Cage vs Falcon
Discuss the result.
Cage vs Falcon
Discuss the result.
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ed is going to lose, isn't he
More important. How is Ed going to evite his death?
>Aang vs Edward Elric
Unless they just give Ed a philosopher stone, that matchup is entirely unfair.
If the answer was anything but Falcon people would riot.
did anyone think douglas j. falcon wasn't going to win?
Ed would rather die than use one.
>death battle
>considering characterization
He will use it anyway.
Death battle is a shitty meme at this point
why do you faggots keep talking about it?
Its like Kenshiro vs Jotaro in that one opponent can end it all with one close range attack (in this case Destruction Alchemy)
The issue is that Ed has no way of getting close enough to Aang when he's in the Avatar state seeing how he could fly, is keep away oriented, and could just level the floor like what he did to Yu Dao's surrounding area and have Ed fall to his death
Autistic "who would win in a fight" threads have been discussed long before Death Battle. It would persist regardless.
Song is out
Sure but why talk about two retards and their retard show?
bro this shit was riged AF, they fucking made them fight on a race track so Falcon could use his ship and win no matter what, Cage has fought literal gods so how the fuck is this result supossed to make sense?
cope mklet
best argument ever, how could I even try to contradict you?
Falcon would FUCK Shao Khan up. MK gods are dicklet weaklings.
The Fallen god he defeated was restricted and not as strong as he was previously.
The animation is just for show
They said in the run down that Falcon can summon his machine anywhere because Reactor Mights are bullshit
>has fought literal gods
He defeated a Fallen god because his ancestry is tailored to fight them
They're super effective on them by nature but only regularly effective on everything else as hinted by one of Cassie's intros
It's popular, and if gone unchecked their terrible takes will be parroted by retards.
Should've been Johnny Cage vs Athena Asamiya
Ed is more willing to kill than Aang.
His powers are specifically strong against Elder Gods. Cpt. Falcon isn't one, so those don't work.
Death Battle only removes killing restraint
Things like arrogance, cowardice, madness, etc are kept
I don't even have to watch the video to know that Captain Falcon wins.
With the whole internet falcon punch thing and the fact that he beat several gods in a race when they were all ganging up on him, there's no way that Johnny Cage stood a chance.
Why the fuck was he even chosen as Captain Falcon's opponent anywhere? What do they have in common?
he has also fought fucking monsters, ninjas and all kind of weird shit and has survived to all of them, making him lose to a fucking racer is just retarded
Celebrity fighters
Reactor Might bullshit > MK bullshit
>Celebrity fighters
But they're still wildly different.
Johnny Cage is a hollywood actor while Captain Falcon is race car driver.
He should have versed Ricky Bobby.
>Cage has fought literal gods
And so has Captain Falcon, he had 3 team up on him and he still won.
>he's fast enough to dodge a bullet !
>in the very next scene of the game cage is hit by a bullet
cage had no chance but these guys are retarded
Have sex
I mean, if he had that belt it would have been overkill.
His older self dodged a bullet
His younger self was wounded and tired and couldn't react in time
Unpopular Opinion: Death Battle isn't that bad, and its fun to watch with friends, even if the results aren't accurate.
Who would win this battle?
Who needs close range when Star Finger would rip Kenshiro's eye out?
>Death Battle isn't that bad
It's not, the creators are just dumb, inconsistent, are at times biased and don't know how to powerscale.
Kenshiro has crazy Stuff like turning intangible or interact with souls.
Shikamaru can't see Stands and Kakyoin's is ranged. And even if he could gain control of Kakyoin's shadow his Stand could still move around. He's fucked.
One Little thing about Capitan Falcon and one huge thing about death battle is how they mix movement speed whit combat reflexes, Falcon can drive the blue falcon at maximum speed and avoid crashing into anything (unless he wants to) and is able to react and turn the wheel in fractions of a second that mean that for all intents and purposes his reflexes are spider senses. Jonny just would not dish a move that he would not have seen coming like if he was holding the script to the fight!
If Shikamaru Shadows catches him, it's over.
>Weiss gets KO'd rather than killed
I swear, I'm skipping anything RWBY related from now on
Hierophant Green just enters inside him.
>not knowing that Kenshiro is still able fight without eyesightn because of shuu
>probably results in heightened senses, giving kenshiro an even bigger advantage
No it isn't, his Stand would still be able to move. Kakyoin doesn't need to do shit for his Stand to activate.
Did you stroke off or something whenever Jotaro stood completely still as Star Platinum moved at ridiculously high speeds, punching the everloving fucking shit out of whatever poor bastard he was fighting?
>His older self dodged a bullet
he really didn't
if we're talking reaction, as in he sees the bullet and dodges, he's basically falling to the ground while doing splits
so unless earthrealm has some DBZ gravity bullshit he didn't dodge shit while falling at 9.8 m/s vs a 450 m/s bullet
kano has geriatric reaction times and johnny saw that shit coming
Nothing can deflect the emerald splash, shikamaru's got no chance
They already did that match
Mirage Clones + Muso Tensai = Victory
How does that help when Star Finger jabs him through the eye and pierces his brain?
The most obvious example on how they mix combat reflexes and movement speed is in the Zero vs Metal sonic fight. Can Zero run after the robohog? Hell no! if he want to escape he is gone, however if he want to ram him at his maximum speed well Metal is getting Z saber to the face.
If the user is imobilzed, so does the stand.
Implying SP is strong enough to do that.
By being much faster, probably.
>anime on anime
See Shikamaru has never seen something like hierophant Green ore even a stand in action while Kakioyn has seen shit like the shadow control and over again
Your first point just talked about ripping his eye out. And I have stated my case that it would beneficial towards Ken. Your new argument is an argument you see from people that in vs. debates completely disregard the opposition. By that logic every character could potentially defeat anyone, because he does stuff.
Avatar has much better speed feats than FMA.
No they don't.
Speed feats are not everything in a debate. It is also important how strong and durable a character is. And how versatile his moveset is.
And if HGreen's tentacles catches Shikamaru, it's over.
And I'm pretty sure Green is faster than Shika's shadow.
Yes they have, Avatars have benders that fights with electricity and Zuko was able to fight and react with one and was even able catch the lightning projectile, FMA has only Bradley blitzing regular humans.
Jesus fuck these are retarded.
They never react to lightning, they redirect it with their hands.
Only two of them are real matchups though. Also, got any better ideas?
This is literally "have sex" : the YouTube series
Aang withstood attacks from powerful benders while Edward was impaled by a simple object when he fought Kimblee.
It would be two points for aang, considering he can take more and has a speed advantage.
uh I dunno
how about Warrior of Light from FF1 vs Hero from DQ1
makes more sense than any of these though admittedly there's not much to draw from
Look man I like FMA more but Edward is outmatched in every single regard excepting intelligence and cunning, his only shot at this is banking on the fact that he is one pocket watch away from being a coon artist and banking on the fact that and is an idiot and has the focusing skills of a hyperactive rodent, and that if the Avatar transformation does not BTFO him (which will happen because this fight never end in a cutthroat and fast manner even when the character fighting is known to do things that way)
>Warrior of Light from FF1 vs Hero from DQ1
Would be a matchup, I would like to see.
>makes more sense than any of these
At least Kakyoin and Shikamaru share something moveset wise.
Yes, Green is faster due to the Hanged Man Stuff.
>people seriously thinking this is lopsided in favor of Aang
Oh lol, it's Ben 10 vs GL all over again
not that guy but
>Magician vs Nemesis
>Sylvanas vs Grimgore Ironhide
>Rey vs Rebute Gulliman
>If the user is imobilzed, so does the stand.
Nope. It's the other way around. If the STAND is immobilized, so is the user.
