So, how goes your Modded Skyrim experience, Yea Forums?

So, how goes your Modded Skyrim experience, Yea Forums?

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I've discovered that mods cant fix Skyrim, and uninstalled it.

>skyrim in 2019
>TFW skyrim is older than half of Yea Forums

It's still shit.

What mods can my Yea Forumsros recommend regarding the combat?

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>playing seriously with mods like these

lose your virginity

how big is her cock hiding under the loincloth?

That one that let's you dodge on alt and that one that De-aimbot your foes

Crank the lethality of combat up and suddenly dodging and counterattacking is worthwhile

Bigger than yours.

>Not making the breasts larger than her body, which bounce around and destroy everything that they come into contact with.

4 inches flaccid

How violent does the Skyrim modding scene get? I remember there used to be a mod for Oblivion where someone turned corpses into weapons and shit.

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A bit lazy to download all the mods again since my last ssd died.

What's the state of SSE ENBs? Are they looking better than LE ENBs already?

Nonexistent because it's too many fucking steps for my small brain. I just want to beat my dick man.

one of you should help me

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This but I would unironically pay someone.

For the love of god, post more.

who cares

How's the sex mod scene nowadays?

It's so easy you could get your game to look like OPs in a couple hours. In fact it only takes that long because you have to wait for downloads, you're only doing about 30 mins of actual work.

For Oblivion? Pretty sure it's dead unless there's some Japanese modders or some ppl on Loverslab still working on it. Pretty sure Skyrim's lewd modding scene is still active given how SSE fucked with shit.

This. I'll never understand people shitposting about how hard it is to install mods. Just load them in MO, hit Loot, do a bit of personal sorting and go.

Just go to loverslab and check out the Skyrim forum, dummies

How is waifu modding on SE? I know it's inferior to LE but to what extent? I just want to make a thicc warrior Orcfu and maybe throw in some rape mods and beastiality. Is it possible on SE?

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Thats a meme sprouted by /tesg/ and discord autists who are pissed that UNP and enhanced camera doesn't work on SSE
SE literally surpassed oldrim and its stable.

The guide I'm following get updated every weeks and it's very annoying. It has 500+ mods and going through them each time is impossible

Yeah and then it crash all over the place. And getting it to look as good AND play well is an entirely different issue
These along with some sort of level scaling/xp mod as well as a level and damage indicator.

Mods like this make me despise the modding community. First fucking thing these incels want to do when they mod is make ridiculous looking women or having them naked because lol muh realism.

SSE alone looks better than LE ENBs

You know you can't model anatomy for shit when you start giving women collar bone abs.

So how do you get it to look like this?

Holy shit I can't unsee

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You mean... pecs?

it's ok

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Bijin textures
Nisetanaka bikini armor mod
Dragonbone bikini armor
KS Hairs probably

Are you guys retarded? Do you not know basic anatomy?

Can you use the bikin armor mod on followers? I obviously play as a guy since I am not a homosexual so I tried to put the bikini armor on my lidya and half the crap didn't even show up. That was surely a year or longer ago on the special edition so the mod might have been fucky but I could've also just been incompetent, which I am not too sure about since I got a lot of experience in modding

cbbe > unp

>what are striations

i'm not gonna fall for it again for the xxth time
i'm not gonna spend days modding to nut and then uninstall because i've already done everything in the game

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Skyrim uses an armor value system so it needs to be stronger than what she's wearing. Well, unless you have something like EFF.

Terrible taste.

I used the old /tesg/ TiddyMcButt body and a sweaty/wet texture that I got from some random modder off loverslab

I'm glad to see KS Hairs are still alive after all these years

>install mods
>get raped
Every time.

It can be a pain at times since they refuse to switch at times but yes its possible. I'm not op but some follower mods and outfit mods like simple npc outfit manager can let you change follower armor.

CBBESE+TBD SE has more polygons and more stability than the PS2 era garbage that is UUNP you double nigger.

and Both Are compatible with each other.

It just doesn't mesh with how the boobs are though, although that becomes a matter of preference by that point.

>Use Touched by Dibella in SSE
>Only about a dozen custom outfits are made for the body
It's ok I guess

Just use ENBoost and it fixes 90% of crashes

Learn to make conversions. It seems hard at first but you'll get used to it and pump out personal conversions in a few minutes with the only hold up after that being clipping issues.

I quit. Lack of interest and, I will say this only for Skyrim modding; The community is extremely toxic. Not in the sense of people screaming gamer words, but the fact that many people go out of their way to stalk others within it. Stalking, DDoS attacks, harassment campaigns and the absolutely most poisonous clique cesspool you can imagine. Stay away from /tesg/, sincerely. It does you no good whatsoever.

Both are fine, most important is bodyslide

Its impressive on how Both bodies are so damn malleable, while UUNP is a pest to fix and convert it

How's modding with VR?

Explain the difference to a retard
I use cbbe since the screenshots looked better

SE mods go with VR mods most of the time and there's a mod which enables boob/butt physics when you touch them. All you'll ever need.

All I want is someone who does skyrim porn vid requests.


I have not played in almost a year but recently I've been gearing up for another go after installing Ordinator

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Not everyone has decent specs to run this shit

>he plays skyrim for the combat

let's point at him and laugh!

I recently stumbled upon a skyrim combat overhaul mod showcase on yt. Is it actually possible to make skyrim's combat fun(ish)?
Also last time I played I used weapon mods, every time I equipped the weapon it would create a lag spike. Any way to fix this? I guess it has to do with too little memory.

you don't play skyrim for the combat. this isn't dark souls. just go on a winter wonderland adventure with your waifus and enjoy the scenery.

You don't need a supercomputer to run what's going on in the OP post.

That sounds super comfy, I've never played Skyrim and that sounds like a good way to play it

If the game gets too script-heavy then weapon switches will have lagg. I remember that I started having laggs when my save got way too big and there was stuff everywhere which had to be tracked because of some random mods.

More polygons also easy to mod, also CBBESE + TBD are damn easy to convert and mod thanks to OutfitStudio-Bodyslide SE

though you still need a 3d program.

