After 10 years of waiting a real, big budget dmc game comes exceeding fan expectations

>after 10 years of waiting a real, big budget dmc game comes exceeding fan expectations
>by far the best action game of all times
>is a complete flop

the game sold 2 millions on launch week (all the old hyped up fans bought it instantly), and then fucking noone else did. It's been 4 months and the game still haven't managed to reach 3 million sales.

Why is DMC so unpopular with the masses?

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because most people playing games can't play games

Meh I found it a bit bland. It was also way too easy.

>is a complete flop
Slurce: your ass

The type of game has extremely limited appeal to begin with. What's the game even intended to be?
A stylish combo game? You have this clunky unlock system to unlock all the moves not to mention stylish ranks don't really factor into progress or the gameplay itself.
A hard action game? You have to unlock the difficulties that are actually hard, otherwise it's pretty easy.
The whole genre is sort of a mess of game design. It's a bunch of shit thrown together but it's not really cohesive.

choose a harder difficulty maybe? There are plenty of them I mean, also BC

>fastest selling DMC
>Capcom says it hit all targets. Revitalized franchise
>hurr durr its a flop
Why are you zoomers so fucking retarded

I actually enjoyed the combat more than other entries in the series, but the “attitude” of the game I found to be a little too lame at times.
I liked how on consoles you could transition between weapons by holding the trigger buttons instead of cycling through separate menus the entire fight.
If there was one thing I wish 5 would have kept it’s the more streamlined and simple combat controls.

I chose the highest difficulty available at the start (Devil Hunter) and beat the game with it. Now I've wasted my first playthrough on a difficulty mode that is essentially "easy mode".
I'll replay it in few years but I'll never get that first playthrough back.

Not him. Chose DH, it was a fucking joke. inb4 >dude just unlock dmd by beating urizen I didn't know that shit until I beat the game.

>you have to complete a short story mode once to unlock pretty much all moves and higher difficulties
right, this comlpetely ruins the game and makes all of it's game design irredeemable crap

>stylish ranks don't really factor into progress or the gameplay itself.
they factor to your rank on the level, and getting S rank is just as much of a point of the game as simply completing a level
they also give you more orbs, and help you in BP, and in general it's just an amazing power fantasy to get good at it

It's a niche game.
Capcom said they were happy with how it performed so that's all that really matters.

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>I liked how on consoles you could transition between weapons by holding the trigger buttons instead of cycling through separate menus the entire fight.

you mean just like dmc3 and 4

I mean it's a shame that there was no hard difficulty unlocked right from the start but the game isn't that long since dmc is designed around replayability. You shouldn't have bought the game just for a single playthrough in the first place

Just a heads up, this is yet another Barry shitposting thread

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because you are a retard who doesn't understand how sales work

the game selling a lot initially (aka: being the fastest selling game in the time Capcom posted this) doesn't mean the sales will keep coming. It was confirmed that dmc5 sold 2 millions very early on, which was clearly the result of the very fanbase who have been waiting for the game for 10 years buying it instantly, but it's been 4 months and the game still didn't sell a single other million copy since then

I never said it ruins the game, but there going to be people that won't enjoy the limited appeal of it. As it turns out, it's a niche game.
S-Rank being the point of the game to me is no different than a shitty achievement to me. I get some people are into achievements; I'm not.

no battle royale mode

i heavily doubt it since the webm in OP is amazing and DMC is unpopular with the masses because it's not mass appeal garbage and the masses can't play real action games, just look at how hard the souls games are made out to be

I don't see the reason to replay it frankly. I would say it's "being designed around replayability" depends on what you value in replaying. I usually enjoy fresh experiences, which DMC doesn't offer on replays.

I've played all DMC games and dropped them all after several hours. They bore me to death for some reason. Only finished DmC because music was great.

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>depends on what you value in replaying
>dmc dont get fresh on replays
you such an infuriating retard fucking kill yourself immediately
jesus christ

>You have this clunky unlock system to unlock all the moves not to mention stylish ranks don't really factor into progress or the gameplay itself
The unlock system isn't clunky at all. It seems like you just don't like the idea of having to unlock abilities in an action game (even though the majority of action games, even ones not similar to DMC, have some sort of unlock system). Unlocking abilities gives players a chance to slowly become accustomed to the game's fairly complex mechanics piece by piece, while also providing a strong sense of progression and choice. The way you unlock new abilities is also incredibly straight forward. You kill enemies for currency, then spend that currency on new abilities or items. It couldn't be any more streamlined. On top of that, stylish ranks directly tie into this system, as the more stylish you are the more red orbs you earn to spend on new abilities.