>At least Kakyoin and Shikamaru share something moveset wise
Yeah but any matchup with a stand user against a non-stand user doesn't really work.
This is why I hope that DB doesn't do a "Raoh vs DIO" battle, because it would be the same thing again. Alucard is a much better opponent for Dio.
Vergil losing to Sephiroth is BULLSHIT
>watch QA for that one out of curiosity
>someone asks why Weiss's death was so clean
>well DB was NEVER about the gore
>previous episode involved a 10 year old getting his arm chopped off and smashed into a bloody mess
Well Kenshiro vs Jotaro worked, because he could at least sense SP. But I realized now that Shikamaru doesn't have that, which makes it a mismatch.
Ragna McBloodedge vs Sol Badguy
Evil Ryu vs Devil Jin
Banjo vs Conker
Alucard vs Kain
Ryu Hayabusa vs Joe Musashi
Alucard would wreck Dio, he literally cannot kill him.
Yes, Kakyoin has also a good control of his stand and range is his speciality.
Sol stomps
Ryu stomps
Banjo stomps
Alucard stomps
Ryu stomps
>Ragna McBloodedge vs Sol Badguy
Already happened.
>Evil Ryu vs Devil Jin
Somewhat happened in their Battle?
>Banjo vs Conker
>Alucard vs Kain
>Ryu Hayabusa vs Joe Musashi
Now these three we can work with.
Can Dio even approach Raoh considering his aura? Dio is like Building Level and Raoh scales to Small Island.
We all know the true reason.
Would rather see Ryu vs Liu Khang. Liu got a hell of a bosst recently tho
And that boost would allow him to murder Ryu, he killed Cetrion who growed to the size of a planet.
>Banjo stomps
Conker has better 4th wall breaking powers. Makes Banjo look like a submissive cuck.
Gentleman Ghost works best theme wise for Dio
>Both started as industrial age/pre industrial age sons of drunken wife beating scum
>Both became obsessed with the idea that they were really top class and better than everyone around them
>Both died and came back stronger as a vampire/ghost
>Both developed enemies that have plagued them throughout time (The Hawks/Joestars)
>Both are fucking stylish
Homer vs. Peter when?
But is Gentlemen Ghost featwise able to have a fair match against Dio?
Outside of wanting Vega vs Baraka and Ermac/Shang Tsung vs Rose
I'm tired of MK vs SF
Give me SamSho, Darkstalkers, Skull Girls, etc
People also want warhammer but they just do not want to see this generations femnist icon be smashed to pieces by a Man. come on pick a Primarch any Primarch and send him against that bitch see how that goes
>Not Aang vs Omi
It would be perfect, some shen gong wus are fucking broken.
well most of SF vs MK battles have been missmaches anyways
it should had been
>Shao Khan vs Akuma
>Shang Tshung vs M. Bison
>Ruy vs Liu Khang.
His tangible form has taken blows from Power Girl
>Autism Battle
Fuck off.
What matters most?
>How much the match is requested
>How fun it'd be
>How close it is
>Character/Personality themes
>Backstory themes
>Power themes
>Meta themes
Omi is a faggot jobber.
He has a good a chance then.
Oh no peoples souls are trapped in there. Better not use it and let them suffer forever for no reason
For DB it doesn't really matter as long as they share a similar theme. This is what brought us horrible mismatches such as MegaMan vs Astroboy (look two robo bois) or Kenshiro vs Jotaro (look two punchy bois).
It should be fun first in my opinion.
Dude those ere the most unfair ones according to you? How about Darth vader vs DR Doom?
I wanted Aang to get humiliated by his worst nightmare!
>Darth Vader vs Doctor Doom
They're seriously retarded if Doctor Doom didn't effortlessly win that.
Oh yeah. This one too.
He did.
Kinda was a bad idea to use Vader against a Capeshit character (Even if I liked both)
He did
He doesn't have anything in common with Aang except for four elements and that retconned Planet spirit thing
He won.
Doesn't Kenshiro vs Jotaro fit meta themes since Jojo was influenced by Fist of the North Star?
imagine being weak against the thing you're supposed to fight
>He doesn't have anything in common with Aang except for four elements and that retconned Planet spirit thing
Oh hey, that's two more than Ed. How about that?
I highly doubt DB would have noticed that if it weren't for the comments and reports send in, mentioning it.
Periodic Table of Elements vs Classical Elements
Science vs Spirituality
Equivalent Exchange vs Balance of the Four Elements
He's also weak to Hitler's mere presence
I'm serious
Found a worthy opponent for Captain Planet.
Shhh. Let the Avatarfags set themselves for disappointment.
The WakFu nigga would have been a little more interesting but
Nobody cares about WakFu.
See Can't transmutate anything if there's nothing around you to touch
Which face-off (whether DB or not) made you smile the most?
>it’s unfair because a fighter used his best weapon
Kombatbabies are truly the worst.
Probably because Hitler doesn't shower.
Back in high school (20 now) I was getting into Touhou while my friend was getting into Jojo
I felt so smug around his frustration when that OMM dropped since every time it gets brought up, he'd rant about how Dio would win for a minute or two
Inb4 they only use Japanese dub clips for Ed's rundown
Hitler plays Smash?
>Using Bradley feats, someone who could kill Ed with minimal effort on his part.
>Ed is getting shit stomped by Pride, but gets distracted by Kimbley
Neither of these "feats" puts Ed in a place where he could win.
Its because intense hatred makes Planet weak
Yes, Yea Forums could beat Planet
He mains Ganondorf and Pichu.
Truly he is a vile human.
Yell yes but on this side It s yugo the one who will overpower Anng You have no idea of what level of DBZ bullshit a single Dofus can cause and Yugo has 6
Jotaro should have been able to kill Kenshiro with The World.
Here is the new template if people are interested.
>Reactor Might
>Power of the big bang
>Can call the Blue Falcon from anywhere
>Can move at and withstand supersonic speeds even without his machine
>Can easily tank explosions
>Can level fucking space stations
Captain Falcon... what the hell
Stan Smith comes in and stomps
>Kenshiro should have instantly used Soryu Tenha to remove SP
Don't forget
>Can spot a sniper miles away when he's on a mountain
As mediocre as the anime is, it made Falcon pretty busted for a racing character
Magneto vs Mikoto
Goku would kick superman's ass and you all know it
edward is fucking dead dude, Aang can turn his powers off.
What a shitty weakness for a superhero.
Goku, look at me
Isn't Sakuya way better than DIO with her time powers?
go back to south america, spic
No he can't
Alchemy isn't Bending
And getting so close will put Aang in danger of destruction alchemy or philosopher stone shit like what happened in the fight against Pride
Aang's best bet is to stay away and just level the ground
Why do retards use a youtube serie as a metric to compare the power level of fictional characters ?
>hears the screams of tortured victims just by looking at him
Deathbattle is stupid enough to pull the nuliffying bending thing. Beyond that Aang is just a better fighter period even if bending and alchemy wasn't a thing, he is a fucking shaolin monk ffs.
Pretty much
The show has been getting better production values
If there are two things I have to give DB credit for
Its keeping sprite fights alive in a post SMBZ world and the original music produced for their newer matches
I was pleasantly surprised and happy with Peach vs Zelda.
I've always known that Peach is fucking busted, but Death Battle basically made it seem like anytime Peach comes off as helpless, it's simply because she chooses to be.
How many times did Aang actually fight? I only remember the battle that gave him lightning damage to the back and final bossu.
>people who shit on death battle for being one-sided
>ironically cite seth or chuckcybercuck as source
Retards everywhere you go.
DIO would just melt inside the aura presumably. Considering that it's an extension of Raoh's "fist" the moment he entered the aura he'd just fucking explode.