Get some decent AA for Christ's sake

I've only just learned how to properly use bodyslide to convert a cbbe outfit to a tbd outfit that was already made, is there anywhere I can go to figure out how to do handmade conversions?

Skyrim is eight years old, dipshit.

helmet mod name?


I've figured out how to import games from Legendary to SE since SE is a lot more stable.
So far I've been just looking through houses and things. Some comfy ones so far.

Nonexistent as Skyrim is a shit game.

great reading comprehension

I stopped playing because I was spend entire days modding it to only play for 20 minutes and uninstall.
I might play again at some point but I don't have time anymore

I haven't played skyrim since 2014 but goddamn I really want to play a futa game and modded skyrim is literally all there is. I wish there was some repack with all the mods on the /tesg/ site because I cannot be fucked setting all that shit up again.

ask in the TBD/AB discord. I just use outfit studio and the new uniboob references so the chest area doesn't come out with boob socking

Textures and meshes has no problem being ported. Its the ones with the scripts that are annoying.

>Apotheosis still not done
>Glenmoril still not done
>Lordbound still not done
>Inigo 3.0 still not done
I've been holding off doing another play-through for over a year now waiting for these.

I'm not looking to grab anything past housing mods since there are some like Tiny Little Living that I enjoy to death.

Feel sick after watching this

Then you've not discovered anything worth babbling.

I swear I must be the only one who plays Skyrim for the outdoor survival experience with a bunch of realistic mods. Everyone here I come across is a deranged pedophile sex offender in the making

>Apotheosis still not done
damn it.

Survival mods will always suck until TES goes back to procedural overworlds.

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Everyone else are through with playing like that and then some zoomer.

If you have any suggestions for ports I'm willing to hear them so I can spice up my game a bit.

How does Mod Organizer work with a pirated Special Edition?
Not going to switch to NMM or anything, nor will I give Bethesda my well earned shekels and buy the special edition.
I remember MO1 supposedly not working with a pirated copy but I never checked.

thought this thread would have a lot more waifu posting

>i made a tedium simulator
wow. congrats. very good.

I play like that.

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mod organizer was a massive improvement for my sanity

What for?
Just shove in the textures and meshes that you want.

So the next step is becoming a degenerate? Good to know, faggot

Wish i discovered it before NMM fucked up my list.

I play like that, but have to admit, it gets old fast because you cant walk much without finding some town or people or something.

Yeah, what a bunch of perverted weirdos!
*fucks a deer*

hardcoded is a dumb 2d wannabe VN, but has a lot of futa scenes

As someone who has never modded skyrim. Should I stick to my vanilla or get the special edition?
I modded a whole lot of new vegas so im assuming it wont be a trainwreck.

See you soon fagtard, you'd get some horsedicks in there zoomer or later.

It doesnt work stop being a nigger and buy it cheap right now on sale

And use Vortex or NMM community patch for fucks sake, MO2 is shitting itself with SSE and FO4 of late.


>downloading mod manager patches

I'd like to do this but someone's home literally all the time and it's too hot to have doors closed (busted ac)

Thanks for that, I was hoping someone would post a pre-modded repack but a different futa game is fine too.

I've been using Todd's enhanced edition for a while now and I'm sad that the enbs for SE are different for LE

Anyone got some good big tiddy imagesets?


>the average white female in 2019

have sex

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best thing I ever did in my life was take my time to learn how to make every fucking fetish i got in mind a playable experience

Except SKSE shit, and more importantly, enbs can't be managed through MO.

>MO2 breaks New Vegas and Oblivion since said games weren't made for virtual folders, OBMM and WRYE is still the main option for Oblivion
>Morrowind doesn't need Mod Managers since its drag and drop
>Fallout 4 runs with any Mod Manager
>SSE isn't fucked as LE which really needed MO garbage or fucking NMM

Do you even know the meaning of tis meme you redditcera nigger?

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What about the ATF mods? I'm sticking with oldrim because last I checked, all the loli shit hasn't really been ported.

I play like that - with degeneracy put on top of it.
Really completes the experience you see - nothing drives home the feeling of helplessness as your character is starving while your mouth is gagged tightly.

SKSE is literally dump it and go
ENBs are the same but with some minor tweaking dependent on your GPU and most of it can be done ingame on the fly. Hell, ENBs can even be swapped out mid-game now.

I love it, i sometimes just play to go hunting in the Falkreath forest. Been getting pretty accurate with my bow shots from extremely long range. I need a good monster mod to spice things up a bit i think.

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literally this

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I'm gonna go touch myself after seeing ops picture and none of you can stop me

That’s what you think.

>go on a winter wonderland adventure with your waifus

Shit, that's literally what I did. Fucking took a picture of the full squad at the end of my adventures too...

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B-bros someone is knocking at my door send help pls

i got one called engarde that makes the combat kinda dark soulsy. it increases the damage of everything so fights are now 2 - 3 hits. gives a dodge roll with inv frames and an ability that slows time for a second when enemies power attack

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this game sucks

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Enjoy dying to an ice spear out of nowhere.

>tfw too much of a brainlet to convert bikini armors for shota/loli
and the ones already made doesn't fit very well.

So does ur mum.

your game is ugly tbqh

the experience is packing that ratcheted, filthy game with as many mods as you can and see if it actually runs.
i've spent so much time troubleshooting crashes and corrupted files and missing textures that at the end of it when it finally ran i had peaked in satisfaction and accomplishment in a way the actual game could never hope to deliver

Is that HPL for SSE? Where can I get some outfit mods?

Totally man, just you. The only person on Yea Forums who is a prude fuck about boobs and tits and the only one who reminds everyone else about his different tastes.


im using LE and just use book of uunp and immersive armors + ia mashup with bodyslide files for each

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Beautifully, after probably months of uninstalling and reinstalling I finally have a stable probably 600+ .esp game. I lost count with all the merges.

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I'm kind of at that point where I've downloaded so many mods and don't even remember half the shit I put in and just feel like just restarting with a clean install and minimal mods that just fix bugs and shit. It'll also stop me from just playing as a cock addicted slut. But I know I'll install those mods again later.

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I'd link you to a pretty good converter and a tutorial on how to actually use it, but ATF is down.

I see, thanks user!

>but ATF is down
as in 5ever or temporarily?

