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I pledge alliegiance to Tails's soft, delicate, fluffy body and I swear to pleasure it as often as he requires

fuck off amerinigger
no one likes you

fuck off commie

*takes a seat on park bench*
What a great day to be American!

>see Tails
>automatically think about a scat comic written by a babyfucker pedophile degenerate who literally wants to eat toddler shit irl
it's both amazing and sad how easy Yea Forums can program people to have minds like this

Thank you for your service, Tails

He services me every day

oh no no no no

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tails would have been gassed for being a mutant

for being gay you mean

That too

damn.. thank u sonic..

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You're overthinking this. I just wanted to make a funny comment and that was the best I could come up with atm.

Tails is cute

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Tails would have probably been able to hide his homosexuality, unlike Shadow

Shota goat is cuter

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I'm playing SA2 for the first time
Why do people like this game between the constant knuckles and tails levels

am*rican schoolkids have to do this everday
top kek