>And getting so close
That's the thing, Aang doesn't need to get close. Ed NEEDS to form a circle by clapping his hands together and then placing them on whatever he want to transmute. Within that time frame Aang could, from a distance, bend the earth to restrict Ed's hands just like he did Ozai and then cut off one or both of his arms, basically taking Ed out of the fight completely.
>How many times did the main character actually fight
Did... did you even watch the show?
>How many times did Aang actually fight
All the time? It's a martial arts show. What do you mean?
He can also only transmutate one thing at a time when Aang can simultaneously bend all four elements in the Avatar State
Even though Ed can counter each one via deconstruction, he'd be overwhelmed
Bradley is a bullet timer. Greed fought Bradley, Ed fought Greed. Really, just use your head. Ed has a substantial speed advantage.
Listen, I love Ed and I love Full Metal, but if you honest to god look at this and think that Ed stands a chance you are insane.
>Greed fought Bradley
And was getting his shit wrecked, Bradley was barely even trying.
No, Ed quite slow compared to Avatar electricity users.
Maybe it's because most of his fights were forgettable compared to the rest of the crew. What were some of his best fights besides the very end? Preferably fights that aren't Jackie Chan tier bumbling.
Mastered Ultra Instinct unironically stomps bass Superman now, especially since they no longer use no limits fallacy
You mean the thing that wasn't enough to stop Jiren on his own?
I'm still mad about the Bayonetta vs. Dante
Best FMA characters
This Death Battle thing is the most zoomer shit I've seen. I can't believe it has over 1 million views.
Goku has shaken infinity. Superman’s version of the feat used artificial infinity and that’s his highest feat
Autistic sprite battles will always be a thing.
Boomers are too busy on their Firesticks when they're not being wagies.
Falcon is way stronger than any normal Kombatant. Only top tiers like Liu Kang can fight him. Even so, Captain Falcon at full strength can fucking destroy any Elder God with ease. Has anyone even paid attention to F-Zero GX's story mode? I know the Smash babbies haven't otherwise Falcon would be a god-tier in their "cannon powerlevel" threads. Captain Falcon with the Fused Champion Belt can control the forces of Light and Darkness that make up the universe. Deathborn said that the belt can reduce the galaxy into dust within an instant.
Not only that, but after defeating the Creators in the final race, their power returns into the belt. Within the final race, the Creators are represented by a Staff Ghost which means that they are the avatars for the developers of the game making.
tl;dr Endgame GX Captain Falcon has the Fused Champion's Belt (which can instantly destroy a galaxy) with the powers of the Creators who are the avatars for the game's developers. This means that Captain Falcon is the most powerful Nintendo character since he literally defeated Nintendo (and Sega if you wanna be technical) and holds their power within a belt. He'd destroy Cage.
Every fantasy setting with fascism is fucking awesome; why don't people realise this?
Death Battle is so fucking retarded. FMA has much stricter rules to it's magic than Avatar, Avatar works almost on deux ex levels of miracles and vague bullshit.
No way Ed will be able to transmute if Aang knows he has to stop him from being able to do it. Also why wouldn't Aang just Earth Bend any structure Ed transmutes from the ground back at him? Or are they going to say "well akshuallee when ed transmutes its metal and aang isnt known to metal bend so he cant" him and alphonse make shit out of brick and cement all the time.
It went down as it should have.
He beat them in a race, not that he killed them on his own, also the Creators likely does not want to cooperate with Falcon despite that they lost.
>#1 on trending
You got your Wonder Woman victory, don't get greedy.
As much as I hate most animu and knockoff animu bullshit, I'm pretty sure Aang doesn't deserve that.
is avatar any good
Samus vs Master Chief. How will MCs luck bullshit him a win?
Yeah, it was the last good cartoon on nick.
Yeah both are glass canons.
Ed can regenerate though
What? That fight was accurate. Realistically Bayonetta should not be able to beat Dante.
>but Jubileus/Aesir
And? Dante has also killed gods. Anything in Bayonetta's arsenal and powerset, is countered by something in Dante's. It came down to the fact that she just had no way of putting him down, yet he could put her down.
Bradley making that tank run is still one of the most entertaining things I've seen in shounen anime.
>Moving the goalpost so fast !!!
Jubileus was missing half of herself from Bayonetta to become complete, for Aesir he got depowered by Loki so he lost due to that.
Superman's best feat is knocking out the World Forger as he was resetting the multiverse. Powerlevelfags would post scans without context to trick people into believing that Superman has access to that level of power casually, but it took countless sundips for him to hurt the World Forger. There's also the fact that he was distracted by the Justice League and didn't know that Supes was stockpiling so much power. Had Forger knew of Supes' plan, then he would have stopped the Family Punch before it was too late. It's not something he can do at a whim or against opponents who are focused on him (see his scuffle against 5D Supes) as he jobs to weaker characters in Bendis' run. Still, the gap in power between Supes and Goku is pretty close, but I don't see Supes having an answer to the hakai.
With that said, Doomsday Clock is a fun read so far, and the Supes scene against the World Forger was a lovely Dragon Ball reference. Hell, Superman even has a Goku-esque reaction to all the sundips he's done. Sucks that it's the last time Superman will ever be in a fun story because Bendis is writing the main comics, and Doomsday Clock doesn't seem to follow Bendis' continuity. In context, this means that Supes' best feat in ages is non-canon.
Have any gods in DMC destroyed a moon? Or a planet the size of Jupiter simply by crashing with it?
Yes, it's worth it. Avoid the sequel, it's awful.
Well, the old folk says here
>rt graphics and animation department
Mundus created a dimension filled with stars and planets. Kamiya himself confirmed that Mundus' dimension is the size of the universe, and he's the director of the game.
>but Kamiya also said that Bayo would beat Dante.
His response wasn't about their power. He only said that a man would lose to a woman in a jocular manner implying that Dante wouldn't fight Bayo seriously.
no one can deflect the emerald splash
One of them is capable of creating planets and can rain down asteroids at will.
That feat is canon though, it's from JL, not Doomsday Clock. Superman can just power up and one shot Goku once he realizes base won't do shit, not to mention his higher grappling strength and speed
Kaguya from Naruto can also create realms with starts and what not and she's only planet buster.
Planets are small time.
They did this just to shit on Vic
Yes, unlike Ben 10, Avatar is pretty fucking good.
Originally the human and demon realms were one, but then were separated for oblivious reason. Mundus and Argosax were going to reunite these realms. Sheba, Jubileus and Aesir can also reunite or separate the realms in the Bayo verse like the gods in DMC can do the same.
I stopped reading naruto but after a while, but how was toph strong enough to be gaara? The average person in naruto is much more powerful and faster then the average bender in avatar, to me its like having Goku fight Ryu, both are martial artists that shoot beams but one is still obviously stronger.
my nigga, Ben 10 was trash I'm supprised how well it did.
She might be just a massive glass cannon due to her having large mass of chakra.
>I stopped reading naruto but after a while, but how was toph strong enough to be gaara?
she isn't. everyone recognizes that that was one of the worst DBs of all time.
They poorly researched because Gaara can oneshot her since he saved the village from Deidara and meteors.
Same can apply to the DMC gods.
Pretty sure she turned his sand into earth or something.
That fight was in 2014. They were basically starting.
The main reason they never gave Gaara a rematch can be because they figured out it was a massive spite battle or because the guy who does their sprites already had done Gaara vs Crocodile for a 1 melee battle. He did Aizen vs Madara too which is pretty great honestly.
Basically taking away his primary method of attack since Gaara can't use Earth Justu.
He can still take her down physically.
>Screw Attack constantly ignores the fact that Rings are a game thing and that Super Sonic can actually remain Super for a week
I will never not hate this shit.