Just open the site, it literally says it all. They got fucked over by Netherlands passing a new law and faggots instantly started sending in reports.

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I'm playing morrowind.
If there's a mod for skyrim that brings back every single mechanic from morrowind I might play it after tho.

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I fucking hate puritans. It's pixels you faggots.
How long has it been like this?

Is that the Temple of Kynareth? Mods used in image?

>uninstall 1 mod
>it had overwritten about 20 other mods
>those 20 others mods all had overwritten even more mods
>only way to fix it is to completely reinstall every mod 1 by 1

It's not hard installing, the problem is having to troubleshoot all the potential shit that can go wrong.

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Use mod organizer, sweetie.

Enhanced camera literally does work in SSE circa January 2019

Never uninstall any mod after you saved ingame

couple of them came out today so i was seeing how it looked. probably a few other texture mods in there, rustic windows, some generic whiterun texture etc.

I don't fucking know. I'm afraid this faggotry might also spread to my country. Fuck, I will need live somewhere in open waters where it's no man's land.

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>manage to install 200+ gameplay mods, game is mostly stable
>play one day while horny
>"hmm, i sure could use some good looking companions for this quest, nothing wrong with that"
>start browsing companion and clothing mods
>go very deep down the rabbithole
>end up with 550+ mods
>for some dumbshit reason i send all my companions to the same home
>save while in that very room
>now I can't load up the save because my PC can't handle loading the 38 custom waifus at the same time
I wish there was a mod somewhere that allowed you to store each companion in a different cell (not the literal one, just a separate loading space) so you could pick and choose at your leisure before each quest

tl,dr: don't play Skyrim while horny

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I do, that doesn't change anything, the files still get overwritten when installed.

Is it possible to do this with other games?

do you not have multiple saves?

unless its something like esp, 99% of the time its just a texture

Is the newest skrim easier to mod than the last one? In the old one not only the mods were locked in a fucking forum which required invites but also the mods i got to work (big tits and lingerie) crashed the game 10 minutes in.

>right winged religious idiots first did everything to prevent lewd from being in gamrs
>now it's left winged pink haired communists are doing everything they can to prevent lewds

Why do fat people hate lewds so much?

most of the autosaves were made with at least 10+ waifus in the same room, and while my PC manages to load it, I still don't have a place to safely store them

I am a poorfag and can't even run the game. But I use this and always works for a degenerate like me.

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>male mc
>naked male mc
Do people really do this?

When will someone make a game that doesn't look like shit, doesn't play like shit, but actually has porn?

I personally prefer it, if only because it's not as reliant on an ENB to look good and those things tank my performance. Plus you have a smaller potentially more polished mod selection to choose from, so you can't really get too carried away and break your game as easily, although I still did plenty.

I am livid.
You wouldn't happen to have the converter/associated files to upload/share?
I only have the base files from the standard setup, but no documentation/tutorials.

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Elder Scrolls VI when?

No, most degenerates play women.

Not like there's a whole lot of content for male pc's anyway.

I still have my LE converts. But they're for the UUNP HDT loli body. And majority of them need to be fixed.

Post Followers.

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Only mod I want is one that replaces Khajiit with catgirls, and Argonians with dragongirls. Don't want furries or scalies in my games

>replacing the best race in the series(argonians) with a shitty meme just to jack off

shit taste


>best race

most people who play argonians are faggot bara scaliefags anyway.

Are there such mods?

Get outa here, Dunmer, we beat your ass once we can do it again

Shit taste and furry in denial

Yes but the tutorials, the converter, the documentation?

Eventually the trap craze will hit skyrim modding like a ton of bricks and you'll see lots of it.

Yeah, I still have the converter, but it's a bit of a pain to explain how to convert with it.

Alright user, you just got my hope up is all, but I'll just wait for ATF to get back up I suppose.

if it hasn't hit it yet, it never will.
Skyrim modding in general has gone way down hill.

Important question: are there any futa clothes with bulges?

004 inches flaccid

Would anyone happen to know how to fix vampire black face issue for Skyrim SE? I'm not sure if any of my installed mods cause this.

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I don't think people generally bother to upload this since you can add bulges yourself in outfit studio.

Yes, it's your mods. Uninstall anything that changes NPC faces or vampires specifically.

Those are welfare vampires user

You have to remove the undead-niggers mod from your load order,.

Can you? How?

not him but more than likely just deforming the shape around the crotch to create a bulge. its pretty basic part of outfit conversion.

I suppose. But that still makes it limited so that now everyone using that "armor" will have a bulge.

Well, if you really want it, here it is
And how to use it is:
First you will need tom make a lattice, you will go into the "Clothing Converter" folder and put the original body parts into the "from" folder. Then the new body into "to" folder. The original body is the one from whose body type you want to convert. The new body is to which type of body you want it converted. So for instance, if I want to convert clothing that use the UUNP body, then I need to download the same type of body UUNP body mesh and put it into the "from" folder and then the loli body into the "to" folder. Then you launch the "Make Lattice.bat" in the main folder, select "File>Convert From" and choose the body type file from the "from" folder. Then go "File>Convert To", do the same and then choose "File>Save As" save it as recognizable name. Then just press the big OK button and wait for it to make a lattice.
Also, the body meshes need to be compatible for best results. AKA if you try and convert from a CBBE type body mesh to a UUNP type body mesh, you will get a lot of problems with it. Clipping and maybe some others.
After that that, you need to put clothing that you want to convert into the "target" folder and then launch "Convert Clothing.bat", then Select the lattice, then go "Target Mesh Options>Process Selected Meshes Only", after that you select a destination folder and then press the huge OK button. Usually you don't need to change any settings.

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so just do it to armors you will use.
or, make a separate entry for the bulge version.

It was this:

Comments are also confirming it causes nigger vampires.

Fucking fuck this shit. Thought I would have a laugh. Had a great deal of frustration instead.

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Isn't that basically what you want in the end?

>big tittie mods
>pedophile sex offender

good one

I mostly use mods for better textures/more magic/inigo/pets mod.I tried nude mods,but somehow that ended with me seeing Kodlak's erect dick rise from the flames during his funeral so I gave up,

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Thanks smug shota.

