Explain why this isn't the game of the generation and please use ACTUAL ARGUMENTS
Explain why this isn't the game of the generation and please use ACTUAL ARGUMENTS
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Persona exists
Got your answer?
As someone who really, really likes Souls games but is a very defensive player who doesn't like playing agressively at all, can I still enjoy Bloodborne? Dark Souls 3 already feels too fast and agressive for me at times.
because that title would then apply to all soulsborne games, which wouldn't make sense
cause it is
Resident Evil 2
I like it more than i like bloodborne, my runner up.
please say sike...
Chalice Dungeons.
-sold like trash
-game hard does not = game good
- bro!! Aliens lool
Stop being stupid
what are you, some kinda pussy?
Persona is a PS3 game retard
Well, DaS is the best game of last gen, so...
BOTW exists :/
Because it's not even the best game on the PS4
I just derive far more pleasure in seeing bosses ten times my size deal absolutely no damage to me than in dealing lots of damage to them.
I'm not the
>getting hit
type, I'm more the
>needing to dodge, ever
There are some very aggressive and chaotic enemies in the game but I think you should try it anyway because it's the best Souls game in many more ways than just the combat. And maybe go for a heavy weapon I guess since those are more focused on taking your time to read the enemy and punishing them when they miss.
oof i guess minecraft is the game of the gen for you haha
There are no shields in the game so unless you intend to perfect parry everything your only option is to dodge.
>Well, DaS is the best game of last gen, so...
so what? are you gonna tell me bloodborne deserves the title of game of the generation and dark souls 3 doesn't? they're pretty much the same
Blood vials are a step backward from estus flasks.
Combat complexity is too basic for the fast playstyle they force and the damage is too punishing to make experimenting with combos fun.
I do agree it's beautiful and has outstanding atmosphere and music though. If the gameplay wasn't just souls without shields it would be much more interesting and possibly GOAT.
that's not how we structure posts here, redditor
There's nothing to say because it is.
What’s the best game on PS4 then?
Not an argument
>optional content makes a game worse than it would be if it wasn’t there in the first place
last gen games dont count
wii u is current gen
>explaining why something isn't
How about you persuade us as to why it is
You can only post in this thread if you've beaten Kos's dumpster baby
Hate it as much as you want but sales do matter
If that shitty ass game sold better there would be another one by now
Wheres minecraft 2 haha
lmao no its not
>repetitive gameplay
>RPG elements feel tacked on and redundant. Magic might as well not exist, same for ranged combat, all melee weapons fall into about 3 archetypes and are used the same way
>nonsense story
>forgettable soundtrack and VA
>flat level design, just corridors and stairs
>terrible optimisation severely dampens any successes in aesthetics or gameplay
BB isn't even a great game. GOTG is nonsense.
Never played it. Care to redpill me?
> sold like trash
Sales≠quality, try again
>game hard does not = game good
Game's not even hard, try again
>bro!! Aliens lool
Lmao nice "argument"
Simply pathetic, try again.
There's no fucking structure standard on Yea Forums and there never has been. Stop pushing this meme.
If you want to call people out for being Reddit the original reasoning was a lack of originality creating content and average joe pussy values.
I always used shield in Souls but I ended up being really good at Bloodborne. You'll adapt
It's a good game, but what else? The game of the generation has to be define that generation, so I would argue that pubg or maybe fortnite should get that title. Pubg started the whole BR trend which is just stupid popular and fortnite really pushed lootboxes
fortnite doesn't even have lootboxes, if anything overwatch pushed it
Play the game
>360 tier hardware
>current gen
Also imagine calling switch "next gen" during this current gen LMAO
game felt tailor made to my interests in every aspect, my only gripe with it is its performance isn't too good on the ps4. would buy it again on pc
This must be bait, it just has to be bait.
>Forgettable soundtrack
>Well, DaS is the best game of last gen, so...
