be the villains in 5-10 years, maybe even sooner.
Well in that type of analysis, we could say we are all commies and fascists. We all have a "fascistic" pursuit of our goals.
>Catholics with their faith in Christ and their allegiance to the Roman church
>Muslims and their adherence to the Koran
>Buddhists and their commitment to the 4 truths
>Liberals and their love of Democracy
Its funny you think they actually give a shit about having a nuanced discussion and aren't just advertising
Daily reminder capitalism has gone unchecked for far too long
What animation? Last I checked it was a slide show
Hey, I just met you,
And you are crazy!
You won't get my number,
You alt-right manbaby~
Why exactly is this fag relevant again? All I know is that retard video about running out of bandwidth and obviously there's no wisdom to be gained from such a person. Plus that voice warping is gross, how can anyone listen to that shit.
>fascism = national socialism
Every time I see this, I die inside a little.
>imagine believing the truth
must be shocking to a right winger
the right wingers that advocate for whites only games are more than enough proof., and they are everywhere. you know this to be true- whether your personal biases and delusions will allow to admit to it is something else
>games should be more expensive and you should be thankfull for shitty DLC and lootboxes
>science is based on faith
>now this
So this is the power of american education.
Since you insist.
Clicked, disliked, closed.
>they're just fears of leftist ideologues that the truth might be found out and their feared enemy may return
I'm playing my World War II shooter because I love history and want the game to immerse me in that setting.
Not pander to a bunch of faggots who think they're changing the world - one stupid thing at a time.
it's just pictures and there are multiple tumblr-tier "artists" working for them
>>Buddhists and their commitment to the 4 truths
yeah but they don't force it violently onto other people who clearly told them that they don't want to follow them
most likely because he was raised by a single mother with no positive male influence in his life.
like, for someone who loves facts youre totally dumb
How weird is it that a term like political correctness, that sounds like newspeak, is taken up unquestionably by the left? It's like they're not so subtly saying that they have the correct politics and to be politically incorrect means to be against them.
>Communism was already used as a bogeyman in the Cold War
You know that Joseph McCarthy was 100% correct, right?
>anecdotal evidence
>more than enough proof
The last two verses have too many syllables.
1/10 Syllables don't match up
You mean the previous host, Daniel Floyd? He has a channel called PlayFrame now with his wife. It's pretty chill, basically does the occasional animation breakdown video and let's plays.
What do you mean? All kinds of games have you shooting the soviets.
good job doing literally nothing to prove your non-existent point. Those retards are alt-righters which is a term you probably misused like 50 times and still don't know what it truly means. Also they're as far from nazis as your average liberal you dumbass.
Nice job dodging the question faggot
that is like saying that Islam and Catholicism are the same faith, because they both belief in the one perfect God.
Communism's economics, historical analysis and internal structure and even their goals are radically different.
Begone with your horseshoe theory.
/pol/ has become a normie board. It has gone to shit, while spreading to other boards. There isn't that much talking about politics there anymore. Just sjw/tranny/leftie hating, while loving Hitler. Who was during his reign liberal green leftie. Its another case of jokes, memes and irony being taken too seriously.
>two people with no reading comprehension in a row
I'm talking about their videos ON animation, not the animation in their videos. They're actual videos without someone with an incredibly obnoxious voice
I went to their channel to try and find it but I got so disgusted with the fact that there are still 2.1m people subscribed to them I had to leave.
you literally can't be more cringe that that
the jews were the card holders they weren't on the front lines
This, it's like saying blue and yellow are the same because they're not red.
Oh, is he not the host anymore? I'm pretty sure that IS who I was talking about. Glad to hear that the one really well done thing they did got away.
imagine getting THIS butthurt over a picture
Case in point.
>civnat cuckservatives = nahtzees
imagine not bringing up any arguments
communism defacto is authoritarian you can argue about the second world war and the semantics involved all you want but in the end when anyone mentions fascism we mean authoritarianism and totalitarianism both of which communism heavily overlaps with so yes for the sake of normal human discussion
communists are fascists
seething facists
>arguing with npcs
oh no, what are we going to do when Kotaku posts an article that nets 20 RT's and 100 replies calling them retarded faggots. Nooooo you're giving them attention!
These outlets are still barely relevant, reminder their net engagement doesnt even approach the level of a single major youtuber. This isn't Anita, Zoe and patreon scams.
To show that German science is the best in the world
so your only criteria for commies and fascists being the same is violent exporting it? Cos in that case Fascism is even less like the others. Mussolini and Franco were very popular in their countries and didn't export their ideology (save for Italy in Abyssinia but not really lol)
the day of the rope is coming you unemployed basement dweller
You want to have FUN in video games!? How dare you! How ABSOLUTELY dare you! Video games are a respected medium in which we need to discuss the social implications of our actions!
t. pantyfa tranny
get IQ.
He left a while back, got replaced by the new guy. I don't think he ever explained why he left but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he realized that Extra Credits, the thing he basically created for a school project IIRC, was no longer something he supported. Going by videos like this, I would've done the same.
>treating an internet argument seriously
>how is that an ideology you dumb redditor cuckold? It is literally the truth
first off, i have been on Yea Forums far longer than you. you immigrated here from r/t_d in 2016. this is not your home and you are not welcome here. go back to your shithole website where you belong.
cond, no, it is literally the exact opposite of the truth.
there is no justification needed for non white males to be included in games. pandering to your biases is not the reason that game developers create games.