This is only for female conversions? I've been baited!

>This is only for female conversions?
What? I just gave examples of female conversions because that's what I used it for.

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the brainlet life is a suffering one user, please forgive.


Older than 90% of Yea Forums then?

I had a really nice, stable load order for SE about a year ago. Then a forced update through steam to add fucking creation club cancer broke my mods and I was too pissed and discouraged to even try troubleshooting. I forgot about it until a few days ago when I saw another update for SE. Shit like that makes me so angry, why the hell did steam stop letting you disable updates?

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Currently t-posing after updating billy's animations so I'll have to get my oviposition & wolf gangbang fix elsewhere.

The only that that breaks after an update is SKSE which you just need to download the updated SKSE again.

just run fnis again :)

I wonder why some people think dancing should be attractive??? It's making stupid motions that make you look retarded...

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Pretty fucking much, I recently modded Fallout 4 and when I was done modding it I didn't play Fallout 4 I moved on to modding fucking Skyrim SE.

>download 10 mods for Oblivion: played it on and off for months
>download 10 mods for Skyrim: get bored after a few hours of gaming
Skyrim just inherently feels so fucking tedious and hollow for some reason. Oblivion was more flawed on a lot of levels but I still keep coming back to it.

how do they make the models so high quality?
genuinely curious. is it just the games modding tools?

that's.. not dancing.

I still dont understand why modders are so autistic about people making mod packs.
As though anyone installing Redder Dog Penises (REDUX!) is even remotely interested in who made it.

I've downloaded hundreds of mods and I couldn't tell you the name of a single person that made them, and yet the nodding community thinks putting together a compilation of mods is the worst thing ever.

I wonder why you're such a fucking moron.

They need their likes

Any cµnny mods?

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Massive chance of fucking up your game then the modder getting shitted on for something not their problem or even caused by their mod

Just make your own mod pack. Simple as.

9 times out of 10 you’re forgetting to check requirements.

I dont understand how installing a modpack that 100% worked on someone else's machine is more likely to fuck up your game than a combination of like 50 different mods you are installing yourself.

A modpack should reduce your chance of fucking up your game.


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Personal edits, hooks, ini changes and other shit not properly closed off or changes made not applied properly because nobody reads shit anymore and just wants things to work out of the box.

It's mostly mod makers who don't want you using mod packs, not the users.
If something goes wrong with it, they maker can't really help (even though they are guaranteed to have some stupid nigger crying at them to fix it)

What mods do i need to make a cute femboy character that gets raped by amazonians?

Has the modding scene for SSE gotten any good or should I stick to Oldrim?

That strap's shadow could be misconstrued as a crease.

Any update on Nemesis? FNIS can eat dicks.

I'm out of the loop, Nemesis?

Use Requiem, Frostfall, Live Another Life, enb and some other quality of life mods. Shits still great for RPing characters. If there's one thing I wish there was a mod for, it would be procedurally generated dungeons. It would be fucking awesome to have another separate zone away from Skyrim like Solstheim is, but it's town with an infinite dungeon or massive dungeon, like Angband or Azure Dreams.

What mods can you recommend for Oblivion that improve on the vanilla experience? I remember that indoor windows one where they show the outdoors from the window, unlike the vanilla game.

Alternate program that can load custom animations. Biggest selling point is that anyone can apply patches instead of having to constantly run back to Fore and ask him to include a patch for your mod. Fore himself is also just an awful person with an overly inflated ego. Not to mention that FNIS actively scans your installation to check if you pirated, and ruins your animations if it thinks you did.

Dunno about you but I prefer to keep my toons classy

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Are there any mods to make magical combat fun?
Its always kiting for 5 minutes while you wait for magicka to return, then i blow my entire bar in like 5 seconds and start the process over.

God damn there's that word again.

>Not to mention that FNIS actively scans your installation to check if you pirated, and ruins your animations if it thinks you did
I don't habeeb that, proof?

check the mod page. he's not shy about being an asshole.

why are modders always such autistic faggots?

I installed a bunch of mods yesterday and idk it still doesn't feel very fun.
I'm starting to have doubts about whether or not skyrim can ever be fixed into a fun game.

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>tfw did all the Lewd quest mods ever
>just waiting 6 months for updates(hurry up Thief man)
>don't even launch the game anymore unless there's a mod update


What kind of lewd mods are we talking?
Who's thief man?
Share your wealth!

Ok I like that stuff looks better but this lighting is a bit much.

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well fuck you too then, good on you bringing up a topic you don't want to talk about.

The emptiness is one that can't just be filled by more shit

Just use Rudi

>Not to mention that FNIS actively scans your installation to check if you pirated
This shit is ridiculous. I don't know what kind of bat shit insane person would actually do this.

New to mods here
How do these look in motion?

Bard Mod, only mod you need
Travel the world and play music to earn enough money to stay in inns

Attached: bard.jpg (1086x819, 281K)

With the right mods they look fantastic, need a new skeleton mod, body mod like cbbe or unp, and a physics mod like cbp if you want jiggly tits and ass.

Whenever i see one of these threads i want to mod aswell but i have no idea where to start in the 100000 mods there are.

Thief man is the guy who made
Pretty good mod too, next update is somehwere in september. I don't remember all the other lewd mods specifically because they all blend together after awhile.

Hey that's rude man

reminds me of those lewd mods that scans if you're using no-no mods and turns themselves off if detected.

Which mod do I get to make khajit and argonians cute?

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The biggest problem with sex mods imo is that they never integrate very well into the game. I have an idea for a mod that would fix this. it would be like a survival needs mod, similar to iNeed, but for sex. If you go too long without sex, you start getting debuffs, and buffs are applied after the deed is done. It would pair well with other needs mods, whenever you stop in a city to resupply on food or get some sleep, you also need to find someone willing to fuck.

The biggest problem would be providing some difficulty in finding a willing participant, because most sex mods just add spells for instant sex. Although, you could just ignore those spells for the rp. It's a shame I have absolutely no modding experience.

Pretty sure that already exists.

I mean there are mods for whoring yourself out. and I'm pretty sure theres mods based on the SexLab aroused mod which adds debuffs for (lack of)sex.

