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Other urls found in this thread:

Poorfags BTFO

Just someone tell me what is this already, I've been seeing this around in Yea Forums for don't know how many weeks already, what the actual fuck is this.

nobody knows
its something of an urban legend

People paying money and spending time to get points for a .0000000000001% chance of winning a free game.

The state of pcfags.

corgi bros, they found out our secret exploit!

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (639x162, 17K)

Valve is rigging this so hard its not even funny.
There is no way anyone but Corgi could win.

Attached: abstractfacebookamphibian.jpg (753x724, 121K)

>log on
>new item in inventory
>think Valve gave me a game from my wishlist
>it's a booster pack

>chucklefuck ruining things outside of their shitty game

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Why do people think points are the barrier for anybody? I've got thousands of points. The problem is, you can only redeem so many per day. It doesn't matter if you exploit or grind points.

Smart devs, guaranteed sales, bet they themselves did the soda mod from a throwaway account.

because normalfags already spent thousands and they don't have an issue with capacity

This. Valve wants you to buy shit so you can raise you capacity.

>log on
>new item in inventory
>think Valve gave me a game from my wishlist
>it's a 50% coupon for Warhammer II
>I already own the game
T-thanks, Gabe.

Attached: haha yeah.png (715x499, 234K)

Oh wow
I can go buy the game and fill up my capacity in 10 soda

People are idiots
Anyway Stardew is just as easy if for some insane reason you didnt have 100,000s points in achievements lined up waiting

mfw cockatiel

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won games go straight in your library

Attached: WOOPS.png (800x900, 646K)

what a champ

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Hate is barely moving... What the fuck is going on?


>cockatiel with half of tortoise points

Attached: i simply live with pain.jpg (468x431, 17K)

PLOT TWIST: At the end of the sale EVERY member of the team with the least points will receive free shit from the top their wishlist.

M-maybe tommorow bro, maybe tomorrow

or you could just get payday 2 for like less than £4 and just play like 2 hours. Literally an achievement farmer game

>per day

A fool and their money are soon parted

How do you get those points? I keep playing Stardew Valley, but I get fuckall.

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Kneel before your bunny overlords

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>we got second and third for the first three days
>now consistently in last
What's happening?

That's not what I would do to that one.

>considered going team bunny because I love bunnies
>oh never mind it was a hare, not a bunny
>hares are for fags
>corgis are dogs, I like dogs so join team corgi
>the very next day, team hare starts winning
Just my luck

Deja vu!
I've just been in this place before.

Attached: steam sale.png (960x364, 103K)

>What's happening?
we got nerfed by Valve

if corgi places 2nd today they win the overall event by 1 point

If I'm not contributing anything, am I technically hurting my team? And why would that make my happy?

Every person limits the distance and boost so yes.

Voted hare since the start because I like rabbits the best out of the list.
But what's the point, only 0.00000001% will win a game.

Attached: mirin miku.jpg (2048x1360, 235K)

You see now it's no coincidence that the rabbit is both winning and white

>per day
>He still thinks they reset
What a retard.

Hare in first has around 0.05% chance.
It is not as bad.

It wabbit season

>1.0x speed
>-3000 boost
>Outspeeding everyone for the entire day
Surely Gabe isn’t bullshitting us arbitrary selecting a winner.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-07-04 at 20.07.50.png (139x171, 11K)

Based whale boosting rabbit and dabbing on reddit.

>hurting my team

m8 valve just makes it up as they go along

I accept it.

Attached: 1413289745063.png (530x444, 22K)

>Open literally any game you have cheevments in for 30 minutes
>Get thousands of points
Literally free games

The whole reason you are participating is for free games, if you have to buy garbage to guarantee that it isn't worth it.


Have you tried playing Starbound to get more points?

So, about that.
I'm really not into the whole Steam profile meta game anymore, so I haven't been following this shitfest closely.
My points haven't reset once. Are they supposed to? I just hit the max point cap the first day, and haven't been able to boost anymore since then.

Points are one use and you can only increase your maximum by buying games to "unlock" more of your earned points

We're never going to get any free games anyway

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I've got thousands from TF2 and Payday 2 achievements,I didn't need to exploit.