>video games are MAINLY a white western product
most successful games are made in japan, and most video game players are in china. statistically white people are a fucking rounding error. no one cares about you and your sense of entitlement. and no one has to justify their decisions to you.
remind me when those evil right wingers demanded that EA turned Faith Connors into a white girl.
>arguing with someone who has been proven wrong multiple times already
this guy gets it
>when anyone mentions fascism we mean authoritarianism and totalitarianism
well maybe you should stop using words incorrectly. fascism describes a very specific set of political theories.
Dilate don't hate.
>answer the question directly
>"s-s-stop dodging the question maste- i m-mean fag"
right wingers are so fucking pathetic its hilarious
oof, 300lbs of pvre aryan genes is threatening me
so panties are antifascist? nazis are pretty degenerate then, going commando and all
*sigh* get a life
wehrmacht tanks are good fun in my RTS games, I get to pit them against others and see how things go.
>communism is fascism because when someone mentions fascism they aren't actually talking about fascism they're talking about something else
holy shit please kill yourself
>wrong they adressed that in their video
The Wehrmacht were not Nazis. The Nazis were the political party, the Wehrmacht were the german army that had existed long before Nazis were even a thing.
>wrong, it being okay in the past doesnt make it okay now
Actually it being okay in the past makes it okay now. You only want to change it because you're a violent reactionary that demands everyone else bends to his stupid uneducated opinion. Doubly so when in the first premise of the video, you get one of the most basic facts about WW2 wrong.
Go shart in mart to death you historically illiterate American. Tell us more about how Codblops taught you everything you need to know about WW2 history.
>oh no I am playing as a nazi!
said no one ever
By making them banal, you normalize them which is their entire point you smooth brain
you misspelled niggers
>the right wingers that advocate for whites only games are more than enough proof., and they are everywhere. you know this to be true- whether your personal biases and delusions will allow to admit to it is something else
Literally no one does this. You're making a strawman of something that never happened in a thread about an insane lefty advocating for 'good-guys' only in his games.
Have sex, schizo.
they forced innocent italians into becoming fascist
I feel the "villains" of a book that's basically blatant propaganda like Atlas Shrugged still managed to be both interesting and intelligent. Even so, Rand was certainly a moralist in her own way. So it's possible, but not for the zero-tolerance Social Justice crowd, that unlike Rand, actually fears other ideas.
get a brain
>answer the question directly
I asked for one article and you gave none.
Where's the evidence that Nazism has been normalised?
>well maybe you should stop using words incorrectly. fascism describes a very specific set of political theories.
yeah yeah yeah technically you're right but what are you going to do you can't shape the semantic framework we all take part in as an individual
you first commie it isn't out fault you disingenuous faggots choose to stand and deny simple semantics so you have something to argue
*nazis arent niggers
The only reason I know about these guys is because my friend liked them like a decade ago, I'm baffled they're still around. I still like this song they used as an outro in the one vid of theirs I've seen though.
nazis arent fun, its a serious topic you manchild
i have one, thank you very much
literally every single right winger on this board and on the internet does this whenever any video game with a black character is released. there are several in this thread right now, and as i said earlier your delusions are preventing you from seeing them and admitting it.
There is a nazi campain in the new battlefield you play as nazi comander in his tank and crew, btw is the only KINO campain in the game the rest are shit
Nazi's are normalized in the entertainment media like ninjas, zombies and pirates.
Don't know where those fags have been hiding under.
Actually this makes a lot of sense.
>the right wingers that advocate for whites only games are more than enough proof
this literally does not happen
You don't visit /pol/ do you?
>hasn't heard the term banality of evil
>calls other anons smooth brain
The irony is palpable.
I bet some of the moralfags that scream this shit played games where you can rape women. Some Nazis thought they were only doing the right thing and they were being raped by people like the Jews and Brits. Not normal ones /int/, WWII was planned long before it started.
Kino outfits
>it's a serious topic!
>debates it on Yea Forums
lmaoing at your life
Even if their structures and goals are radically different, the end result is still the same in practice. Thus it's ignorant to not see the similarities, and only criticize the other for something they both share. It's not necessary to act as if they were the same, while still pointing this out and it doesn't mean they are somehow close ideologically.
ah yes women didnt have rights so its okay :) i dont need you to argue any more
and unless the game verbally states that the soldier youre playing is not a nazi
you ARE a nazi youre suppotimg then by beimg in the army
This is literally a step away from "Violent Video Games make people Violent." Anyone arguing for this or the other should fuck off with Jack Thompson and Hillary.
Fuck off you stupid idiot. Tell us more about how the LARD is gonna punish us for putting violence in our video games you sub-human moron.
>fascism describes a very specific set of political theories.
love this meme
also love the meme that fascism totally doesn't mean authoritan and totalitaran even though every single country that turned fascist became so
>first off, i have been on Yea Forums far longer than you. you immigrated here from r/t_d in 2016. this is not your home and you are not welcome here. go back to your shithole website where you belong.
lmao seething shitskin subhuman trying to present "being on Yea Forums" longer in a positive light jesus fuck.
>there is no justification needed for non white males to be included in games. pandering to your biases is not the reason that game developers create games.
there is no needed since it's an objective thing which should be the default for western games.