Who could stop him?
I stopped watching Naruto Shippuden around the Sand Village stuff, but when did Gaara get over the fact that he isn't a hand to hand fighter?
>Weaker than Father, Pride and Lust Ultimate Spear
>Can't destroy and is less durable than Greed Ultimate Shield
>Slower than Sloth, the fastest one
Shouldn't you be cleaning my toilet, gonzalez?
Mario has been known to have "hammerspace" throughout multiple games and can just pull items out of no where.
Also, they were going specifically by the games for their latest Death Battle. Not the stupid bullshit Sonic can pull off in the comics or cartoons
>Dude Mario can react to lighting because he becomes a ball of energy that moves at a moderate pace
He isn't a hand to hand fighter, but his physical prowless should be not far far below than his regular sand attacks.
Super Sonic lasting for a week happened in Advance 1.
When the fuck are they going to do Madara vs Aizen?
Nah, they withstoot hits from those comparable to them like Sparda/Sparda DT Dante.
>furfags still seething over mario winning the rematch while forgetting sonic won the previous game
>tfw never watched Naruto or Bleach but everyone keeps talking about them
Am I missing out on kino?
Mario can travel and be unaffected by speeds faster than light, they explained that even outside of the lightning
seth is the most obvious dbztard out there
Sloth isn't the fastest. He can move fast but he moves like a tiger beetle. Straightforward without stopping.
He was very easy to handle and kill.
Show me the feats then. Because I can show you Jubileu fucking up a moon, really. But you haven't showed me anything for the DMC God yet.
I forget, how did they get passed Chaos control?
Literally the only feat that has changed is that Mario can now react to lighting, which not only is untrue, but doesn’t help Mario at all to begin with.
Naruto goes up and down in quality but has more lows than highs.
Bleach starts out very promising but drops the ball hard once the main antagonist is revealed.
Seth is entertaining as fuck tho. I really enjoy his internet persona.
And yet people still take his word as gospel.
Mario has only traveled “light speed” when Luigi threw him at bowser, and all the hazards Mario dodged were slow enough for humans to react to.
Captain Falcon is a Bounty Hunter who races as a hobby.
The explained that Sonic simply can't use chaos control at will and accurately like Shadow can. He was shown doing it once, with an emerald that was fake, and even then it was shown as though Sonic struggled doing it. It's not something that is a part of his normal arsenal, so they reasoned that Sonic wouldn't really use it in a fight since, it's not something he fully grasps.
While the others are statements that can be found in this thread, Argosax in 2 was merging the realms
Fuck no dude
Bleach has a great 10/10 start. But after 3 arcs, it turns into utter garbage
Naruto has the same problem, but more gradually
Sonic has little to no experience using the damn thing IIRC
At least those have meta themes behind them (even if it wasn't intentional)
I'm surprised you didn't mention Carnage vs. Lucy as a mismatch as it was just a lazy excuse to have a really bloody battle. Carnage has way more fitting battles that could be just as bloody.
Their logic is retarded and entirely based on the fact that Gaara's powers control sand and earth so they think Toph can just ultimately turn anything back on him.
Which doesn't make any sense since Toph has been overpowered by other benders before.
That and also, you need an emerald on you at all times to use the chaos control. Sonic never keeps emeralds on him, he finds them. They were generous in stating that Sonic would gain the emeralds in that fight, but even after using Super Sonic, the emeralds all fly away from him to different directions of the world anyway.
You talking shit about Jackie?
They actually struggled finding an opponent for Carnage (they hinted they are saving Mercer for Cole) and then one day someone just suggested Lucy
You don't understand how bullshit Kenshiro is.
He's the type of archetype who always end up having an answer for all challenges and it's always some Hokuto Shinken technique he's known forever, never anything he improvises on the spot.
Tenha Kasatsu against Souther being the shining example. Souther for the ONE time in his life, takes a stance, he's super serious business and starts fucking up Kenshiro DESPITE the fact that, now, Ken knows his pressure points, but nope, Kenshiro had LASER FINGERS all along...he wins.
The only problem with the ken/jotaro matchup is that they're basically the same archetype in that exact regard. When Jotaro shows up to help his friends who, so far had been getting fucked up by enemy stands, he always pull something out of his ass to win that he didn't even break a sweat thinking about. Why did he win against Darby? Huuuur he's fucking great at bluffing. Why did he win against that pedo dude who turns adults into kids? Hurrr because even as a kid he'll fuck your shit up.Why did he win against Dio? Well he was just THAT pissed. So if Ken and Jotaro face up, the only thing they can use against eachother are their absolute best techniques.
So they just ignored the fact that he did use it in the final battle of the Dark Side Story, used it later with Shadow against the final hazard, used it in 06 to go back in time and used it again in Sonic Advance 3 to fix the world when Eggman fucked it up? Though I shouldn't be surprised that they would ignore shit like that.
Sonic can use Chaos Control even when Super.
Whats even the relation of these characters?
I still want my Metroid species vs. Xenomorphs
Found the Mexican.
What analysis in Death Battle had the most bullshit overall? What feat did they mention and completely made themselves look like idiots? And what feats did they leave out that pissed you off the most?
Last year, they said they want to use Gordon Freeman and people immediately suggested Isaac Clarke
Xenomorphs don't have freeze guns
Cloud vs Link is a contender for the worst Death Battle ever imo because they gave Link all of his equipment and experience but stuck Cloud with no good materia. There was no reason why Cloud couldn't just summon knights of round as soon as the fight starts and end things instantly.
Metroids can still be killed with a lot of force. You don't need ice or extreme cold to beat them, though it does help immensely.
I know the Metroids would win, but I still want to see the battle
Much like there's a DC bonus they also have a Nintendo bonus on DB.
They even gave Mario a rematch so he could win. They gave Lucario a free win too as Renamon wasn't allowed to digivolve. Now THAT was fucking bullshit.
Tracer vs scout was really bad.
Especially whoever they paid to animate it.
I don't watch Jojo
I keep seeing Jonathan Joestar as the second most requested fight for Ed, is that thematic?
According to Death Battle's own video:
>Cloud can shrug off being impaled
>Cloud has beaten planetbuster Sephiroth
>can casually cut through skyscrapers
But Link wins because he lifted a big pillar once, with an item that he never uses for combat, which power would still be less potent than Cloud's.
Gaara vs Toph.
Even page 1 Gaara from the OG Naruto series would be too much for Toph to handle, let alone Shippuden, the guy who was tanking huge explosions like nones business.
>be dream
>kill dreamer
Anything that can top this?
But they did say they used all the visible items from their respective fighting games, and anything wearable is in. And Link had tons of weapons he didn’t use what so ever, like the elemental rods, or the Masks from Majora’s Mask.
They should do a rematch however with all the equipment they both have throughout the games, since clearly DB episodes are much longer.
One is a SJW show with understanding and lesbians and minorities and the other is voiced by a white chistrian male they fired over fake allegations do the math
You sure it's not Joseph? But Joseph has a metal hand.
>One is a SJW show with understanding and lesbians
not until Korra it isn't.
So you're telling me Smash bros should be the canon source of their kits instead of the games they're actually from.
Oh right, its Joseph
My bad
Demonbane has already been debunked hasn't it? I forgot which vs forums it happened in and which thread but they asked the creator on twitter on his feats. And long story short, Demonbane and his other forms aren't the LOL OMNIPOTENT UNBEATABLE XD meme that everyone claimed they were.
Isn't Demonbane piloted by human beings? How the fuck could that thing be omnipotent?
Lucario couldn’t Mega evolve either, but the fact that they gave Lucario healing pulse (A move that heals a targeted Pokemon, but now it heals Lucario for some reason) and didn’t account for Lucario’s typing (Steel would clearly be weak to Renamon’s attacks) is a load of bullshit.