Seriously? They dont even reset per day? Which faggot made this system that intentionally left out an expected feature

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Kek. It's probably some /pol/tard alt-right retarded whales, boosting rabbit solely because it's white and "It's ok to be white". And that's something I know that those people would willingly do.

is taking the piss. is not.

>weeks, barely been 1
also idk why corgichads care at this point. It is literally impossible for us to lose the grand prize

Not really, Corgi still needs a couple more podiums to guarantee win.
Corgi currently has 20 points and counting today’s there are 5 races left. That’s 15 max points at stake.
Tortoise (currently at 11) can potentially grab them and win with 26 points total.

Oy vey!

>pig got nerfed
Fuck no.

yeah but that requires corgi to never place right?

The whole event is a dumpster fire and Valve been deliberately shitting on Corgi since day 2, so I wouldn’t be surprised.

it's really sad that the company that used to make some of the most revered games in the industry now can't even figure out how to properly design and balance a barely interactive browser "game"

Attached: Le sigh....jpg (476x566, 96K)

>Be me
>Buy Starbound
>Spend exactly 1 hour 59 minutes farming points(This is important)
>Buy $150 worth of games
>Claim points
>Get discount
>Use discount
>Refund Starbound and $150 worth of games
>You are now $5 richer
Problem Valve?

the only thing that the corgi nerf did was guarantee that cockaties will never get another point in the event
you're crying while having nearly twice as many points as second place, you fucking retard

"valve used to make games now they make money"

You can only refund a certain amount at a time or else valve will limit you for abusing the system.
Once I refunded 3 games at once and they got mad.

>get your refunds rights removed because of abuse
no problem

t. reddit dog

>buy games i want
>use previous achievements to get points
>doesn't look like an idiot like you
Problem user

That’s a lot of assumptions for 2 lines, user

The real reward out of this is watching reddit seethe.

Attached: tfw traitor.jpg (659x609, 50K)

imagine working 2 hours for 5 dollars

You get 99.99% of the points from achievements, retard

>cocks finish in the top 3 for the first 3 races, standing at second place at the event
>valve introduces speed multipliers in order to """balance""" the race so corgis stop winning by a mile every time
>corgis proceed to win 3 of the 5 following races by a mile, while cocks never get another point, despite having more boost and less attacks than most of the other teams

Are you an absolute moron? Refunds rights are the law, you buffoon. If you're revoking them, you're literally breaking the consumer protection law, can be sued, will lose and will get punished by the EU agencies.

This lmao, you're worse than wagecuck and get paid even less


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>assuming he isn't from all the other continents

I'm a harebro since day 1

>tfw all those anons that wanted hare surrender threads.
Where is your God now?

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hehehe user is in trouble!

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wait i thought the games ended on the 6th (pit stop closes after the 9th). corgis literally can't win anything but 1st grand prize

People are trying to turn this into an ERP thing like the April Fools shit?

i think it ends on the 7th
but still, i think corgi is guaranteed first

Was corgi but got the change team thing and went to hare
Can't stop winning
If only the chance to get games was better

When you buy the game you accept that the product is provided immediately, thus making the 14 day right to withdraw not apply

They can write whatever the fuck they want on their site, they are operating under the assumption that nobody will go sue them over 2 saved bucks or limiting the refunds after a certain number. And those are pretty petty things to sue a company over and lost thousands of dollars on court expenses, but complete removal of refund ability is a clear offense, well, as other user pointed out, if your consumer protection laws do give you such rights and/or the services are being provided by their European office.

i meant the 6th is when the last race starts


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H-he's fast..

the chance to get games IS better in hare because it has a smaller size
to give a example, it's like comparing a 100 in 30.000 chance and a 100 in 300.000 chance

Yes it does, they can make a case it does not if you strated or already downloaded a game tho, but steam doesn't automatically do it. In that anons case he won't even download them to begin with

>joined hare day 1,didnt really give a shit, liked the badge
>gets btfo day after day
>get option to switch team
>decide not to, anyone viewing my profile would be able to identify me as a turncoat
>my loyalty is rewarded with wins
This and people won't see my profile and look down on me for being a corgi bandwagonner.

No it doesn't. As soon as the game is in your library the right to withdraw doesn't apply. The store even warns you of this
On some key sites (like GMG, unsure if they still do) they don't give you the key right away, they make you click a button to make the key appear. As soon as you click that button your right to withdraw is over

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Dogs are you even trying anymore?