>most successful games are made in japan
so fucking what? the MOST amount of video games are made in white countries they were made in white countries, the first videogame was made by whites and the concept of a video game was also invented by whites.
>and most video game players are in china
literally the definition of irrelevance. This is only a very recent phenomenon and the reason behind it is because of those fucking insects can't seem to stop breeding. But still it proves nothing
Name one (1) valid excuse to pillage/kill/torture/rob people in game.
>meanwhile Barret from VIIR is praised even here except for the people who want him to look like he did in 1997
People don't have problems with black characters, they hate white characters that have been painted black in the most transparently obvious way possible. Nobody hates the black guy in FFXIII or Barret in FF7 and others like that, it's the dumb "look look I'm so stunning and brave" flawless "Black" characters.
>literally every single right winger on this board and on the internet does this whenever any video game with a black character is released.
>equating wanting socjus political pandering out of vidya with wanting a racially pure medium when tons of those people enjoyed gaming from before it became politicized and was already ethcnically and racially diverse featuring characters and settings inspired by many real world cultures
nah get the fuck out of here with you retarded conjecture
>i have one
doesn't amount to much desu.
get IQ
Maybe Twitter and other social sites normilize more Nazi's than games.
Because they call everything a Nazi, and not the real intent.
when menat released people were jerking off boardwide
same with nessa
>also love the meme that fascism totally doesn't mean authoritan and totalitaran even though every single country that turned fascist became so
what does this say about communism
>literally every single right winger on this board
So you've never seen it then, and are just saying everyone does it because you're an emotionally fragile baby who fell for some bait at some point in a thread somewhere, at sometime.
Glad to know that lefties are the same, everywhere you go. I wish man-sized children like you were told to fuck off by everyone else, as you're too emotionally stunted to make any decisions for yourself, much less other people.
Nazis don't exist in america, self-proclaimed nazis are as legit as anyone here calling themselves a chad.
Because I'm tired of playing as the bad guys
>making the point that retards don't understand the difference between fascism and communism but also proudly placing yourself within that group of retards
We had this same thread yesterday, you pile of human waste.
>all authoritarianism is fascism
Jesus this guy is so cringy. I don't even remember the name of the channel, but seeing that stupid cartoon I can almost hear his voice in my head.
To kill Jews and the enemies of the white race?
hmmm, a wild ' delightful.... :)
>everyone in the american army right now is a fascist because trump is the president
Hey if you define a political ideology by how it's implementation impacts a nation then socialism should be considered "destitute corrupt shithole"-ism
My history prof once told me "most historians want the witnesses dead before recording what happened."
It makes sense. The only reason people are so gung ho over Nazis is because someone will know someone who's been affected by them.
>stop normalizing nazis
>also anyone who doesn't want open borders and state-enforced homosexuality is a nazi
>Post on /r/games is downvoted to 0 and mocked in the comments
reddit isn't so bad sometimes
nope, most people were posting the picture of nessa as a white person or as an ape, or just criticizing nintendo for creating a black pokegirl """for no reason"""
because in their eyes non-white characters need to be justified, which as i said is bullshit
fascism is authoritarian, but so is the possible applications of communism which the overwhelming braindead western college students are trying really hard to disprove.
I was a Nazi once, then I fell in love with the enemy.
I was playing Mortal Kombat this morning and now I ripped the head off my mailman. What should I do?
>first off, right wingers are the ones trying to force politics into games.
which games?
why are you taking the bait, anonymous
stop falling for semitic mind tricks
Holy shit that was one of the most embarrassing videos I’ve watched on YouTube and the guy who wrote it is a fucking moron.
Yikes from me 56%.
Conquer the Nether Realm.
wow user good job you're the smartest smart man but have you considered that you've been annoyed and agitated the entire fucking time because you refuse to conform to implicit semantics
yeah i get it, i really do but it's literally impossible to have any sort of conversation with anyone if all you're going to do is get hung up on semantics and our entire chain of discussions shows that fact
using a word wrong in order to take part in a conversation is not a tacit acceptance that semantics match the actual dictionary definition of those words
Hipper is a flatty
>can't dispute what i said
>ignores the evidence literally in front of his eyes
>"t-t-take that leftie"
right wingers continue to be delusional retards whose survival depends on ignoring the world around them
>SJWs and hand wringing moralists have never written a good story, a good character, and - most damning of all - a good villain.
Actually SJWs can write good villains, it's just that they are only villains from their brainwashed point of view.
They seem extremely based to everyone else.
Why are you surprised literal communists want to rewrite history again? That is sort of a part of the platform.
>Extra Credits
He's "That guy" even the other over analytical people don't like him.
>stop normalising nazis
>instead we need to portray them as cartoon villains and never EVER let someone play as them in a video game
>video games shouldn’t let you play as bad peoples or you might want to become a bad person in real life!
I unironically pray for chinks and rusniggers to nuke the USA.
Amerimutts and jews are both the worst things that have happened in human history.
It's immersive and doesn't hurt anyone because as studies have proven, videogames don't make you into a criminal.
more like idiots for being subscribed to them in the first place
I'm convinced these people simply do it for the views, and you people are walking right into their trap.
I'm pretty sure Red Skull was revealed to be full of shit in this comic and was just saying things people wanted to hear. He was a villain because he was a liar.
I cannot fucking stand the dumbass leftwingers who came to Yea Forums in the last three years. Yea Forums has always been a place where people are free to say and believe anything they want, and you fucking tourist niggers barge in and try to change that.