Edo I think has better feats, but Joseph wins through sheer dumb luck.
>Fierce Deity mask
Guts vs Nightmare was bad, they considered Nightmare as strong as the Apostles Guts kills, when in fact is far stronger than them as the Seed he released in SC1/6 reached across the world.
It never was, just hipster weebs wanking obscure untranslated material so they can have a strong character for VS debates.
Bro Dante has taken hits from demon titans that make Avavago look like child's play and has shaken off getting stabbed multiple times like it's nothing.
Dante is damn near impossible to kill unless your name is Vergil.
Who cares, the result would still be a massive rape if they allowed Lucario to mega evolve.
Much like the Dante fags do in these threads.
They make him seem planet level when he's not.
Renamon has forms that oneshot Lucario.
Yes it was you stupid ass apologist.
>give both access to full power
>unzips Triforce
So she was severely nerfed to give a win to Lucario.
Cope harder bayonnigger
They only used the weapons Link and Cloud use in Smash/Dissedia/SC, and this was only done so for time constraints. They also followed how those weapons work in canon rather than the fighting games. And they just added all the wearable equipment that is considered the best throughout both series.
They said that in the episode itself and that it would be way to much work to go over absolutely everything in both series.
If they gave both their full potential, the outcome would be way more different. Especially with the Fierce Deity and Summons.
Pitch me an opponent for this guy.
Speaking of Link
One of the research team members did a collaboration blogpost on Link Battle Royale with a couple of guys some being fellow members
He also got done with a Blogpost on Ed so expect what's on it to apply for the fight
Faggots keep saying this, but Ed already used Envy's stone once and turned his own soul into a philosopher stone before.
Ed's issue is that he refuses to use one to get his body back, not that he refuses to use them entirely.
Tifa vs. yang. They weren't even subtle about the leash they were on, and that was before the yellow bitch went one armed and RWBY went to shit. The only good thing about ff7 remake is that there will be so many new ffag boys shitting up their request line now they will have to do a remake of that shit
>Kakyoin gets caught by Shikamaru's shadow control Kekkei Genkai
>Kakyoin activates Hiorophant Green
>Hierophant Green enters inside Shikamaru's body
The Philosopher stones were made from inhuman acts for the aim which shocked Ed, Al had no other choice but to use it to fight Kimblee and Pride.
Too OP for Death battle.
I'd say the original avatar's rules were about as strict except for the last episode
It is a figment of Azathoth's dream just like Yog-Sothoth and everything else, yet it went toe to toe with her and came out the victor,
losing an arm while mortally wounding it's own creator god. Vortex Blaster still hasn't been debunked and never will until the DYN Freaks sequel that won't happen.
fuck no remake are a cash grab shit that they get to cherry pick the winner that will get even more rage viewing.
Not even a fair fight and they have nothing in common
Is there a character who had their win snubbed out harder in Death Battle?
>Debatably multiverse level via powerscaling.
>Can freeze time with Light Bomb.
>Tanked a planetary explosion.
>MFTL+ travel with his vehicles.
>Lifted bomb size of a fucking mountain
>Destroyed a decent chunk of the solar system ON ACCIDENT WITH SAID BOMB.
>Loses to fucking Dig Dug.
>DBX doesn't seem to give him a break either.
You Gaarafags don't know the true pain of being a Bombermanfag, dammit.
nothin personnel kid
>Is just an assist in smash
It should have been johnny cage vs fei long, both movie star fighters. Set the fight in a rome Colosseum for maximum kino.
And then falcon vs cap commando because no one cares if he loses
>wounds its own creator
Nigga every jrpg party does that and worse. Any toonforce character stomps.
>Vortex Blaster hasn't been debunked
You're lucky I'm too lazy to search for the thread right now but next vs thread I see I'm stopping all your bullshit wank. Not to mention you don't have any official translations on the material you're citing shit from.
If Superman is so great how come he never met Bolsonaro IRL?
Toonforce is not an omnipotent power, it can be negated or nullified. There are characters that are immune to it.
DB excuses moral quandaries
>Falcon could use his ship and win no matter what
you know Falcon can summon his racer from ANYWHERE right? Johnny was fucked from the word go
It's not just Demonbane's creator though, it affected the entire Nitro+ canon. Also just read DYN Freaks, it's not long and it clearly shows that Azathoth got her arse kicked by angry Demonbane.
Not at all.
This character is Rare's personification in their videogames, or at least in N&B. It's one example of a character that Demonbane could not win against.
Other examples like the developers of Chrono Trigger showing up in the game etc.
The player can beat the pokemon devs in game, big whoop.
Shou Tucker vs Earth Queen
What actual feats does this guy have?
Beating his team isn't the same thing as beating the developer.
It is in pokemon.
Hes basically the developer's persona in the game. But he claims to have made all games.
which ones were the most cathartic for you?
>18 curbstomping Carol
>marvahbabbies crying that 18 cheated by using Budokai Tenkaichi 3 as a basis for her energy absorption powers which are non-canon
>more research yields that DB lowballed the fuck out of 18s strength since they were just using SSJ Goku as a base aka. the WEAKEST form of 18 during the Future Trunks/Cell arc and not ToP
Even Yea Forums hates Carol
They were fucking celebrating that fight
>tfw you lose every death battle you're in
>with an item that he never uses for combat
what do you think Link wears in combat user?
>nobody ever trys to argue that you should've won either unlike almost every other death battle
is there a more JUSTd character in the DB universe than Shadow?
Yoshi vs Riptor
>Everyone thinking Yoshi is just green Barney and doesn’t stand a chance
>ScrewAttack doesn’t even calculate how much force it takes to knock around GBB
>Years later, Yoshi just eats metal shy guys the size of building and compacts them into something that can fit in his stomach
they let Weiss lose to a Persona user recently
They're also blood related to fallen civilizations
Air Nomads and Xerxesians
No, I just know it's a waste of time because DBfags don't actually pay attention to their own show at use headcanon as fact.
I thought Aang was against killing
Ben 10 vs Green Lantern
And this is from a fan of both
Dan Habiki
>Satan actually doesn’t kill Dan
>Dan just accidentally kills himself
>After dying, he sees his father being disappointed in him
So was Batman.
Killing restraint is removed
Creators told him the forces of light and darkness were bullshit. The belt might still have power, as it housed the 3 gods, but there's no telling what the belt can really do, the game ends after Falcon beats them. Falcon didn't try to use it and he had already beaten anyone it would have been worth using on. DB probably didn't bring it up because it's assumption heavy, and most of the feats DB used are from anime Falcon, which didn't have the belt.
He still beats Cage though. Cage can die to guns, and Falcon has one, which is another thing DB didn't bring up.
You got to have some way to hid your tracks.
They didn’t even let them show Weiss’s dead corpse too.
This is the only instance Falcon was bounty hunting since he does not in the games, anime. Samus was also stated to be one, but we do not see her bounty hunting yet.
who gives a fuck
Samus isn't even a bounty hunter, they just thought it sounded cooler than mercenary.
not him, but all i'm saying is
>perfectly fine with literally everyone else getting brutally killed including children
>but not this one character
The one and only
>Show is called DEATH Battle
>Several fights involve tons of pixel art gore and violence between 2 well know characters
>Have one of the more hated characters of a show in battle
>”Who cares about the gore?”
Because they wanted to get rid of the bias accusations but at the same time didn't want to make RWBY look bad either.
Just wait for the new DB featuring a RWBY character, they will win.
>They didn’t even let them show Weiss’s dead corpse too
isn't that because she got Sub Zero'd?
>Le RWBY bias meme!
>Le RWBY is bad meme!