Once again I listen to a majority on Yea Forums telling me to join cockatiel instead of hare and I get myself fucked over.
Thanks a lot.

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>game is rigged against corgis
>expect corgis to take the game seriously anymore
valve's intent was to demoralize the corgis so they stop trying

cockatiel seemed very promising at the start
i don't know what the fuck happened to them though

Pretty much... Anons expected that hares would be dead last the whole time and expected for all of us to turn into cumsluts.

okay team Creme

It’s not that simple.
So far Corgi awarded 2000 games and Hare 900 based on podium finishes.
While team Corgi is 10 times (probably slightly less now) bigger, it pretty much guarantees a podium finish and also the final prize.
While Hare is currently on Valve’s support, chances are they’re dropping it to bullshit Cock or Pig tomorrow to show some pity for them as well.
In the end it’s 0 chance against another 0 chance, you’re not getting anything, who fucking cares?

>still no porn

you have a less than 0% chance of winning a game anyways, at least you don't have the mark of a furry on your profile
the balancing changes they made to slow down corgis ended up screwing cocks a lot more(second best team at the time)

looks like the cockatiels will be getting cocked

nerfed just like the corgi but i dont fucking know why

Anons why is hare in first?
They got nuked in nitro and are slow down for hours now.

i didn't care
that's why i went for hare, never thought they would flip the race, i just like buns more

I was team chocolate enjoying our delicious brown threads

Attached: Oh+yes+milk+chocolate+waifus+_4f9ae3e6cfbb72effa213caaee1761d8.jpg (645x702, 116K)

Because Valve

has anyone actually won a game. How rare is it?

multiplier is heavily rigged against cockatiel for no real reason

basically all you need to understand is that Valve has actually no fucking clue of what they're doing
both yesterday and today, the Hare speed multiplier was absurdy higher than it should've been (either on purpose or by accident)
yesterday it caused Hare to win by 10x more distance than second place, but today Valve completely froze Hare's distance halfway through the race so it wouldn't happen again (except it was too late and no other team will catch up)

>muh rigged


cry harder hare fag. You had to cry to mommy to let you win.

>Leave the overcrowded Corgi team and get in the Cockatiels, who were usually placing every day
>They never place again

What the actual fuck does god have against me? Why can't I just have one piece of happiness?

FUCK that faggot dog
Hare all the way

At least it let you change teams and get free e-peen exp. I wasn't give that option at all, and it's not like anyone here will win free games anyway.

I still don't understand how that "change team" buttons works, some people get it and some people don't, for example I didn't get it. Why?

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>cucked out of guaranteed 2nd by volvo's algorithm fuckery pumping hare full of steroids
>corgi's still going to easily coast to 1st because they only got 1 day of nerf

awesome event gabe, A++ would seethe again

2 hours and ten minutes left anons.

Corgi has more than double the members of any other team. There is no way any other team could win if the thing wasn't rigged.

Not even ultra whales could manage to do the shit hare is doing right now.

what? I thought the event lasts until 9th?

Corgi's didnt even hit 2k yet. Its obvious who's gonna win this one

That's how it be on this bitch of an earth.

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the last race starts on the 6th and ends the 7th. the pit shop stays open till the end of the 9th


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So you can't boost after the 7th and get tokens? Yikes.

Good thing I didn't boost today as tortoise. Would have been a waste.

>corgi alwaysh as the most speed
>hare somehow miles ahead
>tortoise bros nowhere to be seen
the fuck is going on lads?

it was only available for 2 days and then they removed it

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What would you guess?

Valve interfering?

noooooo hare won fair and square

Affirmative. Their speed is 1x yet they've stayed ahead for 20 hours.

Or just run any game with achievements. I have about 100K+ I can't redeem.

I checked steam every day and still didn't had that button.

it wasn't available for everybody, I didn't get one either
it was mostly for corgi people so it would balance the teams a bit

I was thinking it's just people saved their points for when Corgi wasn't pulling way ahead. I know I have.

well that explains a lot, valve thought they could bribe me with points that are ultimately fucking meaningless

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Have pigs ever won?