Immersion, i like playing as Hitler in Hearts of Iron 3
I feel this is the important point here.
Nazis in video games don't normalize shit, because they aren't real.
People screaming that literally every interaction with other people makes you into a Nazi are actually normalizing it more than any depiction ever could. A billion mein kampfs could be spread in every school on Earth and it wouldn't normalize it more than black-clad thugs chasing down a Jewish man while screaming "NAZI NAAAAZIIIII"
Dishonest fuck.
Yes, Red Skull is totally not a villain for telling these guys exactly what they want to hear to brainwash them into his personal suicide bombers.
that's exactly what a NAZI would say!
So... is this the reason they are desperate to push for more "genders" in games? Because, according to them, it will normalize trans-things?
>erasing black culture
yikes you fucking nazi
Same argument was used in the 90s against violence in games.
That depicting violence in games would normalize it and make people more likely to commit violent acts or it would make them more accepting of real violence.
This type of argument hinges on the idea that people can not differentiate fiction from reality,
which, for the vast majority of people is simply not true. This has been proven to not be true many times.
And yet here this argument is, rearing it's head again.
It's just an excuse for moralizing busybodies to harass people and feel righteous and superior.
please don't fucking use these unfunny okuu meme reskins drawn by that redditor, they make give me second hand embarassment.
all those soldiers are wearing wermacht cross. none of them have nazi/ss gear on. are amerimutts retarded?
Playing as good guy hitler is fun.
Video games totally have a tangible effect on reality guys! Politicians and corporations were right!
i hate practically half of this country.
i wish some of these fuckers would actually go through with their threats of seceding.
For entertainment, you baiting retard.
election newfag detected
every single game with a non-white character
Well then you better start calling me Dolph
Normally they shy away from that term because they're fully aware of how almost everyone else despises it and resents being told what to think and how to speak
Some are a little more oblivious though
Whats the TL;DW?
I get it, like how people playing doom would become mass shooters, right?
yeah they are
>>can't dispute what i said
Because you didn't say anything, you have no evidence, you have no proof. Just whining about how fragile your stupid feelings are.
>No they aren't, that's fucking stupid, You have literally no evidence that is the case and didn't post any
>d-d-d-d-d-elusional retard :^(
Where is the proof that all right-wingers are like this. You're melting down because you can't even point something out without appealing to common sense or appealing to anecdotal evidence that exists inside of your retarded underdeveloped mind.
See, I like how Wolf portrays war because it's the enemy, you kill it without remorse. That's a totally fine way to see war, so long as the story doesn't also try to push a "war is hell" narrative, which it doesn't. My personal favorite portrayal of any enemy force, (which is coincidentally Nazis) is Sniper Elite 4, where three things keep both the portrayal, and the ludonarrative thread, interesting. First thing is that by nature of the game, you can kill basically as many or as little as you like, save for your targets, and it's not only possible, but even the easier path to be merciful thanks to the stealth mechanics. second is the "letters from home" on random soldiers, that flesh them out and make them seem very human and unique, some loosing the party's actions and some clearly in favor. But the genius last part is that you have to slow down and search the bodies to get them, meaning the more merciful players are more likely to hear the story from the enemies point of view, while those who want a Rambo style rampage won't have "muh feelings" in their face at all. This is completed fully by your character never reacting to the letters, allowing you to come to your own conclusions without anyone telling you how to think. It all massively improves the roleplay, while also giving you the option to think how you want, after getting a ll the facts without commentary.
they can't live without everyone else's tax money user.
>speak objective truth
>"dishonest fuck" - right wingers
right wingers are enemies of the truth
>all those hundreds of millions of GTA players are now psychopathic serial killers murdering everyone they come across and taking their money
>the difference between communism and fascism is "semantics"
you are a retard
Yup, and that's also why they flip out when someone offers a compromise that would theoretically let individual players enable/disable certain player skins client-side (like with the bullshit shitstorm over Mordhau)
They always claim the reason they want "diversity" of genders/races/etc is because they want more options for their characters, but controversies like this betray their actual motives and show that really all they want to do is shove their bullshit down everyone else's throats, and it can't be allowed for others to opt-out.
>don't normalize nazis
>proceed to only show the iron cross, which was created and still being use by germany
this video is offensive and pretty ignorant, fucking google shit at least if your are going to talk shit. Those people are pretty inept.
which games?
Their community manager took to twitter to call those disliking the video bigots. This community manager has They/Them pronouns and 'social justice' in their bio.
Why are they all the same person?
dumb negev poster
But it feels so good.
You're doing the exact same thing, you condescending moron.
probably played too much hoi4 to the point where he thinks that's the actual 3rd reich flag.
>someone offers a compromise that would theoretically let individual players enable/disable certain player skins client-side (like with the bullshit shitstorm over Mordhau)
what's this?
name one (1) valid excuse to watch extra credits when they are wrong 99% of the time
they arent allowed to show the swaztika lol
We're fighting for the Nazi ideology! Conquering other nations so they can be ruled by our Nazi party, and spread the values of Nazis! But we're not Nazis, you claim the wrong name for us, so clearly we're in the right to put millions to death, and you're an idiot!
did you at least convert her to esoteric hitlerism? jew girls are cute, but you gotta educate them on how the holocaust didn't happen first
american ((commies)) are the ones doing the whining
>its totally true guys
>i says it, so that means its real
>you're a right-winger if you don't believe me
>they/them pronouns, social justice, twitter
well that clears things up
It is absolutely not most of them. You are baiting.
no the difference between totalitarian and fascist is retard
>the German army as of right now is filled with Nazis
do you hear yourself?
where doe the retard part fit in?
aside from yourself that is.