The characters are in par with their matches and RWBY is the Infinity War of 3D anime in terms of size and quality.
no one gives a fuck about the edgy MC or the literal who B
if they wanted to get rid of the bias accusations, they didn't do a great job with it, i'm not asking for a mortal kombat tier death, but a small something that isn't basically.
granted i am glad that she didn't win because she has a track record of zero 1v1 wins in her series, no really go back and look at all of her 1v1 fights.
Today I will remind them
>RWBY is the Infinity War of 3D anime
Well, they certainly reached the point where half of their fanbase is gone for sure.
As an F-Zero fan, they did a lot of good research that I appreciate, although there's still a few things that are odd to me. Either way, I'm happy that a lot of F-Zero stuff that most people don't know got highlighted.
>they didnt show exploding so i can fap to the dead body so they suck
get over yourself freak
How does this compare to Aang's Yu Dao feat?
ok they said jokes
no answer, alright then.
After actual researchers now run the conclusions
earthbending it all
Decade vs GokaiRed
I wonder if bending will take priority over transmutation or vice versa.
It will probably come down to which they find to be faster.
Unironically if they were to do a matchup between the biggest rosterfag characters on Yea Forums, Steve would actually beat Banjo. B&K are at Building level while Steve is at Town level.
Ed is limited to transmuting one thing at a time. Even if transmutation did take priority Aang could just hit him with another element while he is busy transmuting the first one.
>can live outside of the multiverse
>trapped forever in his game
>can live outside of the multiverse
>using the term 'actual research' to describe cringy "my dad can beat up your dad" 13 y/o fanwank
Shit like this is why I can't take the term "Professional power scaler" seriously.
Nuts and Bolts is a multiverse. Smash Bros is a leap outside of the Rare multiverse.
Steve will never be in, so he's inferior.
The problem with that is, Smash Bros isn't canon to Banjo & Kazooie. Why exactly would they gets feats coming from that when in DB, at best Smash just gets a mention or referenced in the battle animation?
There are no canons to characters that break the fourth wall.
Rash for example knows he's inside a video-game.
Conker and Banjo know too.
Gruntilda by the end of Nuts and Bolts was picking up boxes containing other video games. Well geez she might be multiversal level nowm lol
Who would win?
Then explain Deadpool vs Deathstroke, and why Deadpool was only limited to the stuff in his comics if he has no canons. Same goes for the weird Deadpool vs pony fight.
The fuck are you talking about, they made Deadpool a 4th wall breaker. He killed Thanos
Ben gets a shake poured on him and becomes the 70% of white males
When is Death Battle going to do this?
They said they're done with Horses
There was an Epic Battle Fantasy Thread yesterday alongside yesterday's DB thread so I thought, how powerful could they be?
Turns out, the EBF gang fought 2 beings capable of creating a dimension with stars (or in Akron's case, stars, planets and a fucking solar eclipsed sun), fight Godcat who functions as both the God and Devil in EBF4 and as of EBF5 fighting a giant eldritch being that is responsible for Godcat and Akron existing alongside the entire universe that Matt and the others are in.
Doesn't help with the limits breaks, considering Lance and Natz are capable of creating Blackholes through the Black Hole limit break and NoLegs can summon the vehicles used by Godcat in EBF4.
Hate to say, Rarity wins because MLP verse manages to be insanely broken in both the show and comics though this is coming from an user who's only heard it second hand because I'm not delving into all of that shit.
that makes me glad, but why?
It doesn't even have to be another element
With Earth alone he could a rock at Ed and sink his legs into the ground to crush them
He can't stop the incoming rock or prevent his feet from being mush at the same time
Yet you said there are no canons for those that break the fourth wall, so what are you suppose to pull from for his feats and weaponry if his own comics aren't canon because he breaks the fourth wall?
Don't know but here's this
What else is fucking left?
Hell, Brony fever is dead anyways
Show is ending this year
He’s running late today
Ed's only advantage in this match-up is that Aang's universe has no fire-arms and Aang's lack of body armor. Do we know if they are pulling a composite Ed? Because Edward with a gun could theoretically KO Aang
good point, can't argue with that.
Musou Tensei shits all over Star Platinum, it's just a you didn't win button.
>tfw i want this fight
>tfw i know giorno would win because GER
A researcher who's working on the fight did a blog post on Ed a few days ago
He listed 2003 feats and briefly mention the gun he used once but specified he only brought up 2003 because anything 2003 Ed can do with Alchemy, 2009 Ed could likely do as well
Look, I'm not saying Banjo doesn't have a Canon, but you really don't want to go there. Because he's implied to live in the same world as DK, and DK lives in the same universe as Mario.
But both Banjo and Conker live in the rareverse, so what, that means Microsoft owns Mario now?
Well if they give Ed a ranged gun as a tool plus Philosopher Stone hacks and Ed's intelligence/cunning, the match-up might be more even then I thought. Avatar State will be the deciding factor since Aang has been both an untouchable force of nature and immediately cucked upon entering it.
I've heard shit that Joker actually wins, some kind of bullshit involving Satanel and people believing in the phantom thieves, that kind of shit being able to let him resist GER's stuff.
That's pretty weird.
The guy who's apparently doing the lead research for Aang (guy's a new recruit)
>The time has come. Support a bro on his (technically) first episode
Favorited this post years ago so expect something similar for the evaluation (keep in mind I said similar)
He also wrote Aang vs Naruto (Naruto won) so that should also give an idea where this research is heading
Someone in yesterday's thread brought up that if he could close the gap between him and Aang, he could use the Avatar State as a philospher stone due to it being a culmination of many of the past Avatar's souls.
This would be quite the interesting fight. Assuming for a minute GER is used. What could Akira/Ren counter with anyways? If they let Giorno use GER then I’d say letting Akira/Ren use Satanael is fair game.
Heres a good fanmade Death Battle of Giorno vs Akira/Ren. Granted Giorno doesn’t have GER and Akira/Ren doesn’t have Satanael.
Coming from a BroBro myself I'm pretty sure Steve can take this fight through raw power (Being able to hold an ASSTON of gold blocks in his inventory), durabiltiy (His diamond armor even without enhancements), and his raw versatility. Winrar does not have NEARLY the amount of spells Twigs has and she most certainly does not have the raw power in her magic to keep up with the reality warping/moon moving antagonists she only HELPS in dealing with and that is entirely because of her Element of Lust. She does have Levitation and can shoot lasers... Yea im sorry I can't think of a situation where she would win.
Kinda sucks tho In muh Opinion TM cause I would have loved to see them do Q-Snake vs Bill Cipher or Bug Queen vs Zoroark. I thought those matchups would have had more entertaining to watch than "Muh Tara Strong Characters" PLUS we wouldn't get a THIRD Mane 6 character. It could just because I wasn't ever intersted in Raven or wanting to see Twigs in a Death Battle.
Have a spoder.
Johnny Cage is so strong he got killed by fucking Motaro in the first timeline.
Can't wait for Vega to return just to lose to some random asshole.
As a huge Minecraft guy that's been around since Steve started appearing in debates, the entire gold block feats were dismissed as not really giving him a incredible strength factor. Something about the inventory being a mechanic or something else. Also I'd only take Bug Queen vs Zoroark if Zoroark wins. I'm a huge ruse fox fan even though I've moved on from Pokemon for a while.
Nocturn definitely has some good battles, though like I said in an earlier post, Satanel has some bullshit that would pretty much let him survive against most of GER's stuff. Doesn't that they did include the stuff about resistances in Weiss vs Mitsuru, meaning GER could certainly be screwed as Giorno probably wouldn't know about Satanel's resistances to all types of attacks including physical.