That's a thing though. I forget which mod is doing it, but skill progression is severely slowed down if you go without sex for too long, and is boosted when your content. SLEN and Defeat also add in checks so you can't just bang someone willy nilly without persuading them first.

Yeah, super comfy game, for combat you go to dragons dogma with your waifu

So the real game is loading it with mods, then you're finished once you fix all the crashes?

I'd say the animations are the biggest boner killer. Even Osex looks like two retards having brain seizures while standing next to each other.
You can partially fix them by going with extremely complex skele rigs like x32 and SoS but in the end they're still janky shit, just with a slight polish.

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Attached: TESV 2015-06-14 14-49-24-17.png (1920x1080, 1.06M)

that's actually a thing, also sexlab solutions, that integrates sex into a lot of quests, so you just whore yourself to win

You can improve the graphics, and mayb improve the gameplay somewhat, but nothing improves the terrible voice acting. I cant listen to that guff again.

Depends on which animation packs you're using. FunnyBizness and ZaZ are recommended everywhere, but they look like complete ass. Get Billy and Latino instead.

what part of this sounded fun to you? Modding the game to literally crash to desktop even after following the guide to the T, only to realize things like your hardware, drivers, version of windows, tweaking the skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini and tweaking each number and setting, the right enb, the right textures, the right kind of lighting at all settings, indoors and outdoors.
You've reached full autism when you have a blank version of skyrim for each mod to see compatibility, but trust me stick with it and you'll be like that. like me.

Watch your tone, hyumahn

Attached: enb 2019_06_01 17_10_40_82.jpg (1920x1080, 1.61M)

>he plays skyrim

how about this?

Attached: 124523243.jpg (1920x1080, 214K)

>Can make any type of body you want
>Make anime boys with wide set hips

I haven't played Skyrim in six years. It was fun to experience new mods when everyone was in high spirits and to screenshot whore in /tesg/.

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tfw were never able to find mod that made dunmer females looks good

Attached: 1525665936727.jpg (1920x1080, 234K)

I'm in the process of transfering my mods from Skyrim Classic to Skyrim Special Edition
Or I would be, but first I'm trying to solve why SSE makes me motion sick.
I've adjusted the FoV which is helping but its not getting rid of it completely.
Any Suggestions?

Honestly, I just fucking yoinked some facegen file and plastered it on because I couldn't be arsed to slider-fu for an additional indeterminable amount of hours after just having modded in the things I wanted for this snow elf play-through.

does she get fucked by dogs and horses in skyrim?

This more your speed?

Attached: 122093.jpg (1920x1080, 336K)

No. is

I'm still playing the game without mods.

Does it really make everything better?

>I'm still playing the game without mods.

How is such a thing even possible? Once you've had a taste of mods. There is no going back.



does it actually run better than OG skyrim?

Can someone give me a quick rundown which mods I should install for Morrowind and Oblivion for my first time?
Basically just widescreen/bug fixes and maybe some prettier (but faithful) graphics

apparently but I wouldn't know cause it make me motion sick

It's a bit more stable, not as many crashes I've heard.

Leave Alduin to me.

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>motion sick
huh? the VR version okay but standard pc game?

this is your brain on autism

It runs much better, especially when heavily modded

i would play this if it made the characters have special properties due to their size, being able to throw/knockdown enemies etc.

I don't have VR
Skyrim SE is only the 2nd game that's ever made me motion sick

muh dicc

hybrid khajiits/argonians
your welcome


I had a total of three major issues so far, all solved using same time consuming but simple method. Immersive Children crashed the game on startup. Some quest mod crashed the game after about a minute of playing, conflict with Immersive Armors; and this, nigger vampires. Solved by binary search algorithm - disable half the mods, if the issue goes away, the problematic mod is one of disabled, otherwise the problematic mod is in the half that was not disabled; repeat until you find it.

One more minor issue was another of quest mods. Brink Something. It was so horrible that I hat to uninstall it in disgust. People seem to pretend it's best of what the best mod community has to offer. If that's true then there really is no hope for Skyrim.

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Daggerfall’s combat is unironically more fun than Skyrim's

they do
you can sprint into people to knock them down

Pretty well.

Attached: enb 2019_07_04 22_36_16_53.jpg (2560x1440, 725K)

I downloaded that but couldn't get her to follow me even though I had no other followers, tried some follower overhaul mods to see if they could fix her but it just broke my game permanently even though I'm using MO

What happened to idioticidiot?

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website doesn't work for me
am I going to prison?

/r/ that hairy mod, please

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Anybody know a stronger muscle normalmaps without the awful veins?

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I've spent more time downloading and installing mods than playing it.

post an imgur link of her naked pls

Nordic Warmaiden


What are you using?

Just bought a new PC.

What mods are essential for making a Waifu?

Thanks! Blessings on you. May you die by Snu Snu with a sword in your hands.

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Im cumming

Attached: 1560177651243.jpg (480x360, 20K)

That and the Bakafactory remake of the 3D pubic hair.

No clue anymore

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Have you tested the HV skin suite barbarian normal maps? I'm using the milkdrinker variant on my snow elf atm and it's pretty ok.

>can't be assed to spend 2 or 3 hours modding it and hoping it doesn't break because the skyrim modding community is so autistic that they don't allow repacks
>spend 12 hours autistically making bikini armor out of shapes in koikatsu instead


Post tits

What mods allow me to play a big, stacked female with a little boy companion?

Attached: sky freedom.jpg (1057x1500, 456K)

Not so great.

Attached: 2567.png (1205x696, 1.54M)

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It's going pretty well user.
I still have some new land/quest mods left to play, I hope Apotheosis comes out soon.

Attached: 29.png (1920x1080, 1.72M)

just dropping by to thank you with a (You)


Die Pennywise

>neck seam
Todd always wins


what mod(s) is this for the orc I don't even care about the armor

Do no-fap user

Attached: 1545016018613.jpg (720x1280, 343K)

Are all humans this pathetically desperate?

Attached: Yuck.jpg (790x795, 316K)

>neck seam
Color mismatches are not fucking neck seams.
A small gap is a neck seam.