You can't make this up
Stop trying to take away all the fun of villain roleplaying. You crybabies already took away killing children. Was that not enough? What's next?
What is the context of this image?
Floyd (The person who makes this video series) is probably the dumbest, most uneducated person who makes video game videos.
One time he made a video about how he thought the air was running out of space for radio waves.
He believes everything he hears from 'industry insiders' at face value. His only experience in the industry was in middle management in QA and working in QA (basically the coffee boy of the video game industry), and all of his contacts inside of the industry are clearly the kind who bitch and moan on twitter because they keep being ejected from companies because they don't have any marketable skills.
It's literally the stupid uneducated whining of a brainlet grasping for attention after he fucked the pooch several times in a row on subject matters that you didn't need an industry insider to see was bullshit. He's just an extension of Resetera's worthless opinions at this point, but has a squeaky voice.
If it weren't for The Escapist, literally no one would know who he is.
Does that mean you have to pay the Jews reparations?
so all the US soldiers who went on a tour to iraq were republican soldiers?
Remember when Trump tweeted after Sandy Hook saying we should look at violent video games to blame and the whole industry came out against him? Of course, that very industry had been pushing the very same narrative for years and years but pointing out the massive 180 and hypocrisy fell on deaf ears.
While it completely blows my mind at the stupidity, you can to see how someone in the leftist vidya bubble would come to the conclusion that playing a nazi in a video game makes you become a nazi IRL.
>baseless anecdotal
>another baseless anecdotal
>fascism is totalitarian therefore all totalitarianism is fascism
literally a fallacy
communists aren't bad, though.
Why always the two together?
again, the evidence is right in front of you. you are CHOOSING to ignore it.
>melting down
why would i be melting down? i know that i am right. you are on the defensive - you are literally putting your fingers in your ears and ignoring what is happening around you because it conflicts with your pre-conceived biases.
how do you reconcile your biases with posts like this
which are saying exactly what i said people were saying
you have been trying to move the goalposts and ask for an article on some other website, when i have said people here are saying it. go back and search your home website reddit - i'm sure plenty of people there are saying the same things too.
JoJo: Eyes of Heaven
his theme also has the most uplifting and heroic sounding chorus
It always amazes me how much effort shitposters will go to get their (you)s.
The US is a terrorist state worse than the nazis yet you don't see these faggots complaining about the millions of games that show american soldiers as heroes
when and in what way?
>you can't shape the semantic framework we all take part in
plenty of us actually like to stick to the real definitions than just make shit up. And we don't all anyway, there are many Che Guevara shirt wearers out there talking about smashing the fash, they certainly don't think they are the same.
Anyone got that screencap of them celebrating all the dislikes because it's 'weeding out the nazis in their subscriber base'?
aight nigger you have a nice day love you
>correctly state that Yea Forums isn't one person
Either retard or samefag, take your pick.
Stalin censoring the existence of his son.
>nazis are real threat
do these faggots still live in the 40s?
It's fun gassing
who deserve it
"Satanists" are just edgy atheist larpers though.
Bible is a bunch of fairy tales, jews were never enslaved
Honestly this is so fucking stupid. He´s obviously trying to set a moral standard where he wants everyone around him and every single game ever to follow. Your morals are for yourself you can´t enforce them on others and say shit like
>Games can do bettaaaaah
It´s absurd that everyone thinks that they can make some fucking objective moral that just controls everyone and that they think they are somehow right. Even from a christian perspective like myself it´s completely idiotic to sit here and dehumanize a enourmous group of people.
The simple answer really just is: People want to make cool games and so they ones themed around a part of history since everyone and their fucking mother has heard and been taught about it in school. We all remember how we were excited to talk about those huge gun battles and shit in like 5th grade. It´s just them appealing to that and how with their modern gaming design that they can make a even better version of what was previously on the market.
>Hurrr durrr muh multiplayer
Well of fucking course your game is gonna have to still do it´s job in the multiplayer so obviously you need 2 forces which are against each other and when you try to set a historical theme or setting you´ve gotta take use of the people in those times. Holy fuck it´s like he thinks he´s some psychologist that´s figured out how we "normalize" nazis. Yeah some people dislike them some people don´t and some people don´t fucking care so let them just play the game- i doubt anyone who actually bought a WW2 game where they anyways just sit and shoot all day are gonna go in depth on whos character they are in fucking multiplayer.
What a complete joke i mean seriously if you don´t want to play nazis then stop playing/purchasing the game where it happens.
thats nice sweetie
Literally no post of mine had an anecdotal. It was entirely pointing out that he had no proof and it was retarded to continuously screech over and over about how it was retarded to group all of Yea Forums into a hive because he picked up some bait somewhere that grossly offended him.
Kill yourself.
>communists aren't bad
they are retarded.
