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Other urls found in this thread:!H9oQAQgS!GeLgZI-jVsKLRhfwU6b7_qKOXSxVaqzOHHBzeZbBWeQ
Was it kino?

>What a fool you are. I'm a god. You can't kill a god!
>What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive?

Get off Yea Forums, Spartan, or Spartan's friends. Your discord channel is shit.

always makes me chuckle


Why has this ancient Niconico meme made such a comeback?

Come, lay down your weapons. It is not too late for my mercy.


I don't know man, it seems we're going through some great meme recycling. Loss has also been claimed by the normies who have absolutely no idea why it was a meme in the first place.

Is this how (you) honor the 6th house and the tribe unmourned?

It actually a lot better than I expected.

Here is the official list-of-reasons to live for:

Morrowind landmass/content mods:
>Tamriel Rebuild
>Skyrim, Home of the Nords
>Province Cyrodil

>Beyond Skyrim

>mfw started seeing loss memes on FB feed a few weeks ago
It was so fucking weird

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In the end, friend or traitor, he really did want Nerevar to cum. All because he heard that Vivec buttfucked Nerevar before (and after) cutting his face and feet off.

"abstract loss" killed loss anyway so I won't be mourning too bad

>Yes I am a god, how did you know?

Attached: dagoth chad.png (1078x1608, 912K)

I am a sucker for this sort of shit, so yes.

So they killed nerevar and raped the corpse?

>a few weeks ago

It's been lilke this for three years or more, loss is normalfags as it can be

Stop posting cute girls please. Im LONELY and HORNY

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You know n'wahs... what if he was right? What if Morrowind should have been under his rule?
Being a dreamer might not be so bad if it meant ousting the Imperial scum, Hlaalu Imperial sympathizers, fetchers, and outlanders alike.
Red Mountain probably wouldn't have erupted and he'd find a way to make Baar Dau levitate indefinitely.
Take me back to 3E 427 bros...

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I want to cum on you Nerevar!

We'll have every N'wah dead or in chains in 10 years

iirc they just say "penetrated from behind"

What kind of n'wah walks into hundreds of sacred family graves. Fucking imperial niggers! I bet it's that god damn skooma.

I like it so it's OK in my book. It's not some cancerous shit.

RIP Nerevar.

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Wasn't skooma invented by the Dunmer ?

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Daily reminder that Nerevarine is argonian.

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Vivec told me that was fake and assured me the truth was in his library. He wouldn't just go and tell me lies would he.

isn't it a narcotic derived from the crazy trees of the argonian morass, maybe they created it during their invasion of the black marsh or someone hooked someone up along the way. Wheres the damn history of skooma kirkbride !?

Someone explain to me how Dagoth Ur isn't the good guy. wow learn something new everyday

it's like poetry, it rhymes


Just checked on UESP, it was invented by the Dunmer who were the ones exporting it in all Tamriel though maybe the Khajiit invented a form of skooma themselves.

He was originally but then he fell into madness.

I'm really surprised how they apparently got the voice actress who does all the female dunmer voices on this project. Although that makes me wary about what style they're going for. I really hope they retain the gravely sound for dunmer voices like in TES3 rather than doing what TES6 did and giving them all bizarre fake britbong/aussie accents of some kind.

If he was using his proposed divinity to elevate his race without warping them into something blasphemous using forbidden tools that warped his whole race via divine punishment and was just dealing with invaders maybe. But it would have been kino if they had a Game Over cinematic that allowed you to accept Dagoth's offer, and it shows Vvardenfell going full plaguelands and you see imperial ships and foreign civvies fleeing the island, they could just throw a Game Over bullshit up there so they wouldn't have to deal with multi ending cannon autism. The lack of that game over choice cinematic is literally my only complaint as far as missed opportunities.

Didn't he want to spread blight to the entire world and turn everyone into his ash vampire minions?

Having said that, I agree with you specifically regarding the struggle between Dagoth and the Tribunal. Tribunal are clearly shitters and did everything wrong.

Imagine getting a scene with dagoth forcefully converting his murderer's to the New 6th house. Their just deserts

That's the thing, the fact that Tribunal was wrong doesn't autom atically make Daggoth right. They all were massive shitters and wrong in their own way.

Vivec is Todd

Theres no question someone like Azura would have stepped in like she did with Kagrenac, but they sent an errand boy because dagoth wasn't aiming for the private divinity club like the dwemers, it was petty mortal bullshit.

It's pretty much entirely driven by Twitch memes. Twitch is also the reason why gachi made a huge comeback.

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Did you buy Toddvecs sermons yet?!?

Nerevar: Billy Harrington
Vivec: Van Darkholme
Almalexia: Kazuya
Sotha Sil: Biolante

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walking around with corprus is great all the temple guys running away from AIDS nerevar.

i unironically did a bit of cry when the ladies started singing, am i gayman now?

Why are twitch normalfags always more than a decade behind?

Yes, obviously.