Look at the stats though, corgi had the most speed most of the time but is second. Rabbit has fuck all speed but is 1st still
Cockatiel has had more speed than pig most of the time but pig is ahead. The event makes no sense

I've tried squashing pumpkins on mudrunner and didn't get any does this work? I want that 5$ coupon

the one time they had the chance they got Hared in the last hour

sadly we'll lose 2nd place

Tfw you picked rabbit cuz they cute day 1.

Corgi has been 1500 times faster than harigged though

hare isn't moving at all now
they got ahead too much so the other ones have to speed up, but i doubt they'll have enough time for that

>Valve is so dumb that when they tried to kill corgi but all they did was murder cock

Attached: AGGRON_RAGE_gif.gif (586x358, 645K)

>mfw im turtle bro

The turtle will beat the hare

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from what i understood, some people were auto added to a team in days 2-3 if they hadn't participated yet, and only them received the switch option

White rabbit master race

not today sadly, and with the way standings are we'll be getting bronze at the event end instead of silver unless cock or pig puts their boot down hare's throat for the last few days

the virgin corgi mass-join
the chad hare magic bug

We got the moral victory. Is the important thing

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>feels good to be a traitor

Attached: Untitled 1.jpg (542x289, 6K)

Based & mimigapilled

Attached: Sue.png (338x401, 96K)

I already did that and got a refund too.
t. tortise

I doubt they auto-added people. I didn't join a team till day 6. I only bothered when my brother walked up to me and said "retard, join team Corgi and get a 0.000001% chance at a free game, and get an easy dozen Steam levels"

How do I expand the points cap ?

100 every day for free
100 every $1 spent
2000 from doing the checklist on the grandprix page (500 per task, can only be done once)


is been 7 day's in and people keep asking the same fucking question


Unlike Corgis, Cocks don't have the clout to complain.

People keep asking hoping that the answer will change.


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That's deliberate. Corgis have a lot of people so will rage so they just nerfed 2nd place instead.

So Tortoise bros, we've sustained for a while and now taking a break?
Also anyone from tortoise here got a prize yet?

>no boosts
>most attacks
>massive first place lead
Yep, that's the team Valve employees are on.

>event ending soon
>make one last order to wrap it up with no regrets
>finally puts me over the threshhold for a discount
>have more games than i'll be able to play in the foreseeable future
>because of that i don't have anything i really want to spend it on anymore
>still haven't spent any tokens on the race badge


do you think i should discount something (either hollow knight or brigador) or just blow it all on the badge to raise my e-peen level and gamble whether or not free booster drops earn the $5 back?

Attached: what do.png (420x162, 23K)

thanks for finally making the races work as they should, gaben

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>free thing that usually costs money
>something that won't matter in ten years when profiles disappear

Why? Because I don't give a shit about Steam meta-games?

Why the fuck you trying to give me a boner.

Dammit let me see your panties

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>tfw picked pig on random
>got into the worst team
Am I shit out of luck?

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Someone redpill me on what these animals are, what they're doing, and why I should care

It's only been 8 days...

There's a dumb contest on Steam. You can join today, but you've already missed most the daily prizes (which nobody actually won). You can jump in on Corgi to pickup whatever the grand prize is, they're a lock

My profile has been at 100 for awhile. I usually use the boosters I get to help with badges if it's a game I like or has nice backgrounds.
All the other boosters just sit in my inventory because I can't be asked to market them. Did a quick check and there's about $25 worth of them. Maybe closer to $18-20 once you factor in the lunch tax and competitive pricing

>Chose the Cocks because I own a rooster and hens
>The rooster died two days after the sale started

It was a fucking sign

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proud turtle here
I'm just glad that reddit dogs aren't winning
do your best harebros

based, thanks Yea Forumsros

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Enjoy the ban for flooding


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enjoy my semen flooding your mouth

So corgi is winning the whole thing?

they're too far ahead for anyone to really catch up as long as they keep getting podium finishes

i will owo. all us rabbit chads enjoy giving blowies to corgies


That's where Deathtrap came from. I was in my library and saw it and wondered where the fuck it came from. I don't recall buying it or even looking at it in the store. It was just there.

I had a change team token but I don't see it listed at the pit stop. Where the hell is it?

