Super Mario 64

I don't understand the hype around this game, is it literally just because it popularized 3D games?

I never played 3D platforming games before and was told this would be a good place to start, but now that I've finished it, it's completely underwhelming, and fairly ugly to look at. Does it have any other merit to it other than "you had to be there"?

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>Does it have any other merit to it other than "you had to be there"?
Yep, it's fun.

Best 3d platformer ever

Maybe your brain just doesn't work

>I never played 3D platforming games before
How old are you?


its not a plat former might be why you don't like it also people just like it because of the movement

But it's not even that fun, you're just collecting things for the sake of collecting them, there's no greater point to the series of isolated challenges, it's like a Ubisoft open world game without all the fun stuff.

Nostalgia and the "it was revolutionary for it's time" novelty. Same shit as OoT

Old games that zoomers pretend they're the best ones ever because it's a fad these days. Actual people who played the game on release can tell you the pros and cons of it

Nintendo is about as revolutionary as Apple, just because they refined someone else's idea and brought it to the masses doesn't mean they invented it

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It has the most solid mechanics and highest skill cap of any platformer ever made.

Well user, I found it fun as hell. Exploring colorful worlds, flying around, swimming, punching stuff... maybe it's not your type of game.

And if it's still not fun, does that mean the genre is inherently flawed and boring? Sounds like I shouldn't even bother trying anything else.

You're a faggot and your opinions are bad.

>Does it have any other merit to it other than "you had to be there"?

I would perhaps like to remind you that this game came out almost a quarter a century ago.

Try playing it again, experience gets largely enhanced upon getting good at it and it's one of the best 3D Platformers in that regard since its movement is solid & level design allows for skips & various tricks. If you have no interest in that though, i can see why you may have been underwhelming. Unfortunate though, you should try to make the most out of your games.

Not an excuse, Super Metroid is older and still a fantastic fun experience, and still the best "Metroidvania" to this day

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Because you weren't alive when it came out

You did "have to be there", to a degree. This was one of the very first games in which people were truly moving around a 3-D environment (as opposed to other 3D games like Doom, which was still quite "flat"). The controls had to be perfect, and they were, and still are (apart from the camera, which was revolutionary for its time). People were still getting used to moving in this 3D environment, which made the game more challenging. But Mario 64 helped to train people to move in 3D. Nowadays, any competent gamer can breeze through it fairly easily, although there certainly still are some tricky areas.

Apart from all of this, people still like it because it has soul (unironically). Look at all of the little details that made it as special as it was: the Lakitu holding the camera with a fishing rod, the hub world that allowed Mario to safely play with and master all the mechanics, the neverending stairs with the melody that seemed to keep rising indefinitely.

I'm getting nostalgic thinking about it now, but it's really just a good, tight, well-made game. Why? Because its tight controls, varied challenges, and amount of detail put into the game means made it fun to play.

Here's the problem, your brain hasn't finished developing yet.

>Type up a thoughtful, detailed response to Op's question
>No reply

Why bother. I should've just called him a dumb faggot.

That image is so bad on so many levels.
>Mario 64 clearly has a visual style
>nothing wrong with using 2D sprites in a game to make a game run smoother
>Mario didn't look bad for its time
>"only popularized existing concepts and tech" thats literally what every game is
>"a few good tracks" I can't think of many songs from Mario 64 that don't randomly get stuck in my head, whereas I've completely forgotten the Spyro music.
>The personality point is valid but having characters that you can place your own personality into is perfectly fine game design as well
>"Just another installment" sure but its a completely different Genre. Mario is just the face of the game because it would sell.

I think the image would have been better if Spyro was replaced with banjo-Kazooie. Most of the points for Spyro would be true then (minus fantasy artstyle/setting).

Here's a reply for you.

It's great that you love the game and that you can enjoy it, but the essence of your reply is basically a combination of "you had to be there" and nostalgia, which you admit yourself. Other people don't have the benefit of that, and only see the game through a vacuum lens, and your "painted" opinion can do little to change that. There are games I loved as a kid but I recognize they might not be enjoyable to people only playing them now, as adults, and I think SM64 is one of those games, but there's so many people with an opinion like that enough to shift the consensus into apparently everyone liking it regardless of circumstances.