Nazis aren't bad, they merely wanted what was best for their country. Communists only seek to subjugate and destroy.
have you ever seen one of those nessa threads?
every single one is full of white nessa and ape posts, or just hurling racist slurs. because right wingers hate the idea of an "unjustified" non-white character in "their" game.
they just say they are
still people
give me literally one valid excuse not to lobotomize all leftist faggots and niggers? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
They're enforcing a evil ideology. If they don't surrender, then they will have to be killed.
That's just war.
communism has to be totalitarian to work
In Floyd's defense, not only is he not around anymore, this guy is someone new, but also he wasn't the writer on the show, he was just the voice. The real writer is some guy called James, which is who you described in QA.
>again, the evidence is right in front of you
Okay, where, where is it? You keep saying this, but you can't even point this out on Yea Forums right now.
>why would i be melting down? i know that i am right. you are on the defensive - you are literally putting your fingers in your ears and ignoring what is happening around you because it conflicts with your pre-conceived biases.
Because you keep replying to me. You keep replying because your fragile ego realizes that you can't prove anything you're saying, all you can do is scream at the void about how offended you are.
I keep replying to you because I like egging you on. It's funny watching you screech and moan about Yea Forums while posting on Yea Forums. Keep fighting shadows, schizo.
So we should never play as Turks, because Armenians and Kurds?
We should never play as Japs because of Unit 731?
We should never play as Jews because of Palestinians?
I'm all in if all those are also banned.
just eyeballing one of those threads, i would say the white nessa, ape nessa, and/or racist posts are about 70%-90% of the thread.
why good golly if it isn't fun.
And the '60s. Their lives have no meaning so they're perpetually larping as civil rights activists and la resistance simultaneously.
>non-white character
shes a fucking fantasy character. theres not races in pokemon and no fucking racial agenda. fuck off stupid nigger
Not entirely. Honest-to-god theistic satanists who get into the black magic rituals associated with the faith is some of the most fucked shit ever, especially with regards to children.
>spent all day arguing about nazis with retards again
>tranny janny is probably gonna hit me with the banny for replying to off-topic garbage again
He also says to stop playing as terrorists in Counter Strike. His opinion is fucking shit.
>Amerimutts calling anyone bad guys
Remember all these innocent arabs you killed in the Middle East in the name of Freedom™ (read: serve Israel)?
>Unironic soviet niggers itt
Remember the genocide your regime commited during Holodomor just to get back at the kulaks?
>Eternal anglos
Remember all innocent native you genocided during the british empire, all in name of Civilization?
You want to be the bad guy.
Mordhau is a game about medieval combat. Originally the only character options were wh*te m*les because that's who would've actually been fighting in medieval europe. Kotaku and those fags kept raising a stink over this, and so the Mordhau devs decided they'd think about it and brainstorm a way to compromise between people who value historical authenticity and being able to play as whatever you want.
So one of the ideas they threw around was the ability for players to toggle what races/genders they'd see client side. So if I want, even if other players pick their avatars to be female, everyone will still show up as male on my end, a pure cosmetic difference and only makes a difference to what I personally see. Or someone could set everyone to only look female on my end. Or any race you want. But Kotaku still flipped the fuck out because "oy vey this would allow evil gamer nazis to have their white male power fantasies still!!!!"
This is projection. Everytime something political has been shown or said in a game it has orginated from left leaning developers and their ideologies. Good thing is most people realize this very easily
Wow, I wonder if there might be some kind of pattern...
>have you ever seen one of those nessa threads?
You mean the one where half of the thread is porn and the other half is baiting twitter retards?
I love them. That guy who drew her as a gorilla hit comedy fucking gold with that one. If only resetera posters had slightly above room-temp IQ, they would realize that people did that to trigger them.
The fact that even *thinking* about it drives you up the wall and makes you go into completely unrelated threads to bitch about it like you're doing right now gets me hard. That is some damn fine trolling.
The "she's a nigger/not a nigger" drama comes from offboard sites you dumb nigger.
Nessa threads are 98% echi art.
>directly link to a post in this very thread
>"Okay, where is it"
holy shit your delusions really are making you blind to the evidence
go back to that post and look again, and tell me what you see. when you look at the evidence, do you see just like, static? do you get a headache and have to turn away? what exactly happens that prevents you from looking at the evidence that is right there in front of you?
What is I'm none of those, and still from a 1st world country?
can you really disagree with this man's tactics? Propaganda works if you repeat the message enough and in enough delivery mechanisms.
Just think about why you believe women's suffrage is fine, or that Jews are people - it's because groups actively controlled language and policed portrayals in media for decades.
You should think about you can infect media with your own portrayals rather than argue how 'illogical' the youtuber is being. The youtuber is being entirely logical in the Cultural Marxist gameplan.
it actually does
Il'l play as whatever i want becouse i payed for tha game, Fuck off extra credit! How mush money did the Sjw's cram into you're ass to belive this?
because they won
>By the thousandth time you've respawned as a terrorist, you're either celebrating them or making fun of them
I am fucking cackling at this claim.
Because I want to play as the good guys.
A lot of them seem to be religious.
Which is a contradiction, since the physical and metaphysical tools that we use to find truth suggests that God does not exist.
The belief of God is based on a unreasonable amount of faith.
What happened in 2014?
You are all of the above for everyone else.
I want secondaries, Streamers, China, European Government policies and other undesirables to fuck off from the world of Video Games.
Is this guy just upset that people are fucking with him?
