How is this stand for the good guy?
How is this stand for the good guy?
Other urls found in this thread:
The same way The Hand is.
>letting someone with villain's power into the group
It's pretty much a support stand, I got it too. Fighting alone with it sucks but its pretty good backup for the rest of the Jojo crew. What's the best stand for being a one man army? Just so I can know what to roll for new game+
Hierophant Green was a villain's stand too. Hell, he even kept using it like a villain would to beat stands like Tower.
>tfw just finished reading part 6
What the fuck bros
I got that stand in my first playthrough, but didn't save so I lost all progress in my first death.
The next time I got Red Garland
Yeah, like Josuke did.
And it saved Morioh.
I don't really remember the next time he possessed someone
>not getting Napalm Death
>not instakilling anyone who has a Sub Stand because they can't dodge
Why can't you all live in the beautiful Duwang
Red Garland is NG+ only
You could be a literal one man army if you chose to pick up a swarm stand. Dispite being a kinda bard class, Sonic Youth messes people up hardcore, and it might be me being biased, but Napalm death is also a good choice as well.
Aw hell yeah my explosive brother
Which Stand has the most story event-related interactions? Not combat, but I mean actual story utility.
That's because it never happened.
>Hierophant Green can fucking take over people (though I don't think it ever even happens past the first encounter)
>Stardust Crusaders murder basically every villain
It's not like they were pulling punches before. Regardless, your character can still be evil so maybe it is a bad guy stand.
Or it's representative of the user's desire to control others, since only people with the 'tism tend to get it, myself included.
Now Cardigans, THAT's a good guy stand.
Seventh stand user
Silver Chariot, Hermit Purple
Out of the player ones you dumb nigger
7th Stand User, rpgmaker game where your oc comes along for part 3 and does nearly everything better.
While cool in concept, like pretty much all RPG maker games, this game is boring. I've just arrived at Aswan and I can't bring myself to continue. The interactions you get with your party and with the world in general are cool and all, but there's too much combat and it is fucking terrible.
>answer truthfully
>get Miracles
>stand here, stand that
stop this shit, if you haven't taken the short girl appearance, you're a normie
>answer truthfully
>get Red Garland
>reroll for Ocean blue anyway
I answered honestly and got Cardigans.
I just got my ass kicked by Kakyoin, fuck this game
Crazy Diamond
Well both Cardigans and Carpenters have an event to skip Death 13 and fight The Tyde, Okuyasu's dad. Deep purple has an event that screw over Enya, Wheel of Fourtune, and the impostor captain. I don't think you can buck the story with the stands too much, just how they happen. Sorry.
Stand and level?
>answer truthfully
>get adam ant
Woof. Specials all the way.
Probably Pixies and Miracles, with Crazy Diamond closely behind.
level 1, how am I supposed to know to grind first WOW
What can they do compared to what said?
Nice shitpost, even at level 1 Kakyoin should be no problem unless you suck, Jotaro beats his ass by himself free.
>get Miracles, alright fair enough I am pretty antisocial
>"You hate the things you don't understand, and take things as fact without looking into them."
>this one aspect bothers me so much that I switch to Cardigans
Fuck you quiz, that ain't me.
hard mode though
emerald splash deals 50+ damage
Miracles can help Jotaro and Iggy during the fight against Geb, Pixies gets a crap load of events on the first two maps that grant it stat boosting items.
That's it? Only one encounter? How does it make higher than Cardigans and Carpenters interactions that the other user mentioned?
Pixies has like an entire sidequest I believe.
Fuck user don't do that! I haven't even tried hard mode once to know that it's gonna be some rough bs. Stick with normal, thats' how it was ment to be played.
What's the best combat Stand out of the OC quiz ones that ISN'T Red Garland?
>voluntarily making rpg maker games "harder" by making enemies even bigger damage sponges
Don't do that to yourself dude, you'll get bored of the game before you're halfway through it.
I know that Miracles gets a lot of interactions with random npcs, since it can manipulate emotions, but I don't know if it get any love in the story department.
Any of the nuke stands, if you get an attack like A-Bomb then you probably can solo most of the strong enemies in the game.
There's a lot of other stuff to do in Japan, you should probably look around a bit and use the opportunity to gain a level or two.
Specifically, beat up delinquents until one drops a card.
Throw rocks at Kakyoin also.
Hard starts out rough, but like every high difficulty setting it'll smooth out to being unnoticable eventually.
It works for good RPGs.
See, Dragon Quest.
I see, sounds like Miracles is actually shitty then. No combat utility and no real story utility.
My man
who /gun/ here
>No combat utility
It gets some crazy debuffs and becomes practically unhitable in the endgame.
Eh, Miracles has it rough in that it takes lots of fucking time to do good damage, but has elemental attacks and moves where most of the times enemies can't even hit you.
The only RPG maker that I enjoyed in hard mode was LISA The Painful, since it actually changed a lot of stuff other than health values, plus that game's got a million party members and isn't too long so the gameplay never got truly stale or boring. 7th Stand User on normal is already a chore, I don't even want to think about hardmode.
There's been some people in the wiki comments that pointed out that Miracles' got the most interactions out of any stand, but since most people loathe playing it, nobody bothered to make a list.
>being a buff/healslut second fiddle diddle to other characters
No thanks.
Napalm death is the stand equivalent of a tactical nuke carpet bomb. It's fucking ridiculous.
Plus you get BITES ZA DUSTO as an ability later on
>Getting a ton of new stuff out of NPC dialogue (aka, most of the writing) is "no real story utility."
Begone, thot.
Sounds like my kind of Stand.
The other user already explicitly said it has no actual story NPC dialogue, just generic "flavour text" trash.
the hand is the sickest stand ever, fucking wild stand, get out with all other stands
>It isn't REAL story if it isn't part of the main plot!
I said begone.