Ricardo is reddit meme

you realise that having to constantly talk like that pretty much destroyed the original VA's voice
at least Jiub kept his

ah shit

>Second, we have now successfully ported Skywind over to the Special Edition of Skyrim to take advantage of the upgraded engine. There are no plans for a backport release on the vanilla Skyrim version at this time.

Dropped. They are in cahoots with Todd for sure.

Ricardo is Reddit doing cultural appropiation
And you're a newfag

Don't worry I have the cure, you just need to suck my dick.

Fuck off

>implying zenimax isn't just waiting for the perfect timing of a CnD

I don't think they can so long as no original morrowind assets are distributed.

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Jokes aside Shadman is based see

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Why cant you just be bros with Dagoth

Fuck off, mentally ill autist cumbrain


Release fucking when!?

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>Pewdiepie chair
Only $499

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Reminder to play Morrowind 2 and Tribunal Code Patch, the best mods ever made for Morrowind!H9oQAQgS!GeLgZI-jVsKLRhfwU6b7_qKOXSxVaqzOHHBzeZbBWeQ

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Is MJLNIR Mark V technology from the old Reman Empire?

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Pewdiepie's content is so shit all he does is react to other content and advertises the shit out of it. Even a mindless cooperation like T-Series deserves the number 1 spot more.

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Yes, this is all lore accurate

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Thanks i contracted aids

Moonsugar is light of the body of the dead god of betrayal and water is memory...
Memory+ betrayal = ?

>PDP content is shit
Yeah!, That's why I love it

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>have sudden urge to buy Skyrim SE and lose myself in modding it
Someone please stop me.

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Just pirate it.

Wish i have the moves like Ricardo Ur.

>that fargoth breakdown

This is fucking great but it's also sad that so many people will play this instead of morrowind for the first time

was anyone else way back before you played pillars, hoping it was gonna learn from baldur's gates optional dungeon. Loot, puzzles, challenge. What happened lads.

>so many people will play this instead of morrowind for the first time
No-one will play it since it'll never release

Morrowind plays like a dumpster fire, sorry user.

You have never played it

We did user and it was clunky as all shit even back when it came out.

I have tried. I can't deal with hit chance being decided by stats. I don't like it and I'm glad they dropped it.

You have never played it

I played Morrowind for the first time two months ago
It's very charming desu

Based casual brainlet filter, its not even a problem after a few levels

>We did
Fuck off hivemind alien.

I literally have a physical copy on my shelf. With expansions.

I wish I could replay it but every time I try I'm getting cringe spasms after an hour of gameplay max

You haven't played it user, its okay

>brainlet filter
It would be if one did not understand how it worked. That isn't the issue. Its just a stupid mechanic that contradicts what you actually see on your screen.

How many mods did you install?

it's nearly impossible to miss any monster in the game within about 15 minutes of leaving the first town, unless you have mental retardation. hmm Me pick axe primary but me think sword cool why sword not swing so good. dregs. WHAT this GREEN BAR is EMPTY and i cant hit hings?
Your brain is clunky lad. If your combat complaint was all the fucking flying nigger beasts, Perfectly legitimate complaint, but not being able to hit a monster with your primary trained weapon is just ridiculous.

Its not even a combat focused game, its only an issue for brainlets who go around attacking shit and doing dungeons right at the start of the game
Once you have some decent weapon stats you never miss and it just plays like you would expect
Melee combat is garbo though, why would you not go spellcaster in morrowind? The magic system is fucking insane
You can make a spell to cast a 50 meter wide nuke for christ sake

OpenMW for 1080p
That's it

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>Oh no, someone has a different opinion to mine on the internet

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The moon-sugar of Elsweyr is the holiest of substances to the Khajiit. They speak of sugar as others speak of the soul or the lifeforce. The Khajiit understand it to be "crystallized moonlight," caught in the water of the Topal Sea and brought to the sugarcane groves of the Tenmar by the force of the twin tides.[2] Khajiiti dogma reveres the moons as divine, furnishing life into the bodies of the Cat-Men by ingestion of moon-sugar, a sacred ingredient.[18] Thus, by partaking of the sugar, the Khajiit believe they are consuming small portions of their gods' eternal souls. This drives them into fits of ecstasy and abandon, and the streets of Elsweyr's major cities are full of catmen shivering in the grip of sugar fits.[2]

Even in fiction furries are crackheads.

I might consider your opinion if you had played the game

>Melee combat is garbo though
But I want to play melee.

Hit chance should never be decided by stats, end of story. Its a garbage system and the trash bin that it's currently sitting in is where it belongs.

I understand that feeling but anyone who plays Skywind before playing Morrowind probably wasn't ever going to play Morrowind in the first place. The game has been widely available for so long that if they were interested they would have tried it already.
Morrowind still exists and is still amazing. Anyone who wants the full package can play it as much as they want. When this releases people who would rather play Skyrim will get to experience its world too.

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Nigger please, I've played it back to back with Gothic back when it came out. Both were clunkers but I had actual fun with Gohic. I had to force myself to finish Morrowind and if I didn't figure out the alchemy exploits I probably never would finish it in the end.