Soulsfags are fucking delusional, Jesus Christ
i don't need to imagine that because the switch is current gen, why would i call it next gen?
the fact is the current generation of consoles started in 2012, i don't if you think the hardware doesn't fit
Because RDR2 is.
i own it, sadly. i even bought the ps4 just to play it. the worst ever case of getting fucked over by listening to Yea Forums
100% agree with you here. The performance is one thing you do get used to and the pros far outweigh the cons with Bloodborne, I would seriously, SERIOUSLY love a PC port of Bloodborne just for the potential of how even more beautiful it would look.
It felt like a half-assed effort compared to dark souls. Barely any variety in items or weapons, less RPG elements, not much variety in environments. It feels more like a cobbled-together prototype than a real game.
sorry for your bad opinion bro, maybe they can get the brain tumor out
Xenoblade 2 exists
It's got more soul put into the soundtrack and visuals than the entirety of the souls series. And I love pretty much all of the Souls games. Bloodborne is just so ridiculously great and the aesthetic is perfect. I'm sorry you feel like it's a "cobbled together prototype". And yes, there is lots of variety in the weapons, especially with the trick weapons that are essentially a 2-in-1 weapon with maybe even more possibilities.
Repulsively ugly, bad level design, inconsistent combat.
reminder that the last of us was released in this generation and it defined how all of sony's exclusives after that played
it is the game of the generation, doesn't matter if it's good or bad
too short, bad progression (game is mouthbreather-tier easy if you aren't just leveling randomly once you pass rom), performance issues on even the ps4 pro
Also more of a personal nitpick but theres not nearly as much build variety as previous souls titles. Or maybe viable builds is a better way to put it. Bloodtinge build is limited to like 3 weapons and the whistle, same thing with arcane except with the tentancle arm thing and cauliflower head if you have dlc
Game is a solid 8 out of 10, but not even the best soulsbourne let alone game of the generation
>hey we put a limit on your heals AND parrys
>you still have to get through the entire level to fight a boss every time it kills you
>also theres a grand total of 26 melee weapons but most of them fucking suck
I love the game but it has flaws
minecraft is still being played and loved by alot of people, noone outside of Yea Forums remembers this game and you guys just love it because of that exact reason that noone else does
You unfortunately have a case of "shit taste" because I bought my PS4 to play Bloodborne and to this day I will defend it with all my heart. It's an amazing fucking game and it's a shame there isn't more of it. Old Hunters is by far one of the best DLCs that has such a great theme to it. If I had to pick one game to play for the rest of my life, it'd be Bloodborne.
Tons of people know about this game and still play it
I have friends that don't browse here and they talk about it every so often
jesus man the ps4 cost like 250 bux. just swallow your pride. im content to say i wasted my money rather then spend my life defending a foolish purchase
>If I had to pick one game to play for the rest of my life, it'd be Bloodborne.
god the snoy cult is fucking braindead
>tons of people
>my small group of friends who think like me like this game that i also like
just stop
Please be bait.
I don't think these are very fair flaws. The limit on heals and parries is a skill barrier, especially with how easy it is to parry if you know what you're doing.
The weapons argument I also don't agree with, a lot of those weapons have unique builds that make them amazing and fun to use. With also those melee weapons being trick weapons that have different movesets just from one button that can combo into the other moveset. I think a lot of the weapons are unique because of this factor and the fact there's less makes a lot of them feel very soulful, especially weapons like the Chikage and the Holy Moonlight Sword.
>It's got more soul put into the soundtrack and visuals than the entirety of the souls series
no dude
I stand by that, don't think that just because I love Bloodborne that I'm a sony fanboy. I barely touch my PS4 outside of Bloodborne and the KH series.
you know snoyyboyys are delusional when they think THIS is even getting a sequel, lets not even talk about winning anything kek
Look, I love the Soulsborne series. I think it's great, but Bloodborne really upped the ante with how good a souls-like can be.
>10 million 12 year olds bought minecraft so it's a better game than bloodborne
lmfao oof
The soulsborne series in general focuses too heavily on the gameplay and not on its story, which is only told through items and NPCs.
Blooborne has too high a skillcap for the tards who aren't able to git gud, a 2deep4u story that's entirely too convoluted to actually piece through without dedicating hours of your life to it.
ZERO??!? how could this be bloodbros???