Because you like birds


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stop it you weirdo

we got fucking rigged, dont worry its not our fault

teehee no i am just acting like a normal hare fan uwu. no come give me a tum tum full


love being a traitor to the reddit team and valve was good enough to place me in hare.

they never refresh.

You're supposed to get 100 per day
I haven't gotten shit for at least three days


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but they did, on the first 2 or 3 days

this too, I got 100 yesterday but not today

be honest all us hares just want to be cute power bottoms to the other guys. ;)

>Use the 100 points as my daily lottery ticket
>My team won't even make the podium today

Attached: 1515983154459.png (675x663, 241K)

>but they did, on the first 2 or 3 days
Nope dont remember that happening. But if this was the case, its surely been fixed by Valve now.

Are you sure you just haven't spent your points already, and haven't noticed?

How does anyone actually need this? I got 10k points in just a couple hours from playing TF2. Points don't mean shit when your capacity is capped and I'm sure as hell not spending $70 to raise it for just a $5 discount. This shit's fucking stupid.

I'm not even getting the 100 point daily
wtf gaben

than this is harder than i thought. guess I will have to spend money if I want level 100


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You can't just boost sodas and win, you still need to buy games

Being a cock is true pain now.

Nah if you're smart you'll wait till its over. You dont get enough points per dollar to put into a level badge. (compared to buying steam trading cards of course)

its only worth it if you're buying a game you want during the sale, and you get the points along with it. Because its better to get it during the sale than after.

valves rigging

At least I'm not a pig

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Off yourselfs furfags

Attached: e89.png (331x250, 95K)

>Could've rigged a team that might actually be contender with Corgi for the overall winner
>Instead they rig it so that Corgi will officially have zero competition for the overall standing

yeah I figured that. I won't buy shit because I already have too many games and don't know what to buy.
and fuck lvl 100 desu who cares

Attached: download (1).png (288x175, 6K)

The absolute state of the “masterrace”

>post loli anthro
>calls others a furfag
weebs are retarded

>capacity blocks your path

Attached: dbgbp.jpg (500x375, 31K)

>tfw i went from being a corgifag to a chad hare

Attached: 1516740509544.jpg (490x275, 41K)

traitorfags are the worst of the worst

Get off my team you treacherous mutts.

Attached: sam_&_max_-_surfin_the_highway_tpb-037x.jpg (252x303, 37K)

how do I go back to the old store? this one sucks massive cock.

Attached: shitstore.png (1914x1005, 2.97M)

when will we know who won?

cockatiels circus.
cocks confirmed Yea Forums team

Usually takes an hour or two

day 10 started

Attached: startofday10.jpg (935x441, 29K)

Is there any games you want to talk about here?
streets of rogue is finally coming out of early access.

Time for another day of cocks getting fucked.

Attached: 1451086151991.png (384x272, 64K)

oh my

>race track is the cockatiel day
>we'll come last still

>rabbit last
>still getting most attacked to make sure its dead

Attached: Apex-Legends-Gibraltar-770x498.jpg (770x498, 65K)

>Been a Harefag since day 1, and I have not regretted it since
Not one single bit

Attached: 235632.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

Guys, when do the emails go out telling me I've won a game? Was it supposed to be immediately after the race ends, or does it take like within an hour? I think I may have won that last race, yet I haven't had an email just yet. Should I wait longer or should I just send off a support message letting them know I have not yet received my congratulatory email? Thanks.

If it wasn't capped to 100 a day I'd probably be playing more video games. I could've boosted Team Hare with over 50k points by now just from achievements without using SAM.

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slows don't even matter, whoever valve decided wins that day ignores them completely (see hare with 1x nitro and -3000 slows)

up to 1-2 hours after the race is finished.
It takes a while.
also you are not guaranteed to win a game so shitting up support is not a good idea and they could take it away for doing that.

Here's to cockbros getting there first W

it was a bug, valve dindu nuffin

>today's course is cockatiel's circus

>tfw accidentally clicked the change team button and been changed to team tortoise

talk about irony

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Slows literally don't matter in the grand scheme of things when your team gets .001 from boosting and Hare gets 0.1 from boosting.

that only happened on day 4

ok it's confirmed harefaggots and pigfuckers are the gta5 wishlist niggers
literally subhumans

one cyberpunk 2077 please

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>we have 4 points
>3 days left
>minimum to get third place is 8 more
this is extremely depressing

It's a steam minigame in which you basically pick a team and "race" against the other teams by completing different objectives, buying games, etc
You get points for that and you can spend those points to get profile backgrounds, icons and so on

okay i'll give you some cyber spunk if you swallow it all like a good bunny

This this this this this
That's just retarded

okay aaaaahhhhh uou

So it gave me 200 free boost.
100 at the start and 100 just now.
is this a bug or on purpose?

