He didn't wait for PC version to play at 4K 60FPS and with a mouse and keyboard

>he didn't wait for PC version to play at 4K 60FPS and with a mouse and keyboard


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but i did, user.

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we all know it's going to be an Epic exclusive.

I'll still buy it


>third person game
>movement is entirely analog based
>keyboard and mouse

It's still a shooter you mouthbreather. Even TPS'es play way better on KB+M

Thanks for betatesting!

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I'll never understand "wait and I'll win" mentality.

I've played and beaten the game already. Done everything there is to do that I want to do. How long has it been since release?

Like, it's cool that it's coming to an objectively better platform, but its been a minute.

That's why GTAV didn't work on pc, obviously

>atcually wanting to play that trash
I'm a pc fag too, but actually being a port beggar and playing shitty games just to "own the console fags" is retarded
kys op

It's not like I was laking games to beat in the meanwhile. My backlog is effectively endless at this point and most of it is objectively great games.

>post yfw you didn’t buy it on console to play at 30fps with drops

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Do not trust the reviews, this game is dogshit. Don't be fooled, pirate it if you absolutely want to play this boring shit.

>Epic exclusive
>when Rockstar has their own storefront and launcher

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I played it 6 months ago and moved on console war nigger

Too bad Arthur dies from disease 3/4 in huh.

it won't, at worst it will be on rockstar social club and epic store

>he didn't buy it on console for a spoiler free experience and then sell it and make most of the money back so he can buy it on PC later to play it again
brainlets get out

But only shitty normalfags would want to play a shitty walking simulator like this

In third-person games there's usually only 3 movement speeds (sneak/walk/run) which are covered by modifier keys, the reduced directional range is covered by a huge increase in camera precision.

PC in that context could easily stand for Player Character

I own a ps4 and I couldn't care less about this game, it looks like shit
I'm happy for it to stop being a shitposting token

You should probably go back to whatever social network you came from.

But where is the first RDR?

>player character

I hope you have a 2080Ti

Yeah, Max Payne 3 was unplayable on pc, lol

>Playing a third-person shooter with a mouse and keyboard

>playing with aim assist

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watch the consoleonly babbies cope

That was a quick response, seethebro.

It won't make the game good. There's a reason the game hasn't been discussed in any capacity for the past 4 months. It was awful. I guess when you're a PC gamer any game coming over from consoles is seen as a huge win.

Never understood this "criticism." Third-person shooters always played better for me on PC.

Depends if they use pointer controls or not. If not they always play better with a controller.

Even with a controller, aim assist gets in the way as often as it helps. In multiplayer it's kind of a necessity because it's hard to hit a goddamned thing with a stick, but in many single-player games I have to turn it completely off because it's fucking wonky. Mass Effect was one such example. That aim assist would actually drag my fucking crosshair so hard that it fucked me up.

It's retarded that aiming with a stick is actually much more difficult than with a mouse, even with assist that doesn't over-step its boundaries, yet it's considered the low-skill option. It's extremely limited compared to aiming with a mouse so you'd think it would be impressive to be anything resembling fluid with stick aim.

>rockstar has their own launcher
>it launches on that

>I have to play every new game immediately or I'll lose out
Take your Ritalin, kid

>implying I want to fucking play this bullshit movie

I'll be interested to see what the graphics look like with the settings "uncapped' so to speak but aside from that this shit can fuck right off.

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Controllers suck for situational awareness and precision movement. They suck for just about everything, in fact. There's a reason third parson platformer games need automated cameras when using a controller, but not with a mouse and keyboard.

>Controllers suck for situational awareness and precision movement.
this is what they excel at, instead of dragging a cursor you pivot a stick and your problem is solved.
>They suck for just about everything, in fact
this post is propaganda
>There's a reason third parson platformer games need automated cameras
>but not with a mouse and keyboard
has anyone even made a "third parson platformer" for PC?

just a few more years pc-bros

>New Vegas constantly crashes on me
>finally get my stable cowboy fix.

Great, now I can not play this game on two platforms

>_pc_ is player character
>literally the next liknes are _player_ and _ps4_

Why do you have to play it as soon as it comes out if better version is right behind a corner?

Any game where you have to shoot is doomed if it's played on controller. Even Witcher 3 was way better with mouse. controller only works better with games like DMC.

>I've played and beaten the game already
> its been a minute.
does that make the game worse for anyone who has not played it yet? no.
on top of having the same enjoyment of the game, they get the better version, for less money.
unless you have no control over your impulses, there are no downsides and only upsides. the time you played it at is the only change, and no sensible person should let that have an effect on them.

I'm looking forward to replaying the single player on pc. As well as potential mods and so on. Probably not the only one who's gonna double dip.

>Plug in controller

Remember that a game can't actually be said to have released until it's on PC. It's the only platform that matters, and I maintain to this day that discussion of any game not on PC should be banned on Yea Forums. Everything non-PC might as well be running on one of those Coke machines with the screen to mix-and-match flavor options, or on a smart fridge. If the crayon maze on the back of a diner menu isn't videogames, neither are console games. They're a distraction to true gaming and the shunned bastard child of videogames and children's toys that have led to the stigma that normies hold for vidya in their hearts.

No PC release, no discussion, end of discussion. I can't wait for RDR2 to finally, actually be a videogame so that it's worthy of notice, worthy of opinion, worthy of adult conversation. I can ride around New Austin sipping some setting-appropriate bourbon and weep for the fools who played a gimped shadow of the true game on their Sony-branded Netflix machines.

I remember the ignorant shitposting about Dark Souls and its laughable "community" making MS paint comics about a game not even on the one true platform...it was so distasteful, that they could pretend to like something so asinine. Then it released on PC and became truly relevant, with real feedback regarding balance and PvP (the only part of the game worth acknowledging, as console children still fail to understand) from adults who saw right through its pale attempt at "lore". Maybe this cowboy game will have the same revitalization.

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It's not like we are waiting for it to release in some sort of cryo stasis.
Plenty of shit to play and if it comes to pc that be neat.

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>has anyone even made a "third parson platformer" for PC?
Cloudbuilt, also can be played at high framerates on high refresh rate monitors.

Why the fuck would i even want to play this if i haven't played the first one? I doubt they'll bring both to PC considering the first one is a coding mess apparently.

I played it too, but I'll replay it on PC. Won't buy the game though

>He has to install Chinese spyware to play his game

Sweet! Free game

That would be great, I could pirate the game without any remorse because Tim paid for my copy.
Thanks, Timmy boy!

I actually literally don't care

Tencent Sweeney now the proud poster boy for pirates everywhere

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EGS doesn't have cheevos tho
it'll probably be exclusive to the rockstar store

You actually think Rockstar needs their handouts?

>using hastags on Yea Forums, ironically or not

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What if it stands for Politically Correct Accomplishments