Not him but
V vs Chaos (DMC vs Uniel)
Ridley vs General Grievous
Josuke Higashikata vs Yang Xiao Long
Tohru Adachi vs Yoshikage Kira
Guts vs Doom Slayer
Dark Samus vs Shadow
Hades (Kid Icarus) vs Aku
Alex (Street Fighter) vs Lars Alexandersson (Tekken)
Asura vs Atrocitus
>tfw the new Hulk comic that's coming out recently literally invalidates Doomsday vs Hulk
Get fucked DCfags.
I don’t remember pegasus boots in smash
Speaking of Fanmade DB’s.
THIS ONE. This one is actually fuckin great. Its not finished as part 3 isn’t out yet. But so far it is fuckin GREAT. Hoping Kirby wins but not gonna be surprised if Juggernaut wins.
No idea
Ridley most likely, though Grievous could probably pull a win with extended universe stuff
Josuke easily
It's a toss-up, Persona is pretty OP but also Kira has KQ so, probably comes down to speed.
Guts probably
Shadow easily
Aku probably, but battle will be fun due to their personalities.
No idea
Press B to shut Atrocitus up.
I've been following this one for a while. I pretty much keep watch on all the deviantart DB writers, a ton of them are just fucking amazing. My absolute favorite has to be
A Fallout Protag Royale between Arroyo's Chosen One, The BoS Warrior, The Lone Wanderer and Courier Six.
Asura's likely gonna fight Broly
>Guts probably
>He doesn't know
Doomguy literally killed this thing, which was a mountain-sized lord of hell. Without his praetor armor.
And after he got it, they had to drop a fucking mountain-sized temple on him to knock him unconscious and use every single fucking demonic ritual to exist just to keep him asleep. He awoke afterwards, barely even fucking wounded.
These threads make me happy too.
Reminds me of those days ive spend arguing on the narutoforums, back in 2009-2013.
Clark was moving so fast that even flying thorugh all those suns didn't give him enough of a power boost to even appear sundipped.
RIP Asura.
Which Broly?
Jonathan Joestar vs Simon Belmont
Cell vs Annihilus
Skeletor vs Megatron
Arthas the Lich King vs Archaon the Everchosen
Simon vs Johnny
Devilman vs Ghost Rider
If Aang goes Avatar State it's fucking over
There is literally nothing Ed can do to him at that point, the speed, power, range, and combined experiences and knowledge of every Avatar ever are just too much for Ed to handle
Superman's fast enough that he can literally just phase thorugh Goku's punches like they don't exist, same thing he did in one of his rematches with Doomsday, and before you bring up faster than time, Hit's timeskip is nullified by being more powerful than him, Dyspo was faster than Goku and still had to prevent Hit from using timeskip because he wasn't strong enough to resist it.
Jason vs Leatherface vs Michael
AVGN vs Captain N
Yamato vs Enterprise
Something involving Ideon, Mazinger, Getter Robo, Code Geass, Evangelion, etc
Nakoruru vs Talim
Martian Manhunter vs Captain Planet
Evolution Goku vs DMC Dante
After looking at the match ups the winners are:
Toss up with V being the winner most the time due to his stronger summons and that he can keep all three out at the same time.
Ridley given his robo forms wins.
Kira is a one touch character so if he's able to touch Adachi, which he can due to the speed of Stands, he wins.
Doom Slayer killed a mountain sized demon before he got his armor lmao.
Dark Samus is actually the winner since Shadow has no way to beat her regeneration or Phazon illness.
Hades is stronger and faster.
I don't even know but prolly Alex due to his techniques.
Toss up.
Satanael and the FRIENDSHIP POWER stuff is entirely reliant upon the general cognition of the populace and the Metaverse
GER literally has power over souls and has been shown capable of beating out space-time shit
I dunno
Its either that, something Cell related, or they're brought to do a Joke Fight which I hope not
April Fools on a Wednesday is next year
Asura curbstomps Broly
That's not even a fair fight really, Broly is nowhere near Asura level even maxed out
Toph won because they were donated a custom Toph sprite by fans.
When do they say that in the games?
They disregarded the comics because those have never been canon.
Well I went with Guts because while I know more about DOOM, I hardly know anything about Berzerker and all the feats that happen in it.
What it comes down to is who ends up being the more powerful one the longer the fight goes on. One thing for sure is that Broly wouldn't really be anything new to Asura given some of the beings he's fought in the games.
Would want Jonathan to win but pretty sure Simon wins due to weird shenanigans involving Castlevania itself.
Not entirely sure, leaning toward Cell
Probably Megatron, but would prefer Skeletor win
No idea
Johnny Joestar and TUSK Act 4
Ghost Rider by a fucking longshot. Especially once Zarathos takes over.
Jason stomps the others hard
AVGN stomps
No idea
Why not Amuro vs Shinji? The RX-78-2 Gundam vs EVA-01. Would be nice to see more mecha fights though, also bring in fucking Ghidorah, Mothra and the other kaijus.
No idea
Martian Manhunter
DmC Dante.
Ragna The Bloodedge (BLAZBLUE) vs Artoria Pendragon/Saber (FATE)
Flandre Scarlet (Touhou Project) vs Marx (Kirby)
The Chosen Undead (Dark Souls) vs The Dovakiin (Elder Scrolls)
Jibanyan (Yo-Kai Watch) vs Pikachu (Pokémon)
I still want to see Galactus vs Unicron.
Avatar State is dangerous as hell but if Azula can one-shot the AS from behind with a sneak attack. Then Ed can do similarly by placing a decoy (which he is known for) and sneaking behind him with a gun or transmute him into a stone. It ultimately comes down to whether or not Ed's smarts can make up for the Avatar State's natural power.
Not sure, don't know too much about Fate
Leaning on Flandre, because Touhou is a whole other level of OP compared to how OP Kirby's verse is
Dovahkiin, fucking universal due to Alduin
Pikachu probably, DB would say something about how Pikachu can see and hit Jibanyan because ghost type pokemon. Doesn't help that Jibanyan really isn't all that powerful in both the games or anime feat-wise compared to Pikachu.
Skeletor would fucking annihilate Megatron if you keep up with He-Man lore. He's literally become one with death incarnate at one point and murdered the heart of creation.
It's an Elmer Fudd situation. Just because someone always loses to someone else who's extremely fucking powerful doesn't mean he's a loser.
you mean that fucking huge centaur with super powers? yeah "what a bitch"
Ben 10 vs Hal Jordan 2
Goku vs Superman 3
THE PURE SALT THAT those Ben10/Goku faggots would cry out KEK
If Aang is standing, he'll just seismic sense it
When are they gonna put this OP Fucker in a death battle
>Destructive Capacity: Universe level+ (Beerus' clashes with SSJ God Goku were destroying objects many light years away, also, Beerus was stated to be capable of destroying the entire universe on his lonesome, which he demonstrated by easily containing and nullifying a blast that was about to destroy the universe, it was also stated that a potential battle against Champa would have destroyed universes 6 and 7, it is important to note that one DB universe is considerably larger volumetrically than our observable universe)
>Striking Strength: Universe Class (his and Goku's punches clashing was enough to bend the fabric of the universe, Base Goku destroyed an amount of energy greater than what was going to destroy the universe with a punch)
>- Hakai (Destroy): As a God of Destruction, he possess the ability to destroy anything, which includes Gods and ghosts. By extending one of his hands, with his four main fingers straight up and his thumb crossing his palm horizontally, he can cause his target to disintegrate into nothing regardless of who or what it is, without any effort or waste of energy.
They should do Beerus v Thor or something
They would probably do Beerus v Galactus and Beerus gets BTFO
>Captain Falcon
What a retarded choice. It should've been Johnny Gat in this instead.
