Oh, a female fan of our games? Here's your armor!

>Oh, a female fan of our games? Here's your armor!
Why does male armor look functional while female armor looks like sexy halloween costumes in fantasy games?

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Everybody knows bitches can't do shit other than suck dick.

Have you ever been outside? Most women like being sexy

Have YOU been outside? Dressing in cute outfits or having a sense of fashion is different than getting on a game and seeing heavy combat armor expose your vital areas because of le boobies.

Sexism. Dark Souls didn't do that shit. It's pretty based.

99% of fictional armor is unrealistic as shit, even if it does cover the body
Anyways, you're complaining about a problem that's already gone, most games nowadays have female player characters fully covered up or give them the option to be

Have sex

>99% of fictional armor is unrealistic as shit
ik, some have gargantuan pauldrons or whatever, but at least the male heavy armors (not barbarian) in older fantasy games actually covered your vitals, but the example in pic-related is just asking bandits to stab me in the heart.

dilate you huge faggot
Women (real women) like looking sexy
They prefer form over function
Men like looking at sexy women
So games have sexy women in them
Go complain in your discord, you absolute failure.

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I'm pretty sure a major reason is female audiences: many of them want their characters to look pretty. For example, when I played World of Warcraft prior to transmogs being a thing (ie. you actually had to go through some trouble to carry with you alternative gear sets), I knew a number of women who carried with them slutty alternative gear sets that would nowadays be called slutmogs. Conversely, despite knowing tens of times more men, not one of them did anything of the sort.

have you? female cop and professional outfits are always unisex, female astronauts don't get a cleavage cut.

why are you using a mod for your example

In real-world professional contexts form follows function. Not the case for vidya.

dark brotherhood gear?

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Because women wearing plate armor is pure fantasy.

women in plate armor make my pp hard

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>So you a guy or a girl?
>No I mean what's your gender?

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This looks like shit. Nothing to do with it being "sexy". It's not even sexy, it just looks bad.
This on the other hand,
Looks great. Elegant and well designed. The costume flows well and has a good sense of aesthetics.

There's a difference. Don't conflate the two.

God am I tired of this selective nitpicking.
But I know your type, not smart enough to realise almost everything in video games is unrealistic bullshit, yet smartass enough to sperg about something utterly obvious like sexy armor not providing protection, when half of the shit you can tank in RPGs and worse JRPGs should kill you even if you were sitting in a cushioned box with 5 cm thick walls of solid steel.

you might as well complain about torches in abandoned dungeons being lit, you know what's not lit? your attitude faggot

Because that's how women act in real life.

men like to look at slutty clothes on women, and men buy games

>This on the other hand
Is not armour you idiot.

I mean while I personally don't like slut armor that much, there's plenty of people who do, and ultimately it's up to the devs/artists to decide what kind of style they want to go with. Personally as long as there's options for both I don't give a shit.

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Men also have a sizable population of history autists who'd complain about buttons of an uniform being the wrong color. And in my experience men rarely care about looks that much, even if they had a preference to slutty. In other words, while female players ar a minority (how small depending on the game), I believe it's mostly for them.

Because women prefer form over function

Have you not seen women's clothing? Hell, their pockets aren't even real!

That's not exactly a decision women have made.

Whoa are you telling me that armor for female knights, of which there were an extremely small number in real life, isn't realistic?