And I said kill yourself nigger
Reminder to set your catchphrase to "MESSAGE2U" (Rudy) and roleplay that it's the agents saying it, since most of the times it pops they'll talk right afterwards and it just sounds cool.
Be careful, because its more for the 50 days timer, and takes 30 levels away. Combat wise Napalm death is fucking sick though.
>So stupid that he thinks that the majority of writing is worthless but wants more writing content, just not THAT kind of writing content because it's gay because it isn't """important"""
>Calls others nigger.
Alright I wanna play this game on hard mode with Specials but I've heard Specials is kinda meh, should I do that Quiz thing to get higher stats or will that make the game too easy?
Kill yourself nigger
I've been playing with Sonic Youth so far, should I try Specials out?
>Nigger keeps repeating himself as he has no argument.
You're a troglodyte.
NPC dialogue matters more than skipping a fight.
No it isn't.
Psssst, kill yourself, nigger.
Specials gets great when they learn the moves from the other crusaders, which could take some time. Having some higher stats might even things out, so its all good.
You may not affect the story a whole lot, but Specials is a good time.
>Stand is just 6 normal thugs that are loyal to you
What a boring stand compared to others
>that encounter rate on the ghost ship
>got adam ant
shitty swarm stand, long range
I'm basically a mook to be killed, thanks
>all these people complaining about what stand they're using on their first playthrough
Use whatever one you get from the personality quiz and answer truthfully. You'll have a much more enjoyable experience that way.
I'm sure he's not that bad. Plus I wouldn't want to fuck with 1000 bugs anyway.
The encounter rate is wicked retarded sometimes, I've had 5 combats one after another after taking at least two steps each time.
I just installed the game and got Pharoh Sanders
>mfw I get 30 stands that shoot electricity
They also get a pretty great status effect that drains 3% of the enemies max hp per turn
>get notorious B.I.G or cheap trick
Even better, Notorious B.I.G. is fucking OP.
If you were planning to kill yourself anyway
>A hard worker who is always on the move, you are humble and mature. However, you're insecure, fearing rejection more than anything, and are neurotic and methodical to an obsessive degree. You avoid conflict to the utmost extreme, and are receptive and compassionate.
i mean it fits but still
That concept is only boring if you're a boring person. The game is literally "spam strongest moves until boss dies, heal sometimes" with every stand, even those that are more status effect-oriented follow this logic (early moves become more useless the closer you get to the end), so you have to roleplay to make the battles engaging.
Each "Special" has a gimmick, you just need to be creative and imagine how they'd be able beat the enemy's stands. It makes for a pretty fun time, and their interactions are cool.
Nigs gonna nig.
I know you forgot your alzheimer meds so I'll kindly remind you, kill yourself nigger.
I tried to do this, got Miracles and restarted after 5 minutes because it's such a boring stand.
Caravan user here. Other stands fag need not apply
>not sticking with your first stand
I seriously hope you don't do this.
What enemies are giving you some hassle?
Adam Ant is a good stand pal, just stick with it a bit before you reach a conclusion.
How the fuck do I play RPG maker games on Mac
Its just slow to start, I don't know how you figured out its boring in 5 minutes though.
This game would be better if it was less combat oriented to be honest. More Rolling Stone Mansion and less West Bengal.
yeah im playing m8
already finished the game a year ago, did it with ocean blue.
It looks like you're gonna need a windows emulator in order to do that.
>Nigga mad
>Unga bunga, jojo hard, can't read
Maybe one day you'll get your GED, Jamal.
5 minutes was hyperbole, I got to Captain Tenille and restarted, I just wasn't feeling the playstyle. I got Carpenters now and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
By not buying a Mac in the first place, retard.
Man even with Pharaoh Sanders being able to attack everything Silver Chariot without armor keeps kicking my ass.
The problem with puzzle oriented sections is that subsequent playthroughs become trivial, since you already know the answer, but the same could be said of the grinding/combat in this game, so I think I'd rather have the first option if it was well made.
I got to the first fork, what's more interesting, going with Polnareff or going with the others?
You're not wrong.
Yeah he can be rough first time through. Since Pol keeps resting or summoning his chariots back into play, you're gonna have to keep pushing the attack on him, recovering sp and health when you need to.
Going with Polnareff is honestly. It's also more difficult, so prepare for that.
If you can't kill the afterimages in two hits, you're probably better off grinding a little before, since if you can then every time he summons them again you can dispatch them with one hit.
Going with Polnareff puts you on an OC route until you reach Egypt, so if you want something radically different than what's shown in the original, go with it.
Jotaro has Dio's powers, does that mean Jotaro has villain powers?
Why Holly's stand attacked her owner again?
even babies can use stand
>damages enemy for 10% of their max hp every turn
If anything, Specials is the best since it lets you finish combat quicker and get to the good part of the game, which is everything outside combat.
Even trees can use stands.
Why should I follow them to death?
I can use my stand and manipulate the whole school-no, the whole town!
Seriously Caravan is one of the tacticoolest stand to use.
>Manufacture weapons
>Force the user to learn how to shoot
>Make atomic bomb
>Act 2 stop time and bring a user to a pocket dimension where they can prepare
>Act 3 is literally act 1 manufacturing skill but used on people instead
Get you a stand that can make 32 atomic bomb on the fly
In theory Holy doesn't have the will to fight which is required to control a stand. These babies and animals that do have a stand do have a fighting spirit, even Sizuka, the invisible baby, as she is activating her stand to protect herself from her enviroment. Then there's the turtle, don't know about the turtle, maybe in the inside it is a monster or being born with a stand automatically makes you able to use it.
>why should I follow them to death?
Because Stand users are drawn to each other.
what a waste of space
Refuse them, just see what happens.