The generation isn't over yet, there
Not as popular as FIFA
would agree if the game had less bosses capable of oneshotting you in their final phase
>use all vials to get through the end of a boss
>oneshots you with some bullshit
>i'm out of/ very low on vials
>cant buy them because my echoes are beyond the mist wall
>spend 20 mins farming vials/echoes to get them
oh and also
>vials increase in price while restoring the same amount of health
same thing with bosses with bullshit mechanics like the bloodstarved beast. "Oh you used all 9 antidotes you can find so far while trying to kill this boss? Though luck bud, gotta farm for an hour to buy them again, they cost twice as much as vials."
dead weight go home
>only 47% got the trophy for beating the first boss
persona is absolute trash
casual filter
>try beat him
>"i'll finish him off tomorrow after i sleep, might as well beat German first tho"
>literally easiest boss ever, impossible to not win
>game ends, restarts on ng+ without asking me
and with that, i never played BB again. the game was already frustrating beyond belief and that was the last straw
Nah, we don't think it's gonna get a sequel. We'd just like more of Bloodborne. It's wishful thinking.
Chromatic aberration
Not even a locked 30 FPS
Too short
Some wonky hitboxes
Awful camera
Poor build variety
Still pretty good and definitely better than Dark Souls 1 and 3
>"i was too stupid to realise what i was doing so the game is BAD"
game was free on PS+ and most people either don't bother or just quit after the first five minutes since it's just not their kind of game
People who use "awful camera" as a way to say any soulsborne game is bad must have a lack of hand to eye co-ordination.
having previously played all the souls games i had an expectation about what would happen.
>it's not even the best fromsoft game
>it's not even the best ps4 exclusive
>it's not even the best game of the week off its release
Yet snoys love it. Case of shit taste i reckon
>story taht's all just a dream
>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
>guns yet can't increase amount of ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>can't dual weild guns
>doesn't allow you to play like a tps yet includes guns
>aliens out of nowhere
It made PCu.cks bitter.
it' s not innovative. It's a great Game 9-10/10 for me, but it's a better Dark Souls, something like DS or DeS ca be game of their generations.
For this generation i can Say Zelda BotW or TW3 (and i dind't like it at all)
I think not liking Bloodborne is a case of shit taste. Game is great, sorry you don't like it.
A lot of cheap moments in that game, like getting one-shotted with full health from an enemy that teleports 20 metres behind you WHILE offscreen! Seriously people defend a lot of stupid things in these games like tracking the player the entire way through a wind up attack, it's so cheap, if it wasn't part of a famous franchise people would shit on it a lot more.
Aside from that though, it's a fun game.
>defensive player
lol, they openly make fun of your kind in BB
The story isn't a dream... the Hunter's Dream is a dream. Jesus did you even play the game?
>aliens out of nowhere
It's a very lovecraft inspired game. It's more Cthulu than alien.
It's damn near close but
>chalice dungeons
the gameplay is objectively bad
it is a casualization and rehash of multiple games that came before just with new aesthetics(which performs worse than its predecessors)
For real, I was watching my Gf fight father gascoigne a few nights ago and the music still gives me chills.
Casualization? With faster combat and a less forgiving dodge? What the FUCK are you even saying?
Because it's not on PC. I love the game but it is really hamstrung by the ps4
>good optional pvp
>best gameplay in an RPG ever
>fast enough to feel like a character action game at times
>amazing level design
>top tier gothic/victorian aesthetics
>good twist in it's story if you choose to pay attention since it's about gameplay first
>top tier music, voice acting and atmosphere
What's better? I sold my ps4 2 years back and only have a pc now but I still love bloodborne.
Lmao, absolute brainlet. Combat is faster, harder, and better than any souls game. And the aesthetics are more unique than souls and create a cooler world than any souls game has yet to do.
You can summon for help
This so much. Shitty cameras are part of Miyazaki's vision. People just don't understand how much of a genius he is.
Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 are all completely flawless games.
They aren't shitty though, literally just adapt to the claw grip and you're fine. Fucking brainlet.
