Should I make the protagonist of my game gender neutral?

Should I make the protagonist of my game gender neutral?

I don't want to alienate the female audience by making male the only option, but I also don't want to deal with the "controversy" that comes with implying it's binary.

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make your character look wathever you want but give him/her a non removable penis

Lmao he has no pp

Make then wear full body armor and give them no voice or face.

make the protagonist a full-blown trap, that would please both the straight male players and the female players

Just design whatever the fuck kinda character you want to design.
All this society and representation is bullshit, we play games to escape reality, not to represent it.

Videogames are art, if you let other peopl dictate your vision then it's not really your work of art anymore, is it?

If you want, give a pronoun selection. Him/Her/They.

Makes you a bit of a faggot, but the people who want to mc to be a boy can do so, those that want to be a girl can do so, and those who are mentally ill can play as a "them".

Just make a cute girl protagonist.
Everybody likes cute girls.

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>Gender Neutral
Just say Genderless lol faggot

>ake the protagonist a full-blown trap, that would please both the straight male players

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How about you not be a faggot and make the protagonist a cephalopod instead

make a cute girl obviously instead of placating mental headcases

Button game when?

bait thread

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Just make him an android

But Link is a girl.

Look at game like one shot or undertale. Make the character gender neutral so all perverted girls imagine him as cute shota and rest of fanbase faps to her nonexistent boobs. The only hard part is to rewriting story text so it is never forced to talk about MC as her/his.

Its win win.

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Too bulky and masculine and you'll scare the ladies off. They like cutesy stuff.

traps have a lot of appeal, female players can self-insert as them because they're feminine enough despite being boys, straight male players want to protect them because they look like girls (and the crossdressing ones are honorary girls made for straight dicking)

BOTW Link was a pretty bad "neutral" character because he looked way too boyish for the part, only girls (especially fujoshis who like to ship him with the masc characters) and gay male players liked the design, while the straight male audience complained and preferred the older Links, like the one from Soul Calibur II or the one from Twilight Princess

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Traps have appeal if you are gay.
That's it.

I wonder how old people who believe in this shit generally are. I dont think anybody above the age of like 25 would even know what this binary gender shit even means. like this tumblr and twitter shit with headmates and pronouns is something only teens and young adults do isnt it? how old are you?

Make it a humanoid snail. Its the trannies of the animal kingdom. Even when they fuck, they impale each other with javalin cocks and shoot darts at each others faces so the other ones the bottom and has the kids. They're the most badass faggots.

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Link has always looked like a gay fairy boy, especially in TP. He just actually crossdresses in BoTW.

>BOTW Link was a pretty bad "neutral" character because he looked way too boyish for the part
That was not an intentional design choice, it was just an ugly model, like everyone else in the game was ugly despite concept art depicting them differently

just give it a mask and a abnormal chest plate and call it a day.

This. It's in the core of the game. Linkle mod looks just as ugly, it's just art direction.

>gender neutral
You mean a robot?


Why is he such a manlet

This. I can confirm that women are attracted to attractive/passable traps, although both of them are kinda rare IRL. I should've taken the trap pill when I could.

There's a point where it's too feminine for straight women.

Doesn't matter. If you're passable trap and a woman is attracted to you, your faggotry cancel out her faggotry and you both become straight.

A cute girl cephalopod

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thinly veiled tranny thread

Liking traps is undeniably gay.

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Attractive traps are never attracted to women. Any guy that can attract men will prefer men.

What about reverse traps?

fuck you

Those are girls, so that's straight.

Traps (as a concept) may or may not be gay depending on the circumstances.
The entire point of a trap is to convincingly present themselves as the opposite sex until it is revealed what set of genetilia they have. For the person being the trap, it's 100% gay. But for the person on the receiving end,
>If you're into the trap and don't know that the person is a trap until the trap is sprung, and are instantly turned off or revolted,
You are not gay, because for what you knew the trap was the opposite sex until it was found out otherwise, and you still have no intentions of changing hetero sexuality.
>If you're into the trap and don't know that the person is a trap until the trap is sprung, but are into it anyway,
You're most definitely gay, if possibly only for girly guys / manly women. no two ways about it, though the whole trap facade is rather redundant.

>For the person being the trap, it's 100% gay.
I-I'm just pretending to be a girl to get free shit. I'm 100% straight.

Disarmed traps are the thinking man's choice. 2D obviously, all 3D is inherently disgusting and homosexual.

He's 170cm, hardly manlet material

Keep it male-only. You'll be chasing a phantom audience if you make it non-binary.

Isn't that like 5'6 dude? That's deep into manlet territory.

You'll always offend someone so might aswell do what you want
Just make your protag a white male


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Who gives a shit about what females think

>male characters alienate the female audience
The world is gross.

What if it's a feminine penis?

Would it be gay to fuck Link if he was like that down there? No dick but no vagina either.

Not unless you're like that down there too.

Do what you want:
Want a male protagonist? Cool
A female protagonist? Also cool
Gender neutral? Also coll
Just do watherver the fuck you want and don’t let retards to force you do what they want

Who's gonna play your game?
Or males?

it's only gay when you have matching genitals

>no dick / no vagina (like Link) + no dick / no vagina
>dick + vagina
>dick + neo-vagina
>dick + dick
>vagina + vagina


get ye gone golem!

Why do idiots think this? Women like playing as male characters too, fucking retard, I don't know a single chick that was okay with Marvel comics replacing Thor with a female version and fujos like playing cute twinks as much as neckbeards like playing cute girls.

This is the dumbest most first world Silicone Valley problems shit I have ever read.

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almost, 5'7

You are why the medium is dying.