You know this shit is rigged when no one can replicate hare's comeback. This should be switching positions every couple of days.

seethe & cringe

Attached: 1552961440048.png (504x543, 284K)

Highly recommend rimworld.

So if the Grand Prix ends on July 7th, does that mean you can't get anymore tokens on/after the 7th? Even though the sale ends on the 9th

Time for comfy bunny victories.

Attached: 1474887837480.gif (360x360, 1.99M)

iirc the sale ends the 7th, but you can spend them until the 9th

Just hope i get Doom Eternal man, That game is coming out sooner and i would rather not give money to bethesda

Attached: wishlist.png (713x525, 334K)

you cannot get anymore tokens after the races but you can spend the tokens you have until the 9th.
unless valve makes purchases turn into tokens automatically you won't be able to earn them after the races.

ill rim ur world

Sorry for your loss user I have two budgies and I'm going to be devastated when they go.

Might as well post top three in wishlists

Attached: top3.jpg (961x465, 65K)

I can't believe cockbros are being so disrespected on our own fucking course. THIS WILL NOT STAND, VALVE. CONSEQUENCES WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.

No, no matter who is in the lead you have to keep pushing down the Corgi's. Let up for even a single moment and they will take over again.

Requesting buff Nanachi Hare Chad.

We were the best team, even though we were always 4th or 5th

Then they tainted us with Corgi Bros using team switch

Attached: dont.jpg (360x406, 38K)

>Huh? Weren't you guys ahead of me? Why are you all back there?

Attached: haru back.png (343x551, 40K)

I don't hate cockbros but what makes you think that you'll win in your own tracks when pig was last in theirs?

We're getting fucked even on dedicated race track, fuuuuuuuuuck

>people have been shitting their pants about this 'exploit' all week
>When it has never mattered at all since every user has a point capacity
It blows me away how retarded people are.

Nothing else to do but scream.

Attached: 1462825521276.gif (270x138, 1.71M)

Why did Valve cuck us like this?

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Where's my game, valve? I won your stupid race.

Attached: tenor.gif (428x428, 203K)

I have probably 75k points over the games I played.

Is there anyway to boost stuff so I get more than 100 a day? I did the 4 challenges (wishlisting, review etc) do the games with mini challenges stack? Like I can earn more max capacity or am I cucked to only make 100exp for team cock a day?

Turtles didn't even win in their course.
Also Birds have a cool circus course you got to admit.

Attached: 13a.jpg (400x400, 12K)

up your ass, furry faggot

Why do you downies keep asking this question over and over again? Just ctrl+f the thread.

Attached: top 3.png (353x537, 312K)

Because I’m a phone poster

Attached: retard.png (437x361, 39K)

I may not have won any games, but i have my dignity

Attached: bestteam.jpg (590x350, 16K)

as expected of phoneposters, they don't know they can search on page there too

You don't really care about that do you? You just wanna post the cute bun.

I’ve done all that. So yeah the answer is “no you are stuck drip feeding 100 points a day from all the games you autistically 100% after blowing your load in the first day”

I wonder what would happened if we bandwagoned on rabbit?

>you are stuck drip feeding 100 points a day from all the games you autistically 100% after blowing your load in the first day
or spending cashy cashy.

Yeah, I’ll wait for humble tomorrow before I buy anything else. Picked up a few things I wanted but nothing that cost more than about €7

>cockatiel still getting fucked for no reason
valve stop I want an entry into the lottery too

Attached: stone of triumph.jpg (384x288, 17K)

I choose team Birb, I don't regret a moment of it. I could never live with having a dirty corgi or hare badge on my profile. I love you birdbros, but Valve rigged us so fucking hard we're not winning anything anymore. Just embrace it and blame Valve. We don't have enough redditors to scream at Valve at how bullshit this is so we're stuck down here permanently getting last place.