Something something fighting spirit, wouldn't hurt a fly, can't control it yadda yadda. The way I chose to accept it is that since Dio got his from the arrow and it passed on via bloodline, it's effectively like most of everyone got hit with the arrow, and because Holly's soul aint cut out for it she's slowly dying.
The Best: The Stand
Where is boulder's user?
It'd be nice if different Stands had different ways of solving the same puzzle.
7th Stand User 2 Stands are so much more creative it's not even funny, I guess it fits since part 3 stands were much less crazy than part 4.
Hopefully the implementation of said abilities into gameplay will be better as well, specially out of combat stuff.
>he thinks 7SU2 will come out
You poor soul.
Rolling Stones doesn't have a user to fight in game, so you can really only run from it when it shows up. Or multiple stones. Fuck Rolling Stones maze dude.
>last twitter post was in january
Maze is fucked up, but the mansion was pretty cool.
Mostly agreed but The Wall is a dogshit standard punchghost.
what the phuq is this
>Deep Purple
Is this stand any good? Have gotten up to level 6 so far, might grind a bit more before I go to fight Kakyoin.
>being furry
Tumblr was last updated on May 29th, there's still hope.
If they ditched the "if there's no wall nearby, The Wall will remember the last material it turned into when activating" stuff, it could be a great stand conceptually, you'd have to make do with whatever shitty stuff there was nearby and get creative. But hey, it's an RPG maker game, there's only so many ways you can get creative in regards to combat.
Yeah I can't deny that.
While i'm thinking about it, Would any of you honestly choose to have a utility like stand compared to a more combat related one? That just seems too risky in the long run.
If they don't update the demo by the end of the summer it's 100% dead for good.
>answer like a misanthorpic loner
>get healslut support stand
they did it on purpose
Take On Me is probably the best looking stand, with New York Minute being the second best.
Depends on the utility. Something like Cardigans can be a godsend.
I'm fond of Red Light Special myself.
long range stand seems pretty dope.
Born This Way is one of the best jojo stands after all
7SU short girl > 7SU2 short girl but 7SU2 average girl > 7SU average girl
>You are lively and flexible, but passionate about your likes and dislikes, and strongly opinionated. Sometimes your temper gets the best of you, and you'll lose your head over the tiniest slight. However, you're empathetic and always an open book when it comes to feelings, so people find you easy to talk to. You trust your heart rather than your head, often letting your emotions carry you away.
What am I in for?
Space Battleship Yamato references
Moody Blues and Highway Star are my favorite stands, so yes.
>cut off the eraser hand
>becomes useless
The game is already bullshit enough with some status effects stunlocking you. Don't add artificial difficult onto that.
holy shit get laid fucking virgins lmao
I fucking love this fight
I guess I can see that. The mentality that i'm working on is that if you have a stand then that means other people are gonna have stands, and you're likely fated to bump into a couple of them. With how messed up and vile some people in even our reality can be, they'll be even worse with a stand. Even if there not chances are you're gonna fight them, or get into conflict with stands in general. So having a utility stand just seems more dangerous overall.
But they do user, the school girl, the mansion, and the demon at the beginning of the maze tell you about it.
>answer truthfully
>get Napalm Death
This is the part where your Shadow tries to kill you. But if you defeat it, you'll get Miracles as a Stand.
>tfw kak's only moment of triumph is something nobody else fucking remembers
Never watched any Kamen Rider, have you?
>hey different looking object
>finally talk to the girl
>she warned me but too late
7th Stand User
HFTF playable online on fightcade
ASB playable online with RPCS3 and Parsec
It's a great time for Jojo games.
Some utility stands are downright useless by themselves, but most of them can actually be good in combat if used creatively, and at least to me that's the appeal.
But yeah, if you run across a Star Platinum/King Crimson type stand, you're toast.
>erase your cut
Not really, newest JoJo game is a battle royale, and there is no news about a new fighting game with all the part 8 characters.
Flavor text can make or break a game
I always took it as the stand being the kind that harms the user as well as others. Like Cheap Trick.
Who cares about that shitty arcade only game. What i'm saying is that we have good Jojo games playable right now with a lot of people playing even if those games are old.
>erase your erase
>teleports behind you
Okay fair, but how can the game warn you not to do something if you don't talk with the person telling you not to do something?
Now you get to read Steel Ball Run. Which is objectively the best written. Enjoy user.
>erase your prediction
You are already erased.
All I'm saying is that the future for JoJo games looks pretty bleak. Does ASB have a bunch of players with the emulator? I may have to pick it up.
True but some gay niggas will try and deny it.
I'm watching part 4 for the first time.
Shigechi's death really bummed me out, the poor kid didn't deserve it. He was a slimy greedy cunt but he didn't deserve it. At least Kira is now as terrifying to me as Dio was.
Which part has the least plotholes/Araki forgot moments?
1, it's so short there really was no way to fuck it up.
>I'm watching
>make pretty much 100% loyal to the source material anime adaptations
>manga fags still bitch about it
Somebody should try and rank the parts regarding Araki's Amnesia cases.
what's wrong with the anime?
Listen, I was in your shoes just a few short years ago. The manga is better, this cannot be disputed.
The anime *is* good, but there's no reason to choose the inferior version on your first time.
I've read and watched everything (save for JoJolion). The source material will always be "better" since it's the original, but at the end of the day it boils down to "different strokes for different folks". I'm a fan of animation and voice acting, and the soundtrack is good, so I prefer the anime,
Nothing, but you can't feel smugly superior to people for reading the manga unless you, every now and then, remind them that they're inferior for having not.
I would suggest reading the manga when you run out of anime to watch the later parts are great.
Yeah but you'll have to join the discord.
>tfw played through the whole game on Yea Forums a few years ago
Great game but it btfo'd me a few times.
Fuck, same here, user. Gotta admit, I did not see myself using a fucking swarm stand. God damn it. I admit I'm underwhelmed.