Color is a texture problem.
Neck seams are a weight problem.
Fucking noobs.

fuck off ugly hag,
I am talking to this orc godess

I'm getting there, but I'll never be complete without a blinding bangs mod of the same quality as KS hairdos

Attached: 20190630224444_1.jpg (1920x1080, 498K)

sweet jesus. get an enb, stat.

Just remember to never try to use Vortex

Some thicc bodyslide from nexus with slight edits and a facemorph stolen from some /tesg/ follower and edited.

Textures and meshes cant remember but heavily edited.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1718x1148, 743K)

Any mod to make the shadows and lighting system not look like shit?

jesus christ yes more

Enb and Ini edits to give shadows higher resolution.

Apparently a minor specular seam but Idgaf, shes gonna wear a choker anyway.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (998x1435, 409K)

What mod for Blades temple?

Yeah, I'm trying to find one that won't tank my toaster lol. Which ones are the better for lower specs?
I believe the location is called gomaperoland, look it up and you'll find it

good slut

recently started a playthrough
rate my elf

Attached: 20190704222758_1.jpg (1920x1080, 581K)

not so well, i can't really progress the game since i'm either getting raped or just getting enslaved.
it's fun though

What are some vee approved enbs

be a pleb and use Rudy like everyone else or be a patrician and use Silent Horizons

looks like she tries to hide the fact she loves getting fucked too hard

>not using Snowfall
It's like you have no taste.


So I not a complete idiot when it comes to modding but I am confused about this bodyslide thing
some armour mods have bodyslide in their title and requirements, what exactly is expected of me here? do I need to edit the armour myself? is bodyslide a mod that has to be loaded with the game or a standalone programm that's used for out-of-game editing?

Attached: 1545333807419.jpg (1099x696, 205K)

Size Matters is the approved updated version of Macromancy.

Bodyslide is a separate program that you have to run to change the shape of Bodyslide armors to match your preference. It's usually as simple as selecting a preset and hitting "Batch Generate" with morphs ticked.

Just have a tree for Battle Rape, Seduction and Titillation school added to the constellations. Each having different uses and growing with usage like other skills.
Have soul gems track whose soul is in them and replicate the healdo /tg/fic snippet.
Have punishments for crimes be public stocks.
Have Ancient Dwemer piston pants be part of a quest since Tonal Architects though it was DEEPfunny to set orgasmic moans as a solution
Have a quest with Hircine unlocking interactions with animals.
Have someone peddling shady Mara/Dibella amulets that curse you with futa dick or chastity belt.
Have Talos Civil War rewritten to be about whether traps are gay or not. (Of course everyone knows th

>not play as the little boy and have several big, stacked female companions

so that armour then only works for that one body? are these armours already setup for the default?

>Instantly assumes he meant combat
You sound like just the kind of brainlet who would like Skyrim.

So let's say that I, a complete novice to modding would want to redownload skyrim and pretty quickly make it into an absolute degeneracy fest. What mods would I want?

not him but if morphs are ticked then you simply edit the body ingame and it will adapt to the new settings.

Got in the mood to mod Skyrim like a month ago and played it for about 400 hours straight. Safe to say I think I might have burnt myself out for a good while, especially when CTR came out.

Attached: ScreenShot715.png (1920x1080, 2.35M)

No, not quite. The armor works when you've installed your new body of choice (CBBE, UUNP). Install one of those and Bodyslide, open up the program, choose a preset shape in the program (you can download and install new presets as well), and then "Batch Build." This will generate new mesh files - new shapes - for the armors you have installed that have BodySlide compatibility. Anything that's not BodySlide compatible will have vanilla shapes.

reminder that anyone who uses skimpy/sex mods is an incel and deserves a bullet to the head, being completely serious
anyone who plays skyrim in general deserves a beating, especially when daggerfall unity and openmw exist

Hello Mr. Lizard.

Attached: 27.png (1920x1080, 2.12M)

>joy of perspective isn't compatible with HDT
>improved first person camera breaks bows
>immersive first person view has dependencies that were broken by the constant creation club updates

i'll never play my bouncing big tittied archer :(

>fatass sweaty fuck who still plays daggerfall
talk shit about skyrim skimpy mods when you probably play a khajiit in daggerfall with her tits out anyway

>happy trail muscle orc wife is a mix of several mods
where are the heroes out there who can make this a simple thing to install

what's the default screenshot folder of skyrim?
.../screenshots ?

>playing a fucking furry in any of the tes games ever
don't taint my mind with your trash, faggot

Post her getting raped

And liking it.

>modding SSE instead of Oldrim
What are you doin' familam?

Attached: tfw_a_filthy_pleb_speaks.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

And you, Mr. and Mrs. Draggo.

I uninstalled JoP just to have AGO, and it was definitely a good decision. I just wish that arm/hand size didn't determine whether or not you could actually see where you're aiming.

Attached: ScreenShot664.png (1920x1080, 3.19M)

thanks, that cleared up a couple of things

but thats the best part

steamapps/common/skyrim for ones you take with the printscreen key and not steam's screenshot feature.

Attached: lizard prepares to receive headpat.png (1920x1080, 2.74M)

Oldrim is a busted meme. Most shit is already ported save for shitty sex and titty mods.

And, you know, IFPV.

Enjoy getting your install broken by each wonderful CC update!

>he doesn't back up his install regularly
>posts are 62 seconds apart

>MO2 is shitting itself with SSE and FO4 of late.
works for me :)

what about steam's screenshot feature?
cause i can't seem to find my screenshots

Oh, I only have Osex for this playthrough because I wanted to try it out at least once, but it sucks.

Attached: 1447299848732.png (553x587, 417K)

don't know about degeneracy but if you're looking for lewd shit check out lover's lab and I'm pretty sure you can sort nexus by adult only content
I think there is a site called all the fallen that has loli shit

What mods

Then any screenshots of her being ogled by other species, and trying her best to look on with disdain?

We both know she's going to give up that forbidden snow-elf pussy to some other species.

>filtered by privateer's dungeon

Attached: smugmalexia.jpg (600x811, 72K)

does anyone know what sort of files i'm missing, can't seem to have my hands... textures,models or what?