Its the best game ever made

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Bomb omb battlefield is a jam

It has solid mechanics and gameplay. 20 years later there still isn't a platformer in existence that plays smoother. If you can't realize that much then idk what to say. Sounds like you don't play much vidya and idk what games you have played but overall your opinion is worthless. Go watch an sm64 speedrun and you'll see the amazing potential the game has mechanically.

I'm younger than this user and I've played a lot of 3D platformers. How come you never got to play one?

I thought it was quite clear from the way I formatted my post that I separated the nostalgia and historical context from the reasons the game still holds up today, but ok

Because its a bait thread dummy

>Beloved game from the past
>"I don't understand why people like this game"

This is all you faggots do now. Fucking Christ do you ever like anything these days?

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No, it isn’t. It’s one of the few games I’ve played that genuinely felt like work. Many of the stars are just tedious (get 100 coins in every single stage), or unfair (shoot yourself into this random wall for a hidden star).

You just don't like platformers I assume

You’re just saying buzzwords, you’re not actually making an argument. There are much harder platformers out there. In fact, Mario64 is one of the easiest I’ve played. Unless by “skill cap” you mean exploiting speedrunning glitches and bugs.

You clearly don't understand what skill cap means

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If being a naive 5 year old when a game came out is a prerequisite to considering it good, then the game probably isn’t very good.

Explain it to everyone then.

Honestly, if you beat it, that's all that matters. You gave it a fair shake and if you didn't like it, you didn't like it. You might prefer Banjo or Spyro instead.

Its movement options are still matched by few games to this day. It showed a huge amount of trust in the player to take advantage of them while also not leaving out players who couldn't do so. Its levels are a result of art through adversity, using open ended environments emphasizing navigation or exploration.

If you can't at least appreciate what an older game brought to the table, you need to seriously reevaluate your tastes. Get out of your box a little. "It's dated" is not a proper assessment of quality. Frankly, even if it was, Mario 64 would have aged tremendously well. It's difficult to be dated when every 3D game in existence takes cues from it.

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I had one of the older tablet PC’s
If only they came a bit later when WiFi and apps were more popular They would’ve done infinitely better


You mean computer programs? We had those

>long jump (useful)
>side jump (sometimes useful)
>dive (rarely useful)
>slide kick (useless)
>punches (useless)
>leg sweep (useless)
>jumping kick (rarely useful)
>double jump (rarely useful)
>triple jump (sometimes useful)
>wall jump (sometimes useful)
Just so everyone knows, this is the “mechanical depth” people are talking about.

It revolutionized vidya. Of course the game isn’t going to hold up to today’s standards decades later. Why are you even asking this question? This is like saying you don’t “understand” why Pong was a big deal

>every 3D game in existence takes cues from it
Mario 64 wasn’t the first 3D game, you fucking idiot. Not only that, Crash was in development at the same time and realized most of the same innovations. Nintendo fanboys are utterly delusional.

Do you consider “pong” to be one of the greatest games ever made and constantly recommend it to others?

How far your skill is going to take you until it becomes irrelevant because of the game's limits, basically. But why do you even come on Yea Forums if you have no clue about video games? That's pretty embarassing dude.

Those saying "you had to be there" are wrong, actually. SM64 came out the year I was born (im 22), and I only played it for the first time last year. Its easily one of my favorite games of all time. Ive already replayed it twice. Whats appealing to me about it is the movement. Im a sucker for good movement options, and SM64 still has some of the best. Saying the game is "just about collecting" is misleading. The game is the epitome of "its about the journey, not the destination". Whats so fun about collecting all the stars is the freedom to develop your own method of getting to them, and being able to experiment and find shortcuts. Its the absolute freedom for completing the objectives thats so fun.

If you didn't like it at all, 3D platformers just aren't for you bro. If it was simply underwhelming, just try more modern ones like Odyssey or Hat in Time.

Super Mario 64 laid the groundwork pretty much every other 3D platformer built upon. So yeah, it is a bit lacking in comparison to others of its ilk, but that makes perfect sense. Still a solid game, I'd definitely recommend playing it if only so you can figure out what you want from the genre.

I sure hope you aren’t serious. Watch any speedrun of SM64 and you’ll hear the runners constantly complain about having to retry tricks because the game is so inconsistent.
>irrelevant because of the game's limits
The fuck does this even mean? You’re talking out of your ass.