I find Kira to be scarier than Dio, because he turned out the way he did because of his father being an abusive alcoholic. Kira, on the other hand, is just purely a psychopath who's only trauma is that he popped a boner while looking at a painting. He's also up there with Pucci when it comes to evil bastards who think they are the hero.
Part 4 when?
>the opening use default rpg maker music
>also used in Violated Heroine
No...why am I popping a boner in jojo game...
got a feeling so complicated
When chaos mode gets translated.
So never.
looks the coolest along with the specials but both suck in skills
sell me on 7th Stand User
>Someone finally fucking made Take On Me a Stand
>It wasn't Araki, but a fucking fan
Araki confirmed a hack. I would have accepted a Stand called "a-ha" even.
average girl is better than short girl
>being a womanlet
>good guy with villain powers who uses them heroically
is there anything better?
>Caring about the height of a woman
Smaller is cuter.
Except it's one of the only Stands that has an independent personality(personalities) and it has a huge variety of techniques.
It's a very good all-rounder stand, along with Howlin Wolf
Really liking Sonic Youth
Can I change the catchphrase?
Make sure you hit level 40 before you Fight Joey for the last time. You won't be disappointed
Who do you think will be your main Stardust Friend? The game has an FP system that rewards fighting and hanging out with the different crusaders
I really feel like Sonic Youth doesnt fit. Its part 4 tier stand design in part3
Jojo part 3 rpg with your own donut steel that let's you change the story.
cons: it's an rpg maker game, complete with stock sounds and MIDI usage, and it can be awkward as fuck as a result.
pros: though a bit unbalanced and tough, the creator adapted pretty much all of part 3 as well as expanded it with the occasional new subplots or even side routes, while having the plot acknowledge that yes running an OC is probably fucking with shit somehow, so if you like Jojo it's a pretty interesting experience. it also has a lot of little touches depending on choices, your character's stand/disposition, your friendship points with the party, or even how much of a dick you've been on general bad karma.
It's sort of a passion project that a Japanese couple and there friends made about the 3rd part of Jojo. You play as someone who joins the crusaders and uses 1 of 18 stands, and have the ability to change what can happen. It's packed with detail and love, and is an overall good time.
Yeah, talk with Steel under personalize.
Live your fantasy of being friends with the Stardust Crusaders! It works almost like a WRPG where you get friend points and can change the outcome of events
It's also the ultimate love letter if you like any Jojo part.
There's even a way you can roll with a Part 1+2 party
Don't forget:
One of the possible endings can include PC teaming up with a stand created clone of Jonathan and beating DIO to death while other crusaders are still preparing for their mansion assault.
So I heard you can change your stand during the game. Does that include another personality quiz or do you just pick from a list?
And don't forget:
You can betray the Joestars and join Dio, then betray Dio and conquer the world on your own.
How could I forget?
Speedwagon learns Ripple techniques at high levels, becoming one of the best allrounders
I wonder if Yea Forums would be autistic enough to pool resources to work on a proper sequel via RPG maker and Github
Just find the invite to the beauty salon while in Japan, visit it and chose your new stand from the list.
You can, but don't
Would The Hand Requiem just be King Crimson?
Also does BTD count as a req?
But user, I got fucking Adam Ant. I'm ashamed.
The Hand Requiem gives Okuyasu a functioning human brain, that's it.
Always wondered how KC Requiem or Crazy Diamond Requiem would be, actually. I kinda figured CD Req would be able to rewind time in general, and KC Requiem would get an infinite timeframe to erase, complete with the ability to actually hurt people while inside the erased time.
There's nothing shameful about being able to kill things with a shitload of bugs.
Congratulations, you get to enjoy the fantastic next two parts and miss the old characters the whole way through. It's a fucking trip, I love it.
True, but the Stand itself doesn't look cool user. Would be better if it was some sort of punch ghost that was infected with bugs or something, just having the swarm itself come out is a bit disappointing. Would be cooler if it was more similar to Purple Haze in that regard. Cool looking stand with infectious ability.
Adam Ant is legitimately good though.
You're the king of Damage over time
It looks plenty cool for the handful of times you get to see it
The same way The Joykiller and Napalm Death are good guy Stands.
Adam Ant requiem probably teleports you to australia
Probably the only fan game I've ever really liked
really well done
Anyone else found this boring? I've got this when I started to play again recently, and when I played for the first time years ago. Aside from the one time you get to chase after Jotaro and Iggy all it's abilities are lackluster.
>4 elemental attacks, all have low damage before mid game
>3 invisibility attacks, not hiding you 80% of the time
>Final technique never works
>Giorno's gang in Hong Kong
Adam Ant Requiem just turns all your bugs into Cazadores.
i wont deny SBR is good but god damn is it the most overrated part
Hip 2 B Square, Space Oddity with Major Tom, Helter Skelter, and Light Up the Night are my favorites.
After Dio, I felt like they will never be able to make such a good villain as him. I am glad Kira proved me wrong.
Never could get Pucci though, and completely forgot about Diavolo.
>Light Up the Night
post that shit nigger, I need to see it.
All will be explained later.
Is Seventh Stand user 2 still being worked on?
Made in Heaven timefuckery.
Fair enough, I guess Adam ain't that cool, but some stands ain't much better if you ask me.
>Napalm Death is a pen with a skull on it.
>Mr.Big is a gun
>Pixies is a tree with little fairies around it
>Cardigans is a nurse
>Red Garland is a red Star Platinum
>Specials is just 6 black dudes
>Miracles looks like a sperm
I love em all, but there kinda simple looking ya know?
I think so, the tumblr is stil be updated.
It summons a big fucking spider to scare everyone away
The game was made by a housewife and her husband, all things considered the stands are pretty good considering what we could have gotten.
Point taken, I guess. A gun would be cool, though.
>>Specials is just 6 black dudes
Made in Heaven plus Hanoi Rocks means that things are sorta getting crazy.
