is ff xiv good?
Is ff xiv good?
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>pedo and furry
Double yikes.
As long as cats exist to shit up the community no.
If you are posting with that pic. Go to /vg/ you'll like it more.
no because you can't make loli vieras
there's nothing wrong with cub
>tfw no Nanachi gf to sniff
endgame is hella shallow. you get to 80, do 3 dungeons, 2 extreme's (one boss encounters) and then you are literally done until they release the raids in 2 weeks.
Then you clear those on release day and uninstall for ~4 months for the next content patch
I had enough of you people abusing me in the manga and on this forum,I don't want to live anymore.
>Furry pedo
It’s great.
Is that a loli or a shota
Nanachi is Nanachi
creator makes it incredibly vague throughout the setting
most artwork depicts her as female so fap away
unny cunny?
>so fap away
I prefer shotas but alright, fine
Nanachi is made for hugging, sniffing and hug tighter if she tries to escape the sniffing
Don't make me point the gun at you
But most translations insist on using female pronouns because
>Yea Forums
It's kemono, retards.
all kemono is furry though
BASED and furrylolipilled
cringe and yikespilled
Wish they made nanachi air freshers.
I love Made in abysm
Cute n funny/furry and penny suffering
>lots of cute and funny and lots of suffering
just like my life
Nothing wrong with either desu.
I'm not creative enough to think of a phrase to go with this pic
I love cute shotas and loli
doesn't matter if they have fur or not, the truth it I want to cuddle them
>Implying Mitty is not the best girl
FFXIV is a good game if -
You are social
Enjoy slower pace
Enjoy games for their story
can endure 30 hours of inane mandatory fetch quest before the actual story starts
>What you gonna buy today user?
How much do you cost?
I'll take one small Asriel Dreemurr
more like double based
unlike most MMOs where you can skip the main storyline, you must pay to skip
Early concept Nanachi
Apparently at some point either Mitty was meant to be the one to survive or both Mitty and Nanachi were going to be cute n funny furries
No it's shit and boring
>muh boss music
Where is this from?
i just installed the trial and set the language to jp, also rolling on the jp data center.
can't say i understand shit captain, but i reached lvl 6 and did shitload of fetch quests and a few (like 4?) kill quests.
the gameplay will only get fun once you reach almost max level because you need all your abilities to appreciate the complexity of rotations.
based fpbp
Early on Mitty and Nanachi were supposed to be the same character.
Made in Abyss
Official artbook n some fanart too
Right, but which chapter/extra?
Based, look at the seething furfags who replied
>He plays an MMO only for the gear-grind
There's other stuff to do you know, FFXIV has a lot more social content. It's more like old MMO's in that regard.