>You have to unlock the difficulties that are actually hard, otherwise it's pretty easy.
What does that have to do with anything? Hard mode doesn't become easy because the game has multiple difficulty options. So, all you're really complaining about is having to unlock those harder difficulty modes, which is stupid.

Also, you're complaining about an entire genre based on one game. Sure DMC5 isn't too challenging on its default difficulty mode, but the earlier DMC games were a lot harder on normal. And that's not even mentioning games like Ninja Gaiden, which are infamous for their difficulty. It's pretty easy to tell that you haven't played many games in this genre and are talking out of your ass.

So, to summarize your post: an entire genre, of which you have limited familiarity at best, is a mess of in-cohesive game design, because you don't like having to unlock things.

Next time you feel like making a retarded fucking post like this one, just save yourself the effort by slamming your head against the keyboard and posting the result instead.

Nero literally get more moves after getting his bringer, and harder enemies appear early on, how is that not a fresh experience?

meant for him, sorry

I disagree. I don't need to unlock the mechanics to get used to them.
I also don't need to unlock difficulties to play them.
Finally, I'm not complaining. It's just an observation about what I don't like. I don't think DMC is bad, I just see why people don't give a shit about it.

Because more moves doesn't actually change the content of the game.
It doesn't sorry. It's subjective. You also need to calm down user.

Holy shit not even a lobotomy could fix your brain.

Imagine being so absolutely furious when someone makes a fair observation about your favorite game that you attempt to write a scorching missive and fail miserably.

Why are DMCucks so furious when people only give their game the passing glance it deserves?

>no, what a company says has no value, Yea Forumseddit, on the other hand, the place that had a group of people who have been claiming the game was going to be shit and flop entirely because people were looking forward to it, is right

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>Because more moves doesn't actually change the content of the game.
it does though, and enemy AI is also more aggressive and like I already said it they rearrange enemies placements in harder difficulties making it a fresh experience

>It's been 4 months and the game still haven't managed to reach 3 million sales
It already outsold any DMC game ever created. It should be considerably above 3 million sales by now.

That's not fresh to me that's why I said what constitutes "fresh" is subjective. It's just not enough for me. I know it's going to be more-or-less the same experience with some juiced up enemies.

Did they ever make Vergil playable? I'm not spending a single cent on this game if they didn't

>That's not fresh to me that's why I said what constitutes "fresh" is subjective.
what makes a game fresh than? a branching story?
>I know it's going to be more-or-less the same experience with some juiced up enemies.
I mean if you're new to the series you'll see it that way, with Nero's DT you have more to play around and more combos to do, but as it seems you don't care about that stuff, and just thing a game is all about beating a story

Itsuno DMC is a score focused game. Just whaling on enemies with tons of combo options is boring or overwhelming unless you're always aiming for the highest rank. People want games focused on just clearing the stage, with fewer options to confuse them.

>by far the best action game of all times
not even close, i like it but it did not exceed my expectations. Story and characters were really boring, levels feel bland and repetitive, music sucks but the one saving grace was the gameplay that was really fun.

>exceeding fan expectations
Who the hell told you this? The game hardly surpasses DMC3 SE and DMC4 SE.

>Best action game ever made
Still DMC3
>The terrible pacing
>The inability to play who you want
>V's playstyle being so ass
>The awful balance making it by far the easiest game in the series
>The enemy roster is a step up from 4, down form 3
>Bosses are a step down from both

>I disagree. I don't need to unlock the mechanics to get used to them.
how come everyone who's new to Dante, find him overwhelming than?
and I'm sure replayabillity isn't the problem with DMC or the genre, since Normies don't give a shit about that, no one will go around replaying red dead 2 with it's slow paced story
it's most probably just the way it takes itself, it's a goofy action flick with a mediocre story, that's how they look at it

The artstyle was just pure, undiluted garbage. Like they had to meet halfway between being anime and being realistic. To me it lands straight in the uncanny valley. Why continue with Donte Da Demonkillas artstyle?

4's enemies are much much better than 3, as are 5's. You're totally wrong about that.

3 has the most iconic and fun enemy roster in the series by far
1 has the best enemies individually
2, 4 are shit
5 is okay

>exceeding fan expectations
It didn't even meet them much less exceed them. Don't confuse fans with fanboys.

>by far the best action game of all times
Oh, it's one of them. Wasted my time then.