The Requiem Arrow doesn't enhance a Stand. It grants a brand new power that is ideal for the specific situation its effect is activated in. Switching souls has nothing to do with stabbing really fast, nullifying cause and preserving effect has no relationship to creating life from the unliving. Bites the Dust is a gray area, as you can make arguments supporting its nature as a Requiem, refinement of preexisting power, or a completely separate Stand. I think the discussion of the potential creative space in what a Stand could be or what kinds of abilities could be interesting in the Jojo setting is good. It's something that's relatively unique to Jojo. It enables you to make considerations of crazy powers. You'd never see a power like Green Day or King Crimson if it wasn't for the way Stands are almost necessarily bizarre. It opens the doors to the idea of a villain who can see and make manifest abstract concepts like sin or guilt.
Lot of parts of the quiz are vague though and you second guess your answers every turn.
>Do you have trouble with social obligations?
Trouble how? Do I struggle with them? No because I am not an idiot, I've learned how to handle them. Do I hate them because they bore me? Yes.
>Do you go out of your way to meet the need of others?
Like what, be a floormat and do whatever they ask of me? No. Someone is my good friend and they need help? Sure.
But I agree, playing blind is the best method usually.
Mr. Big by far my favorite
Got Napalm Death when I did the questions honestly
>short female
>weak constitution
>can't swim
>afraid of heights
>bunny suit
best way to play the game right here
The Requiem Arrow doesn't enhance a Stand. It grants a brand new power that is ideal for the specific situation its effect is activated in.
Switching souls has nothing to do with stabbing really fast, nullifying cause and preserving effect has no relationship to creating life from the unliving.
Bites the Dust is a gray area, as you can make arguments supporting its nature as a Requiem, refinement of preexisting power, or a completely separate Stand.
I think the discussion of the potential creative space in what a Stand could be or what kinds of abilities could be interesting in the Jojo setting is good. It's something that's relatively unique to Jojo. It enables you to make considerations of crazy powers. You'd never see a power like Green Day or King Crimson if it wasn't for the way Stands are almost necessarily bizarre. It opens the doors to the idea of a villain who can see and make manifest abstract concepts like sin or guilt.
I made your post less cancerous on the eyes there, buddy.
>game actually takes notes of what you reply and gives features to your character
Pretty thight, though I wish I didn't ask for medicine for my weak constitution. I thought they were normal healing items!
>tfw ended up making female jotaro
part 4 is better as a manga because of it's slice of life elements, and the final fight is shit because a side character won't shut up.
KC Requiem would probably be able rewrite history or something
Not just any gun, a status effecting gun.
It also lets fight The Sun with Kakyoin, and heal Jotaro and Iggy from afar during the fight with Geb.
It probably insta kills everyone with even a remote knowledge of the user's existance and erases him from all records.
Did Jotaro legit look like this? I know he's a fucking 6'3 gigachad in the manga/P3Anime but they slim him down with each flashback so I'm getting different vibes here
Anyone have a link?
Specials is literally schizofrenia:the stand
To the game? here
the fonts are fucky so you should read the read me to fix it.
>three horse riding fucks stand in my way, and start to circle around, shouting "hey idiot check this out"
Will this affect anything
Why the fuck are we being cursed so hard
Fighting him by yourself gives you a load of FP with everyone in the party, otherwise it doesn't really matter.
>tfw you have a catchphrase IRL
More games need a catch phrase option so I can use it in games.
Having Abdul fight will raise FP if he wins. Choosing someone else to fight will have no effect on FP. Choosing to gang up on him will allow all 3 of you (the player, Joseph, and Kakyoin) to fight at once, but Jotaro, Abdul, and Polnareff will lose FP and you'll gain +2 bad karma.
Before the 2nd battle, you'll be offered another choice: Have Abdul fight him, have everyone fight him, or fight him yourself. Choosing Abdul will give his stats a boost (Lv. +1 and HP +100), but his HP will revert to normal at the end of the battle. Have everyone fight him and you'll start the battle with everyone except Abdul in your party, without losing FP. Fight him yourself to start a very challenging fight and gain FP with the entire party.
What's your catchphrase?
I've always been a faggot who just uses the catchphrases of my favorite characters
It's REEEEEEEEEEEEE I did it once with some friends as a joke and they loved it. Now it's invaded other areas of my life. I do it at work and everyone laughs. It's almost an autistic habit at this point.
I know, it still hurts, but it’s the latest version that’s translated. So until someone steps up to translate the new versions, this is all we have.
>Well, shit!
I dunno, I thought it was good.
Can I be a qt girl?
four different types if I remember right
Yes, 3 choices of cutie girl and a fat girl.
Funny how the "Distinctive" girl is literally just Jolyne.
Why would you?
the distinctive boy is just josuke
Distinctive boy is literally just josuke
Jolyne’s Disc for a future update?
Considering how much of a madwoman Clayman seems to be, it wouldn't surprise me if we get a disc for both Giorno and Jolyne in the future.
I like how you can bump into Jolyne in Karachi, and if you have Jotaro in the party she has some dialogue for it.
...You control me? You're the ultimate? Do you actually believe that?
If you gang up on him he will hate you for being a coward
>You will be able to get GER
That's good then!
Is there any greater bonding than a perverted MC and his boy Polnareff? Especially in the submarine route where they celebrate their friendship on that island?
i mean, its overrated because its the best, just wait until anime fags get to it, they are just reading part 6 and thinking it is a masterpiece even though it is the worst part, right beside of part 2
>you put your dad into an infinite death loop
FemMC and her posse with Hol Horse and the Oingo Boingo brothers.
wine is not an emulator
>it is the worst part,
absolute shit taste
>right beside of part 2
absolutely great taste here though
user you can already do that in chaos mode
>you put dio into an infinite death loop
how do i clear the rolling stone maze? why is it so difficult?