>Combat is faster
as fast as DaS3 with much less variety.
mash R1 to win, 2 of the 3 starting weapons are the 1st and 2nd best in the game. Dark Souls 2 is far more difficult even in spite of how much more freedom the game gives you by comparison.
>and better than any souls game.
That's an opinion
>And the aesthetics are more unique than souls
Not really just its literally just Warhammer Fantasy style of Victorian dystopia with a bit of Lovecraft thrown in.
>and create a cooler world than any souls game has yet to do.
Can blatantly ripping things off be considered creating?
Dark Souls 1 was originally 30fps.
>tfw had to adapt to claw grip after breaking my right hand badly and still playing vidya regardless
best shit
>Dark Souls 2 is far more difficult even in spite of how much more freedom the game gives you by comparison.
>All these faggots complaining about chalices
The chalices, if you actually gave them a chance has some really good bosses and co op dungeons are fun as fuck.
>They aren't shitty though
Wow, I guess you just don't understand the complexity and depth that the poor camera adds to the experience of these masterpieces.
It's not flaw like that other guy was saying.
People always say this when a game is truly difficult.
People that dislike Dark Souls 2 were simply filtered by its difficulty.
>Can blatantly ripping things off be considered creating?
This, if we lived in a just world From would already be bankrupt from lawsuits, first from the mangaka of Berserk and then Warhammer's owners. People call Chinese bugmen, but japanese really aren't that much better when it comes to stealing from everywhere around them.
that explains why youre defending a fast paced take on souls combat with no ranged weapons, magic, or shields, which has parrying tied to a resource and only allows you to dodge for defense but also has absolutely retarded encounter design involving huge monsters in tiny corridors all the time and running a silky smooth 18fps
ADP and Agility are excellent filters for retards at least.
>no ranged weapons, magic, or shields
You clearly haven't played the game...
A large majority of people barely get anywhere in most games. The acquisition rate of the simplest trophies are categorized as “Rare” because only ~10-20% of players get them. Bloodborne is exacerbated because it was a free PSN game and people wouldn’t even be motivated to give it a decent shot if they didn’t pay for it
fpwp, kys cringelord.
It's a dumbed down dark souls with ayyyliens.
Don't be too hard on him, Bloodborne players already have a hard time coping with trying to justify their console purchase for movie games and garbage.
What’s the best PS4 exclusive to you?
Why did they have to include warping from the start? god damn it
Literally what boss is one-shotting you outside of chalices? You must have put legitimately zero points into Vit
Name just one, go for it
>>repetitive gameplay
False. Each weapon has wholly unique movesets, making them feel different to use. A kirkhammer isn't the same as a saif.
>>RPG elements feel tacked on and redundant.
They feel appropriate and incentivises progression and build variety.
>>Magic might as well not exist, same for ranged combat
Not unless you make specialized builds. Tools actually synergize with the melee centric combat instead of the unsatisfying spell casting builds in past games. Bloodtinge builds make guns an actual viable method of inflicting damage as well.
>>nonsense story
The unconventional, non intrusive delivery of narrative and the lore is what makes the world mysetrious and intriguing and what most games should strive for, instead of relying on low effort expository info dumps and cutscenes.
>>forgettable soundtrack and VA
very, very shit taste
the theater VAs did a fantastic job and the OST is phenomenal, better than the midi farts or Yuka's garbage we've heard in the previous games
>>flat level design, just corridors and stairs
Nice reductionism, but the individual level design is actually very well made in context of the souls games.
>>terrible optimisation severely dampens any successes in aesthetics or gameplay
Last time I checked, it runs at 30fps with no dips whatsoever. And the art direction is strong. The use of eastern european gothic architecture some of the best I've seen in a game. Then you have distinct areas with their own memorable design, like the Nightmares and the Fishing Hamlet.
>Last time I checked, it runs at 30fps with no dips whatsoever
I fucking love BB, but you're just factually goddamn wrong there. I've had some monumental drops at enemies such as One Reborn.
Not that guy but there's also frame pacing issues on top of the frame dips.
MC is last gen dummy.
And that game fell apart after Anor Londo. Don’t reply to me