You fuckers have no idea how powerful Captain Falcon is based on the anime.
Read the fucking highlighted comment.
Ben 10 doesn't have anything more they can use. It's over
Salt is coming next week if Ed wins
Damn, He-Man verse is insane. Though how does he compare to Transformers because I heard tons of crazy shit involving the all-spark and that kind of stuff.
Would Hakai work on Galactus?
HAHAHAHA Avatarfags are the most pathetic so I cant wait
Snake Eyes vs Gray Fox
Iron Giant vs Liberty Prime
Jake Long vs Juniper Lee
Nemesis T Type vs L4D 1 Survivors
Rogues vs Sinister Six
>VS Battle wiki
>He fell for the meme
He can't even cross the universe by himself.
I wanna see Ainz vs Skeletor
I wanna see weebs get ass blasted hard when Robot Chicken's second favorite punching bag wrecks Ainz's shit
He also got killed by Tarkatans I believe in the initial Earth Realm invasion in like MK3 I believe, the point is though that Johnny has been killed by people that were below the MK gods before.
Motaro is featless lol
>two ads built into the video
Jesus fucking christ.
Anyway, I don't know how you guys watch this shit. If someone's gonna make autistic power comparison videos, they better be autistic about the details, but these guys fuck it up all the time. Just one example off the top of my head is them using the modern gameplay effect of Bonk instead of its canon ability.
It's hard to say what would happen because the Death Battle writers decide how the fight goes. If they write it that Aang uses the seismic sense early in the fight, then Ed can pick up on it and transmute a counter-measure for later on such as turning the ground to sand or making a hot-air balloon to get off the ground. Conversely, if they have Aang save the seismic sense for the last second save, then being able to catch Ed off guard and kill him in the middle of his sneak-attack will decide the game.
Not sure
Juniper most likely
Not entirely sure
Question, how does Kenshiro win? I dont know anything about FotNS. Non-jobbing Jotaro should be able to
1) Stop Time
2)Stand vault forward
3)Blow his head through
Like against DIO but before he could do 1
Will this ever be a thing?
Mirage Clones and Muso Tensai
Maybe Gray Fox, don't know GI Joe lore but I'm under the assumption he's still just a dude
Iron Giant in full "gun" mode is insane, alien superweapon wins
I think Juniper takes it
Probably Nemesis
Don't know
Musou Tensei basically just makes him invincible and grants him access to the techniques of everyone he's ever beaten, and his entire martial art is instant kill techniques that only require him to touch you once.
Kenshiro is the guy you throw against Saitama to get rage clicks because Ken can't be touched by basically anyone that doesn't also have Musou Tensei.
Wasn't Kratos already raped on Death Battle? Give him a more even match
Their logic
>+ on Universe is because they destroy space-time from Zamasu
>If Beerus + Champa = 2 Universes
>That means Angels above 2 = 2-C
>Gogeta Blue possibly 2 because he stomped Broly = 2-C
Stomp for Kratos if we take their logic
Current Composite Dante probably stomps Kratos, he just has too much hax to properly deal with
Kenshiro can turn intangible and he has some "mind hit" ability iirc
Depends on Iron Giant vs Prime. One thing for sure is Prime is more durable as it took 4 orbital strike missiles totaling at 80 Megatons of TNT to destroy it while Giant got destroyed by a nuke that possibly could've been as powerful as a Fat Man, really only clocking 21 kilotons.
Also doesn't help while Iron Giant is way faster, he's also a bigger target making it easier for Prime to hit him with the mini nukes and laser.
>Broly won because he punched Gogeta's fist so hard, that he broke into another dimension.
>so we did the calcuations, and the amount of power someone needs to punch into another dimension is at least the eqlivant of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons of TNT exploding
>Asura is strong, but he never punched into dimensions before. He just couldn't handle is BROCOLI!
>The winner is Broly!
At least you're attributing that feat to a person who did it, unlike the people who try to use it to amp up Goku.
Composite Kratos stomps Dante because he killed Zeus and surpassed the power of the Primordials
Asura does literally the same thing, though. Also, consider
>Broly could take hits from Gogeta, but Asura was throwing around planets, tanking galaxies, and dishing out several times that
>Also, while Broly may have been strong enough to take on gods, Asura has taken down THE God
>Broly just got STRONGARMED out of the fight!
>The winner is Asura!
Gods can be extremely weak. Like for example, the gods from God of War
Ryu vs Jin has already been done and they had Jin go devil.
Ragna vs Sol already happened, and Sol won.
The rest is fair game.
He Man characters are hilariously OP.
There's a reason why they're called "Masters of the Universe"
Every time He Man and Superman crossover, He Man beats the ever living shit out of him effortlessly.
>God of War Gods
They chained a Primordial, who helped in to creating the universe
Personally I don't mind mismatched battles so long as they do something cool with them.
Master of the Universe He-Man and Death Incarnate Skeletor are powerhouses
Aspect Raidou
I should look into the He-Man comics and stuff
Dante's win against Bayonetta will forever be bullshit.
I'm not saying that Dante couldn't beat Bayo, I haven't played his games, but the way that fight played out was 100% pure certified bullshit, and it wouldn't surprise me if even Dante fans felt cucked.
You can have any Death Battle you want but you have to come up with the name of the song
I will never understand why Ling Greed never used a sword after taking in Greed. It was shown early that he was an amazing swordsman and easily handled Gluttony with one. If he just used a sword in tandem with his carbon shield he could have handled Bradly easily.
Supermans powers are based around different incarnations in different multiverses. There is no 1 superman who has done all these feats essentially meaning that they all could have a different power specifically utilized for that universe whereas Goku is all canon. You would need to fuze all supermans together to create "ultra Superman" which could possibly be the only thing to take down Goku.
There is though, it's the mainline books, and that's where he did that.
Powers of the Past
Kamen Rider Zi-O vs GokaiRed/Captain Marvelous
The problem is that Greed has no knowledge in swordmaship and needs to switch with Ling for that, but that he might cannot activate his shield to defend himself.
Edward wins
Goku also beats Superman now
Hal also should have stomped Ben harder
All facts
Alright so what is your reasoning for Ed beating Aang?
Also what can Goku do now that can beats Superman? I don't know much about both of them.
Not him, but Ed is faster, alchimy transmutation is incredibly broken.
If Ed touches Aang, Aang's out.
Really? Huh, I thought Ling had all of the powers and Greed was just a tag along consciousness at that point. Guess I can finally get rid of the nerdrage I had been harboring over that for all these years.
Doesn't alchemy transmutation require misc materials?
I don't know why people think it's such a game changer when Jiren outlasted it.
>Simon seems to kill Johnny with Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
>Then he hears a sound
>Tusk Act 4 fucking breaks through it, allowing Johnny to go for the kill
If Goku gets to have UI, then Superman gets to have Cosmic Armor/Thought Robot
He wouldn't even need it UI has such a short limit and nowhere near enough of a boost to actually matter.
Godzilla vs EVA-01
One, Ed is not faster
Two, Transmutation is not broken because Ed needs both hands to do it
And Three, Ed would need to get close enough to Aang to even do it.
God who the fuck cares.
Is Yea Forums just filled with fucking underage children or something?
>d can pick up on it and transmute a counter-measure for later on such as turning the ground to sand or making a hot-air balloon to get off the ground.
When the fuck did Ed ever just "make a Hot air Balloon?
The answer to that question should be obvious.
>SS struggle with Spidey
>Rogues tangle with Flash on a regular basis.
Despite how silly their skill set is, the Rogues can be fucking scary when they care. Hell, Mirror Master alone solos pretty much any incarnation of the Sinister Six, and I say that as a Marvel fan.
Pretty sure is was established the Flash could end his Rouges pretty damn easy.