The whole world
Just read a guide, it's not worth doing blind.
My first stand is cardigans am I fucked?
Anyone else pixies here?
if it's not automatic stand that trigger after user's death, then it's good.
>you can backstab crusarders
>you can backstab dio afterwards
>you can play 4d chess and shit dio's place with uv flashbangs, then shit some more once he ZA WARUDOs and kicks them out
>you can make DIO scared shitless of you
>mfw Miracles describes me perfectly
I still re-did the test for Deep Purple but I think I'll use Miracles in my next playthrough
Seeing the portrait change and hearing Crazy Dance slowed down before the Dio fight was fucking phenomenal
Those fucking eyes after the end credits
>those fucking sounds in the credits
What is it about Deep Purple attracting stand-changing cowards?
Isn't it one of the best stands?
>Napalm Death
I mean, cool, a pen crossed with KQ? Works for me.
If anything Ocean blue fits kq more because you can make water inside people explode
Kira has some dialogue about it if you beat him.
>have Napalm Death
>use time bomb to go back in time to catch a vendor on an earlier day in Cairo
>immediately have Joseph use Deep Pass Overdrive to recover some of my lost lvls
Who here /devilish/
Honestly, Dio is probably my least favorite Jojo villain aside from Kars. All the others seem to have more interesting motivations, whereas Dio is just "I want to rule the world, I deserve it, I'm the best, mwaa ha ha". He is fun in his assholishness though, I'll give you that.
Nah nah, Ocean Blue works by using your liquids to fuck people up, your spit,blood, piss. I don't think you can mess with other peoples juice.
>Dio is just "I wanna rule the world"
I mean, his apprentice Pucci is the same, he just goes harder to work for it.
>quicksilver is a literal glass cannon
Oh fuck I just realized
Side effect of Made in Heaven
Dio's honestly a hangover from Part 1 being pretty black and white. It says a lot that I only ever hear memes and quotes from the big old DIO fight at the end of 3 but no one bothers to really detail anything about it besides the road roller and Jotaro pulling things around on him.
Just use miracles bro lmao,
Shonen are always better animated, unless the adaptation is complete shit like One Piece or DBS. Fuck off.
I liked him because he was a magnificent bastard who came up with very fun villain plots and was easy to hate.
In his defense he takes a lot less active role on Part 3 than any of the villains after. He is just a looming presence and a plot point. I think fucking around with Polnareff was also one of his good moments, especially if you realize it after it happens.
the map is helpfully and all, but those stones are motherfuckers, and the map doesn't show invisible paths
I don't know, Pucci seems more delusional. Dio never really acted like he was in the right, while Pucci seems to think that what he is doing is for the overall better of humanity. His view is that if he does what he does "people will live free from future worry" or whatever because they will know what happens to them, while instead actually just causing people terror and pain. I kind of like the idea that villains really don't understand that they are villains, and instead see themselves as the heroes of their own stories.
Check the comments.
I am really, really bad at jrpgs, but I love jojo, so playing this game was extremely painful. Couldn't continue some time after steely dan.
I got the megaman stand last time. Which one do I get this time so I can just kind of brainlessly make it to the end? Again, I'm horrible at JRPGs so just tell me the strongest one that's not Survivor.
I'll say this, I like how Dio completely dominated all the motivations of Part 3. He was more like a force of nature than a "human" villain, which was interesting.
Who here /Specials/?
Shitposting supernatural body guards
>"Co-operative and open-hearted, but down-to-earth to the point of being dry. Always an individual, you are sentimental and have an eye for beauty. Though aloof and laid back, you easily succumb to loneliness, and you treasure your time spent with friends more than anything else in the world."
i wish i had friends so wildhearts would accurately describe me more
Personally I like Napalm Death and how effective it is at killing things, but Sonic Youth could be your best bet with how useful it is at debuffing as well as killing.
I just think they are neat. They are somewhere between the human and creative stands, but without trying to be star platinum like most of the human-like stands do.
I really like the idea of each of them being a powerful agent with their own specific niche, like the martial artist and the one who lays traps and the gun user A stand like that would be really useful and cool to see in the series.
Red garland
literally just a stronger version of starplatinum with a little less accuracy and speed
Is there a limit to how many skills a character can learn?
I do hear you need buffing and debuffing in this game, though, is it THAT strong that I won't need it?
Outside of books and badges of honor, only some stands get to learn new techniques besides needing to level up. But otherwise, I don't think there is.
It’s ability is to cause status effects.
Especially with RGR
I was wondering because I wanted to see how many skills I can give to a single character.
okay that sounds braindead, I'm into it, thanks user
>stuck on the final vin fight
can she be affected by status effects or is it just spam a bomb and hope you don't get dizzy when you're trying to heal
I dont really buffs or debuffs
i accidentally took some medicine that lowered my overall stats though
in the radio menu you can change your tactics and those gives buffs ig atk +5 spd +5 and def -5
but i just keep it at neutral
also one of its attacks just knocks enemies for a bit or until they get attacked just keep using it on singular enemies and theyll almost never touch you
I enjoy the idea of being the boss of your one man gang.
Part 8 seemingly has a lot of plotholes, but now Araki brought back an almost forgotten character from the beginning and everything else might still be connected so who the fuck knows really
Why's the Nazi in the harbour?
Low accuracy keeps it balanced, and Red Garland's normal attack is physical, short-range, has a low hit rate, and has a 15% chance of inflicting Berserk, Confuse, or Fear.
time is convoluted in lordr- uhhh hong kong
you talk to him with joseph
if want the answer to why you will be told as a part of the game's unique story
They both can to my knowledge. It sounds like you're rolling with Deep Purple, so try out Contaminate if you got it.
The same reason Shigechi is near Jotaro’s school.
What's up with all these 7th stand user lately? There was one a day for like a week
Chaos mode WHEN
Part 8 is better
You're 10 years too early to be asking that.