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make him a handsome young man / boy and things should work out.
but don´t go for the tranny designs

>female players can self-insert as a fetishized ideal of what a virgin expects a young girl to act like
Sorry, but you’re wrong. I like traps as much as the next guy but self-inserting as them is fucking impossible, they’re fetishbait, nothing else.

women will make up less then 1% of your audience regardless of what character you pick unless it´s candy crush or a facebook game

>I don't want to alienate the female audience by making male the only option
Reminder that this lie never existed before.

He is the height of a 10 year old with the body shape of a 17 year old.

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Sure if it's robotic.Or a genderless lifeform that isn't human, sure.
A human might work it they are encased in enough tech/armor that no one (at any point except maybe the very end) can tell what they are.
Or if humans are cybernetic to the point that biology,even from birth, is actually a moot point and you can install whatever the fuck hardware they want and be anything that can be built and powered.

But a plain human? than no. No regular human goes through life and experiences it as gender neutral. Any story told that way is selling an agenda and even if you try not to emphasize that agenda, people out there will and they will exaggerate it and call attention to it. And the story will suffer for it.

At best they can be a mute character, but even mute characters are still male or female to other characters, unless every other character thinks it's a Pat and avoids it awkwardly or again the story is selling an identity politics agenda that someone will decide to champion and then depose when it suits them.

Also if a female player would be alienated by playing a male character, would a male player be equally alienated by playing as a female character? Who really is the discriminator here? You for making the story you want? For the first question think about tomb raider being played by guys and the multitude of games with character creation where guys choose to play as girls even when given the choice and compare that to findings of what females will choose. IMO the reason girls don't play games as much is not because of some lack of muh female characters, gaming simply only appeals to a smaller subset of females.

You can't avoid the controversy anyways, if you make it gender fluid people who don't agree with that will avoid it and talk shit and sales will likely suffer. Get Woke, Go Broke and all that. If you make it binary some click baiting 'gaming' journalist will write up a hit piece because that's what they do, they can't exist any other way.

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stop letting other people make your decisions for you
design whatever character you want however you want
if Yea Forums reacts negatively who the fuck cares, it's your creation, do what you want with it

Yea Forums or anyone else i should say

using Link as a reference

>Boy Link (Soul Calibur II)
+straight male players can relate
+gay male players can relate and also want to fuck him
+fujoshi will like him and ship him with other male characters
-female players can't relate much

>Boyish Link (BOTW)
+female players can relate because he's a fairly feminine boy
+fujoshi like him because he looks like a turbo bottom
+gay male players can relate and will love his twink looks
-straight male players can't relate because he's too effeminate, but at the same time not feminine enough to be a fap material

>Trap Link (fanart)
+female players can relate because he looks like a girl
+straight male players want to protect his smile and fuck him
+/- (?) gay male players wouldn't find him as hot as the two above, but probably relate a little
-fujoshit dislike him because he's too much of a girl, but pretend to like him

>Girl Link (Linkle)
+female players can relate because he IS a girl
+straight male players want to protect her smile and fuck her
-gay male players can't relate
-fujoshit will kill themselves because they turned the biggest fujo icon into a female

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>-female players can't relate much
You seriously saying females wouldn't want to fuck a bishounen hero?

many (especially younger girls) would want to fuck him, but the other 3 are more appealing overall, not because they want to fuck the other 3 more, but because they would be better avatars

You can be cutesy while bulky and masculine. Plenty of girls like Incineroar.

where's the heroic Link?

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no dick, not gay

Cute girl with absolutely monstrous cock that only becomes visible if you take all her clothes off like some kind of filthy pervert.

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Normals absolutely mogged


just make it an androgynous android

>female on trap
how is that gay?
its girly guy and a girl


You won't understand. It's not the true alpha heterosexual straight manly male men never who feel the need for convoluted mental gymnastics to distance themselves from everything that raises uncomfortably inappropriate thoughts in them.

>Videogames are art



Females hardly play vidya so you'll be pandering to a nonexistent group. Mentally ill freaks don't count either.

They actually make up 52% of all gamers

Make them an alien that reproduces asexually.

>52% of all gamers
now remove Candy Crush and the likes

so just make a grey blob?

As long as they are not too much cuter than the women you are trying to appeal to.

I will have you know that I am deeply and utterly offended by grey blobs, good sir!

>Boy Link
>-female players can't relate much
Yeah, but they want to bone him so it doesn't matter. Just make the character attractive one way or the other and you're doing fine.

assume the female audience is irrelevante

Make your protag a non-human entity so any fag can project their own snowflake gender.

Literally just have a rudimentary COC with no mention on gender.
I dont give a fuck about any of that garbage but thats how to do it without offending anyone.

Stop giving a shit about this schoolyard faggotry. You really going to let some normalfag on Yea Forums of all places tell you how to feel, what to enjoy? If it gets your dick hard, fap to it. Boy, girl, boy pretending to be girl, girl pretending to be a boy, whatever.

No one else matters other than you, your dick, and whoever the fuck you get to play with your dick.

Either way you're a "degenerate" to these faggots anyways, embrace it and pretend that if enough people do they'll leave.

>Trap Link (fanart)
>+straight male players want to protect his smile and fuck him

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Big news: literally nobody that actually matters cares. People that actually play video games don't give a shit about gender identity or any of that BS.
SJWs and Third/Fourth wave feminists complain, loudly, but none of them actually play video games, and none of the people that listen to them play video games.
Do whatever fits the game you're making. Do you think people actually care that Celeste had a female main character? No. Do you think people actually care that the Witcher games have a male main character? No.

You can make a gender slider preset

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>new thing is not art either because new or because you don't personally like it
So I suppose all non-Classical music is not art? All digital-made paintings and images are not art? All animated/CG movies/TV shows are not art?

>this sim will be able to
Why not both?

Link should look like this.

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