Attached: ScreenShot3.jpg (1280x1024, 541K)

Beat my meat so hard im getting a fucking depression

mesh files.

i'll never understand why people do this shit with the worst graphics imaginable

Got it, thanks:

I'm currently trying to figure out Poser hotkeys plus, I'd like to, but for my slow brain it'll be a while until I can fully set up a scene or something.

As long as it isn't some filthy Atmor-... Nord scum.
Just watch me, I'm gonna make the Night of Tears look like a fucking joke.

you have to understand that at any second the whole thing can implode.
best spend as little time on the irrelevant parts as possible.

Might just be testing the mods before enhancing graphics.

thanks user.

another pic of my game, kinda dislike the fact that they shaved my head but oh well, got to serve my superiors

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idk, i've modded skyrim so many times i thought 2 years later se would be the better option. guess i was wrong.
only played with AGO once, and it completely fucked my archery. shot arrows way above the crosshair for some reason. left a bad taste in my mouth after that.

didn't know about osex before, just looked it up, why is it so bad?
also what's the go-to sex mod? have only used flower girls last time I played skyrim

Make sure to post here, and often when you do.

It's only a matter of time until some virile race claims you, don't fight it too hard.

Attached: Elder Scrolls V Skyrim 2018.12.21 - (1080x1920, 2.38M)

>rape mods
>bestiality mods
>slavery mods
>bdsm mods
>fucking scat mods
>still no mod that makes proper vanilla stuff

mods for enslaving/getting enslaved? or raping/getting raped?

Mods in pic?

Attached: 1351530-1491730421.jpg (1920x1080, 961K)

I just use UNPB.

what are those boots?

osex is bad because it hasn't been updated since 2017 and isn't going anywhere it's just a bad mod with a pretty UI but absolutely shite content, there's not even any pleasure build up or cumming to end the sequence you just have to press a button to break off like nothing happened when you're done fucking around with the branching animation shit.

I actually played daggerfall as a girl with her tits out and there's nudity everywhere in general. Dude's casting stones from a glass house.

I wish followers were more talkative. The lewd mods are great but it feels like traveling with robots since they never say anything.

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yeah, i have quite a few of them. At least the devious mods, deviously enslaved, devious devices etc, simple slavery, slaverun reloaded


Yeah, I'm not surprised. AGO is nice to have, but it's seriously fucked. It isn't compatible with a lot of things, and it's just buggy. You have to do a lot to get it working properly. The first time I installed it I deleted it almost immediately after because it made the bow aim to the side with JoP.

Right click Skyrim in the steam library, you can open steam's screenshot thing and then the actual folder from there.

Attached: 4.png (1300x1080, 2.8M)

Fuck that's a huge chocolatey bitch.
I'll make no promises, but I'll try to.

are all those on lover's lab?

I'm glad I got my shit from allthefallen before it got taken down. /ss/ adventures is really the best way to play skyrim.

>CBBE is shit
>bodyslide flooding the mod scene
>favorite body mod (CNHF) abandoned by the tranny that made it
>nothing of worth being made anymore
As far as anatomy and actual quality modeling goes the top body mods for Skyrim are fucking awful. CBBE is a featureless barbie doll and UNP's more detailed but the skeletal build/proportions are completely fucked up.

Surely there must be something better. Fallout 4 sees more innovation at this point.

There are always custom followers and mods like RDO

Upload everything please.

So this is why i had to reinstall my SE because everything went T-pose and 1st/3rd person animations from Archery Overhaul went up the arse.
>ruins your animations
Thank goodness i never used FNIS on oldrim and just that one time on SE.
>awful person with inflated ego
Yeah, he can go fuck himself, narcissistic cunt.

If there is any photoshop there's barely any. It's just basic mods like ks hairdos, fair skin complexion, improved eyes etc. Can't really tell if it's cbbe or unp body, mfg for the facial expression and some depth of field enb.

i believe so, i got them months ago so i can't be sure though. should get back into the whole slave experience.
thanks, already found them though.

>Fallout 4 sees more innovation at this point.
its fucking should considering it came out 4yrs ago

i know the feeling, i always think this time i'll just have a couple of mods to spice it up but end up being a fucktoy/slave/whore.

>CBBE is shit
Just make your own preset out of it you lazy fuck.

Thats why bodyslide gained so much popularity i guess

Nigger the body itself is a cylindrical featureless blob, it doesn't matter how you inflate/deflate it with bodyslide it still looks like shit.

Attached: 26269-1559829680-1563805493.png (1926x1086, 1.59M)

>the body itself is a cylindrical featureless blob
Oh okay you're just a blind clueless retard, got it.

Turn around bitch

>user who likes CBBE calling people blind

Followers aren't the sexual aggressors.

>wahhh i can't make my ridiculously proportioned chars with cbbe!!!
>i want calves the size of planets and shoulders smaller than an atom, fucking cbbe is so boring
This kind of autism is never welcome.

That's the point, I'm the aggressor, raping my female followers whenever I want, femdom is gay, nigga

i'd shake my booty like that too if it looked as fine


Attached: 1439683726917.jpg (700x609, 163K)

I don't play modded skyrim, I have sex instead, and so should you

Why do most Skyrim tits look like pancakes?

not him but i personally prefer being the one raped, doesn't matter if its by a woman or a man

>can't read
>misses the point
>it doesn't matter how you inflate/deflate it with bodyslide it still looks like shit

modded skyrim is unironically better than sex

Attached: 1547637772154.png (588x333, 211K)


Anyone have those sweaty orcfu warrior pics? I need inspiration

Don't resist the ara ara.

>it doesn't matter how you inflate/deflate it with bodyslide it still looks like shit
What the fuck does this even mean?
>it doesn't matter if you don't make it look like shit, it still looks like shit
You're just a fucking idiot that heard someone else say "i dun liek cbbe" and jumped on the wagon.

Attached: 20190520221656_1.jpg (1920x1080, 215K)

perhaps, i don't care, i really love it and i do love cock too

this is the true Skyirm experience right here

Wtf you doing idiot

>What the fuck does this even mean?
exactly what I've said, several times
CBBE is a featureless outdated mess, it has no mesh details and the anatomy is fucked
you can change how the shit details are shaped with bodyslide but it's still shit
>You're just a fucking idiot that heard someone else say "i dun liek cbbe" and jumped on the wagon.
and you sound like a butthurt supporter of a bad/old mod

Just checking out which horse to buy. It's an immersive experience.