Damn that actually makes sense. It retroactively gave all Joestars stands and Holly would have died if shot with an Arrow but she got one anyway via bloodline exploits
>Download purely for the personality test
>Get Howlin' Wolf
I liked the personality description for it, but it seems like an Unga Bunga stand. Would a playthrough with it have no unique interactions and just be me spamming away?
so how do i fix the text again? i did so before but i'm on a new computer now and i forgot.
>It’s just straight up Joe
Even now there is hope for man
Sadly yes. You do get a few interesting interactions with Iggy.
Just check and read the read me.
every stand has interactions, if you looking at the wiki then a lot of it hasnt been documented
Read the readme.
Dio himself is garbage, but the way he's built up to is phenomenal. Contrast with Kira, who is an alright villain with shit build up.
magic everywhere in this bitch
i can't find the read me, like its just straight up not in there, i might've deleted it like a retard or something
Got Howlin' Wolf but I hate my family, what gives?
To be frank I didn't exactly use the read me, I used this and it worked for me. But worse case scenario there's instructions on how to do it on the wiki.
how do i defeat phase 2 polnareff as ocean blue?
Extort Freu for health upgrades and use hit-all attacks
Is there a point in trying to beat foes without Brainstorm?
I'm gonna post the mean chart
>Extort Freu for health upgrades
Yes, it is called not being a little bitch .
Usually you get goodies and experience you wouldn't get otherwise if you just used brainstorm. Use it if you don't think you can win basically.
Dude in the bottom left of Hong Kong in the robe, keep bothering him until he gives you an upgrade item then enter and exit Burning Down the House in the alley, repeat.
You are going to need that extra experience for dio, you can't brainstorm your way out of that boss fight
holy hell Cairo is big!
>so and so
>browses /r9k/
i've never even looked at r9k
no; I got RG on my first playthrough
I mean, in some Dio variations you can. Still makes you look like a wimp though.
It wouldn't just kill them, it would completely erase them and any note that they ever existed.
D'Arby the Younger should've been his win. Fucking Kakyoin finally comes back to the team and does nothing up until he dies telling the gang about DIO's power.
thanks bro, worked like a charm, now lets see if i can't get something that wasn't wildhearts, that was painful to play as
How do you pick a stand for a second playtrough?
I wanna get some of the cool ones, but I feel like a filthy pretender once I read the personality evaluation.
Is FUCKHEAD really a catchphrase when it's only used once? Now it's part of my vocabulary but I still wouldn't call it a catchphrase.
Just go to Cinderella, get the invitation in the school locker.
Here, if you follow the instructions right you should get about any stand you like
bad guy with hero powers
Don't listen to this guy, not only you miss out on buffed stats from the test but also any stand you had leveled up gets a reset if you picked it (ie if you had lvl 45 howlin wolf and pick howlin' wolf on cinderella it gets sent back to lvl 1)
Post your stand's songs!
Is this stand shit? Should I reroll?
It's the best at stacking dots, just have some patience
>Get to calcutta
>dots in an rpg
so its shit?
If you love damage over time you will love it
I do.
Because I believed Kakyoin.
What game is this
Is his name Abdul or Avdol?
If you think calcutat is bad for the love of god do NOT go with polnareff
>a couple of rats can have stands
>but jotaros dumb bitch of a mother can't
based as FUCK araki
7th stand user, fan made RPG about part 3 of Jojo
I think I'm gonna break my x key skipping the dialogue right before vins fight
Paula Abdul.
Imagine not having king crimson
I'm fairly sure it's because Jotaro's Mom is such a pure cinnamon roll that she doesn't have a single aggressive bone in her body
There's a reason that Kakyoin wants to fuck her so bad he's willing to travel to a 3rd world shithole and fight a century old gay vampire for her.
You've missed the point
>fan made RPG
oh cool!
>about part 3
and dropped
dunno why people hate miracles, played my first playthrough with it and liked it, especially the ability that seals senses
i got so mad that i didn't get miracles on NG+ that i redid the quiz
Cool, i might try it
Still the best jojo game desu
are any of the stands unusable
if holly had the will to fight, what kind of stand would she have
Fair warning the text is weird, so check the read me on how to fix it up.
Some stands are definitively harder than others, but you can beat the game no matter what stand you get.
Looked like a Hermit Purple with berries.
>Answer truthfully
>Get Ocean Blue
What that say about me?
is there anyway I can play thiscon my phone?
How'd I do bros?
Because everyone does these big dick damages, while you are trying and failing to make the enemy go berserk or confused for a dozenth time.
I like the nice utility outside of combat, and being long-range, but inside combat it is a pain.
thanks friend!
Just a reminder this meme was starter by twitter worshipers listening to their twitter god
the second and last time it happened was against Death 13, after that I'm sure it's never used again
Even fucking trees have stronger spirits than Holly.
I rolled up Ocean Blue. What am I in for?
Does my reasoning at make any sense? Cause I think it sounds good, but could be wrong, i dunno.
The nature is violent compared to Holly.
Reminder that people who reroll their stand on their first playthrough are absolute scum
>weaker version of CREAM
Which stand is the hard mode?
Polnareff thinks that’s a bit gross, but being able to hit long range enemies with the power of Star Platinum with your fluids is useful.
If Req arrow gives stands a new power specifically for the situation, why did Polnareff also have the same power back when he arrow'd at that Farmhouse?
I found it weird how the "not everyone can handle having stands" plothook never came up after, but that makes sense; everyone else who was unworthy died instantly
wrong. games are for FUN. reroll anything you want so that you maximize your enjoyment, cuck
"Don't ask questions you don't know the answers to."
"You fuck!" Went to say "you suck," but my brain flipped into autism overdrive and it stuck.
fuck off Woolie
Araki forgot.