DMC is literally the normie shit of the genre and the most overrated.

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4 had better gameplay

I was right then. Your entire problem with the game is just that you don't like having to unlock things. That has nothing to do with the game having "messy design" or the game lacking coherency and everything to do with you.

Name an action game that you do like. I'm not saying this so I can shitpost at you about your taste or anything stupid like that. I just genuinely can't think of any that don't incorporate some sort of unlock system off the top of my head (outside of some platformers, beat em ups, and fighting games if those even count).

Imagine making a worthless post because you have no argument and then feeling smug about it.

How do you know it barely sold any more?

the artstyle isn't like DmC though at all, it's more inline with 3 on how it has little colors and shit, and DMC always had RE's artstyle, but I agree they could've done something better with the environments in the game

>by far the best action game of all times

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More than half of 4's enemies arent even fun to fight

>by far the best action game of all times
This is still Ninja Gaiden Black

>3 has the most iconic and fun enemy roster in the series by far
is this a joke? there are a lot of enemies that are a pain in the as especially those who you cant hurt when you're looking at them, and the fallen, and the dumb shield knight with the gem on his back, and Enigmas, I can go on and on

You realize 2.5 million sales is pretty good for standard AAA games, right?


You mean Ninja Gaiden Sigma?

What the hell does them being "iconic" have to do with anything? Regardless the enemies starting with 4 have much more depth than 3. They have much better tracking, more moves to combat aerial gameplay, different weight tiers, enemies have more mechanics and they are implemented better.

It's literally just DmC2

>It's been 4 months and the game still haven't managed to reach 3 million sales.
Show me the NPD numbers, you lying sack of shit.

>>What the hell does them being "iconic" have to do with anything
r u cereal

good argument, I like DMC3 btw, more than 5, or maybe it's equal to it? not sure, will need to finish both on DMD first
hopefully DMC6 or maybe the SE could fix all the wrongs 5 has brought

>3 has the most iconic and fun enemy roster in the series by far

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I like dmc but it's not worth $60 to me and probably a lot of other people feel the same way, definitely picking it up when it's like $20 or less


Too anime for normies and too hard for liberals. Anyone who was ever going to buy this game was already into the rest of the series.

>is a complete flop
DMCV is boring shit and Re:Engine was a mistake.
I didn't even bother to finish it, just deleted the game recently and have no desire to play it again. Ever.

Only good thing about DMCV was Nero's bulge.

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>Better graphics
>Better art design
>More playable characters
>More weapons
>More enemies
>More chapters
>More bosses
>Better mechanics
>Better music
>But let me pretend otherwise because it triggers my console fanboy sensibilities

Have fun never having played the literal definite and objectively better version of the game you pretend to care about.

>better graphics
Right off the bat you're wrong, and ruined your credibility. Why should I believe you for any other point?

DMC1, 3 and 5 are all great and the only ones worth playing, DMC4 is trash and only matters to Bloody Palace autists.

>Shit taste
Yep, checks out.

not him but all of these
>More weapons
>More enemies
>More chapters
>More bosses
are true, not that it makes it better or anything

Speaking of ruined credibility. At least you're retarded enough to not hide your console wars fag fanboy biased autism from any 3rd party watching.

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I´ve got bored of the franchise after DMC2. If you ask me Capcom bet on the wrong horse prioritizing it over Castlevania games or even over Chaos legion.

If you aren't first, you're last I guess

Top unironically looks better. I'm not joking.

All of them are true and all of them make it better

>I´ve got bored of the franchise after DMC2.
well that's sounds pretty quick lol,
and Capcom doesn't own Castlevania and never made one, but hopefully they'll bring back some of their old dead IPs while still making some new ones every now and then

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What? Don't like eyerapingly vibrant colors with fuckload of bloom?

Capcom doesn't own castlevania but I really wish they did, a dmc like castlevania would be neat.

So it sold better than Bloodborne then.

I know you're not joking, mental illness is not joke.

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>by far the best action game of all times
It's Wonderful 101.

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It's a flop as long as I close my eyes and believe.

Game sales are far from the only thing that matters, the most valuable thing is always the brand itself.

T-shirts, figures, manga, stage plays, Capcom essentially treats DMC like George Lucas treated Star Wars; and it's what made him filthy rich. DMC's value doesn't lie in general popularity, but in its hardcore passionate fans, the kind who would be willing to pay 1000 dollars for a figure.

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>taste this bad
Impressive b8.

so when are we getting an improved version of this fight?

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