Games with the best outdoor environments?

games with the best outdoor environments?

Attached: hikingearjak.jpg (1510x944, 399K)

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The Hunter definitely have some good shit in that department.

RDR2 hands down. Nothing comes close.

why does wojak have a big ear now?

Far Cry 5 has a cozy outdoors don't (You) me

as a PC pleb, rdr2

Pretty much any ubisoft open world game.

kingdom come

Witcher 3

remember to report all wojaks with ears

WEll it's not out yet but Death Stranding will set the new open world standard I bet

BotW baybee, it's for redblooded young men that can appreciate fine aesthetics and also have the hots for women
haters mad but idgaf, rdr2 bland movie shit pushed by soi drinking cuckolds who like women's suffrage and brokeback mountain

Attached: speedrun.gif (449x266, 1.92M)


zeldacucks BTFO

god fuck off back to youtube with your bloomer shit


I remember an user making a thread in /biz/ with that exact picduring the crash saying that he was going to leave on an outdoor vacation with no internet to stop looking at his bags because he knew he was going to make it. I think he had a big bag of chainlink, and it has x10 since then. not crazy compared to others but probably not the last pump
hope that user is alright

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this I would always go up to the snowy mountains and camp out there in that game

unironically skyrim

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hee hee heee i love meme's an wojen and peps da frog
imma channer dats based
based for the win

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You posted the NPC meme, good job

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that pic is literally Death Stranding

RDR2, Morrowind, Kenshi

>why does wojak have a big ear now?

because some /pol/tard is spamming large ear edits

I enjoy Ark even if it's sometimes a glitchy and buggy mess. The environments are really pretty if you can everything at max.



Mudrunner has some comfy outdoor environments.

Attached: CffFtOI8N6.jpg (2308x1298, 308K)

>hikin' gearjak
>hiking earjak
It works on so many levels

Don't worry. $100 EOY akhi

Attached: Lord and Savior.jpg (635x847, 94K)

Kingdom Come Deliverence
Most authentic representation of the Czech outdoor countryside.

Attached: KCD Environment.jpg (1001x335, 59K)

>muh graphics
Try The Long Dark where the outdoors want to kill you. I'm surprised the game is not more popular.

How can you be so confident, knowing that everyone said the same for MGSV and that game ended up being a trash game with one of the worst open worlds of all time?

Skyrim SE

I play The Forest on peaceful if I want a peaceful Bushcraft game.


I just bought it and it's boring af.
>search every house for food/water
>Old hag:
"Give me food and wood for Memoires


Uh, he always had a big ear???

Campaign is shite. Play the sandbox mode.

Outward, still waiting for switch release

Ghost Recon Wildlands

Anyone played Hunter Call of the Wild? Looks neat but I'm wondering if it's worth a buy

And also Generation Zero even though the game is a mess, but it was made by the same people and uses the same engine.

Fallout 3.

Attached: 1559999573902.png (1242x1394, 738K)

It's comfy and relaxing as fuck even if you don't like shooters not that you'll be shooting every few seconds anyway, but still

Go for it if.

I'm still waiting for the update that optimizes the game on consoles. It's coming according to the developers.
Played it a few hours and the game is comfy af. But it's sitting on my shelf in the meanwhile.

I must say I quite like going through Outward's areas.

It would be if the controls of that game weren't absolute garbage.
Specially the driving.

outward really was a comfy game. i had a blast playing through it when it came out even though i played through alone. i hope it gets expanded properly

I agree and I don't know a game with higher (i.e. more realistic) tree and plant density.

>higher (i.e. more realistic) tree and plant density.
That's where it's at but I don't see it enough. Maybe it's changed in recent years, but I remember trying to find mods for Oblivion to make the game's foliage look less desolate and nothing could do the trick. Just give me some dense forests.