Attached: 20190601004605_1.jpg (1920x1080, 426K)

What was the name of that total conversion mod that aimed to make the game much more 'realistic' (read: harder) and in what state is it in nowadays?


>featureless outdated mess
It was updated this year, so you're still wrong
>it has no mesh details
It has like a billion polygons for the ass alone
>the anatomy is fucked
Back to arguing your own laziness to adjust sliders
Forever an idiot, buddy.

Attached: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition 2019.04.13 - GIF.webm (1920x1080, 1.12M)

this reminds me of having some sex mods and one of them ended up with me being raped by a raider and his dogs, i think it was in vault 3 or something, west of new vegas iirc

Its going.

Attached: TESV_2019_07_03_19_31_50_431.png (1920x1080, 2.38M)

Fucking this. The pain i went through to get a shitton of mods running without crashing my toaster was peak enjoyment. The game could never reach up to that

for me it would be
>install mods
>try to continue the "story"
>get raped and/or enslaved
>enjoy it too much to even remember there was a story

why uninstall

Yeah...nah, you are retarded.
Fixing my Skyrim after I break with mods is one of the most annoying shit I forced myself to do.
Thats actually a sickness ya know, breaking shit just to fix it.

My nigger

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Attached: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition 2019.04.13 - GIF.webm (1920x1080, 1.45M)

Attached: argonian 4.jpg (1920x1080, 301K)


imagine making this and thinking it looks good


Remember to organize your mods!

Attached: Capture.jpg (352x188, 12K)

Sorry I''m only reposting what that user could post before the thread died down many a moon ago

>Really like SAM
>Doesn't really support SOS


Attached: enb 2018_08_22 22_43_43_40.jpg (2560x1440, 1.09M)

You can install both with a bit of effort. There are a few guides online.


Attached: 1531751813956.jpg (1920x1080, 1.4M)

so can i use any mod for sse in skyrim vr? are they different?

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Still kinda odd that the homos cant be arsed to make a compactibility patch for it. Every sex mod uses SOS or do the fags not have sex?

Attached: Oh my.jpg (1303x1087, 305K)

More like Vector explicitly doesn't like sex and won't let anyone touch SAM.

Holy Christ

I have no idea how people manage to make characters that look like this

Now THIS is porn!

Attached: enb 2018_08_22 22_23_44_83.jpg (2560x1440, 461K)

>tfw sanguine's debauchery won't fucking work no matter how many times I uninstall and reinstall
I just want to be the breeding bitch to a pack of wolves again! Why is it so hard!?

Attached: 1307418887828.gif (508x270, 472K)

Editing the meshes outside the game, making custom facial expressions and poses and a lot of photo trickery. In gameplay they would look almost as wonky as everything else in the game.

Attached: 1514400733337.png (1920x1080, 2.94M)

Hey dude, share that ''''toon''''

Not mine I've just got screenshots saved.

Attached: 1556032418433.jpg (1920x1080, 1.55M)

How's the sex mod scene?

hey, which mods for the chastity?
would make the immersion easier since i'm in chastity

What new law?

Nigga, I'm not Dutch, I don't know. It just says that on their site since that's where their servers were hosted before the site got shut down. Open the site and read the full explanation for yourself.

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Well my Skyrim is an actual RPG now for one. Also, I avoid skimpy and degenerate mods that objectify women, not because it's sexist or anything, but because I'm not an immature idiot who needs to sexualize everything i touch. I would actually enjoy if fantasy game titles started designing real armor for women, instead of putting them in aluminum foil bikinis.

Pic related

Attached: joan_of_arc.jpg (400x509, 117K)

Some day I won't be lazy and mod this game thoroughly.
Some day.

Attached: 1555080234524.jpg (1920x1080, 393K)

loli banned by some asshole judge

>So, how goes your Modded Skyrim experience, Yea Forums?

I don't fucking know, because FNIS gives me errors and the game won't start.

Search "cockcages" in loverslab and it should come up. Has a patch for tedious devices if that's what you dig.

Attached: Oho.jpg (2560x1440, 1.25M)

Have you considered fixing the errors?

Attached: 1503336790563.png (1200x1200, 232K)

The error is that I don't have steam, apparently.

wow, that judge has shit taste
you know what, now that I think about it
he has probably good taste, people that crusade against lolis are usually the ones that have actual children in their basement

Cheeky fuck, made me chuckle.

Attached: 1425535157599.jpg (638x540, 31K)

Which mod is this?

Attached: mfwitrytoinstallskyrimmods.png (249x339, 159K)

Brainlet here, how do I install the abs textures and maps?
I want a loli with abs

Attached: c6aac1694ed5c5da49ab645afe579d05.jpg (380x380, 48K)

>be god of lie
>most devout city of followers gets attacked by rival god off domination and vampirism
>allow city to be conquered by jamming it directly into Molag Bals realm, knowing Bal would try to invade the mortal realm eventually and using the city as a beachhead of an interdimensional invasion
Meridia was such a badass in TESO. I'd worship her.

Attached: 388.jpg (375x600, 85K)

too big

there's something really wrong with this body

Fuck you, Molag bal, messing with my autocorrect.

Are there any mods that turn bandits into dick girls/succubi who rape you when they kill beat you? Asking for a friend.

>not modding, nutting, then stopping playing right there, then getting back into it when you get horny again


CBBE doesn't support futanari addons

It actually does. All the good ones have compatibility patches for it.

Ah damn really? I've grown attached to the UNP Seraph body type. I had to do a clean install of my OS a while back so it fucked up my mods, but I have a lot of free time this summer so I'm hoping I just need to do a clean install of the mods on my 100+ modlist.

Is there any easier way for me to do this since I'm using Mod Organizer, or is reinstalling every mod the surefire way to get everything to work again?

Attached: C32jRny.png (638x737, 53K)

Generally the game doesn't care as long as you get them all back. Load order only matters for compatibility and dependencies.
All of the big mods have been ported to SE where UNP loses the advantage of higher poly count to the new CBBE, so I'd just put the effort into switching to that if you have it.