>extra credits history videos
You are still white and carrying the sins of your ancestor and relatives have commited
>communists aren't bad
>at least 10 times the body count of da ebul nahtzees
That reminds me, I've been playing a lot of TF2 recently.
Time to move to the Badlands and join a mercenary team.
The fire nation attacked.
Tranny Janny hates it when you say TIENANMEN SQUARE 6-4. Especially in Chinese.
the skin on this fictional character is not white. although she herself is not real, she elicits a very real emotional response from the racist right wingers that play these games.
The fact that thanks to normalization of Nazis in video games, we have people dumb enough to sympathize with the Nazis and to believe all the atrocities they've done weren't so bad. Nazis are the greatest evil in human history and it's a shame that stupid people are so easily influenced that steps must be taken to ensure that history must be kept intact and factual.
>allies good
>axis bad
are they retarded?
there're no good guys in a fucking war or they just forgot about the gulags, nuclear bombs, the whole british imperial age, vietnam and so on?
made me reply, the clickbait is powerful
Working as in making someone more popular? Yes.
only Chosen lives matter, dumb filthy goy. That's why only the nazis and the six trillion matter
how is it projection if it is happening exactly as i described it? right wingers are the ones injecting politics into gaming and trying to force all video games to have only white characters
Yeah i do agree they really are screwed up with what they do. Less do i understand why they behave or subscribe to that faith. In the scenario where you become theistic why would one chose to subscribe to the clear evil instigator and evildoer who will be punished in eternal damnation rather than the one who would give you eternal salvation?
He's been like that since his first video.
>literally every single right winger on this board
>directly link to a post in this very thread
>a post
Come on nigger. I was expecting at least a thread, a single post doesn't even fit his request.
name one AAA right wing developer
You’re actually delusional if you believe this
What are you gonna do, take my nazis by force?
Nazis are the coolest playing faction, get over it. Nobody wants to be a loser commie in RO2.
Its a learning experience you facist.
They'd get it right next time.
so you admit that i am right, and that most people including yourself hate the fact that nessa is not white?
>Thus it's ignorant to not see the similarities
I do see the similarities, but they are more different than they are similar. I argued above that the Commies will never tell you why Fascism has to be smashed and their philosophy gets a pass.
Are you suggesting that Fascism has no policy beyond simply being scary black uniformed secret police? To what end? You think a fascist is a guy that acts liberal in every other way and only enforced harsh surveillance laws?
>What is militarism?
>What is Corporatism?
>What is futurism in art?
>What is youth centric recruiting?
>What is the sublimation of class to the nation?
>What is anti-usuary laws?
>What is high birth rate family policy?
I feel like people only harping on how he said to not normalize Nazis by making them playable are missing the REAL retardation of the video. He's basically saying people should stop playing the bad guys or normalizing bad things all together.
Stop playing terrorists in Counter Strike. Stop normalizing war and death and murder. Stop depicting doing bad things as fun. Altogether, he's literally asking for their to not be fun in video games.
Cool, where is the proof that everyone does it? I've asked you this twice now and you can't even formulate a response because you're so asspained over a single bait post out of 500 posts that you can't even respond.
The whole time I've asked about your stupid, uneducated opinion about how all right wingers are evil, and the best you can do is link a post that triggered the shit out of you (but didn't actually prove your conjecture that all right wingers are delusional and evil)
Hey, you know what's right in front of your face? The fact that you're a brittle retard still getting triggered over Yea Forums post. Back to the basement with your tendies.
What's funny is: that's not even an incorrect statement. It just pissed you off, so you scream and moan about how bigoted it is.
I'm glad people make posts like that, because it lets everyone know why we're better than the shithole you migrated from.
Pic related, you showing us the evidence.
They don't want any humanization of "nazis" because the reality is that 99% of the people fighting on the german side were just ordinary boys like most of us, and that would take away from their use of labeling anyone they don't like a "nazi" as a way to dehumanize them.
And likewise, 99% of the people who fought on the allied side had values that today would get them labeled as "nazis"
>playing a murderous maniac is ok
>playing a murderous maniac with a swastika on his arm is ABSOLUTELY NOT OK
The Jews came from space.
twitter is the root of all evil
fuck you
name one non-racist right winger
either bait or literal retardation but il bite cause i have nothing better to do.
>playing as a nazi in a game doesnt make me a nazi irl
>if it did i would also be Geralt, Mario, Luigi, Warrior of light, Dragonborn, Vaukt dweller, Serial Killer, Pacifist, Frisk, nigger, non nigger, jew.
Define most.
"Most" people in this board don't really give a fuck other than to bait retards(like you!).
"Most" of the drama about the character isn't even from Yea Forums.
>lets all use (insert symbol here) to represent nazis from now on
>few years later
>we need to stop using (same symbol), it's a nazi dogwhistle
It’s actually women but close enough
>so you admit that i am right,
Where did I do that? Talking to yourself now, schizo?
> and that most people including yourself hate the fact that nessa is not white?
Lmao look at this guy literally having a conversation in his head.
Let's re-post what I said because I'm not even sure you responded to the right poster.
>I love them. That guy who drew her as a gorilla hit comedy fucking gold with that one. If only resetera posters had slightly above room-temp IQ, they would realize that people did that to trigger them.
>The fact that even *thinking* about it drives you up the wall and makes you go into completely unrelated threads to bitch about it like you're doing right now gets me hard. That is some damn fine trolling.