>dive (rarely useful)
>double jump (rarely useful)
Well friend looks like we can safely discard this post. Also, you forgot backflip.
Nothing wrong with Crash. Great games. However Crash still had a fixed camera. Go ahead and try to name a game that popularized 3D maneuverable camera before Mario 64 without googling. The only delusional person here would be the one who denies the game's massive influence. I don't understand what sort of crazy fanboy juice you'd be drinking to do that.

You had a Xbox as a child or why the fuck have you never played 3D platformer? I didn't even want to play anything else when i was kid

This entire thread must be purged

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90% of the time I use double jump it’s to reach triple. Also dive is indeed near useless considering long jump fulfills nearly the exact same purpose and travels farther. The only reason you would ever use it is if you miscalculated a jump and had to compensate mid-air.

Also thanks for pointing out the backflip, which is also useless.

It still has some of the best movement mechanics of all time

>denies the game's massive influence
This thread is about whether SM64 is a good game. You’re the one bringing up retarded irrelevant shit like “legacy” and “influence.” And half the shit you said wasn’t even correct, and now you’re butthurt that you got called out.

Shut the fuck up.

Who the fuck unironically recommends playing Mario 64 in current year to someone new to games? Stop making shit up.

The game is very consistent, but of course at speedrun level there ought to be some tricks that require obscure inconsistent mechanics.
>The fuck does this even mean? You’re talking out of your ass.
The sentence isn't very hard to understand. If the game is limiting, your skill will hit a "cap" and you won't get much better. SM64 has an impressive moveset which raises the skillcap.

It was a good game for its time retard. You have to examine its fucking time of arrival and the affect it had on fucking vidya


OP said he's new to 3D platformers, it's good to start with the basics.

I don't think you've seen anyone competently run through this game. People get plenty of mileage out of that dive.
Well given that you directly addressed a point in my post about the games influence it seemed appropriate for me to talk about your counterpoint. You're now attempting to say that's not what the thread's about when you're the one who wanted to debate that specific point. How exactly is a game's mechanics having a positive impact on games as a whole not a testament to its quality? Its legacy has everything to do with its quality. If it had not been up to par it would have been considered a bump in the road or the downfall of an icon. Are you well? Do you need help?

Romhacks and speedrunning keep this gme alive.

>>long jump (useful)
>>side jump (sometimes useful)
Extra height that can't be achieved by a double jump, puts you in a state that can wall jump or slide. Extremely useful
>>dive (rarely useful)
Conserves momentum. Is an attack. Sometimes useful.
>>slide kick (useless)
Conserves momentum. Allows you to fall from higher without being damaged. Rarely useful.
>>punches (useless)
I agree. You never have to punch, apart from Bowser. Then again, not really a movement option.
>>leg sweep (useless)
Again, agreed. But also not a movement option.
>>jumping kick (rarely useful)
Allows you to keep going up a slope without sliding. Incredibly useful.
>>double jump (rarely useful)
I agree, it's usually just a gateway to the triple jump. Sideways somersault is better.
>>triple jump (sometimes useful)
The highest you can jump. Incredibly useful.
>>wall jump (sometimes useful)
You're a meme. Incredibly useful.
Quick extra height that can't be achieved by a double jump, more precise than the sideways somersault. Very useful.

Compared to Mario Odyssey, which is just "double throw Cappy and long jump" as it's only useful movement option, SM64 is amazing.

It shines the most when you're playing ROM hacks, where they expect you to know how to use the moves skillfully.

Why? Because some youtuber told you so? If a game isn’t good, I don’t want to play it. No other hobby has such an autistic level of obsession over things like this. You wouldn’t hear a car buff say “you gotta drive a model T man, it revolutionized driving.” That’s fucking retarded.

>SM64 has an impressive moveset which raises the skillcap
Half of the shit one this list is never even used in a speedrun. I keep hearing people say this game has mechanical depth, yet everyone who plays this game at a high level uses the same 3-4 movement options for the duration of the game. And when you say “limiting” you aren’t specifying whether the limits are imposed by the developers or whether they are the limits of bugs and glitches I mentioned before. Probably because the truth is that by “mechanical depth” you mean exploits not intended by the developer.

>Half of the shit one this list is never even used in a speedrun
the only thing that is not used is the break dance, everything else has a use. You just don't know what you are talking about.

Because it's fun. The worlds are well designed, the controls are satisfying, it's fun just to run around and slide and jump on shit. The only elements that have aged are the camera, limited lives, and getting kicked out of the level after every star. All of those games from that era, Banjo and Spyro and this, are still fun to return to. Complaining about them is indicative of the ADHD riddled zoomer generation, kids who seek instant gratification through shit being handed out every five seconds.