I dont know how anybody can actually play Morrowind and say the gameplay is bad
Its literally the best thing about Morrowind that all the other Elder Scrolls are missing
Enchanting and Spellmaking is fucking amazing, what other games can you become powerful enough, at level 1, to run at the speed of light to the final dungeon and one shot the final boss so hard both him and your weapon cease to physically exist

Then level up your melee stats dumbo
The missing mechanic isnt an issue unless you're using weapons you dont have stats for
Legit once you practice with a weapon a bit you never miss and it plays like any other Elder Scrolls

>OpenMW? No thanks, I'll stick with MGE XE

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Name one thing that you ever missed with your fucking morrowind weapon after you learned how to play the game. Literally nothing. Dont go hunt down that faggot webm with the empty stamina bar either, there's not a god dam monster you can't hit with medium weapon skill (which you get out the gate in char creation by placing a weapon type you want to use in your primary vocations)

yeah, i mean, i wish some items were indestructable sometimes because of the roids. Breaking a weapon forged to deal with the Divine because you have 5000 strength and brained a dremora is a bit hilarious. Vivec should ask you why keening and sunder are so fucked up if you actually let them break.

>Name one thing that you ever missed with your fucking morrowind weapon after you learned how to play the game.
*blocks your path*
You promised me a million gold!

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more like gaynor lol

hitting things stop being a problem when you're lv25, too bad after that point common enemies and animals are getting close to thousands of health and your weapon breaks down after 10 minutes of whack a moleing bears in bloodmoon

>he doesn't raise luck every level in case he get's jumped by terminator beggars.

Fuck this nigger
Why did they make him the hardest enemy in the game?

Doesn't even have the coolest item drops either. Severing the thread of fate on your way to the next expac is the way to go.

Best villain

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Probably one of Ken Rolston's sick jokes. He's also the guy who put those occasional scamps in the later Battlespire levels that had literally a million HP. You would break all your weapons trying to kill them and items can't be repaired, so you would either unequip all your armor and weapons and try to punch it to death for about 40 real life minutes or let it follow you through the entire level biting your ankles.

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The final area of bloodmoon is one of the best final areas ever, even if you're beefcaked to the max with all your meta knowledge, walking into the maze unprepared is a fucking thrill and the best experience in gameplay morrowind has to offer.

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Too bad bloodmoon has the same problem as tribunal where the numbers are completely busted and the enemies do oneshot-tier damage to your level 60 character in full daedric armor. I can't imagine how you're supposed to do that final level without being overpowered as fuck or cheesing it with paralysis.

i used a shitton of sanctuary enchantments and crawled around on the floor like a scared baby until i could get a good as solo backstab opener. Running away from those shredding rapists right into another Statue was just great.

Karstaag and Hiricine where both total shitters though.

Yeah the final encounter with them standing out in the open waiting for you to engage was a joke compared to the gauntlet just before them. That's too bad, the maze was actually a proper hunt when you were caught off guard and if you got cornered they would swarm you so fast. Yeah too bad hircine didn't play hide and go seek with you.

Damn is this canon? Gonna mod skyrim and make some dunmer/argonian slave porn

>own Skyrim VR
>it's works as SE
>will be playing remade Morrowind in VR

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how the fuck does nerevarine and argonian rhyme at all

>Trying to finish Morrowind for once
>Reach the become Hortator quest
>Have to talk to something like 5-6 council members
>For the Three Houses
>That and also need to go to the Ashlander camps
Fuck me I just hope that there aren't a shitton of quests for every council member/ashlander camp

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like this

it's even worse with TR,since you gotta get all the mainland Telvanni reps

Does the GoG version of Morrowind run at 1080p out of the box or do I need a mod for that?

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It's a meme, that's a phrase Lucas said while making the prequels
Double stinky nigger

don't know if it does, but if it doesn't use openMW


For HD support you dummy

>Playing vanilla Morrowind in 2019
Use OpenMW you dumb fuck

Install openmw

>Skyrim Todd edition
>Sudden urge
Hey there Todd.

You don't need a mod to run vanilla Morrowind at any resolution though you do need to set it in the registry if it's widescreen, since the launcher dropdown only shows the 4:3 resolutions supported by your monitor.
The other problem is widescreen resolutions work by reducing your vertical fov instead of increasing your horizontal fov, so you're better off modding it anyway. MGE XE lets you set the resolution and FOV to whatever you want easily.

Watch the sky

the lizards went back to the their trees.

because it has linux support

They can have the tree between my legs

I recognize Almalexia and Vivec, and I assume the guy being stabbed is Nerevar and the one on the far left is Sotha Sil. Who is the corpse?

How was this funded? Who payed these singers and composers?

fricking AWESOME

>intentionally playing a lower bit and less stable version just because it is older

I chuckled.

Post PURE Morrowind Kino.

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>waaaa i don't care if it's objectively worse, it has slightly better titty physics mods

Ok ladette

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Reynaldo pls