So there's no good way to actually play this game, is there? Every port is fucked up in some way and the loading times on the PS1 version are ungodly.
So there's no good way to actually play this game, is there...
ayo why the fuck this guy look like david bowie the goblin king
>played through FFIX for the first time nearly 10 years ago
>had no problems with "load times"
Based zoomer.
FFIX was always overrated shit. I'm glad people are finally coming around to FFVIII being one of the top FF games.
emulate it lol
I'm 30 and the time it takes for battles to load (this includes the drunken camera swaying) has bothered me for 19 years. That and how fucking slow the ATB bars are.
Emulate + turbo
Are you just bullshitting, or is this actually happening? I was wondering why the contrarians hadn't moved on to VIII yet.
yeah sitting around casting draw on 99 copies of every spell was great
Play steam version with custom resolution trick to get rid of those ugly side bars and deactivate random encounters so you don't have to constantly fight. It's not perfect but least painful imo.
Why would you even do that? You only really need Tornado for a while, which you can get a few hundred of through Triple Triad, Ultima, which you can get through item refinement, Curaga through Triple Triad, Full-Life which... I can't remember where you get this, but probably Triple Triad, Death from Triple Triad, and Haste from Triple Triad. That's all you really need to destroy the game, but you can throw in some Doubles and Triples as well if you want.
People have been taking their nostalgia glasses off for FFIX for a while now. It's not an awful game, but it is terribly overrated solely because 'WOW IT'S LIKE THE OLD GAMES!'
FFVIII wasn't perfect but it was a hell of a lot more original and engaging than FFIX.
lets pretend you played the game before the internet was really a thing, and didn't buy one of the unofficial prima guide books.
You'd have to figure all that shit out on your own
I guess emulators would resolve the loading time issues? Also heard there's a hack to make the ATB bars faster but i don't know how well it'd work since the animations for getting ready for attacks are still lengthy
>the loading times on the PS1 version are ungodly
The game is slow by itself but it's not like the PS1 load times are hugely different. The game was designed for them to not be noticeable and usually emulators also emulate PS1 drive's real speed.
Of course if your disc or the disc drive are eating shit then it's another story entirely and you can expect stuttering during any loading.
I don't dislike VIII, and IX has always had its problems. I like both, but I just noticed that there was a trend among FF fans
>FF VII is too popular, so let's say every single thread that VI is the best
>Now VI is too popular, let's say that FF IX is the best
A lot of people stuck with IX for a while, but some contrarians started moving onto V a couple years ago.
FFIX is also considered to not have much major flaws. This and overall simpler mechanics were probably due to how FF8's messy mechanics went over.
Yeah, I remember, I played it in 2000. I didn't know how to break it back then, I won't fault first time players for not knowing how, but your previous post faults the game for something that's not necessary 20 years later when you and everyone else knows how to play it now.
FF IX is overrated, sure, but next to FF VIII it could easily pass for a masterpiece.
When i first played it i didn't break the game but i didn't sit on my ass drawing every magic either, in fact i didn't even equip draw, was mostly a GF spammer. But regardless the first time you played a game shouldn't be the only one that matters
>when you and everyone else knows how to play it now
Not him but you really are assuming everyone looks up guides and asks others for guides of games online instead of figuring out things by playing the game.
By the time you've experimented enough to figure out everything you previously listed you'd have also obtained most of the not-broken-OP things as well. There is nothing in the game guiding you towards those particular setups and they're most likely missed by naive player.
I'm talking about fans who actually post on video game message boards, who likely have either seen guides or learned the tricks from image and message board discussion.
The load times aren't even that bad. You're probably one of the people who bitches about "ungodly" load times in PS1 FFV and VI, and those load times aren't bad either.
>you and everyone else knows how to play it now.
What kind of a person reads the guide before playing the game
Get a fucking grip
Where was that even stated? The guy I replied to had obviously played the game before, and he's the type of person to post in Final Fantasy threads on a nerd forum, so I think it's safe to assume that he's not an oblivious first timer.
All you gotta give me is a speed up button like they've done with their other re-releases and I'm down.
viiifag cope like always. just another like its misunderstood or its a victim of circumstance like coming out after viii.
No memes what is the best final Fantasy game?
that is hard to say.
5 and 6 are pretty damn good and have the least flaws
Unironically FFX
XII easily.