Attached: 1550987566922.png (836x852, 1.13M)

First place give your *team* 300 games. Every team is easily in the hundreds of thousands of members.

May I have your attention.
If we want to defeat rabbit fags we have to wait until they're in first. Do not use slowdowns until then.

Does your max points reset everyday ? For instance if I have 10k max points can I get 10k tokens everyday ?

no, you only get +100 each day that's it





I wish I had picked bunbros. If you switch teams does it penalize you? I just like rabbits, I dont care about winning.

You can't switch teams at all. Even with Steam Support.

Fuck me

You can create a new Steam account.
Double bonus, you can repurchase your entire library to get thousands of points

Thank you my greatest ally

Attached: waynes world.png (300x400, 206K)

can i win games on pre-order if i put them in my top 3 wishlist?

Attached: ss.gif (348x364, 1.3M)

yes dummy. people have been winning cyberpunk all week

I want to be the bunny!

Attached: 1534452640.prurientpie_bunnerd.jpg (1280x974, 178K)

This one?

Attached: DQXDu5UEAA4LXn.jfif.jpg (1587x2494, 219K)

This was great and I'm not even into sounding

Attached: yes.jpg (638x361, 81K)

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>11k points after all the rewards n stuff
>no way to get to 15 in time
guess i caved in to this level bullshit
at least now i have double the space to shitpost on my profile

Attached: file.png (330x115, 28K)

duplicate steam accounts disqualify you from the raffle

seethe more

Attached: 1547400774077.jpg (911x1200, 547K)

birdfriends should be given 5000 tokens due to this multiplier fuckery

Its fucking retarded. Valve should VAC ban themselves. At least when you gonna cheat, dont do it this obviously.
Results you can see right know are more or less accurate based on team populace, it will be calm for now and in about 8 hours the choosen team will shot forward and gain few thousands kms lead. And thats exactly what happened past two days when it was hare. It will be them again or perhaps some other now to not make too stupid (but thats giving Valve wayyy too much credit)
screencap this

[give gold]

That NTR doujin with the coffee shop would've been really good if the old guy wasn't such an Ugly Bastard.

>"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed."

Attached: rabbit.jpg (500x500, 57K)

where my peeps at?
fuck peanut-butter

I think you're making a mistake user
This bunny boy has nothing to do with your shit tastes


the one's with a price tag yea, not sure for those "coming soon"

why can't i ever attack the other team? i only have the option to boost my own team when i get points. do i need more or something?

random drop from 1000 point boosts

And that's where you'd be mistaken, my Harusuke-ignorant friend.

Attached: 01.jpg (1400x2046, 587K)

Yes thanks.

no.... please tell me someone who drew that cute bunny pic I love so much... drew NTR ugly stuff? I'll be really sad user don't do this to me

*please don't tell me

Next you'll tell me you don't know about the one where the child prostitute molests another child at a festival out of boredom, or the one where the kid gets abducted while trying to play pokemon go by a fat pig and mindbroken. Or the one which is
>no more than an older man wrestling a young boy.

Attached: 14.png (897x1400, 323K)


Attached: 1542824809175.jpg (500x488, 40K)

Most of his stuff is untranslated, and whilst I don't read the language it still seems as disgusting as you'd expect from him. He's got some niche tastes.

I hope you're happy user
Now I can never post that bunny image again
And I loved it so much too

This ''daily reset thing''.. does it only reset for 100 points regardless of max capacity?

Attached: 1550300692332.jpg (555x547, 54K)

You're welcome; you should've already noticed that his art has the hallmarks of coming from a true freak.

Attached: 64ad9deccbdf45fc9e5986ab00272a78.png (570x1014, 296K)

There's nothing freakish about wholesome shota love user!

Right, the wholesome love between the cop shota from Solatorobo and a dozen guys who've drugged him.

Does anyone really gives a shit about the event? it's only useful if u have decent library and u can just get the discount right away and if not u can just level your profile by 20 levels instead


I just wanna post Beastars and make fun of people

I only played xcom enforcer. I liked it because its pretty much just a third person Alien Shooter.

Attached: 1485110211681.jpg (250x250, 6K)

oops wrong thread

>check qualifier tasks
>rush to do one
>come back and they're all ticked again

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