>not letting your stand touch your dick
Does anyone know of a decent walkthrough to this game? I'm having a blast but just want to make sure I'm not missing any side content.
Remember: Your stand isn't shut you just don't know how to use its potential
Is there any normal ending moment more hype than?
>-Jojo... For shame! This is just pathetic!
>Can't you even take down one vampire? Don't tell me you've forgotten all that harsh training!
>T-that voice!
>You're really a lost cause...
>You're not gonna go down without a fight, are you, Jojo!?
>Jojo.. You were screaming so loud I couldn't get a wink of rest!
>I came back from hell to say my peace!
Guess that I might bit biased considering that this was the ending I stumbled upon when I was playing this game for the first time. Senator Wilson ending is objectively the best ending though.
There's one on the wiki, but do your first playthrough blind. There's a NG+ system that has new content every loop.
>No worries
Idk why I say this all the time
No but "compared to me he's a mere vampire" it's a pretty nice moment too
>knocked up a couple of random whores because he wanted kids to carry on his legacy, never even bothered to look for them again
>only close intimate relationships were with men
He was gay
How far along is Seventh Stand User 2? Is it worth playing what's there or is it just too short to bother?
can i kill opponents in the game?
The demo is pretty bad, just take the quiz to see what Stand you get and wait for them to fix it.
There's been an update on twitter news as recent as the end of May, but all rumors and factors point towards the game being a fucking mess.
Don't worry, you will find some friends some day.
Reminder to not pick Kakyoin's route unless you're confident you can actually beat DIO in battle
Name a better catchphrase
Could you specify the question a bit, that's vague enough for me to not be sure how to answer you.
Smol or average girl?
what are the worst stands
how do i even pick a route?
"Fair enough." Is definitely mine. I'm trying to consciously stop myself from saying it I don't even realize it left my mouth about 80% of the time
the one you have
Average, blondes are best.
Same. I say it all the goddamn time.
Get high FP with the character of your choice i.e. if you want Jotaro route be bro to him and make sure that his FP is the highest, if you want Avbul route then you same with him, etc.
You get the highest amount of FP with a specific member of the group.
Can i kill minor villains instead of retiring them like steely dan or that chick with the magnets
>bringing f*males on your bizzare adventure
You can in Chaos mode
>install game on windows 10
>drumbeat is off
>install midi program
>now no music is playing
Actual unlike in the regular story, some stand user that we don't know for sure are dead like Steely Dan or Wheel of Fortune are in this confirmed dead.
interesting. what is a chaos mode?
The Best Stand is Napalm Death
Prove me Wrong
Apply the soundfont in said music program
You did get a soundfont, right?
An Update to the game. It adds in a mode that has things that could mix up the game. Unfortunately it's in Japanese and nobodies translating it.
my x key is saved, based berlin
guess im polnaref's waifu then.
went with "hold up" since I say it often enough
What Stand did you have? Vins is usually no problem with most of the stands.
how to beat yellow temperance in the cable car pls
can i waste days grinding up in hubworlds or do i want to rush it so i dont run out of time?
deep purple but I kept getting dizzied when trying to heal, also I might have been underleveled
Just use Star Punch and Star Breaker while being Jotaro's vending machine.
as far as i know days dont progress unless you sleep in an inn, continuing the main quest or passing out (from not sleeping in an inn, dieing doesnt count)
i made it to cairo on day egypt on day 20 with a whole month left because i never slept in inns
So when that dickhead turns into the other crusaders, that's your window to really fuck him up.
Days only pass when you stay at the hotels or more to another hubworld.
That's not a normal way to play a game.
But on Miracles it is
Even with other stands you really can't deal much damage to him unless you have status moves or Red Garland.
With Yellow Temperance it is fine, the game spells it out for you that you should not touch the thing.
I'm just losing my patience here at the Anubis fight, where this is the only thing I can do.
should i go for miracles again
or should i try a new stand, and if yes, which one
Kakyoin is a true milf connoisseur
To be fair, Anubis fight is basically asking you to complete it with brainstorm and only try it legit on NG+.
>got deep purple first try
>didn't even know it was the best one
>Rolled Adam Ant
This stand is cool as hell. Fuck the haters.
I got it too. Really upset the game knew I was a furfag.
>if you go with polnareff to his hotel room he asks you to heal his ankle with Mr.BIG but pussies out when you point the barrel at his head
Don't let anyone tell you what stand you should have, follow your dreams!
is caravan good
The game doesn't seem too keen on taking inputs from my arrow keys and lags sometimes when moving. Is this normal?
Congrats, you got the pocket jew, get ready to nuke shit.
There are no bad stands, just bad users
>no 7su set in part 5
>gender choice would actually matter, with the female protag being able to operate on the train without aging badly
fuck this gay earth
No, I've got zero lag
Dunno. Use wasd, z and x instead.
You could always make it yo... oh who am I kidding?
Oh wait shit that doesn't even work. Sorry.
These constant 7SU threads will either end with a new project started or with a translation for chaos mode being released.
Or we live in the worst timeline and we get nothing.
I've got a huge backlog but these threads are making me want to replay the game for the 10th time god damn it
I take no comfort in knowing which is it.
Ehhh, am I going to be ok?
>tfw no game set in part 1 where you can be George Jostar's adopted daughter and get the option to either save Danny from his fate, or put him in the oven yourself and frame Dio for it.
>if you play as femmc and walk with jotaro you get hit on by someone only for jotaro to tell him to fuck off.
>It was actually a goon hired by hol horse to distract you so jotaro is alone
Yeah, The Joykiller absolutely destroy's people in close combat. Might want to hang with a crusader with range though, just in case. Also uses a fair amount of sp.
If you're a dude the goon tries to pick a fight with you.
How do i install this on android?
I answered the quiz truthfully, and was impressed by the accuracy of the description it spat out.
kill yourself