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OP, I had similar opinions and I played it when I was young (7, 27 now) and after looking at the games today within the same series a few years back, I realized why Super Mario 64 got so much praise and have come to appreciate what it did after the stagnant mess that was New Super Mario Bros.
>Full-3D environment
>Because it was in 3D, it was crucial to get the controls and movements just right hence all the so-called useless moves here , allowing for a lot of improvising and versatility for playing the game
>Adding on to the previous point, ROM hacks make use of those moves more than the base game, a recent discovery that made me love the game more
>Instead of following a formula, it simply did what it had to do: Put Mario in a 3D setting. The rest is history
You can't have a game like it ever again, Odyssey still has modern Nintendo tendencies here and there. I prefer Banjo-Kazooie and played both side to side so it's not bias or nostalgia but Super Mario 64 was more versatile with its options while BK was more structured. Both have their fans.

Super Mario 64 DS is how a remake should be done, another reason why the Zelda remakes did nothing to convince me to buy them.

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>Half of this list not used in a speedrun

This is straight up a lie


Don't you have some furbait thread to post on?

>Super Mario 64 DS
nope, D-Pad neuters the whole experience, while Luigi removes the requirement for any platforming.

I think originally it was SA2 on the right.

Just play with the stylus and don't play with Luigi then lmao

>This entire thread
I haven't seen zoomers this thoroughly spanked since last week

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I'm talking in terms of content. Adding new areas and characters atop of the base game was a selling point and Wario being straight from Wario World was a massive bonus, hence why I said you can't ever have a game like it. Even the remake broke the mold. The controls are iffy but consider that it was a 2004 launch game vs. a game in 2011 that added nothing substantial.

Back to your cave old man

That' s what you get for being born too late.

If you don't have fun just by moving with mario in 64, you don't really like 3D platforming. That's as simple as that.
The stars are just incentives to try the different moves and try wall jumping, long jumping, side jumping, triple jumping, salto jumping your way to your different goals.
You perfectly know what you can do and what you can't, you can estimate distances fairly well, you're unconsciously able to gauge what's the difficulty to go to a certain points.
The pure undiluted fun solely thanks to its gameplay and that's the best thing a game can be.

Wario was useless in a game like Mario 64

It was innovative. Platforming in 3d, camera controls that weren’t totally shitty, and a joystick controller. Remember PlayStation didn’t have a joystick! More than that it was fun and cool with lots of secrets. Mario 64 wins because it set the standard, even if other games did the same thing better.

Useless, broken, who gives a fuck? An attempt was made and that's what counts. Someone on the DS team had taste.

>Run down through a corridor: the game
>A game that seamlessly transitioned to 3D and 20 years later still have better controls than 99% of 3d platformers
At least you could have said Jumping Flash

More options are good

Prior to Mario 64, 3D gaming was broken as fuck. Many developers were fruitlessly trying to adapt a 2D gaming formula into 3D - linear stage design, play through the level, get to the goal, advance to the next stage. It was a mess of shit.

Nintendo fundamentally changed the way these games are designed.

Nintendo gave Mario 64 a hub area, with the levels accessible from this hub. The idea is that the player would play these levels multiple times with different objectives.

The design of this is ingenious:

1) levels are non-linear in design, creating a sand box environment to explore rather than a series to obstacles to navigate. i.e. Nintendo automatically made 3D gaming fun and engaging right off the fucking bat.

2) having a small number of levels which get replayed multiple times allowed the developers to spend more time on making them memorable environments.

3) player progression through the game is locked behind the number of objectives completed in other levels. This allows the difficulty of the game to be dependent on the player's skill level. Need 10 stars to unlock the next world? You only have 9? Can't beat that tricky level? Don't worry try one of the easier ones and as you get better you can come back and try again. Genius.

4) player exploration is encouraged and incentivised and the player is conditioned to marry 3D spatial awareness with their skill set. That ledge up there looks interesting but its too high to jump to? If only you could master the triple-jump or jump off that wall to reach higher.

5) having different objectives in each level allows the play style to constantly change, remain refreshing and always surprising. You never know what you might have to deal with next time you play that level.

And I haven't even mentioned things like the controllable camera or analogue controls.

The simple fact is that the gaming landscape can be split into BEFORE Mario 64 and AFTER Mario 64.

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