I am going to regret this am I?
I am going to regret this am I?
>get called an incel on Yea Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it.
Stop doing things for the "memes". It's not funny to anyone but yourself for five minutes. Just try and be genuine. People will like you more for it.
You already know it
It's water that will give you herpes.
>Mobilefag shitposter is bad with his money
Who would've thought.
By having sex you incel.
So are you going to drink it?
What am i looking at.
Unironically have sex.
it's already sold out OP
you haven't orderd shit
0/10 bait
also not video games
>He thinks I'm 'doing it for the memes'
lmao. You fool. I'm drinking this.
>I am going to regret this am I?
The first thought your father had after busting his nut in your mom.
just pay for a hoe
what do you think you're going to receive?
It's going to be plain water in a jar. You won't have any discernable way of connecting it back to Belle. You won't be able to do anything sexual with it. It probably isn't even water that touched her, she probably just left her faucet running and had slaves bottle thousands for her.
Try not being an ugly autistic Trump voter
go out to a coffee shop and confidently talk to women
Just be a volcel. Virgins live longer and instead of wasting time polishing your social graces you can play more Vidya.
an idiot buying water a softcore porn whore allegedly dipped herself in for a few minutes
>implying it's even bathwater
They know people are gonna drink this, they'll not want to bother with the lawsuits. Shit's gonna be tap water
You're the fool. She already trolled you once with the ambiguous wording about pornhub. And you fell for it AGAIN!
Yes it is "water from her bathtub" but that's it. She filled up cups with water from the bath faucet. That one "display model" in the video isn't the water you're getting.
shut up
Imagine being so thirsty you'd pay for a thot's bathwater
oh no no no sweety don't tell me you didn't realize this!!!
Society needs to crumble now. We've hit a peak in debauchery
pay a laboratory to do an actual chemical analysis of it