Isn't it fucking grand? It has burrowed into your soft-skulled, sloping forehead to make you come into this thread to tell everyone how offended you are about it.
Does twitter or tumblr or wherever you come from just not have the concept of trolling?
Nice deflection. Answer my question.
Honestly America as a whole is doomed. We've gone past the point of no return and there's no saving this shitty country where we can have a fascist regime and nobody cares thanks to the normalization of Nazis.
why do you think this post is a one-off?
every single right winger believes the same thing that this person does
Perspective. You can see what the bad guys are thinking and get their point of view without being sympathetic to them.
It’s like playing an orc from a LOTR game to see what it’s like from their perspective. Makes for an interesting dynamic.
They said you shouldn't be allowed to play a murderous maniac too. They said playing as terrorists in counter strike is bad as well.
What he said is to stop playing as Nazi's because it might turn people into Nazi.
>define most
are all right wingers this fucking stupid?
most is over 50%
>hurrrr you am nahtzee
There's not going to be a next time either, communigger.
name one non-racist human bean
Why would he do that for?
Stalin doesn't come across as the hateful type.
>why do you think this post is a one-off?
Because this is Yea Forums, the anonymous imageboard, where someone could have posted that just to get this reaction out of you. A concept which hasn't even formulated inside of your head.
Don't like it? Leave. Or better yet: try to turn this around by admitting that you were the one trolling all along. That would be a great twist to this thread!
This literally happened in germany. Nazi flag was banned, so people started using the imperial flag as a stand in. And now the imperial flag is seen as nazi even though the actual nazis detested the empire, the former kaiser, and its flag, which is why they phased it out.
posting the same shit for 2 months
He said that about terrorism in the same video less than a minute in.
Very interesting, got some articles on this?
give us source of your evidence, your just preaching your ideology
Now point to out who are the ones involved when you say "Most".
you are either deluded or outright retarded.
get help
there are none, right wingers are not "AAA" caliber at anything. by definition, being conservative makes you incompetent and incapable of logic and basic sound decision making
the question is also irrelevant, since the entire premise of the discussion was about right wing video game CONSUMERS, which you would have understood if you had basic reading comprehension (ie if you weren't a right winger)
now, answer my question
He needed to project an image of power and competency as leader of the party.
>Stalin doesn't come across as the hateful type
Its calculated power-play.
>okay show some posts
Are all left wingers this fucking stupid? A good portion of this thread is now filled with your stupid bitching.
Tanks are awesome. Only pussies get mad at having tanks around.
And maybe if there weren't so many border-hoppers trying to slip into the country you wouldn't need entire camps for them but things are what they are
>A military parade on the 4th of July
>A jail where you lock up people who broke the law
Imagine a world where we let this happen
he's arguements are solid though
Stop egging him on you fuck.
>tfw French
>Some moron will make a surrendering joke.
>Forever occluding all the terrible shit we did, we're doing, we will do.
This is great.
His playbook is not to have an argument in the first place.
>killed even more people than Hitler
>doesn't come across as the hateful type
>it's about consumers
except that was never part of your original premise.
>answer my question
Your question is irrelevant to the topic at hand, but John McCain.
What pisses me off about the video is that he takes no need to mention about horrible atrocities that people he likes has done. As if to say its okay when his guys do it because the ends justify the means. Suppose a middle eastern kid who family was bombed by a counter terrorist agency, is he basically telling him to fuck off and not play rainbow 6 siege? In which case why cant people who don't want to play nazis fuck off and not play ww2 shooters?
I don't think he would believe that, as far it seems he doesn't seem to think his empire does any wrong.
i never said "most right wingers believe only white characters should be in video games"
i said "ALL right wingers"
and i stand by it, because it is the truth
everything i said is objectively true
Do people REALLY need to be reminded that Nazis are human?
People are such fags, willingly putting their feelings above rationality.
>we did
ate snails
>we're doing
eating frogs
>we will do
eat cock
cock au vin?
No, its funny and the thread is almost dead anyway.
>i never said "most right wingers believe only white characters should be in video games"
Yeah you said ALL This is why egging you on is funny, because now you have to make the stupid shit you're saying now work with the stupid shit you said before, and you can't do it.
Cock a l'orange
that was always the premise. are you a fucking idiot? i clearly said that right wingers were making demands from video game developers about the characters that were being included in the games. who else has a relationship with the game developer other than the consumer?
in your mind, what exactly did you think was happening? the developer in a schizophrenic having an internal monologue with their other personalities, one of which happens to be a racist demanding they only put whites in their games? or did you just not read the thread?
and by the way, the only non-racist right winger you could think of is already dead. can you think of a living one?
What I find bizarre is that you could make the same video about Squad, a game where you play as Al Qaeda trying to seize a town so you can enslave their women and children.
Nah he doesn't give a shit, because those aren't NAAAATTZZEEEESSSS
>i never said "most right wingers believe only white characters should be in video games"
>>Yeah you said ALL (You)
>> (You)
did you think you caught me?
go back and read the post you quoted
or actually i'll just quote it here
>i never said "most right wingers believe only white characters should be in video games"
>i said "ALL right wingers"
>and i stand by it, because it is the truth
>everything i said is objectively true
Was his son taking his thunder by offering helpfully policies, or something?
Egotistical doesn't sound like Stalin to me.
>tfw little Jewish faggot with an Iron Cross necklace
wtf bros I'm nazi!?!?